Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 160

Chapter 60 Grassland Green

This is a plain-like island. Standing on this side of the island, you can see the general appearance of the other side. Ethan circled the island twice, and finally it was certain that the island was a plain.

“Are all the floating islands you talked about like this?”

Logan, who was experienced by Ethankop, saw for the first time the so-called islands that can suddenly appear at sea and will sink back to the bottom of the sea after a period of time. He did not know that these islands only existed at sea for such a short period of time. How come so many plants grow, but can this island really be able to replenish materials? Is it possible that everyone in this world eats grass?

“Island looks strange and weird. I have seen an island like this kind of grassland for the first time.”

Ethan put down the telescope in his hand, thinking about what to do next?

The island is definitely going to be, even if the island does not have any food supplements such as fruits, it does not rule out the possibility of minerals on the island.

According to the information Brent told himself, it can be known that the islands on this route are very rich in materials, and this island cannot be without anything.

“If that’s the case, my luck would be ‘too good’.”

“You said that your luck has always been good. I hope you can keep that up after I come.” Logan didn’t want Ethan to become unlucky after he got on the boat. Everyone wanted to make his life easier. This is especially true for people like Logan who have experienced many things.

“Go to the island?”

“Just stop over.”

Surrounding the island is not only for observation, but also for finding suitable anchoring points.

Most of the area around this island cannot be approached by the Aurora, only two places are suitable for anchoring.

One of them is a small harbor similar to a recessed island. The water depth is very good. However, according to observations, there are a lot of reefs at the bottom. If it is during low tide, the Aurora may be trapped inside and unable to come out.

The other location is not a harbor, but simply the edge of an island. That place is not a shoal, and there are not too many reefs at the bottom. The Aurora can dock directly, and then take a springboard to board the island directly.

Of course, there are disadvantages. The waves in that place are a bit big. If the boat is parked there, you cannot rest on the boat at night, and there is no suitable place for camping nearby, so you cannot watch the boat nearby.

“Which place to choose?”

Ethan didn’t struggle for too long and chose the shore instead of the peaceful harbor.

“This is not the earth after all. This island will sink suddenly at no time. If it happens to be in time for the low tide and the ship is stuck in the harbor and cannot leave, then we will be in great trouble.”

Although there are many troubles to park on the shore, it is not impossible to solve it. Even if someone suddenly comes here and has the idea of ​​the Aurora, but also because of the arrangement of the alarm device, Ethan, with the flame cloak, can rush in a very short time. Come back, avoid your boat being stolen by others.

“Would you like to keep someone on the boat?” The choice is only for herself and Ethan. Laura is too young to stay alone. She must move with someone or stay with someone.

Ethan shook his head and pointed to Xiao Ou who was scratching his ears next to him: “Just leave this little thing. I left a positioning device in its collar. Even if something goes wrong, as long as the opponent doesn’t run too far, it will I found it.”

Logan knew that Ethan could fly and his speed was not slow. It was impossible to escape Ethan’s pursuit at the speed of a sailboat. Ou’s body was very small. If he wanted to hide, ordinary people would not find it if they wanted to. During this period of time, he also knew that this little thing was ghostly, possessed extremely high intelligence and was able to communicate with people normally, such a task was not difficult for it.

Then Logan saw Ethan and the cat-like thing instructing “take a good look at home”, then the little thing stretched out his paw and gestured, Ethan turned his hand back and compared it with a finger… The little thing tilted his head and continued to firmly compare his paws!


This picture is a bit subverting the three views. Logan turned his head and carefully controlled the Aurora to the planned docking position. His technique was not good, and he was in a hurry to stop the ship completely at the planned location. With a sigh of relief, Logan used the console to anchor and then went to take a springboard to get ashore.

After getting these things done, I negotiated with Xiaoou. Ethan walked over with two backpacks. This time he had already changed the magic suit in advance.

Logan also simply sorted out the equipment here. Compared with Ethan’s magical props, Logan now chooses more hot weapons, an M series assault rifle, two pistols, several grenades, and enough ammunition. The lower position is used to carry food and water, there are no first aid medicines, and no melee weapons.

In Ethan’s backpack, there are all kinds of miscellaneous things, plus the things carried in the ring, it is enough to deal with any kind of situation.

