Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 154

Chapter 54 Ethan passing by

“Who are you on earth?”

Pierce was lying on the ground, looking up at Ethan, who was flying back from a distance. This young man who had been completely ignored by him before was actually a more terrifying existence than Logan.

“Mutant? Impossible, there can be no other mutants in this world.”

Ethan hasn’t answered yet, Logan stepped on Pierce’s wounded foot and added a lot of strength: “I also want to thank you very much for your hard work, which made us almost dead.”

Then he bent over, grabbed Pierce’s collar and directly picked up the guy. Logan would not have a good impression of the guy who killed all his friends, let alone talk to him politely.

“You, I will tell you everything you know next.”

Pierce looked at Wolverine mockingly, as if he had said something stupid.

“What then? Kill me?” Although Logan grabbed his collar, he did not restrict his hands. Pierce was able to reach out and shake his fingers: “Since you are going to kill me, why should I tell the information? you?”

Logan saw this guy, he held Pierce with his left hand, and the metal paw of his right hand stretched out against Pierce’s forehead: “Otherwise you will have a very complete experience of how your brain is penetrated.”


Pierce is as good as you are happy, and Ethan is very upset.

When I first watched the movie, I hated this guy very much, but this guy was like an immortal Xiaoqiang. He escaped from several dangers and was killed until the end.

In Ethan’s hands, of course he would not give him such a good chance to escape. He stepped forward to Pierce, and Ethan looked up and down the guy.

The appearance is very ordinary, the figure is also very ordinary, the only special thing is the mechanical prosthesis, but this thing is not a rare thing in this era.

“Who are you?”

“Ethan… is just a passerby who sees you not pleasing to your eyes.”

For this world and Pierce and the group of people, Ethan’s is indeed a passer-by, but this passer-by sees them unhappy, and there is so much strength, so Pierce and the others are tragedy.

Pierce didn’t believe these words, he even felt that the other party was playing tricks on himself.

“Maybe you think shutting up and not talking is a good choice, but you have to understand that sometimes simply dying is a relief.”

Pierce gave a mocking smile: “What? Are you going to torture me? The superhero Wolverine…and this passerby who doesn’t know where it came from?”

Ethan laughed, smiling very happily: “I appreciate someone like you who can’t see the situation clearly.” Ethan motioned to Logan to loosen the collar of this guy. His legs were severely injured and he couldn’t stand still, let alone running. Drop: “You may not know much about me. First of all, you have to declare that I am not a mutant.”

Pierce’s expression fluctuated a little, but he still didn’t speak, quietly waiting for Ethan’s text.

“I am a magician… Don’t be funny, don’t think I’m lying to you, mine is indeed the kind of magician you think.”

Ethan continued his’introduction’, in fact, it also let Logan know more about himself. During this period, the two people were initially familiar with each other, but they haven’t found the opportunity to introduce his own situation in detail. Let’s talk about this opportunity.

“I am not from this world. I just happened to come to your world on the way of traveling, and I happened to know what you were doing, so I saw that you were not pleasing to your eyes, so I got involved in some nosy.”

Pierce still looks inexplicable, I don’t know what Ethan said this is going to do?

“Of course, this is not the point.” Ethan showed a very kind smile, at least he thought so: “I have gone through a lot of strange journeys, and I have also met many people with special abilities, including one. A Rasma priest.”

“You may not know what the Rasma priests represent. Simply put, the Rasma priests are very good at communicating death. They can awaken dead corpses and turn them into skeletons and other puppets for their own drive. They are also good at curses and poisons. Waiting for magic, especially for souls, they can be said to be experts.”

Pierce is a very smart person, and he has gradually realized what Ethan wants to express.

“By the way, in that world, Rasma priests have another more popular name among the general population, called Necromancer.”

Pierce’s face became ugly, and Ethan still said his own words.

“I have a good relationship with that priest, so I learned some simple fur from him…not too much, just learn how to completely extract a person’s soul from their body and save it’properly’ stand up.”

There was a strange light in Ethan’s hands, like smoke and flames. The pale white engulfing made Logan feel a little uncomfortable. If he was not sure that Ethan would not hurt himself, he even wanted to pull away. The distance to Ethan.

