Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 135

Chapter 35 It’s time to start

The search for the Black Pearl was uneventful. The biggest surprise was that Elizabeth appeared on the ship, and the days after that gradually became plain.

Brigadier General Norrington will patrol his ship every day, and most of the time besides that is to communicate with Ethan, because he still can’t understand what Jack is holding. I want to ask if there is anything more to rely on. Spectrum approach.

“Don’t worry, Brigadier General.” There hasn’t been much change in the direction of sailing these days. Jack has locked the target. As long as he sails down, he will be able to meet the Black Pearl. “Even if Jack’s method fails, we have other things. Ways to bring out the Black Pearl.”

The gold coin was carried on Ethan’s body. Only three people on the ship knew the effect of this thing, except for Ethan and Jack, who was Elizabeth Swann who once owned this gold coin.

Elizabeth, who was on the side of   , glared at Ethan dissatisfiedly, feeling very dissatisfied that Ethan ‘snatched’ the gold coins from her and didn’t bring herself to ‘play’ together.

Brigadier General Norrington didn’t know the complicated relationship, he nodded his head relievedly after hearing Ethan’s words that there was a backup method, and then went on to work on his own affairs.

He really wants to get closer to Elizabeth and cultivate some feelings, but his character makes him reluctant to think about private matters before his hands and in formal military operations, so he can only keep himself busy, lest he always Think of the mess.

“This is a nice person.”

“I know.” Elizabeth turned her head and glanced at Ethan: “Will you return the gold coins to me?”


Whether this gold coin can be used or not, Ethan will not return it to Elizabeth. This thing is not a good thing for her, and the strange fluctuations on it are not harmless to people.

“But this is not your thing.”

“It’s not yours either… nor Mr. Turner’s.” The golden coins glowing in the sun kept rolling between fingers: “There is a curse on this thing. It is not a good thing for you to hold it. select.”

“I just… want to find a chance to return it to Will.”

“Trust me, Will doesn’t want this thing.” Now Will Turner is a happy little blacksmith. Like many ordinary people, he doesn’t have the slightest affection for pirates, and he doesn’t know that his father was a pirate. The appearance of this thing means that everything he has now will be vanished.

But after another thought, Ethan did not have the right to be the master of others, and Will’s father is not completely dead now. He has the right and should know his father’s situation.

decided to tell Will the situation. As for what choice he would make, Ethan didn’t care about it.

Ethan was thinking about these things in her heart, while Elizabeth continued to question reluctantly: “How do you know he doesn’t want it?”

“From Will, I will give him an explanation that satisfies him, so you don’t have to worry about this problem.” Ethan collected the gold coin: “In short, this gold coin will not be returned to you.”

At this moment, the observer suddenly shouted: “There is a boat!”

At this moment, everyone cast their eyes on the observer at the highest position of the Interceptor. At the same time, following the direction he pointed, Norrington rushed to the side of the ship and stared into the distance.

“The black sail…It’s the Black Pearl!”

If it is in the dark night, the black sails can perfectly hide the tracks of the Black Pearl, but the black sails in the broad daylight are more eye-catching. It didn’t take long for everyone on the deck to see the black that slowly appeared. sailboat.

“Black Pearl.”

It is undoubtedly Jack Sparrow, the former captain of the Black Pearl, that the ship he had missed day and night has appeared in front of him again. Although it is still far away, he can be sure that it is his ship.

“It is turning! They are ready to escape!”

When the Interceptor discovered the Black Pearl, it also meant that the Interceptor was discovered by the opponent. This is the case on the sea. There are no objects that can be blocked on the endless sea level, and the other party can be found far away.

At the same time, because it is wide enough and the sight is far enough, it also means that the two sides still have a long distance when they find each other. Even if one side stops moving and the other side moves forward at full speed, it will take a long, long time for the two to meet. time.

Even though the sudden appearance of the Interceptor caused the Black Pearl to be alert, the other party did not show any panic reaction, but calmly adjusted its own direction-at the speed of the Black Pearl, confidently throw away any ship. The pursuit of the ship.

“How about? Can you get as close as possible?”

Although the Port Royal Navy only needs to send Ethan to the Black Pearl in the plan, they don’t need to take care of the others, but when the pirate ship is really discovered, how can it really sit idly by? Norrington’s first reaction was still to rush forward, relying on himself and his men to wipe out the pirates.

