Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 178

Chapter 78 The center of the island

All night, the sun still rises as usual the next day, but it’s a little different from usual. Today’s weather is not very good. A thin layer of cloudy clouds makes the sun’s rays seem less full, as if separated by a layer of tulle. Similarly, the stronger sea breeze also brought some coolness.

“Bring thick clothes just in case.”

I don’t know if the temperature will suddenly drop below zero. Both Logan and Ethan added a thick dress to their backpacks, and the tops also chose long sleeves. Then only the two of them got off the Dawn.

After getting off the boat, Ethan tapped the side of his glasses lightly, and he heard Diana’s reply for the first time.

“Everything is normal. If you lose communication for more than ten minutes, I will save you all.”

Diana stayed on the ship as the final hole card. With her strength and flying ability, it was even more convenient than Ethan in saving people.

“Remember, you can remotely activate a mental stimulation device on my pair of glasses. If you don’t respond to your contact for more than ten minutes, use this device first, and it still doesn’t work before you come out.”

This seems to be a simple small adjustment, the effect is roughly equivalent to someone piercing him with a needle, so as to wake him in the illusion.

With this plus the amulet he made, he has enough confidence to set foot on this island again.

“That Cleo has also gone ashore.”

Logan and Ethan walked slowly towards the interior of the island. This time Logan also put on a pair of glasses, which had the same effect as Ethan’s glasses, and carried many amulets on his body.

This time he was very careful. Although he knew that the other party was an invisible existence, he still habitually looked around, so he noticed earlier that Cleo left the Eternity and boarded the island.

“There is no other person by his side.”

“This is a wise choice.”

He has already seen that the equipment on Cleo can resist mental interference and energy attacks to a certain extent, but his crew does not have such equipment, and following them together will only become a burden.

Before finding out where the mysterious power on this island came from and how to solve it, the number of people didn’t make much sense. Ethan just wanted to work with Eternal to evacuate the island after solving these problems. Materials, at that time, their numerical advantage can be brought into full play.

slowed down deliberately, waiting for Cleo to catch up, and after a brief greeting, Ethan handed over a few amulets.

“Carry it with you to avoid mental interference.”

Cleo didn’t doubt Ethan’s words, but curiously glanced at these inconspicuous things in his hand. If Ethan hadn’t specifically explained the role of these things, he would treat them as something Ethan picked up in the bushes. It’s so inconspicuous. Maybe a few stones were found to look better than this thing.

“Thank you.”

“We are now exploring this island together, I don’t want to be inexplicably missing a helper.”

A few people headed towards the depths of the island again. Ethan would receive inquiries from Diana every once in a while, and he would give feedback by lifting his eyes.

Although I’m not sure if everything is really normal, it seems that they have walked farther than before.

Looking at the grass that had gone past his waist, Ethan gradually felt a particularly strong fluctuation.

“This place is very vibrant.”

Ethan stopped and looked left and right. He did not see the seaside like last time. Standing here, he could clearly see the edge of the island, which is a grassland, although the area of ​​the island is not small, but The wide view allows them to see the edge of the island in any direction.

“We are already getting closer to the center.”

“The grass in front seems to be taller.”

Logan probably observed that he was the tallest among the few people, but he found that as long as he kept going, he might also be overwhelmed by the grass.

“This is simply an ocean of green grass.”

Ethan did not answer Cleo’s words, but squatted down and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the soil. He found that the life energy in the soil was already vigorous and almost overflowing, compared to the depression dug out before. The water is even stronger.

“I feel that we are close to the true core of this island.”

This overflowing life energy does not know whether it can be used by him. In theory, this completely unowned life force can be used directly, but when he tried to extract part of the life energy, he found that this energy is fundamental Can’t be controlled by oneself, still stay steadily in the soil’.

“Do you want to move on?”

“I have already come here, of course I must continue.”

Logan nodded and took out two machetes from his backpack. In this case, the safest way is to chop down the grass in front of you, so that you can leave a clear mark while opening a path. , So that they can easily find their way back.