Injured his leg, Pierce, who couldn’t move at all, could only watch Ethan’s hand with a weird aura with a pale face. He wanted to run, but couldn’t run at all, and Ethan continued to say things that scared him.

“I will take care of your soul very, very much, and will never let your soul collapse and dissipate.”

Why do you want to save your soul? Idiots think that the other party is kind. Although Pierce is not afraid of death, he is very afraid of the terrible days when he will be controlled by the other party even after his death, and he will never be tortured by the other party. He doesn’t even want to question whether Ethan can do this. The fear in the depths of the soul kept telling him that the other party could really do everything he said.

“I said! What do you want to know? I will tell you everything!”

At the moment Ethan’s right hand was about to cover Pierce’s face, Pierce finally broke down.

“As long as you don’t imprison my soul, I will say whatever you want to know.”

Pierce’s sweat soaked through his shirt, and the whole figure seemed to be fished out of the water. He felt that he had never been so scared today in so many years, and he didn’t even dare to look at Ethan again. During this period of time, he had been watching Logan talking. It seemed that if I looked at Ethan more, my soul would be imprisoned by the opponent.

“give it to you.”

Ethan retracted his hand, and the strange aura on it disappeared. As Ethan waved his hand, the magic suit on his body changed back to ordinary clothes, and he returned directly to the house.

What information Pierce confided, he didn’t care, as long as Logan knew it. In the next action, Logan, a ‘local’, will lead the way, and he will only provide some combat power.

Back in the room, I saw two women, one large and one small, looking at themselves with wide eyes.

Compared to Laura’s face full of curiosity, Gabriela is afraid, curiosity and awe.

Ethan turned his head and glanced at the monitor, knowing that two people had seen the battle scene just now, but what the **** was Gabriela’s drawing a cross on himself? Does this woman consider herself a birdman too?

Recalling that there was no sound in the video, she would not hear Ethan introducing herself as a mage.

Too lazy to explain to her, Ethan directly told her that after this group of chasers were killed, he and Logan would attack the enemy’s nest in turn, and that genetic research center would be completely destroyed by him-taking advantage of this period of time. People have the energy to pay attention, and Gabriela quickly finds a place to live in seclusion with the money.

Gabriela also knew that this was the best choice for herself. Although she didn’t have much money, it was enough for her to start her new life in a remote place.

Regarding Laura, Gabriela was reluctant to bear it, but he also realized that he and Laura were not in the same world at all, and staying together forcibly would only bring her endless troubles. At least from the picture I saw just now, Laura is safe enough to stay here.

“thank you all!”

“you are welcome.”

It’s useless to say 10,000 times before, just a little show of strength Gabriela also has to admit that what Ethan said before is correct, and finally wants to understand, if it is true Fleeing as she said, they couldn’t get rid of this group of chasing soldiers.

Just as Gabriela started to pack things, Logan also returned to the house, and there was no Donald Pierce who was with him.

“Did you find out clearly?”


If you just ask for the location of the research institute, you can ask Gabriela, and you won’t find it even if you search on the Internet. On the surface, the institute is under the name of cancer research. On the surface, it is a very formal research institution, so the address can be found naturally.

Grabbing Donald Pierce is to inquire more accurate and deeper information.

For example, what secret facilities does the other party have, how do I enter? What are the means of escape? Who are the key people? Are there any other means besides conventional weapons?

The harvest is very gratifying. Not only has some regular information been confirmed, Logan also learned of a piece of information that made him even more angry.

That is, the new generation of the X weapon program has achieved results. The other party has successfully created a copy of him with almost the same ability as him. In addition to its poor self-healing ability, sometimes it needs to rely on drugs. The strength and endurance are even stronger than the current Logan-of course they didn’t know that Logan had recovered his health.

This guy’s code name is X-24, and he is known as the most successful work so far. As the leader of everything, Dr. Rice is preparing to use his most proud work in exchange for more benefits and benefits.

Once Dr. Rice achieves his goal, the last mutants of Wolverine and Professor will have no last trace of value and will usher in the final end.

“I will kill them all first!”

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