Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 169

Chapter 69 I am justice

Maybe it’s because there have been enough shocks before, Steve’s Three Views are almost broken, and now there are many strange things that don’t matter. He quickly accepted this new’setting’ and understands. There are many mysterious things in this world that you don’t know or understand.

The advantage of this situation is that Steve will not regard Diana and Logan as “primitives” who don’t understand anything. They will also ask their opinions on many things, and he will treat the mysterious magician Mr. Ethan even more. It is to maintain the due respect-and enough distance.

Especially after discovering that this mysterious mage actually knew how to sail, everyone followed Ethan’s instructions during the long journey from the Mediterranean Sea to London. Even if he changed the world, he still failed to get rid of his status as captain. .

The Mediterranean climate is very good. They sailed very smoothly during this journey. They only need to sail along the coast, and then add enough food and clear water when they see the towns and villages, and they can cross the Strait of Gibraltar smoothly.

When you get to the Atlantic, you have to fight for luck. It’s not as “friendly” as the Mediterranean. Extreme sea conditions often occur, which will torture countless sailors in pain.

Fortunately, Ethan and the others were lucky. They came to London smoothly, especially when they arrived in the English Channel. They also encountered a British fishing boat. Under Steve’s negotiations, the other party agreed to tow their boat to London. .

“Thank you very much for your generosity!”

The key factor that the other party will help is the generous reward that Steve promised to give, but they still expressed gratitude, which saved them a lot of time.

“This is London?”

“This is London.” Steve looked at the people who looked around. Diana didn’t talk about it. Ethan didn’t seem to have been here before: “You haven’t been to London?”

“No.” I didn’t include London in my journeys in several different worlds, no matter what period: “It doesn’t look great.”

Although London in this period was not nearly bombed into ruins like the next war, there was really nothing to see in London in the early twentieth century. Especially at this time of war, chaos is the most appropriate adjective.

“Follow me, London is very chaotic now.”

Steve did what a good guide should do, and soon found the person who came to pick them up, namely Steve Trevor’s secretary, Eta Candi.

Not long after they left Paradise Island, Steve sent a telegram in a town, and it was only then that he contacted his secretary, which means that he had lost contact before sending the telegram. For a few weeks, it wasn’t until this time that Ethan remembered this detail in the film.

“It seems that although some things are stored in memory, they are still easy to be ignored by myself.”

He was still wondering how it took Steve a few weeks to drive from the Mediterranean to London on a small sailboat. Now he knows-he can’t do it at all. The film just omitted the sailing days, not It means that the distance does not exist.

After introducing each other, ETA showed enthusiasm to everyone, and then he took a few people to the mall to buy suitable clothes. Naturally, Ethan would not refuse, although their current dresses were as unfavourable as possible. It’s eye-catching, but it’s still obviously different from most people in this era. It’s best to change into a outfit.

Buying clothes and arranging a place to live, Steve was going to report the information she had obtained. Ethan and Logan did not follow. Only Diana still followed Steve. She hoped to be able to rush to the battlefield faster, but wanted Steve’s help is needed to go to the battlefield, so she has been keeping an eye on this man.

Ethan, who was resting in the hotel, chatted casually with Logan. Logan was very uncomfortable with Ethan’s quietly following Diana behind him.

“We ran here from another world, and then followed Diana to London. What do we want to do?”

He used to think that Ethan and Diana must have something, otherwise, why are they so concerned about Diana’s affairs? But after observing it all the way, it didn’t seem like he had guessed. He was very surprised by Ethan’s purpose.

“Is it the same as the time you found me, just for fun?”

“There are some factors in this area.” Ethan sat in a chair. The clothes of this era are not very comfortable to wear. He kept tidying up his collar, and he had to choose to give up after finding that it would not be comfortable. Diana has been taught by me, and I would love to see how she defeated Ares.”

Logan felt that his captain was good at everything, but this habit of watching the excitement was a bit speechless.

“Other than that, I want to know what the Protoss is like?”

It’s not enough to learn from Diana. He wanted to see how Ares’s supernatural power was different from Diana’s.

