Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 118

Chapter 18 New bottleneck

It’s like using Ethan’s pants to wipe her hands. She has done it too skillfully, and there is no fluctuation on her face, as if this is a very normal thing.

also no longer shy away from asking personal questions about Ethan, as long as he thinks about it, he will ask: “Can you stay here for a lot of time this time?”

Compared with the last time he tried his best, he could only stay for half a year. Now the magic circle in his left hand still stores a considerable amount of time and space energy. Compared with the loss of the previous half a year, this energy can completely make him stay for more than half a year. But he has a hunch that he can’t do this.

But this is not the reason why he fell into contemplation. The real reason is that staying here has no meaning to him.

Diana’s teachings are basically completed, and the next level of growth depends on how hard Diana has done. He can give some ideas, and whether or not he can do it depends on her.

The effect of endless actual combat on training is gradually diminishing. Although Diana’s strength has grown rapidly and he has created enough threats every day, Ethan’s current ceiling is so high that he has gradually touched the ceiling. Almost all his current potential was squeezed out, and continued to help him little.

The study of divine power was also in a dilemma. Ethan realized that he was a bit too lofty, and his current strength and knowledge simply did not have the ability to analyze divine power. Not to mention analysis and understanding, now he can’t even get some enlightenment from divine power. The only thing that is correct is that there is no blind contact with this high-level energy, which prevents the worst from happening.

“You understand my strength now, and you should also know my current problems.”

After Diana heard Ethan’s words, she recalled the battle with Ethan during this period, and gradually realized that Ethan had not suddenly resorted to any new methods. Although the fighting skills became more and more adept, the pressure on herself had become more intense. Come smaller and smaller.

“Bottle neck?”

“Yes.” Ethan didn’t cover up or said that for the sake of face-saving, he bluntly frank his own situation: “You should be able to detect my physical fitness. After years of training and fighting, it barely surpasses ordinary people. ”

Diana nodded, of course she noticed it. Ethan’s physical fitness is not even as good as most of the Amazon warriors on Paradise Island. If it is not for the mysterious magic power, he can’t even withstand his casual punch. In the end, he was the only existence on the Paradise Island that could fight against himself with all his strength. When he thought of this, Diana also sighed: Magic is really magical.

“Then what are you going to do?”

Ethan glanced at the curious Diana, she seemed to really want to know how she was going to break this bottleneck? At least in Diana’s opinion, the shackles of the body are derived from blood. Ethan, who is completely ordinary human blood, seems to have no way to solve this problem.

“Can my supernatural power help you?”

“Help me with supernatural power?” Ethan really didn’t expect Diana to say this suddenly. Did she understand any special means: “How to do it?”

The answer disappointed him. It turned out to be a legend that Diana had read from the books in the family collection. There were special abilities granted by gods to mortals, and the means to change blood, appearance and even race, so she was wondering if she could do it. at this point.

“When you completely control your divine power and evolve from a demigod to a true god, maybe you can.” Ethan shook his head. He himself is unwilling to accept this kind of’reform’, which means that he is completely controlled by Dai. Anna, as a subordinate god, has a ceiling in strength.

But he knew that Diana really wanted to help, so he thanked him and said that he already had a solution: “Actually, I always have a way, but if I want to do it, it takes some luck.”

Yes, luck!

His luck has always been good, but materials with special abilities like the medicines in the super body and blood orchids have never had the opportunity to get them.

To get these things, the easiest way is to constantly shuttle into new planes and increase the number of times you shuttle, so that even if you don’t get these two, you may encounter several other high-quality raw materials. With drugs like the fortified serum that Captain America had injected, then his problem would be solved immediately.

Even if his luck suddenly becomes bad and he can’t get to those worlds, he still has a final plan to secure the bottom. That is through Tony Stark getting some of the blood of Captain America and the Hulk, as well as the original solution of the Extremis Virus. These are very good pharmaceutical materials.

The worst case is that he can’t even get these, so he can only seek magical means to solve it, and at the last time, he can choose a powerful energy to maintain it when necessary, like the ancient wizard. Own life. Anyway, as long as we can live, there is hope.

