Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 891

Chapter 155 Urahara Kisuke’s plan

Kurosaki Ichigo’s life has undergone earth-shaking changes, and Ethan watched as a boring person.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo’s early battles were nothing to see, and there were even many grooves that made him feel speechless, but he did not show up to teach Kurosaki Ichigo for the time being. Even if he wants to teach, he will have to talk about it after a while.

“You two really have fate.”


The same as Isen, who was watching the crowd, besides Kurosaki Ichigo’s father, Kurosaki Isshin, another acquaintance was added this time: Ishida who has become mature and has cultivated to maintain his expression in any situation. Dragon string.

Seeing these two children with a lot of connections, using Kuza-cho as a venue to compete on the basis of the number of empties hunted by individuals, Ethan’s comment on this is: Ishida Uryu is really a bear kid!

“Your father really failed.”


When facing Ethan, Ishida Ryuxian always feels inexplicable pressure, even if Ethan has never shown a frightening appearance in front of him.

“I don’t want him to be a Quincy…”

As the family of pure-blooded quintessences, the Ishida family’s bloodline reached Ishida Uryu, but it was actually not “pure” enough, because after losing Kurosaki Masaki, Ishida did not choose another one according to his mother’s wishes. As his wife, the pure-blooded Quincy chose Katagiri Hae, who grew up with him, as his wife, and gave birth to Ishida Uryu.

Choosing a Quincy with a less pure bloodline as his wife, Ishida Ryuxian has already stored, ‘Quickmaster or something, it should stop here! “Such an idea, so he didn’t want Ishida Yulong to inherit the power of the Quincy, so he never taught his son.

In addition, due to the friend Habach, almost all the mixed-blood quintessences have lost their power. Although Katagiri Hae did not die like Kurosaki Maki, as in the original plot, she was unable to train her son to be outstanding after losing her power. The Quincy.

Moreover, she has always been based on Ishida Ryuxian’s ideas. Since Ishida Ryuxian has made a decision, she certainly will not object.

Unexpectedly, Ishida Yulong still embarked on the path of the Quincy after all. This child learned the various skills of the Quincy from his grandfather, and thought he was the only Quincy currently remaining—— He didn’t know the situation of his father at all.

“It’s really interesting. Two fathers who didn’t want their sons to follow the same path as themselves, after making the right choice, they found that things went round and round, and the sons were still on the same path they had walked.”

Although they are far away, the spirit senses of the three people are very strong. Only from the fluctuation of their spiritual power can judge the general situation of the battle in the distance. The two young people are fighting hard, and the game has deviated from Ishida Yu. Dragon’s script.

Aizen… It should be because of Urahara Kisuke. This competition is for Kurosaki Ichigo, and Ishida Uryu is just an addition.

“Do you know, if I am the **** of death in charge of this area, the first thing to do after the crisis of the emptiness is resolved is to kill Ishida Yulong.”

Ishida Yulong’s behavior this time completely conflicted with Ethan’s Three Views. Although Ethan did not rush over and hacked Ishida Yulong to death, it was difficult for him to have a good impression of this young man anymore.

Ishida Ryuxian, who had been standing calmly next to him, suddenly felt a huge pressure. He could feel that Ethan didn’t talk casually, he really thought so.

“It’s no longer the problem that you don’t want your son to inherit the Quincy. If he keeps doing this kind of thing, I don’t guarantee that he won’t do something smoothly next time he encounters it.”


Ishida Ryugen, who had been inexplicably trained, had decided to go back and teach his son a good lesson, while Kurosaki pretended not to say anything, just paying attention to the battle that had come to an end.

Daxu’s appearance made Rukia Kuchuki a little panic, but Kurosaki Ichigo still showed amazing potential and directly smashed Daxu to death.

“In other words, there is a bit of water on this big hole!”

“Yes, but think about it this way is normal!”

Aizen wants to conduct experiments, to see how far Kurosaki Ichigo can’evolve’, and to confirm his theory; while Urahara Kisuke wants to train Kurosaki Ichigo, of course he has to control the monster’s strength, or otherwise. Be careful to release a weird person who is too strong, and instead of letting Kurosaki Ichiga, he was trampled to death. That would be funny.

As usual, the aftermath work was still contracted by Urahara Kisuke, and after Kurosaki Ichigo and others left, Ethan also separated from Kurosaki Isshin and others, and then stood at the corner of the intersection quietly waiting for Urahara Kisuke passing by.

“Oh? Are you waiting for me?”


“Ah, the weird guy who was eating and drinking has appeared again!”


