Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 893

Chapter 157 Zhanyue with a difference

For what Ethan finds interesting, Yoichi and Urahara Kisuke may not think so, but for Ethan’s suggestion, whether it is Urahara Kisuke or Yoichi, they will seriously consider and follow it, even at a glance it can be seen that this is pure It was Ethan’s evil taste, and Yaichi brought Chadu Taihu and Inoue Orihime back.

As for Ishida Yulong? The guy said he wanted to practice by himself, and Ye Yi didn’t care about the proud boy.

“Ischigo hasn’t come out yet?”

The addition of Inoue Orihime and Chadu Taihu did not change Kurosaki Ichigo’s training plan. He is currently thrown in the big pit-the special pit that can accelerate the corrosion of the lock of cause and effect. If Saki Ichigo can’t climb out of the pit within 72 hours, or successfully master the power of the **** of death, then he will completely become virtual.

Although Urahara Kisuke asked Toisen to help guide Kurosaki Ichigo to practice, Isen would not intervene in the initial training work, but Urahara Kisuke was responsible.

Only after Kurosaki Ichigo completes these basic courses, Ethan will decide whether to take over according to the situation.

As for Chadu Taihu and Inoue Orihime? The two of them didn’t even understand what their abilities were, and Ye Yi was still teaching these basics.

Because time is limited, it is too late for them to understand the essence of spiritual children, to properly control spiritual power, and to use their own power properly. They can only teach in the simplest and rude way: don’t care about theories, principles, or whatever. Once you have accuracy, you can use your ability first and then know how to use it.

Looking at this way of teaching, Ethan sighed or sighed—this kind of practice was completely inconsistent with his philosophy!

“You should worry about yourself first!”

Inoue Orihime and Chadu Taihu have not yet figured out what their power is about, and they don’t know how to use them freely. Yaichi is teaching in a way that is easier for the two to understand.

Ethan looked aside for a while. He knew that Chadu Taihu’s ability was a complete manifestation technique, and Inoue Orihime’s ability was hard to say, because in the finale, the official didn’t make it clear that Inoue Orihime’s power was considered to be. What kind of system-this is not surprising, no one has stipulated the nature of the abilities in this world, maybe Inoue Orihime happens to have a special talent.

He was studying Orihime Inoue’s abilities here, and Ichigo Kurosaki had reached a critical moment there.

Seventy hours passed in the blink of an eye. Kurosaki Ichigo, who was trapped in the big pit, had lost the concept of time. He didn’t know how long time had passed. It was only when Hanakari reminded him that he realized that he had already At the last moment… and then, he finally mastered the power of the **** of death before finally turning into a virtual void.

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was wearing a death-tyrant costume and covered with a mask, smashed the mask on his face with the broken Zanpaku knife handle, and then made arrogant and provocative remarks towards Urahara Kisuke.

“Oh, there should be some excitement to watch next.”

In three days, Inoue Orihime and Chadu Taihu finally knew how to’use’ their own abilities. At present, they can’t teach other things. They just keep familiarizing themselves with their abilities and make sure they can use them when they want to use them. .

Ethan doesn’t have much to teach. He is always watching the excitement. Inoue Orihime’s Double Heaven Return Shield has good healing ability. Even if he gets injured in training, Ethan doesn’t need to take action. What’s more, in this world, what he is good at is Healing a spiritual body composed of a spiritual child, not an ordinary human body.

Without any help here, he focused more on Kurosaki Ichigo.

I have to admit that as the protagonist of the world, Kurosaki Ichigo’s potential is indeed amazing: Obviously Ethan has cleaned up the emptiness in advance, and this kid still leaves some imaginary power on his body.

Although it is not like in the original plot, it almost retains a special imaginary characteristic, and even became his own unique power of death, but the current Ichigo still has some imaginary characteristics, which means Kurosaki Ichigo this’ Lingzi’s container itself is extremely compatible and can accommodate more spiritual powers of different characteristics, which also makes his spiritual power inherently much higher than ordinary death gods.

Just like ordinary people using Urahara Kisuke’s method, once the time limit is exceeded, then it becomes a matter of no suspense. How can it be like Kurosaki Ichigo who “rescues” himself again-to put it plainly, it is Kurosaki Ichigo himself has a very high acceptance of the power of imaginary, so his steps to become imaginary are different from others.

Kurosaki Ichigo and Urahara Kisuke, who had regained the power of the **** of death, fought together.

“The third phase!”

Let Kurosaki Ichigo learn to use the power of the **** of death correctly, and let him have a warrior mentality.

At present, Kurosaki Ichigo is still holding the broken blade. In addition to the broken blade itself, the quality of the knife itself is not up to standard. Therefore, Urahara Kisuke has to take it personally and let Kurosaki Ichigo learns how to use the power of the **** of death, and finds his own “Zanpaku Knife”.

