Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 127

Chapter 27 Noble Ethan

The beginning of the plot was slower than Ethan expected. Although the news of Norrington’s upcoming promotion to Brigadier General has been spread, and the barracks have done a lot of preparations, Ethan still did not see Jack Sparrow. appear.

This smoky makeup, a little girly, and cunning pirate captain does not appear, which means Ethan needs to continue to wait.

In his free time, Ethan tried to set a timeline for the Caribbean world to determine how to implement his next plan.

As a result, he found it difficult to accomplish this goal, because the Caribbean story has almost no accurate time clues. The real reliable reference is at the end of the first three parts, Elizabeth, the heroine, is pregnant and there is a boy who is about ten years old. In the fifth film, the child grew up and became the second male number in the fifth film.

The first three parts are connected, but the specific time of the fourth part is difficult to determine-but the fourth part is related to Ethan’s main goal.

Both Bu Laoquan and Blackbeard are the characters in the fourth part. Of course, from the background introduction, we can know that Blackbeard Edward Titch is a notorious and well-known pirate. He is already famous all over the world, and he is also older than Jack- Sparrow is quite big, so don’t worry about Blackbeard’s appearance yet. The trouble is not sure if this guy has mastered those magic methods.

and… how to find this guy?

The clue figure provided in the fourth part is the daughter of Blackbeard. That woman has a certain connection with Jack Sparrow. This is the most direct way to find Blackbeard through Jack Sparrow.

If you don’t use this method, you will have to try your luck in the boundless sea like all navies who want to capture Blackbeard.

“There isn’t any intelligence support yet… it may be too low to find.”

While listing the timeline, Ethan realized that it seemed impossible to pass his daughter Angelica. During this period of time, he carefully recalled all the details that he could remember in his memory. Thanks to his choice to become a mage, many memories immersed in the depths don’t have to worry about not being remembered, it just needs more effort.

It was precisely because of these details that he realized that Blackbeard found Angelica and recognized him. It was before the start of the fourth episode of the Caribbean. Even if he finds this woman now, I am afraid that he will not be able to find him through her. Moustache.

What’s more, the ghost knows if Jack Sparrow has been mingled with that woman at this time, if Jack doesn’t know that woman yet…

“So, I can only rely on Jack Sparrow’s pointer.”

Considering the time spent sailing at sea, Ethan found that he could not achieve all the goals in this shuttle.

“Then the goal is very simple, let’s make friends with Jack first.”

Let’s talk about other things, even if it’s a mutual relationship. Anyway, Jack, a pirate, is not a really trustworthy partner. What Ethan has to do is to get a familiar face in front of him, and then let him help depending on the situation. For this he may have to pay some price, but he should be able to bear the price.

A little bit of time passed. On this day, Eason still wandered around the town as usual, went to the blacksmith shop where Will Turner was located, and then went to the port to take a look.

Because of the long living time, many people also know Ethan, but he is not highly regarded secretly.

Ethan’s senses are more than ordinary people, and I often hear these people talking behind their backs about themselves next year and next year, but they wander around and do not work all day. There are also speculations that they may be descendants of nobles, because they have never lacked money, their faces and hands are always clean, some clothes are of good fabrics, and they often avoid some messy areas with a look of disgust.

The former kind of complaints were more at first, but recently the latter kind of rumors have gradually been regarded as the truth by many people, because as the number of times they saw Ethan increased, they also found that this young man was too different from himself and others. Place. As they think about it, many of Ethan’s habits are very close to what they think of as the ‘aristocratic master’.

Ethan really feels dumbfounded by this situation. Even the innkeeper he lives in looks at himself with strange eyes. It may be that he can’t figure out how a nobleman lives in his own shop, and he will be quite respectful when talking to himself. , Can even see that there is a little worry.

“Things seem to be getting more and more weird.”

The most speechless situation for Ethan finally happened. The Governor of Port Royal Wetherby Swan also heard of his ‘big name’ and sent an invitation to him, inviting himself to be a guest at his mansion.

“It’s really inexplicable.”

Through the gossip he heard, he also realized that he was very different from the people of this era, including many habits that the poor at this time could not imagine.

When Governor Swan got the news, he might have been a rumor at first, or he might continue to collect some news out of caution. Then, after learning that many of Ethan’s habits are indeed not like a civilian, he treated himself An invitation was sent.

