Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 173

Chapter 73 Curious Diana

The explosion that soared into the sky meant the end of the last thing. Ethan looked at a few people around him. Steve and his partners were very excited. They were happy that they were able to complete such a task. The explosion means that the German army has completely lost the possibility of counterattack, and the war has come to an end in the current situation.

Diana who wiped out Ares finally got her biggest wish. Of course, she knew that she could defeat the God of War so easily. The big reason was because of Ethan’s appearance. If it wasn’t for Ethan’s guidance, maybe she would leave. Many detours, one’s own strength can not reach the current level, then want to defeat Ares will no longer be such a simple and easy thing, maybe she will be defeated by Ares in the end.

“It’s all over.”


Everyone did not care about the surviving German soldiers. All of them were different from those British soldiers who had faced off with the Germans for several years. They did not have so much hatred with these ordinary soldiers. Now the war is almost over, and they have no need to kill them all.

“What are your plans next?”

“I want to go back and deal with some trouble.”

Witnessing that Ares was beaten like a dog, Ethan felt very satisfied, not wasting the energy he had spent on Diana. There will be nothing worth paying attention to in this world, maybe it will take decades or even. Nearly a hundred years later, when Batman and Superman are pinched, he will have the urge to watch the excitement.

As the connection between oneself and the world becomes closer and closer, the flow of time in this world will gradually synchronize with one’s own time. How long does it take to get to this world one hundred years later? He might not be able to see that day if he was not careful, so he didn’t pay attention to Batman and Superman for the time being, and the extraction of Superman’s blood for research was also placed relatively late.

Let’s talk about it!

The most urgent thing to solve is the island full of grassland. With the amulet, he wants to explore the island carefully to see if there is something strange.

“Do you need help?”

Diana has no goals now. She originally wanted to go back to London with Steve and the others, and then live in the world of ordinary people for a period of time. Now she also understands that she lacks understanding of many things, even though she has read many books, Learned a lot from Ethan, but she found that she still had a lot of things that she didn’t understand at all.

Hearing that Ethan was about to solve some problems, she felt that she should help Ethan first, and she was also very interested in what Ethan was doing.

“not needed for now.”

Ethan didn’t think the trouble was so big that Diana had to come forward to solve it. In fact, after having the amulet, he no longer felt that the grassland could cause any trouble for himself.

“The amulet I made before was to solve some small disturbances. Now I just need to explore an island to see what is on it.”

After briefly telling Diana about the island, Diana became more interested in Ethan’s world.

“Sounds interesting, I want to see it too.”

Ethan looked at Diana and nodded when she found that she was really interested. There was no need to hide Diana from her own world, and with Diana’s strength, she would not encounter any danger or trouble. Anyway, She didn’t plan to go back to Paradise Island right away, she should be relieved when she went around.

In this case, they don’t have to go back to London with Steve. Laura and Logan have been by their side, and they have all the necessary salutes with them. They can leave here directly.

So after returning to the small town where they had been rescued, Ethan was ready to say goodbye to Steve and the others.

“Wait, maybe we should take a picture together as a souvenir.”

Samir especially wanted to take a photo with Ethan. In his opinion, this man who is known as a magician is very likely to be the messenger of God. If he can take a photo with such an existence, his life will not be considered in vain—maybe death. Can you still see him afterwards?

Ethan heard that he was taking a photo to commemorate, his face became a little strange.

He thought that the plot was tossed like this by himself, and that photo shouldn’t appear again. Didn’t expect to go around in a circle and then turn around again? What’s even more outrageous is that this time he himself was also recorded in this photo. I don’t know if Bruce Wayne will ask himself in the future: “Who are you?”

Seeing Samir bustling around, finding the camera, and also finding someone who helped take pictures, Ethan did not refuse, because he thought it was quite interesting. He was very curious about how Batman would judge after seeing himself in the photo in the future. Own identity.

As for Logan, he and Laura are simply having fun.