“Do you need my help?” Diana put on a toned pose-this was learned from Ethan: “You know I am very strong.”

“I’ll tell you when I need it.” Ethan did not directly refuse. Maybe she really needs Diana’s help in the future, and this will make her happier.

Hearing Ethan’s words, Diana’s expression immediately became brighter. It really showed everything on her face, she was still a child.

“But this time, I may have to go out alone for a while.”

“Where to go?”

“Go to another world.”

This is what Ethan has been thinking about. Since his time and space energy is still abundant, and there is no need to stay in this place for a long time, can he go to other worlds?

He also wants to see if he can go directly from one plane to another without passing through his own world, so that he can win more resources and opportunities for himself.

Diana, who was already very happy, instantly turned into an unhappy mode. She thought Ethan would stay for a long time, but she didn’t expect to leave so soon.

But she also understood that it doesn’t make much sense for Ethan to stay on. He needs to go to other worlds to become stronger. So I can’t express my dissatisfaction and keep Ethan, I can only feel bored by myself.

“I will come again soon.”

As Ethan’s control over space-time energy increases, and he can sense that he cannot stay in a world for more than a year, even if he still has enough space-time energy, it means that the energy he collects at a time can be It is not very difficult to come here so frequently after many shuttles.

“keep your word?”

“I keep talking forever!”

After making a decision, Ethan’s actions have always been fast.

That night, Ethan finished organizing his belongings. The next day, he said goodbye to Hippolyte, who had come to learn about the situation from Diana, and then he was about to leave.

“So anxious?”

“It’s not in a hurry, I have done everything I can do, and then it’s up to Diana herself.”

Ethan turned to look at Diana, and pointed to the thing she was holding in her hand.

“This thing is tailored for you. It does not just condense your divine power into a sword. I look forward to seeing you next time, you can develop its full potential.”

The battle cross made by Ethan for Diana is a specially tailored version. It is more powerful than the one he used. For this reason, Hippolyte provided a lot of precious materials, combined with Ethan’s current mastery. All the knowledge and technology of the company finally had this finished product.

Combining Amazonian aesthetics with some Greek mythological styles, Diana’s battle cross has a very beautiful appearance, and has a feminine softness.

In addition to the appearance, it is the peak of Ethan’s learning to build magic equipment, and the technology contained therein and the effect of practical application have also reached a new level.

In addition to forming an energy blade as a growth sword, Diana’s battle cross is actually a practice item to exercise energy control.

At present, when Diana is in use, the golden light can almost be used as a lamp This proves that Diana has very little control over her energy and most of her energy is wasted.

With Diana’s practice, the light will gradually weaken and no longer be dazzling, until finally it disappears and maintains the original sharpness, which means that Diana has completely mastered her power, without the slightest waste.

Even after reaching the extreme, an invisible blade is formed only at the moment of swinging, and there is no blade when it is not attacked.

Diana already knew this. What she didn’t know was that this battle cross did not simply have the form of a sword, but also contained various forms such as a whip, a chain and even a longbow. All of these were all for training Diana. Regarding the control of energy, Ethan did not rely on a few words to train and train Diana, but really wasted a lot of energy.

Even his own battle cross is not so powerful, it’s just a simple upgrade version of the previous one: better strength and more durable…no more!

“I will surprise you next time I meet you.”

“I am very excited.”

said goodbye to Diana and Hippolyte, and did not disturb more people. Ethan was like when he came, and he did not cause much movement when he left.

The blue shuttle magic circle was activated again, and Hippolyte and Diana looked at Ethan, who had disappeared, and looked forward to his next arrival.

Compared with these two, Ethan’s mood was not very good at this time. When the radiance of the magic circle dissipated, and looking at the strange and familiar environment, Ethan could only curse a few words in his heart, looking helpless. It was certain that the shuttle magic circle could not allow him to go directly from one plane to another plane, because he returned to the hotel room on the central island.

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