Jack found Ethan for the first time and pointed to the Black Pearl in the distance: “You said that as long as you see the Black Pearl, there is a way to solve the opponent. I am looking forward to your performance now.”

Because of his words, everyone around him focused on Ethan, wanting to see what kind of methods this mysterious young man has?

Ethan laughed, now he doesn’t need to keep a low profile anymore at this time.

The Black Pearl was there. Although it was still a little far away, this distance was nothing to him. Even if he found the Black Pearl, he would never allow him to run away in his own hands.

“The opening time has come, there should be thunderous applause at this time!”

Jack took a few slaps of face, and then quietly waited for Ethan’s post, completely ignoring the group of Royal Navy around who were looking at idiot expressions.

In just the next second, a group of naval officers and soldiers looked at the idiot and turned into amazement and unbelievable. Even Brigadier General Norrington was stunned and couldn’t help taking a step back to open the distance from Ethan.

Ethan in front of them changed his appearance with just a light wave of his hand.

The large cloak almost enveloped him. Under the hood on his head, he could only see his mouth and chin. Even Norrington, who was standing in front of him, could not see Ethan’s face clearly, only to see Total darkness.

If this is not a big deal, what happened afterwards caused a huge impact on the worldview of these navies. Ethan’s wide cloak slowly burned, and finally turned into a blazing fire, which was then violently spread to both sides. Turned into a pair of huge wings formed by flames.

By this time, even Jack, who knew that Ethan knew magic, opened his mouth and looked at this completely strange young man with shocked face, and finally understood why he always showed so much confidence.

A strong air current erupted, and the entire Interceptor halted fiercely, as if the entire ship was pressed into the sea by a huge force. Many people even fell on the deck due to this sudden change. , And even a few hapless guys were directly injured. But no one cared, everyone was firmly attracted by Ethan, who rushed to the sky.

“Lord! Did you send a messenger to punish these evil-doing pirates?”

More than one person is drawing a cross on his chest. The shape of Ethan’s big wings is really easy to cause misunderstanding. Even Norrington, a highly educated general, doubted in his heart whether he really saw the messenger of God.

Jack Sparrow, who really knows that there is a god, swallowed with a dazed expression. At this time, thinking of Ethan’s words, he understood why Ethan was not afraid of not keeping his promise.

Staring at Ethan as he unfolded the wings formed by flames and rushed into the sky, tracing a very obvious trajectory in the air, and then rushed straight towards the Black Pearl. Jack suddenly felt that the Black Pearl returned to his hand almost. Inevitably, Barbosa is dead this time.

He guessed right, Barbosa is indeed dead.

Barbosa is a very charming character in the movie, but in this real world, there are countless people who hope that this guy will not die.

Barbosa is a real pirate. Cruel and cunning, if the evil he has done is counted as a crime it will take a long time to read it. Such a guy Ethan will not feel anything wrong when he kills it.

It is precisely because Barbosa and his men are the most sinister murderers, Ethan will use them as bargaining chips to give to Brigadier Norrington without any psychological burden.

Ethan’s flying speed is very fast, and it can be compared with Tony Stark in the steel armor in a short time-a little longer will not work, the steel armor can break through the sound barrier after accelerating in the air. Ethan can’t do it yet.

This kind of speed seems to be scary to people in this era. The distance between Ethan and the Black Pearl is almost shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The pirates on the Black Pearl were shocked. Even Barbossa stood there for a long time. When he realized that he wanted to order his men to move faster, he found that the speed of the other party was amazing. They Can’t escape at all.

“Ready to fight!”

Seeing that there was no response from his subordinates, Barbosa kicked a dazed subordinate in the past.

“Prepare to fight! You all are immortal, don’t be afraid!”

This is their last support. As long as they have an immortal body, they will be invincible, but the way that guy came here is really too stressful.

“The ship…the captain…our immortal…is it useful for angels?”

If he couldn’t do it, he really wanted to hack this idiot to death: “Whether it’s useful or not, do you want to wait for death like this? Get me a weapon!”

The pirates finally gained a bit of morale amidst Barbosa’s roar, but when Ethan landed on the Black Pearl with the huge impact of the flight, and knocked a few pirates out and didn’t know how far. The morale just mentioned was instantly crushed.

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