After taking a picture together, it’s the time to say goodbye. In fact, Ethan and these people in front of you really have no feelings. They can only be regarded as passers-by who occasionally travel together. Although they participated in some actions together, there was basically no interaction. Only Diana had a little chat with them. There are more of them, so it is mainly Diana who is saying goodbye to them.

“I will look for you in the future.”

Unlike Ethan, Diana will definitely return to this world, but I don’t know if she will meet these people when she returns?

“Let’s go!”

Standing together in a remote place outside the town, Steve and the others, who came here to see off, originally wondered why Ethan brought everyone to such a place, and saw a huge shining light at his feet. After the magic circle pattern, they realized that Ethan’s so-called leaving was completely different from what they had thought before.

When the light flashed and the few people disappeared together, Charlie also drew a cross on his chest and asked his stunned partner: “You said the next time we see them, will it be in heaven?”

Ethan didn’t know and didn’t care about whether these people would go to heaven or **** in the future. After returning to his Aurora, he found that the most troublesome thing was to answer Diana’s questions one after another. These questions His scalp was a little numb during the bombing.

“So you have been living on a boat?”

“Yes it is!”

“This world is all the sea?”

“Yes it is!”

“That island is the trouble you are talking about? It looks like there is nothing but grass.”

“That island has a strange power that interferes with people’s perception and makes people fall into hallucinations without knowing it, so… Diana, don’t fly over it casually.”

Watching Diana fall back on the deck, Ethan took a breath, and then told Diana all the things she should know, and then gave Diana the learning props, and asked her to take this first Let’s talk about the language of the world if you have mastered it.

“My ability to learn languages ​​is very fast, and I don’t need to use this method.”

“I know you master many languages, but we can’t start slowly from the basics. And this thing just sends language knowledge to your brain, whether you can master it quickly or not depends on yourself.”

After playing for a while, Diana directly chose the fastest transmission method.

It has to be said that Diana’s talent is really strong, making people jealous. The language knowledge stored in it was absorbed by Diana almost in an instant, which is faster than Ethan’s previous design. I don’t know how much. Double, and after a brief conversation with Ethan for a while, she can use this language perfectly like a local native.

“Look, I said I learn things very quickly.”

“I know you are amazing.”

In the following time, the curious Diana did not stop for a moment. When she was looking for Ares before, Diana looked like a mature woman. But now it looks more like a little girl, Laura seems to have found a playmate of the same age, and she took Diana around, almost visiting the most inconspicuous corners of the Aurora.

“What an interesting ship.”

It’s nothing to be just a sailing ship There are also some equipment made by magic stone technology on the Aurora, such as a water supply system and a cold storage that can adjust the temperature. Similar things are not absent in her world. But Diana hasn’t had a chance to understand.

The first day I returned to this world was spent in the environment that Diana knew and was familiar with. Fortunately, the energetic Laura accompanied Diana, and Ethan could be lazy on the deck and sunbathe with Logan. Discuss the next arrangements.

“Are you going to explore the island next?”

“Of course, I really want to know whether the source of that power is magic stone or something else.” If it is magic stone, it means Ethan has a large amount of income. This money can be used to transform and upgrade or even create new ones. ship.

“What if there is nothing?”

This may not be ruled out, maybe there is nothing, it may not be big, but maybe he can’t find what he wants, then it is more embarrassing, not to mention a waste of time and consume a lot of materials, then he has to consider returning home Up.

“Isn’t that the way to live in this world? There is no guarantee that every time you explore will be rewarded, but you can’t give up any opportunity because of this.”

“This is also true.”

Logan wanted to take out a cigar, only to find that the inventory he had replenished in London had been exhausted, because he had not expected to come back directly before, and he didn’t buy too much: “Shet, why not go back to London first. Come on? I’d buy some more if I knew it a long time ago.”

Ethan smiled and comforted the depressed Logan: “Next time I go to the world with cigars, I will give you a prop for storing cigars.”

“That `s a deal.”

At this moment, Ethan noticed that a ship appeared on the sea level in the distance, and his course was clearly approaching the island next to him.

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