Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 157

Chapter 57 Target candidates

Logan and Laura, who had changed their clothes, came out of the cabin and saw the snow falling all over the sky. Logan even froze for a moment. After looking around, he made sure that this was not his own hallucination and cursed quietly. One sentence, and then went directly to the stern tower and stood beside Ethan.

Logan temporarily replaced Ethan and asked him to put on heavy, warm clothes. After that, the two of them stood together and sailed forward cautiously.

Sailing in heavy snow requires speed control. Because of lack of visibility, you need to find a suitable place to anchor if necessary. Fortunately, today’s wind is not particularly strong and there are no waves on the sea. The Aurora is like gliding on a calm mirror surface. same.

“How long will this snow last?”

Ethan looked up at the thicker clouds than before. He felt that the heavy snow could not stop for a while, and he did not see the end of the clouds. It is impractical to quickly get out of the wind and snow area.

“It is estimated that the time will not be short, and there is no possibility of leaving this area for the time being.”

The first time I encountered such extreme weather, Ethan suddenly realized that his Aurora Aurora now had a problem to solve, that is, how to maintain the internal temperature of the Aurora within an appropriate range under extreme conditions?

“There are temperature adjustment facilities in the warehouse, but the ordinary cabins don’t… I really didn’t notice this at the beginning.”

The pleasant climate of the calm sea made him completely ignore this problem. Although he lived on the snowy island for a while after coming to this sea area, he did not realize it as a special situation.

If this kind of temperature change is particularly frequent on the voyage, he does need a device that can regulate the internal temperature of the cabin, otherwise, even the iron body will not be able to resist the cold and hot, not to mention that he is just stronger and healthier than ordinary people.

took out the book of inheritance, and after turning it over, Ethan’s new ship requirements were shown on the pages of the book. He had written some remarks on it one after another before, this time it was the real addition of precautions.

It is not that he has no confidence in his own memory, but that he has such a detailed table of contents, which is convenient and intuitive to inquire in the future, and it can also allow others to better understand his requirements when watching.

At present, the content recorded on this form is not much, and the requirements are very general, such as better seaworthiness; better wind and wave resistance-which almost means greater displacement; stronger hull; more Strong firepower; longer-lasting power; it is best to choose non-sail drive and so on.

Ethan stood at Logan when he opened the book of inheritance. With Logan’s height just tilting his head, he could see the opened pages, but in his eyes it was blank.

“what is this?”

“Do you want to see?” Ethan only needs a thought to let others see the content on the page, and the page that was still blank in Logan’s eyes immediately showed a table.

“This is… your direction of rebuilding the ship?”

The above content is very straightforward. Logan understood what Ethan was recording only after reading a few of them. He thought it was a good practice. He also knew that Ethan came to this route this time and didn’t want to move forward in one breath. At the end, the main purpose is to test whether your ship can cope with this route, or what are its shortcomings?

“It means to record all the problems and needs found, and when you finally summarize all the problems, you will know what kind of ship you need.”

“You are planning to build a new ship.” Logan took a look at the request above, then glanced at the sailing ship called the “Goddess of Dawn” at his feet, thinking that he wanted to satisfy Ethan’s. Only a new one can be built.

“It is very likely to build a new ship.”

Ethan is also very speechless. He is now curious how many ships need to be replaced when the adventurers reach the end? He doesn’t believe that those people can build a powerful warship that can adapt to the entire route from the very beginning, because there are many problems that they don’t even realize when they don’t really encounter it.

Even with Brent’s many points, Ethan will still find all kinds of small troubles when actually sailing, like the insulation problem in the cabin, I am afraid that no one will specially remind him of this, right?

“I think according to your standards, you may need a battleship.” Logan looked at the two requirements for stronger firepower and armor and gave his own suggestions directly, realizing that the statement may not be accurate enough, and immediately added: “I mean a modern battleship with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons.”

“I know it’s not this sailing battleship.”

Of course Ethan thought about it, otherwise, why would he want to find Tony Stark to solve his new boat? With the technology that this guy has in his hands, as long as he spends enough money or new things that interest him, it shouldn’t be difficult to build a battleship.

“Don’t consider the tens of thousands of tons, and time will not allow it. It should not be difficult for a few thousand tons.”

A warship of several thousand tons may be just an ordinary destroyer or frigate in the modern world. It is not a powerful warship at all, but it is different in this world. The largest ship here has a displacement of only a few thousand tons, and coupled with an all-metal structure, ordinary magic cannons may not be able to penetrate the outer alloy steel plate.