Ethan has always lived in the Urahara store, but he is so fascinating that he feels that he comes only occasionally, so the two new employees of Urahara store Shinta Hanakari and Yuya Yu think Ethan is just a friend of the store manager. .

Among them, Hanakari Jinta, a little kid who likes to give people a nickname, always calls him a strange guy who eats and drinks, and then every time he exchanges a just sanction: fist twists his head!

After teaching the little kid, Ethan re-formed his styling, just like standing on a street corner in anime, and then mysteriously chatting with people on topics that sound unclear.

“If you don’t go back to the store and talk, it looks like it’s going to rain.”


Ethan didn’t worry about catching a cold in the rain, but it wasn’t very comfortable at all, so he went back to the store, eating snacks around the stove, and drinking drinks more comfortably.

“Although it’s weird to talk about this topic in this atmosphere, it doesn’t matter.”

Urahara Kisuke still played with a folding fan, and then used it to cover half of his face from time to time, watching a table of snacks, and then unpacking a package of dried fish and putting it aside.

“I think it’s okay…”

“Tell me your thoughts!”

Waiting until a black cat jumped out of nowhere, then squatted on the table and ate…potato chips, and also grabbed a bottle of beer, raised his neck and poured half of it.

“Is there any plan for paying so much attention to Kurosaki Ichigo?”

Behind Kurosaki Ichigo’s growth, apart from Aizen who is hiding in the Soul World, there are shadows of Urahara Kisuke everywhere.

Was Urahara Kisuke used by Aizen? No matter how you look at it, it’s more like a duel between the two.

And now this Urahara Kisuke has much more information than in the original plot. He also knows that Ethan’s current strength is unfathomable. It seems that there is no need to train “Kurosaki Ichigo”?

“This is not a plan… it’s just a trick!”

Aizen pays attention to Kurosaki Ichigo, and Urahara Kisuke also starts to pay attention to Kurosaki Ichigo by the way.

Kuchiki Rukia is injured and needs to be rehabilitated. Urahara Kisuke may think this is an excellent choice to hide the collapsed jade, but if you think about it for a while, you can immediately realize that there are Aizen shadows everywhere.

At the same time he also saw an opportunity: the opportunity to expose Aizen’s true face!

“Since Aizen wants to do this, then I will follow his plan to arrange it, just to help him speed up a little bit.”

No matter how smart a person is, when the established plan develops in the original direction, he will not entangle the details too much. What Urahara wants to do is to let Aizen’achieve his goal’, as long as he With continuous promotion of his plan, he needs to do more.

The more he did, the more mistakes he made. The fast-forwarding plan made Lan Ran no time to clean up the previous flaw. When there are enough flaws accumulated, can he perfectly hide his true face?

“So you want Aizen to expose her true face?”

Ethan thought for a while, although Aizen said in the original plot that everything was developing according to his plan; but who can be sure that things did not develop according to Urahara’s plan?

Anyway, after Kurosaki Ichigo broke into the corpse soul world, Aizen did quickly reveal his true purpose-he himself thought there was no need to continue to hide; and Urahara Kisuke proved his innocence www. The conspiracy hidden in layers of mist was displayed in front of the entire Gotei 13th Division.

When the conspiracy cannot be hidden in the dark, the next thing to do is very simple: a duel of pure hard power!

Although Aizen’s strength is so strong that it is almost impossible to fight, it is better to be able to clearly and clearly fight the enemy than to let such a terrible guy continue to hide in the dark. Moreover, Urahara Kisuke does not just expose the truth. Up.

Aizen’s final defeat seemed to prove that the various preparations made by Urahara Kisuke were very targeted-although the final victory was due to the crazy opening of the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo.

“Anyway, as long as Ichigo Kurosaki’s growth is accelerated and the Aizen plan is accelerated, then…”

Kisuke Urahara rarely put away his hippie smile, and at this time he finally has the majesty of the captain of the 12th division.

It’s a pity that the two guys on the opposite side didn’t give any face. The black cat who had drunk was already lying on the table with his belly turned over, and he stuffed his mouth whenever he touched any snack.

As if he hadn’t heard anything, Ethan kept staring at the TV next to him, and kept pressing the remote control in his hand: “Is there no more interesting program?”


Turning his head to look at Urahara Kisuke, he found that this guy was shocked, Ethan threw the remote control aside: “Anyway, it’s all going well right now, right?”


“Then I will continue to watch the excitement!”

“Isn’t Mr. Ethan very boring these days?” Urahara Kisuke didn’t want Ethan to keep watching the excitement: “Ichigo is a young man with great potential.”

Ethan silently looked at Kisuke Urahara who once again showed the unscrupulous profiteer smile.

“Oh, that’s your deputy captain’s son after all!”

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