“This is not an easy task.”

Inoue Orihime and Chadori Taihu have stopped practicing, standing next to Ethan and Yoichi (cat form), watching Urahara Kisuke and Kurosaki Ichigo battle, or Urahara Kisuke vs. Kurosaki Ichigo Unilateral sling.

It suddenly occurred to Kurosaki Ichigo that as a **** of death, only Zanpakukō could hurt him. Kisuke Urahara, the weird grocery store manager, just drew a knife from his crutch. This thing shouldn’t hurt him. .

Then a second later, he was almost hacked to death by Urahara Kisuke.

“You think that only Zanpakuto can hurt you, so the movements suddenly become sluggish, right?”

Urahara Kisuke put away the shameless smile on his face.

“Wake up, Hong Ji!”

The long sword in his hand changed its appearance, and Urahara Kisuke showed off his weapon in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

“Yes, this is a Zanpakuknife!”

“how can that be?”

Now Kurosaki Ichigo is still a young man with little insight. It is normal for him to be shocked in unexpected situations beyond his cognition.

In his cognition, the Zan Po Dao is a weapon of the **** of death. How could this weird store manager have a Zan Po Dao?

Then there was another one-sided sling. Ethan could see that Urahara Kisuke didn’t know how many cubic meters of water he put in. He said that he was chasing Kurosaki Ichigo unilaterally. It’s better to say that he was giving Kurosaki. Ichigo showed the correct use of Zanpakukō and taught him how to face the battle by the way.

There is no time to learn combat skills, no time to accumulate combat experience, and spiritual control cannot be learned overnight. The only thing that can be quickly achieved is mentality and will.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo has been the acting **** of death for more than two months, the battle he will face next is not at the same level as the fight against mobs in Kaza Town. If he still holds the previous With that kind of mentality, then this journey to the Soul World is just a journey to death.

“Kurosaki Ichigo must face this incident and correct his mentality.”

In contrast to Urahara Kisuke directly using actions to force Kurosaki Ichigo to think about these things, Ethan directly told Urahara Kisuke’s true intentions to Inoue Orihime and Chadori Taihu.

“The same is true for you. If you can’t face this battle squarely and face what will happen next with a warrior mentality, then you’d better not participate in this operation… I am not thinking about your personal safety, but I don’t want you to have the wrong mentality and drag others down.”

Ethan’s words sound cruel and uncomfortable, but Inoue Orihime and Chato Taiho know that Ethan is right, and they don’t want to become a drag instead of being a help.

“Mr. Ye Yi, please train us more rigorously!”

“I will.”

Continue to watch Urahara Kisuke training Kurosaki Ichigo. After a period of unilateral chase, Kurosaki Ichigo finally figured out why Urahara Kisuke did it.

He taught him not to be timid in battle, and Kurosaki Ichigo finally knew the name of his Zanpakuto: Zanyue!

A big knife without a hand guard and handle looks like a big knife with a blade.

“Oh! Very interesting Zanpaku.”

At the moment Zan Yue appeared, Yeichi, who had already cultivated spiritual power control to a considerable degree, immediately discovered the unusualness of Kurosaki Ichigo’s Zanpaku Sword.

“Yes, a very special Zanpakuto!”

Ethan said the word Zanpakuto very seriously. Of course, Yaichi knew why Ethan said that, because she also discovered that the energy traits contained in Kurosaki Ichigo’s Zanpakuto were actually from the Quincy. power.

It is not accurate to say that the power of Quincy is not accurate, because Ichigo’s power is quite special-Zan Yue is indeed a Zan Po Sword, but it is different from the Zan Po Sword of the Death Gods in the Soul World, and the power contained in it is very mixed.

And the nature of the spirit child revealed by Zhanyue is presented in the form of the power of the **** of death, but the inner core is the nature of the power of the quintessence, or that part of the special power that is biased towards the quintessence in Ichigo, occupying In order to gain the upper hand, other forces were suppressed.

“It’s interesting, I’ll take this job!”

Kurosaki Ichigo, who had awakened Zhanyue, was confident and fought with Urahara Kisuke again, and also released Crescent Sky Chong, almost hurting Urahara Kisuke.

But now Kurosaki Ichigo still can’t control his power well, and he can’t release this trick as he wants.

Just when Urahara Kisuke was about to make persistent efforts to squeeze out Kurosaki Ichigo’s potential, Ethan suddenly reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

“Leave it to me next.”

“Huh?” Urahara Kisuke was not surprised that Ethan was able to suddenly appear behind him. After all, his strength was so high that he couldn’t understand it. He was just surprised that Ethan took the initiative to teach. The mission of Kurosaki Ichigo.

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