As Logan kept cutting down the weeds in front of him, the three of them continued to approach the center of the island, but when they walked less than ten meters away, Ethan looked back and grabbed Logan and motioned him to stop. Own actions.


Ethan pointed behind him, and Logan looked back and immediately understood why Ethan had stopped him.

The weeds that had been chopped down by him are growing wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The grasses that were chopped down by Logan at the farthest point have grown back to their original heights, and are once again integrated with the surrounding grasses. It was not unusual, as if Logan and the others had just walked over.

After such a delay, even the grass that had just been cut down behind them grew again, and then the grass under their feet grew crazily. A few people were instantly overwhelmed by weeds, if they weren’t close enough to reach out. When they met, they couldn’t even determine where their companions were.

“The life energy here is extremely exuberant. I feel that after you cut down these grasses, the life energy that has been stuck in the ground has fluctuated violently, supplementing the’vitality’ required by these grasses and restoring these grasses. The way it is.”

“Sounds familiar.”

Ethan and Logan are relatively close. He stretched out his finger to point to a position on Logan’s belt. Logan immediately understood that this is not the same as the’large blood bottle created by Ethan using his own genes with the recovery medicine. ‘It is the same?

The movements of the two people are relatively hidden. With the interference of the weeds, Cleo did not see it. He was surprised at the growth rate of the grass and the information revealed in Ethan’s words.

“Life energy?”

Cleo lowered his head and looked at the soil under his feet. Although he could not accurately judge the energy like Ethan, he could feel the huge energy under his feet.

Ethan glanced at the amulet he was carrying, and found that the energy contained in the amulet was rapidly diminishing.

“Our movements have speeded up, and the effect of the amulet is worse than I expected.”

Now they are also a little clueless. As they finally came to the center of the island, almost two people tall grass has already overwhelmed everyone. Several people have to keep talking to determine their location to ensure that they will not suddenly go away.

At the same time, in such an environment, it is troublesome to determine the direction. Fortunately, the glasses worn by Ethan and Logan have many auxiliary methods, which can barely ensure that they do not deviate too much from the direction-or can be best after deviating from the direction. Get back on the right track at a fast speed.

When they finally stood at the center of the island, Ethan didn’t know what to do.

“what is this?”

The center of the island is also a large area of ​​green grass, but there is a small spring in the center. The spring water is extremely clear, but it is impossible to see what is at the bottom of the spring.

“About one meter in diameter, the spring water is clear, but you can’t see the bottom. I don’t know how deep the spring is.”

Ethan took out the analysis device again, originally thinking that he would get the same conclusion as last time, but found that this time, the water in front of him was pure water, completely different from the one dug out before.

“Shimizu? Are you sure?”

Because of the thing that was dug up before During this time, Logan felt weird drinking water. He always felt like he was eating something. When he saw the fountain this time, he didn’t make it together. In the past, I didn’t even want to touch it. I didn’t expect Ethan to give such a conclusion.

Cleo was curious about all the strange things that Ethan took out, but he didn’t speak at this time, just watched all this quietly, and at the same time wanted to know what Ethan was going to do.

Ethan looked at the fountain in front of him. He knew that he couldn’t waste too much time here and had to make a decision as soon as possible.

“wait a moment.”

took out a small object again, it was a fusiform metal object about the size of a fist, neither Logan nor Cleo knew what it was. Before I had time to ask, I saw Ethan threw something directly into the spring water, and then tapped his eyeglass frame with his finger.

Small underwater detector.

This thing has a very high technical content. It is necessary to concentrate a lot of things on such a small thing, and it can also transfer data back normally, even with Tony Stark’s ability, it is built when there is not enough time. With such a thing, Ethan just habitually carried all the things Tony gave him, but he didn’t expect to actually use it today.

Through the glasses, he could receive the images from the detector, but he found that the spring water was deeper than he had imagined. The underwater detector sailed straight down for half an hour before suddenly seeing a bright light. Then he fell into an extremely wide cave with a snapping sound.

He didn’t care why the falling detector would fall into a cave with no water. Ethan’s attention was all attracted by the strange object in the picture.

“Looks like a plant?”

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