Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 122

Chapter 22 assassin

Ethan’s reaction was very quick. This little thing only showed this attitude when he first saw him. Suddenly, there is only one possibility for this appearance.

“There is someone behind me!”

It was too late to think about why the probe glasses didn’t give any hints of the approaching creatures, and there was no time to think about why I didn’t even notice.

There is no point in thinking about this at this time. The other party has sneaked into such a short distance. The priority should be how to deal with the other party’s sneak attack.

Almost at the same time that Ethan touched his hand to the Book of Inheritance, a figure appeared behind Ethan so strangely, the short blade in his hand did not reflect a trace of light, and he stabbed firmly at the vital point behind Ethan.


The white energy shield suddenly appeared, and the short blade that seemed to absorb all the light pierced the white energy shield firmly, making a strange buzzing sound, and Ethan hadn’t completely turned around. I was surprised to find that the shield that blocked the short blade was crashing rapidly.

“Kill demon?”

This situation is not unfamiliar to all wizards. Even if each wizard has not seen it with his own eyes, he will see detailed introductions from countless related books.

Demon is a situation that all mages are extremely afraid of. Some specialize in this ability to deal with magicians, and some have obtained weapons with this ability.

The Ethan in front of him didn’t know what kind of situation it was, but it didn’t prevent him from hacking this person to death.

When he touched the book of inheritance and cast the magic shield, Ethan had already drawn out the battle cross he had been wearing with him, and the transparent energy blade slashed towards the opponent. This time, even if the opponent cannot be killed, he can also force the opponent. Change your skills to stop the opponent’s sneak attack and buy yourself time to breathe and observe the situation.

The sudden appearance of the enemy reacted very quickly. The moment Ethan made a counterattack, he had already withdrawn and retreated. The body that had not been completely clear disappeared into the air again, as if it had never existed before.

Ethan looked at the collapsed part of the magic shield. The collapsed area did not continue to expand. He judged that the opponent’s magic breaking ability was not so strong that he could not deal with it, which meant that the situation had not progressed to the worst.

“Ou, is the other party still here?”

Xiao Ou is the animal that is suspected of being a cat cub. Ethan gave a name casually before, taking the first word of Aurora. Aurora is the name of the goddess of dawn, and naming it in this way can be regarded as a change of direction and declaration of ownership-even if Xiaoou himself does not know this.

In fact, the little thing is not very comfortable with this unfamiliar name and doesn’t like it very much. It is a pity that it has no right to speak at all, even if it expresses its dissatisfaction strongly, Ethan still unswervingly calls it that.

If you change it to normal, it will definitely not listen to Ethan, but when it comes to whether you can eat the magic stone at will, the little guy still distinguishes the importance of it. After patrolling around with those round eyes, suddenly He raised his front paw and pointed firmly to a place.

It’s a very dark corner. Even in the daytime, it’s hard to see the situation clearly if you don’t look carefully. Ethan didn’t waste any time. He used the water element of the wristband to control the water element in the air for the first time. It turned into a little bit of water droplets, and then formed a tornado full of water droplets, sweeping the area pointed by Xiao Ou.

Under this temperature, the water droplets that have just formed almost quickly froze into ice crystals, and then hung layer by layer on a human-shaped object.

The blade formed by the battle cross split the air and slashed towards the strange enemy. When the opponent realized that he had been found, he had already responded. He took out something from his waist with his left hand and threw it directly. When he arrived in front of him, he suddenly made a diving and rolling motion to the side.

“this is……”

Ethan almost subconsciously stopped his body shape, and at the same time the sharp energy fluctuations appeared on the glasses, he subconsciously switched to the sunglasses mode.

These behaviors are completely instinctive. They have been practiced through long-term practical training with Diana for more than half a year. Many things have been hardly thought about. For example, switching the lens of the glasses to the sunglasses mode is just to avoid the glare interference caused by the explosion. I lost my sight.

Unexpectedly, what the guy threw was not an explosive, but a’flash bomb’ that could release strong light. At the same time, after the enemy dived to Ethan’s side, he raised the short blade again and stabbed him. come.

“This guy…what’s the matter?”

The opponent’s battle mode is completely different from the one he had encountered before. Compared to the guy who likes to head-on head-on he encountered before, this guy is more like an assassin.

