Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 139

Chapter 39 Arrive at the destination

After a period of voyage, Elizabeth gradually became a little sailor from a delicate noble lady, and now she can help a little bit on the ship.

Seeing this young lady grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, Ethan has to sigh that this girl is not simply immersed in the story of pirates, but really has this talent.

“Am I learning fast.”

Elizabeth also saw that Ethan was watching herself, and she walked straight to him with a proud look on her face.

“You are very talented.”

Ethan is not stingy with his compliments. It is a fact that Elizabeth is talented, and the real headache for him is the next problem.

“So I won’t hold back.”

“I just hope you really left a letter on the Interceptor, otherwise Brigadier Norrington thought we had taken you away, and that would be a big trouble.”

Being wanted by the Royal Navy is not an interesting thing. Even if the Black Pearl is one of the best clippers on the sea, it cannot withstand endless naval pursuits. Besides, Ethan has more important things to do. How can I waste time? On this group of miscellaneous soldiers?

“Don’t worry, I can be sure that he can read the letter.”

She left the letter in the captain’s room that Brigadier Norrington had let out, and as long as he couldn’t find him to break in, he would be able to see it immediately.

It is unsure whether Norrington will directly bring the Interceptor to chase after seeing the letter-the possibility is not very high, the Interceptor has been out for some time, and the materials on the ship will be exhausted if it does not return. There are still many prisoners on board. Norrington will definitely not continue to wander the sea. Even if he wants to find himself, he must first return to Port Royal.

When he went back and wanted to find himself, he didn’t have any direction. The only clue was to go to Tettuga, but Jack was very careful when recruiting people before. He only recruited sailors and didn’t mention where he was going or what he was going to do.

Even now, the sailors on the ship do not know where their captain is going, but they are assured that there is no danger in the voyage. For the pirates, this danger refers to fighting a powerful enemy head-on, like Storms encountered during the voyage are normal.


The sea is like this, the changes are unexpected. The last second is calm and sunny, and it is not long before there are clouds and heavy rain.

The undulating waves threw the Black Pearl up and down, and Jack, who had been hiding in the cabin to rest, also rushed out. As the captain, he personally stood by the steering wheel and commanded the sailors of the ship, fighting against the bad weather. .

Ethan did not help, he just stood quietly behind Jack, watching how Jack, an experienced old captain, commanded an authentic sailing ship to sail in a storm.

Although he has had a similar experience, many things were discovered through reading and actual operation, and no one gave him any guidance. Although Jack was also born in a wild road, he had a real veteran to teach him at any rate, so he can learn from Jack. The captain learned a lot of details that he didn’t even know.

is like a combination of various sails. What angle should these sails use in a storm? And how to choose the most correct route faster in the undulating waves. These things are worth learning for Ethan.

Thanks to the excellent memory nowadays, even if he didn’t notice it for a while, Ethan can first remember all Jack’s actions in his mind, and then slowly think about every detail like a slow-motion playback.

There is another person doing similar things. In this kind of weather, Elizabeth, who lacks physical strength and strength, can’t help much, so she can only stand by and steal the teacher.

Even if Ethan let her enter the cabin to avoid the undulating ship from flying her into the sea, she still insisted on staying on the deck.

“I said…I won’t be holding back.” She was a firm and persistent woman.

Anyway, Ethan is here, it is impossible to watch her encounter danger and ignore it, so she just let her continue.

Perhaps Jack chose the correct route. The Black Pearl quickly sailed out of the storm’s range. Although there was still rain falling, the wind speed and waves became much weaker. The Black Pearl can now be considered as normal sailing. , It is no longer necessary for Jack to continue to stand here and direct.

But he continued to stay for a while, and when he was sure that there would be no more danger, then he released the steering wheel and handed it over to the other sailors.

“We have left the Caribbean.”

The Black Pearl has sailed to the Atlantic Ocean. According to the direction given by Jack’s pointer, the Fountain of Ages should be somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean.

Here, the sea conditions are more complicated and dangerous, and if there is any accident, their chances of surviving are much lower than in the Caribbean.

“I hope nothing goes wrong with this adventure.”

In the Caribbean Sea, because of the densely scattered islands and the merchant ships sailing, accidents are not without hope of survival.