As for Laura? The little girl is more like going on an outing. Her bag is full of snacks and fruits. Most of the fruits on the Aurora were eaten as snacks by Laura, because both Ethan and Logan prefer meat. Food and fruits should be eaten appropriately to avoid nutritional imbalances.

If you don’t consider the heavily armed Ethan and Logan, they are like an adult taking the two young people in the family to a picnic. Logan thinks this feels very weird. This is something he hasn’t experienced for many years. After setting foot on the island, he was even stunned for a while, until Ethan called him.

“What’s the situation?”

“It’s nothing.”

Ethan saw that Logan didn’t want to say anything, nor did he deliberately ask. He walked in the forefront. With the book of inheritance, he could protect everyone in a sudden situation, even though Logan and Laura They are not afraid of sneak attacks, but being able to fully preserve their combat power is also conducive to their counterattack, which is better than being abolished by the opponent.

Laura walked in the middle, and Logan finished.

Regardless of the two of them walking behind, this will not affect the detection ability of the two people. Logan’s sense of smell is very strong, coupled with his extraordinary senses and the sense of crisis cultivated on the battlefield, ordinary creatures want to attack him. That is completely impossible.

Ethan also used high-tech glasses to conduct investigations. After moving for a few hours, he found nothing. The island seemed to be green except for the grass, and nothing else was seen at all. What irritated Ethan the most was that as they explored the island in depth, these grasses were getting higher and higher. From the very beginning, they were stepped on the soles of their feet and slowly passed the ankles. Now the height of the grasses has reached the knee position.

“It seems a bit wrong to continue like this.”

Ethan looked at the taller and taller green grass, and at the same time he raised his head and glanced into the distance. The endless green grass gently swayed with the sea breeze, making a pleasant rustling sound. The picture is beautiful, with warmth. With the sun and the cool sea breeze, he even had the idea of ​​lying down and having a good night’s sleep.

“The grass is getting higher and higher. The ghost knows what is hidden in these bushes. Even if there are no creatures, what if there is a swamp underneath?”

This question had to be carefully considered. Ethan wanted to find a branch or stick to explore the way, but after looking around, he found that there was no such thing here at all.

“Forget it, feel wronged.”

Taking out his wand easily, Ethan’s current most powerful output weapon has become a walking stick used to explore the road, and it is constantly used by Ethan to poke and beat to ensure that the road conditions in front of him are safe.

After traveling for a while, this journey is not as boring as it was at the beginning. Every time Ethan walked for a while, he would stop for a while, dig through the grass to observe the ground under his feet, and even dig a while with a shovel.

On such a plain island, if there are any materials such as ore, then it must be underground. Ethan wants to determine whether he is in a layer of soil or a layer of rock under his feet.

This method is not accurate and can only be used for general exploration, but Ethan and the others did not get nothing, but Ethan dug out a pool of clear water.

Looking at the shallow pit about one meter in diameter at the foot, the gurgling clear water inside, neither Logan nor Ethan had rashly touched it.

“I don’t know why, I have a strange feeling that I can’t tell.”

Logan nodded. He originally wanted to hold Laura to prevent the little girl from making any reckless actions, but found that Laura was standing quietly next to him, staring at the fountain in front of him with a serious face. I was curious about everything like I was on the boat, so I got in there immediately.

“Even Laura felt something was wrong.”

Ethan looked at the two of them, then looked around again. The surrounding scene is still the calm scene before—the endless grass, the warm sunshine and the cool sea breeze, accompanied by the urge to sleep.

“Something’s wrong!”

Ethan realized that something was wrong His mental power was far beyond ordinary people. When he was fully rested, he would not suddenly have the urge to sleep. No matter how good the environment is, he would at best lie down and enjoy a moment of tranquility. Time, once in a while, it can be said that he was on a whim, but now he wants to lie down and sleep more and more, which is enough to prove that the situation is wrong.

Taking out a small instrument from his waist, Ethan took a little water to test the ingredients. The machine made by Tony Stark was very powerful and gave the analysis results in an instant, and the results were displayed directly on Ethan’s glasses.


Seeing Ethan’s weird expression, he knew that the result was not right, and Ethan also gave an answer that surprised Logan.

“This water contains rich vitality… In fact, it is not accurate to say that this thing is water.”


“It’s like a living creature…turned into a liquid like water.”

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