Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 144

Chapter 44 The goddess of dawn

Ethan’s words are just pure emotions and complaints. I didn’t expect that the few people sitting next to him would unexpectedly nod their heads in agreement.

“Yes, how do you think those two routes are a suicide road.”

“I already see myself. I don’t have the ability or the courage. I will live honestly in this sea in my entire life. It’s very satisfying to live over fifty.”

“Fifty years old? Young man, when you reach my age, you will want to be able to die in old age smoothly, rather than dying at sea is the greatest wish.”

“I won’t wait until I’m fifty, when I’m in my forties, I will definitely try to hit those two routes, even if I die, I will die at sea.”

“Yes, I think so too.”

“It is a good thing to have a goal, which gives you more motivation to fight.”

The jumbled voices were endless, and Ethan didn’t notice that the conversation between the two people actually attracted the attention of so many people. Think about it, this is a public place, Brent is more or less a celebrity, and many adventurers know him.

Seeing Brent talking with a young man, most of them couldn’t control their curiosity. In addition, Brent did not deliberately lower his voice. The people around him heard clearly.

Some of these adventurers know the route situation, and some do not. Either way, he didn’t bother Brent and Ethan. Maybe he thought Brent was taking care of the newcomers again.

It was also because of such a small episode that Ethan realized that most of the adventurers in this place did not want to hit the two routes to occupy the majority. On the contrary, there are more people who are content with the status quo, and some of them are in their prime of adventure. By.

turned his head to look around, and finally looked at Brent in front of him.

Now Ethan gradually understands why Brent attaches so much importance to taking care of newcomers. It is also the kind of adventurers who have just arrived here, and still maintain enough enterprising spirit and sufficient spirit, as long as they can guarantee the speed of their own development, then They will treat the storm sea area as their most important goal, rather than just messing around.

Although Brent’s reputation is not small, he can indeed gather a large number of adventurers if he raises his arms, but he does not want to be difficult, and those adventurers who have lost their spirit can really help in times of crisis?

In addition, many of the adventurers really recognized their own strength and couldn’t cross that route at all. If Brent forcibly tied them to his warship and drove them to attack the route together, it would only prove that he was a conspirator with deep thoughts, not a good person.

Looking at it now, Brent doesn’t want to do that. He sincerely hopes that all the adventurers who go to that route can survive smoothly and successfully break through the stormy sea.

“These two routes are not so easy to follow, and there are many difficulties. I never reached the end of the farthest one.”

After a long period of impact and exploration, the adventurers roughly divided any of the two routes into three parts.

The    front section starts from a sharp turn to one-third of the entire route. The middle section is naturally the middle third, and the last remaining third is the last section.

This division is not without reason. The previous paragraph is generally good. It is just that the wind and waves are a bit bigger. Although climate changes are more frequent, each type of climate maintains a longer period, and there is enough buffer time when it changes. Although there are few floating islands, they can still be found, and the island pointer can still be used normally. Although the creatures on the island have a certain degree of danger, the fully armed adventurers can still handle it.

The weather began to be severe and severe in the middle section, the climate change became more rapid and frequent, and the cycle began to shorten. At the same time, the island pointer is gradually failing. When looking for supplementary supplies on the island, be careful of the creatures on the island, because all kinds of strange creatures are no longer confined to the island.

The tail section is the most dangerous, so the situation is the worst. The pointer is completely out of order in this area. It is entirely up to luck to find the island to replenish supplies. At the same time, various powerful and vicious creatures threaten the lives of adventurers. Some people even call this area a monster hunting ground-adventurers are not hunters, but prey of various monsters.

Of course, this division is not absolute, and various changes are slowly changing. It is not so clear that you can feel the completely different situation one meter away when you stand here.

Those monsters will not stick to a fixed area, they will move around. There used to be a monster in the tail that ran to the front, and even wanted to leave the route and rush to this sea area. It was a relatively powerful adventure at that time. The author called on everyone to kill him together, and a catastrophe was avoided.