This adventure will not only go deep into the wider and dangerous Atlantic Ocean, but also far away from several common routes. The area they are currently sailing will hardly have any merchant ships passing by, and even warships rarely move in these areas. There are no star-studded islands to stop at, and at a glance whether the seawater is removed or the seawater is removed.

“As long as Jack’s pointer doesn’t go wrong, there will be no problem with this adventure.”

In the original plot, several groups of people searched for Bu Lao Quan. They all managed to find the target with various information channels. This proves that Bu Lao Quan is not difficult to find, and there is no danger on the road. As long as the voyage is smooth, it is only a matter of time before reaching the destination.

For Ethan, the biggest trouble is also a matter of time.

It seems that he has not done much in this world, but he has consumed a lot of time. Sailing on the sea is a boring and long task. Most of the time is wasted on sailing. Ethan will give priority to not being old. Quan gave up Blackbeard because in this long voyage, looking for a constantly moving target, the time wasted will increase exponentially.

If you are a little bit unlucky, maybe Blackbeard ran out of time before he found himself, and Bu Laoquan also failed to get it. That’s why he decided to solve a goal first, and if there is enough time left, he would look for Blackbeard.

“From now on, finding the fountain of youth is the biggest gain this time.”

Fortunately, the days of wasting time at sea finally came to an end. With Jack’s pointer, Ethan successfully arrived at the island with the fountain of eternal youth.

When docking on the island, most people behaved normally because they didn’t know what the goal of the journey was.

Ethan and Jack didn’t show too much excitement, but Elizabeth seemed excited. Since she left Port Royal, this girl has become more and more like a mad dog who has taken off her hair. How can there be any kind of lady like the Governor’s daughter?

Although this is a deserted island that has hardly been discovered, and it is outside the channel, in order to avoid some possible emergencies, Mr. Gibbs took the sailors to stay behind the Black Pearl to protect their back. Nothing goes wrong.

Jack, Ethan, and Elizabeth boarded the island to find the Fountain of Eternal Life.

Bringing food and equipment, Ethan and the others marched toward the depths of the island. After several people gradually moved away from the Black Pearl, they began to discuss the goal of the trip.

“I heard that it takes mermaid tears and the Holy Grail to use the Fountain of Eternal Life.”

Jack Sparrow, who likes to chase all kinds of magical things, knows all kinds of legends about Bu Lao Quan, and even includes some details of using Bu Lao Quan.

Sometimes Ethan is also very curious, where did this guy hear about these things, and even sometimes he suspects that Jack actually found the Fountain of Youth-if it weren’t for the performance in the movie to prove that he really If you haven’t been here.

“I am not looking for the fountain of youth without wanting to use it immediately.”

“Why are you looking for a fountain of youth?”

Not only Jack wants to know, Elizabeth is also very strange If you don’t want to live forever and stay young, why does Ethan look for the fountain of youth? He spent a lot of time on this, and even helped Jack regain his boat first.

“I want to know how Bu Lao Quan was born.”

This is the real purpose he wants to find the fountain of agelessness. He suspects that the birthplace of the ageless fountain is because the surrounding environment naturally conforms to a certain law, forming a natural magic circle or formation method, which makes the spring water in it possess special Ability.

He wants to analyze this place carefully, and then see if he can replicate this ‘magic circle’ through artificial means. If he succeeds, then he no longer has to worry about his life and youth.

Even if it fails to succeed, Bu Lao Quan can guarantee that his life will not be consumed prematurely for a period of time in the future.

“Yes, I want to understand the principle of its generation.”

Jack understood what Ethan meant: “Then you can continuously create a fountain of immortality?”

“This is the theory.”

“Are all magicians such crazy guys?” Elizabeth rarely agreed with Jack’s words, and she also thought this idea was crazy.

“Almost.” Sometimes magicians do do things that ordinary people seem a little crazy, mainly because the way they see things is completely different from ordinary people.

Talking about the Kung Fu of the sky, a few people quickly arrived at their destination and quickly found the cave.

Going directly to the innermost part of the cave, looking at the stone wall that has reached the end, there is no road, Elizabeth and Jack both turned their eyes to Ethan, seeming to ask him what should be done next?

Ethan did not speak, he felt a familiar wave here, which was the wave of spatial energy.

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