Regardless of the real reason, as a local administrator, Governor Swann cannot sit back and watch a young man suspected of being a descendant of aristocrats rambling in his own territory.

If it is a young man who comes out to play, then he needs to ensure the safety of this person. The ghost knows whose bear child this is. After the incident, a scary character suddenly pops up to ask for his own explanation. Where can he go? Saying go?

If it is a person sent from the country to observe in secret, then he also hopes to give the other party a good impression and not to go back and submit a report that is unfavorable to him.

If it is a foreign country…does not rule out the possibility that this is a spy

Either way, direct contact and some temptation seem to be necessary, so this invitation will appear in Ethan’s hands.

“This is a little troublesome.”

Ethan is certainly not a nobleman. He also roughly speculated about the reasons for Governor Swan’s invitation. Among them, the question of his identity is undoubtedly a place where he can do some tricks.

But he is not familiar with the current Britain. Taking into account the current situation of Britain and Spain, he is not suitable to impersonate a Spanish. In addition, he knows nothing about the noble etiquette of this era, and deliberately impersonating nobles can easily reveal flaws.

“Pretend to be a fool.”

Maybe this will give the other person the impression that he is unwilling to reveal his identity, wondering if he has any special identity or background?

This may be too low, Ethan does not hold out much hope. After changing into a set of more formal clothes, he carefully arranged his appearance, and followed the people who had invited him to the governor’s residence.

was invited to the meeting room specially used to meet the guests, Ethan did not wait long, the governor-sama appeared in front of Ethan.

“Hello, I am Wetherby Swann, Governor of Port Royal. Welcome to Port Royal.”

“Hello, I’m Ethan.” Ethan saw Governor Swan maintaining a smile, waiting for his own words, and said in embarrassment: “It’s just Ethan.”

Governor Swann was a bit disappointed. He originally wanted to judge Ethan’s identity from his surname, but he didn’t expect the young man to say it at all. This seemed a bit rude, and he regarded him as not wanting to reveal his identity.

“I heard that you have been in Port Royal for a while?”

“Yes, it’s almost a month.”

Port Royal is a very important port in the Caribbean Sea. It is a relatively developed town, but it is still not enough in the eyes of Ethan. So although he didn’t show any contempt, this kind of insipidity made Governor Swann some guesses.

“What do you think of Port Royal?”

Ethan didn’t know how to evaluate it, so he had to talk about some empty words. For example, under the governance of Governor Swann, Port Royal is stable and prosperous and positive. What can be seen is that in the future, it will definitely become the leading big city in the Caribbean.

Anyway, everyone likes to listen to it, and Governor Swann is no exception. Although he knows these are polite words, he still feels happy The next chat will make Ethan more embarrassed, and Governor Swann is interested. Inadvertently leading the topic to Europe, Ethan can only add a few words indiscriminately, absolutely not much.

At first, Governor Swan saw that Ethan did not answer a few words about Britain, thinking that he would not be a British nobleman. However, as the chat progressed, I found that Ethan’s knowledge was very broad, including many subjects. This situation meant that Ethan had received a very high-end and comprehensive education.

In this era, ordinary civilians have no chance to receive such a high-end and comprehensive education, and considering some of the small habits that Ethan had exposed before, it almost confirmed his identity as a nobleman.

Judging from the name, he would not be someone from Spain, so Governor Swann regained his enthusiasm and even invited Ethan to stay for dinner.

Ethan saw his reactions and knew that his identity had been completely misunderstood. He has no reason to explain, just let him misunderstand it.

While chatting from the south to the north, I didn’t know how to talk about how to better develop Port Royal. Ethan had to take out the experience of playing the simulation construction game and share it with the governor.

When talking about sewage facilities and sanitation and epidemic prevention, a beautiful figure broke into the living room. Ethan recognized at a glance that this was the heroine of the first three Caribbean movies: Elizabeth Swann. .

“Sorry, father! I didn’t know you were meeting guests.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Governor Swan has completely regarded Ethan as the descendant of the noble family in China, and he is still a very outstanding young nobleman: “This is Ethan. He has only recently come to Port Royal. I want to hear his opinion The view of Port Royal.”

then introduced to Ethan: “This is my daughter Elizabeth.”

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