A missed hit immediately pulled away, and at the same time lurked to look for the next opportunity-What Ethan couldn’t understand is, why this guy wanted to kill himself?

Although Ethan had a lot of doubts, it did not affect his movements. Almost at the same time, Ethan also took out a small prop from his waist, relying on his own sun glasses to protect him, and directly pinched it in his hand. broken.

This thing was just made by him in the past few days. The raw material is the magic stone produced on this island, and it is the magic stone of relatively poor quality.

The effect is also very simple, that is, it releases a strong flash in an instant, which is equivalent to a magic stone version of the flash bomb-but the power of the flash bomb that Ethan brought back from the biochemical world is much worse, and the blinding effect is also much weaker. .

But at this moment, the effect of the opponent being caught off guard is even better than the flash bomb, because Ethan’s movements are too fast and too concealed, and the flash burst speed is too fast, the opponent has no time to respond.

I have to admire this person’s reaction. After losing his vision, this person did not fall into a panic. Instead, he adjusted the direction and accelerated for the first time. This is easier to stay away from Ethan than if he stopped his body and backed up. Try to get enough time to restore your sight.

It is a pity that he has no understanding of his opponents. Ethan has already set up a net of heaven and earth. How could he let him escape?

So this person hadn’t rushed far out before he slammed his head into the inside of the magic shield, and almost smashed himself into a faint without any preparation.

“I advise you not to act rashly, if you don’t want to open a big hole in your heart.”

Although he didn’t open his eyes to see the situation, the sharpness from his heart was always reminding this person that Ethan was not joking.

“Now, disarm your equipment and reveal your true colors.”

After the two people fought for a while, Ethan hadn’t even seen the appearance of the other person. The ice crystals originally hung on this person had also fallen clean with the previous battle. Now Ethan can only look vaguely. To the human form, it’s as if there is something behind it.

Although he didn’t know what it was, he could guess that it must have used some special equipment-just like the high-tech invisibility cloak that often appeared in science fiction movies in previous lives.

The other party was very acquainted, and obediently removed the invisibility effect on his body.

showed a completely strange face, Ethan can be 100% sure that he has never seen this person, let alone know him.

What attracted Ethan’s attention most at this time was the equipment on this person. The appearance is actually very sci-fi, the completely tight design, and the metal parts such as the arm guard and breastplate are also very close to the body. This design should be able to reduce its own area, in addition to facilitating actions, it is also more conducive to hiding.

Ethan looked around carefully, and saw magic stones in several key parts of this set of equipment. Even if these magic stones are well hidden, they are perfectly integrated with the equipment at a glance, and there is no inlay. Magic stone. It is a pity that for a magician like Ethan, who is extremely sensitive to energy, all these disguise are in vain.

When he entered the invisibility state before, there was no fluctuations leaked out. Neither Ethan nor the probe glasses found it, which made him even more curious about this equipment.

Unfortunately, this is not the time to discuss this Ethan continues to use his sword against the other’s heart: “Who are you? Why did you attack me?”

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, the other party showed a look of surprise and gave Ethan a very speechless answer: “I have taken a fancy to the resources here. It is not normal to kill you and swallow them. Something?”

I almost forgot that in this world, it is not too common to kill people and overtake goods. The sea is eating people, and people are eating people. It stands to reason that the resources on this island are enough for two people to make a lot of money, but some people will never be satisfied.

“It’s that simple?”

“Yes, it’s that simple.”

Ethan was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head: “Sorry, I don’t believe you.” While speaking, the sword in his hand was pressed down by an inch, and the other party could feel the armor on his chest being sworded. The front pierced and pierced the flesh under the protection of the armor.

“I said I said.”

“Say it.”

Ethan’s patience is not bad, but there is no need to let this guy know this at this time.

“In fact, someone hired me to assassinate you, and he has a grudge against you…”

Listening to this man’s words, Ethan suddenly laughed. He can tell one thing now, that is, there is not half of what this guy said is worthy of belief.

“do you know?”

was suddenly interrupted by his own words, which made him still a little startled. When he heard Ethan’s question, he instinctively replied “What?”

“I don’t really have many enemies. That guy will never send a’person’ to assassinate me.” Ethan especially emphasized the word person. As for whether this guy can understand what he means, he doesn’t care: “As for The other enemies have already been cleaned up by my own hands.”

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