Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 969

Chapter 232 Feel the horror of the universe king!

Frieza knew why the detector exploded. Old-fashioned detectors would do this when they detected relatively large combat power. This is a design flaw. The new detectors have improved this problem.

However, the new type of detector has not been popularized by everyone as standard equipment. Even Frieza himself used an old-fashioned detector when he came out this time, so he didn’t know the combat effectiveness of the guys on the opposite side.

When Frieza looked at it curiously, he didn’t mean to order at all. If his subordinates can’t handle this issue, there is no need to keep it.

The pilot controlled the spacecraft and flexibly avoided the energy waves from the opposite side. However, the speed and heading of the spacecraft were affected by this. What should I do next? Then it’s not their little people who can call the shots.

“King Frieza…”

Among the group of people who launched the attack on the screen, a short-haired man in black and purple clothing raised his hand and gestured to the side, and then flew in the direction of the gesture without looking back.

The others, including Vegeta, flew away with that person, while Frieza and the others fell into a weird silence.

“Oh oh oh, that’s interesting!”

“Lord Frieza, let your subordinates go down to deal with Vegeta and other ignorant and stupid Saiyans!”

Vegeta has betrayed King Frieza. This is beyond doubt. Thabo now wants to show off in front of Frieza, but King Frieza is not prepared to agree to his request to play.

“You are not enough by yourself.”

Although Frieza could not judge the opponent’s strength based on perception, he was still very clear in his mind: he could destroy the detector, and his combat power was definitely more than 20,000.

Sabo’s combat power is only twenty-three thousand, and it doesn’t matter if there is only Vegeta alone; now there are so many people on the opposite side, Sabo alone will definitely not be able to solve the opponent.

“Adjust the course and follow the group of Saiyans… I want to see, what exactly do these Saiyans want to do?”

He regarded Ethan and others as Saiyans just like Vegeta. He remembered that Vegeta went to the earth to find another Saiyan. He went over this time to completely eliminate the Saiyan race. But I didn’t expect the other party to take the initiative to send it to the door, and also come to trouble myself.

The number seems to be a bit high? Except for one of them is a Namek, the others look similar to Saiyans.

“Could it be that when the Vegeta Star was destroyed, a few trash fish ran away?”

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that the possibility is not small. He does have a bit of fear for Saiyans, but after so many years, he increasingly feels that the so-called Super Saiyans are unfounded legends.

Vegeta has been under him for so many years, and after observing for several years, he has concluded that although Saiyans have good fighting potential, it is just that, and it is impossible to threaten him at all.

In other words, for Frieza, the toy Vegeta has lost the meaning of existence. Even if Vegeta does not rebel, Frieza will clean it up at some time-Frieza will not be because of the other party’ It’s impossible to threaten yourself, just throw it aside, he Frieza always kills!

“King Frieza, there is no need for you to shoot this kind of miscellaneous fish yourself!”

“It doesn’t matter, it just happens that I am relatively bored recently. If this group of people can relieve me of boredom, this trip is not a waste of time.”

Frieza said that, of course, there was no reason for his subordinates to continue to oppose. The disc-shaped spacecraft adjusted its direction and quickly caught up with the group of ‘saiyans’.

The two sides kept a certain distance tacitly, and soon came to Ethan and their chosen planet.

Frieza also knew that the destination was the planet in front, and quickly gave various parameters.

“An unmanned star is not suitable for the survival of most life.”

Hearing this information, Sabo suddenly remembered another thing.

“Strange, Saiyans should not be able to survive in the universe, right?”

I remember that Saiyans must be in a suitable environment to survive. I didn’t think of this when I saw it just now. At this time, when everyone started to land and prepare for battle, they suddenly remembered it.

“Hmph, it seems that these Saiyans have used what means to solve this problem… They chose this environment to fight in order to reduce our combatants, right?”

Frieza’s two subordinates, Sapo and Dodoria, don’t think much of Vegeta, and the provocative behavior of these people makes them very uncomfortable.

“It doesn’t matter. Many of the combatants coming out this time have the ability to survive in space, not to mention that this planet is just a little worse.”

Frieza’s subordinates come from different civilizations and races from multiple galaxies and multiple planets, and they are extremely adaptable to the environment, and many of them have the ability to survive in space.

Vegeta wants to weaken the combat power here by relying on the environment of a harsh planet, simply doing useless work.

What’s more, Frieza, the emperor of his universe, can survive in any environment!