When talking about this, Brent’s expression was not very good, and his tone was a bit low, as if the story was not about the adventurer’s final victory but the monster causing a huge catastrophe.

“Those adventurers who participated in the interception…”

“Most of them died in that battle, including the strong man who recruited everyone.” Brent shook his head regretfully: “He has reached the last section of the route, and many people thought he was The adventurer who most hopes to rush through the storm sea area, but after discovering that the monster is moving towards the front section, he turned around and chased it back all the way, and called on the strong on the road to kill the monster together, and finally successfully rushed out of the monster Kill it before the route.”

Brent seemed to fall into the memory, and was silent for a while before continuing.

“At that time I just started trying to attack that route, and happened to participate in that battle.” Brent shook his head helplessly: “I was too weak at the time and could only stay far away to watch, even There is no qualification to get close… and because of this, people as weak as me have survived.”

Ethan suddenly understood why Brent was so obsessed with the strength of uniting everyone. Perhaps it was this incident that left him too deep. He felt that no matter how strong his personal strength was, he would not have faced such a monster. Too great a role, only countless people can get through the difficulties together.

Brent’s own personality is also related. If you change your mind to a gloomy and deep-minded one, it is estimated that you will design various conspiracies to pave your way.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Ethan’s hand that had been slowly turning the cup finally stopped.

“Although I still disagree with some of your thoughts and actions, I begin to understand why you did that.”

Brent finally regained his smile and nodded at Ethan. It is always a joy to be recognized or understood for his own ideas.

“It’s best if you can understand.” Brent looked at the fading sky, and offered Ethan a goodbye: “It’s getting late, I have to go back.”

“I’m going back too.” Ethan stood up and expressed his gratitude to Brent again. No matter what, he got such detailed information today. Thanks to Brent, he must admit this favor: “If Where necessary, you can leave me a message through the guild.”

Most of the time this is what Brent would use to say goodbye to people, but this time it was preempted by Ethan to say it. Suddenly I didn’t know how to answer the conversation, so I just smiled and nodded: “I will. You can also leave me a message if you need help.”

Watching Brent go away, Ethan also turned and walked to the hotel where he was staying.

There is a lot of news from Brent today. The most important thing is that he no longer knows anything about the two air routes. He began to consider whether to take a look at the air routes after the maintenance.

He has no clear goal in this world. Maybe he really wants to say that his goal will always be towards a ‘higher level’. Then the storm sea area must be the area he wants to rush through.

“After rushing through the stormy sea, what will the next sea look like?”

I think this is a bit early, so he should also consider which of the two routes he would go on?

Brent’s information to himself is very comprehensive, including some of his own personal experience which includes the general situation of the two routes.

Generally speaking, there is little difference between the two routes, and the difficulties are roughly the same. There is no difference in either route.

Although the two routes are dangerous, they also represent higher profits. Although the number of floating islands is decreasing, the resources on the islands are increasing.

If there are islands with few resources in the calm sea, there will never be islands with nothing on the sea route.

Better quality wood, ore, magic stone, valuable resources needed to survive in this world, can be found on the islands in the sea route.

Therefore, if only talking about the front section of the route, many adventurers are still active. Even those who want to spend their lives in this sea area will go to the front section of the route to collect resources.

“It is the middle section of the route that really distinguishes the adventurer level of this sea area.”

People like Brent who are deliberately rushing into stormy seas will frequently sail to the middle section to familiarize the crew with the sea conditions and exercise their abilities. At the same time, they are constantly testing the ship.

To overcome the harsher sea conditions, a better ship is undoubtedly needed. From this point of view, Ethan’s desire to strengthen his Aurora is a very correct idea-even if he can’t think of it now, as long as he wants to continue’ Going forward, the environment will force him to make this choice.

Especially a few days later, when Ethan’s Aurora entered the shipyard for maintenance, Ethan saw several ships in the shipyard that had undergone various modifications, including several “iron armored ships” covered with metal. All this tells him that the current Aurora cannot satisfy his ambitions.

“I said before that I should treat the Dawn Goddess well, but is this telling me that I have to get a new ship again?”

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