“The problem is how to bring it back… Maintenance is also a huge problem.”

Boats do not mean that after you build a ship, you can use it endlessly. Even the most backward sailing wooden boats require very troublesome logistical maintenance and maintenance to be able to use them for a long time.

According to his plan, he not only wants to build a new ship, but also needs to solve all kinds of logistical maintenance and other troubles. The easiest way is to find an excellent professional to become his teammate, and at the same time be equipped with various super High-tech’ maintenance facilities, such tools must be convenient and simple and have low environmental requirements.

He thought of something, and it was in the Marvel world, but that thing was not on the earth, he didn’t know how to get it for the time being.

If you can get that thing and learn how to manufacture it in large quantities, then many logistical issues can be completely ignored.

“Similar things also exist in other worlds, but I haven’t encountered them yet.”

In addition, he also hopes that his ship is not only a ship, it will also be his own home, a factory with a complete production line, which can provide various logistical support for himself and his comrades, and at the same time be his own Magic tower.

He is a magician. Of course, he is interested in the offensive and defensive facilities of the magic tower, but he is different from other magicians. He can’t stay in a fixed place without leaving, so he can only use the concept of the magic tower. Change it a bit and become a magic ship with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

These ideas were mixed and recorded by him, and they were all marked with priority and key priority, but he had not written the idea of ​​the magic tower, and now he is not qualified to consider that kind of thing.

Moreover, he has a hunch that the ship that he has recorded various requirements in his hands is likely to be eliminated. He has no idea what kind of ship will be required in the end to meet all the needs. Maybe he was just here. After laying the foundation of the magic tower on this ship, he realized that he had to change the ship again, so he had to wait until the situation became clearer before considering this matter.

In contrast, Logan considered another direction.

“Whether it is your plan or to live better in this world, we all need more companions. Isn’t this always true?”

“Yes it is.”

Ethan has always wanted to find more partners, but unfortunately partners are not so easy to find. It took a lot of effort to flick Wolverine up, and the bonus Laura could not help much for the time being.

“Then what direction do you have next?”

Logan thought for a while, he didn’t know what kind of partner he should look for, he could only ask Ethan, plus this was Ethan’s ship after all, he just wanted to determine the direction Ethan was looking for a partner.

“Except for professionals who understand ship maintenance.”

Ethan has considered several directions before, such as the problem of the ship doctor, which caused him a headache for a long time, but there is still no suitable target. Except for this one and the mechanic, he now wants to find a professional sniper. Or experts in investigation and intelligence gathering.

“I have some ideas. I want to find a talent who is good at remote support and intelligence gathering.” With such a talent, I can collect all kinds of information better, and someone can help myself from a distance while fighting. Observe the surroundings.

In terms of combat such a partner can indeed help a lot, but it doesn’t seem to be so helpful in the sea, right? Logan wondered how Ethan suddenly thought of people in this area: “Why do you want to find such a role? Do you have a target?”

“It’s just that a certain navigator early identified a sniper as his partner. I think the order in which he chose his partners is worth learning.”

Ethan did think of a few goals, but he wasn’t sure whether those people could be pulled into the boat by himself, and Logan just asked him and he responded casually.

Now it happens to be talking about this topic, and when he is idle and has nothing to do, he ponders the target people in his heart, evaluates the abilities of these people, and how likely is it to be attracted by himself?

After much deliberation, he finally locked two people.

First is Legolas, he should be a better choice. He is friendly and has a certain interest in adventure. He has a very long life span. Even if he can’t be a permanent partner, it doesn’t seem difficult to invite him to take risks for a hundred years. But the appearance of the elves does not seem to be very convenient in many worlds? Of course, this is not a big trouble, it can be solved with a little magic.

Another goal is Ada-Wang, not a certain ice version. As an excellent agent, there are no shortcomings other than being an ordinary person(?), and the combat effectiveness is far inferior to Legolas. He is an expert in investigating infiltration and other aspects. Besides these, Ethan is listed as the final target candidate because she is beauty. However, the character is relatively strong, and the possibility of getting on the boat is very low.

Ethan didn’t mention Ada, he just mentioned Legolas’s name with Logan, and then saw that Wolverine’s expression became very weird. After holding back for a long time, he finally said:

“Can you still go to Middle-earth?”

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