The heart was full of ridicule, but they didn’t know that Ethan and the others had never thought about it at all.

He chose this place because it is the only planet with sufficient gravity and atmosphere nearby, and there is no living thing, so it is very suitable as a battlefield.

That’s it!

After landing, everyone looked to the sky together: Frieza’s spacecraft was also slowly falling, and soon landed safely not far in front.

“Although I knew it was meaningless, I suddenly hoped that their spacecraft would fail to land.”

“Hahaha, that should be fun!”

Kobayashi’s words brought a lighthearted atmosphere to the battle, and Monkey King responded while also doing preparatory activities.

“Wait, Goku!”

Ethan stretched out his hand to stop Monkey King who was preparing for the exercise.

“Leave it to me in the first game…I hope I can kill Frieza myself.”

Thinking of what Ethan said at the beginning, his planet and compatriots were slaughtered and destroyed by Frieza, no matter how you look at Ethan’s request, it is very reasonable.


“If I can’t solve it, I can only ask you.”

“You can defeat Frieza!”

The two have practiced together for a year, and no one knows Ethan’s strength better than Monkey King. He believes that if Ethan gives full play to it, Frieza is not Ethan’s opponent.

At this moment, Frieza and his men appeared on the opposite side one after another, and a large number of strangely shaped astral people stood on the opposite side, looking very oppressive.

However, Kobayashi confirmed one thing through his breath and the detectors on his face: Except for Frieza, there is no enemy who can be regarded as a master.

“What’s the matter? The strongest are only the two people next to Frieza. They are only slightly stronger than Vegeta and about the same as Raditz.”

Are Frieza’s men so weak? Everyone looked at Vegeta almost invariably.

Vegeta knew why these people looked at him, he felt very upset, somehow he felt underestimated.

“Most of Frieza’s subordinates are of this kind of strength, only Kinho Special Forces has a higher combat power! Frieza’s power is very large, and there are very, very many subordinates… Besides, do you think that the combat power in the universe is as good as yours? Are there many level guys?”

Vegeta endured an uncomfortable explanation and then stopped talking, instead staring at Ethan intently.

“I want to see how strong you really are!”

From eating flat on the earth, to helping Ethan on the spacecraft to help Monkey King transform into a Super Saiyan, Vegeta has always wanted to know how full Ethan’s strength is.

Now he finally had a chance to see it with his own eyes.

Ethan walked out of the queue slowly, and then stood in the open space between the two sides.

This area is a vast inner plain of the basin, which is flat without any obstruction, very suitable for group fights!

“Frieza! Come out!”

Frieza was a little surprised. The ‘saiyan’ opposite was really interesting. As soon as he came up, he named the surnamed person to go out by himself. Is this going to challenge himself?

“Oh oh oh, who gave you the courage? Saiyan!”


Ethan almost wanted to talk about Ms. Liang, but Frieza’s name brought back his thoughts. In addition to UU reading, there are also Frieza’s men-who want to show themselves in front of King Frieza, it is not just the two guys Sabo and Dodoria.

“Stupid Saiyan, you are also worthy to fight against King Frieza? Go to hell!”

A swarm of two dozen strange-shaped star people rushed out. None of these people had the highest combat effectiveness of 10,000, and even several of them only had one to two thousand.

Facing the group of miscellaneous fish, Ethan sighed helplessly, and then stretched out his palm to face the group of miscellaneous fish that rushed up in the air.

With a burst of energy gushing out of his arm, the frantic screaming trash fish didn’t even have a bit of scum left, and their neat and decisive posture surprised Frieza’s men on the opposite side.

“Good strength!”

Frieza in the flying machine finally flew out of the crowd.

“I want to challenge me with this strength…”

“Okay, don’t say anything if it’s useless.” Ethan interrupted Frieza, and then gave a suggestion that surprised Frieza: “Transform, let me see the strength of the universe emperor. ”

Frieza looked at Ethan in amazement for a moment, and finally flew out of the aircraft and gently landed on the ground not far in front of Ethan.

“It surprises me that you know that I can transform. It seems that you have done a lot of preparation…much smarter than the brainless guy Vegeta.”

Ethan curled his lips. Frieza is really long-winded. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t have such a good chance to pretend, so he’s so suffocated?

“I admire you very much, but unfortunately you are a Saiyan… But out of appreciation, let you see my strength.” Frieza looked at the detector on Ethan’s face again: “Just use yours Body, feel the horror of the universe emperor!”


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