“By the way, draw some more Ares’s blood?”

It is not difficult to guess that Logan’s own blood was drawn by Ethan, let alone Ares as the enemy? In addition, whether it is in film or television novels or games, wizards like to study a variety of powerful creatures. In order to obtain the blood of some powerful creatures or other things, the wizards are even willing to take huge risks that may threaten their lives.

Ethan wouldn’t risk his life, but he was also a mage, and Logan didn’t believe that this kid had no idea about the blood of God of War.

“By the way… by the way.”

Logan didn’t answer any more, he could understand his meaning from his expression. Laura and Xiao Ou, who had been lying there quietly, all looked at him with an expression of “believe you and blame”. Make Ethan feel that he, the captain, has absolutely no prestige…

Ethan’s life in London was not long, and he didn’t even have a chance to see the Sir Patrick, who is the disguised identity of Ares in the world.

In fact, it is better not to meet each other. Ethan doesn’t think that his current strength can directly shake the God of War, provoking such an existence before he has enough strength. That is something an idiot would do.

He is destined to be Diana’s enemy and will be wiped out by Diana. Ethan still beats his soy sauce honestly.

It’s just that his bottle of soy sauce was a bit long. He played all the way from London to the European continent. During this period, he was like a dumb. Only when Steve assembled his team and introduced himself to each other. name.

After that, he followed the team very quietly. He even knew that he and Logan were nicknamed Diana’s attendants by Steve’s friends, but he also did not respond to this, and still focused on his soy sauce. . At most, he will watch the excitement when Logan beats that guy.

Even Diana showed great power on the battlefield and broke through the German defense line with heavy machine gun fire. He just hid in the trenches behind to cheer for Diana, without any intention of rushing out.

The surrounding British soldiers had been looking at him with weird eyes, and even a soldier who was close to him pointed at Steve and others who were rounding around: “Aren’t you with them?” The subtext is of course. ‘They all rushed up, why are you still here? ’

“Because I played, there was no chance for them to do it.”

Ethan expounded the fact with a calm expression, but no soldier believed what he said. He only regarded him as a coward. The one who spoke to him at the beginning also cast aside his mouth with disgust, and then he did not. He was willing to talk to him again, and then, after finding that the opposite line of defense had collapsed, he rushed out of the trenches with his comrades and slew to the opposite position.

Opposite the position was a small town, a small town completely occupied by the German army. Even if the British army broke through the German defense line, they did not dare to rush into the street fighting with the German army recklessly.

Except for Diana and Steve, no one continued to assault.

Ethan walked through the battlefield graciously, watching the soldiers regrouping to ‘sweep’ the line of defense, thinking about whether he should take action.

If she didn’t take action, Diana would still easily defeat the German army in the town and rescue the entire town, but the final result was not so perfect-all the residents of this town would die from a poisonous attack shortly after.

If he does, he will not only solve the German soldiers occupying the small town, but also find a way to move this group of ordinary civilians away. This is a very troublesome task. The attachment to the land is not only unique to the common people of a certain country in the East, but the common people of any country are like this.

In the environment of being enslaved and abused by the German army, these civilians who refused to abandon their hometown would really leave their homeland honestly and obediently after being’completely rescued’?

“What are you thinking?”

Logan, who had been with him, found that Ethan was standing still and his brows were twisted together, which was completely different from the limited appearance that seemed to be on vacation before.

“I’m thinking, should I help these people?”

Logan stood there for a while. At first he thought he was talking about Diana and Steve, but then he found that Ethan was looking at the ordinary civilians hiding in the room.

“If it was before, I might tell you it’s my ass!” He bit the cigar again and took a big mouthful: “As for what you think, you actually have the answer, don’t you?”

Ethan nodded. The moment Logan spoke, he already had an answer in his heart. He really couldn’t sit back and watch this group of people get slaughtered like this.

“It looks like justice will come from heaven.”

Accompanying Ethan’s words were the magic suits equipped instantly and the huge wings that gradually burned and gradually separated and changed shapes.

“This time, I am justice!”

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