Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 98

Chapter 98 Arthur coming home

“So using this thing can send you a message?”

Ethan, who is about to leave, first went to the New York temple. Gu Yi was very easy to handle. It was a mage. He only needed to talk about how to use the transmission magic, and Gu Yi would naturally be able to master it proficiently.

There is nothing to worry about for the dark energy in the ancient unity for the time being. In fact, the passing of Gu Yi has nothing to do with the dark energy, in the final analysis, it is still difficult to pass the barrier in his heart. If a perfect solution is found, Gu Yi himself will have a way to avoid the end of death.

Leaving from Gu Yi, Ethan and Arthur went directly to the Stark Building in New York. This building has not yet become a landmark building, and the huge’STARK’ letter on it has not been hung. Next, Tony will be in This building experimented with new energy technologies, and then Rocky attracted the Zetarians to cause the New York war, and the Stark Tower became the Avengers Building.

He taught Tony the way of communication. Unlike Gu Yi, Tony wants to use this method and needs a lot of means to assist him. He needs to make an additional communication device to connect the communication crystal that Ethan gave him in order to successfully give it to Iraq. Sen sends a message.

“Yes, but the time for information transmission cannot be guaranteed. Maybe as my strength improves, this time will gradually decrease until it can be collected in real time.”

Ethan glanced at his left hand. This magic circle is the most important beacon. It is with this thing that can spread the news to him across countless planes.

As the control of time and space energy increases, maybe in the future, not only can you receive messages, but you can even send messages. At that time, you can truly achieve cross-plane communication.

“It’s better than not being contacted at all.”

“I think so too.”

Tony pointed to a suitcase next to him.

“That’s what you want, made exactly according to your requirements.”

Ethan opened the suitcase, inside it was a set of tools, all ordered by him and Tony. Including a laptop, a few mobile phones, a few pairs of special glasses and small lighting equipment that can be worn on the ears, and many other items.

There are so many varieties. The suitcase itself is also a special equipment, which contains a small Ark reactor, which can charge the equipment in the suitcase.

“If there is nothing unexpected, the energy in this suitcase is enough for you to use for many years.”

“A few years is enough.”

There are a lot of tools, the most important of which is a program integrated in multiple devices. That program allows Ethan to connect to the current world network to generate a’legal’ identity when entering the modern world. Avoid the embarrassment of his lack of identity.

In a world where there is no network, there are physical documents provided by Tony, which are sufficient for most situations. Of course, if it is a plane that is too high-tech or a world that is not an earth background, Tony can do nothing.

“These things of you can help me reduce a lot of trouble in the future, thank you, Tony.”

“Don’t say anything like that.” Tony waved his hand. These are all simple tasks. Compared to Ethan’s healing of his injury, it is nothing at all: “You don’t expect me to give you a hug or something.”

Of course he didn’t expect any warm hugs, and he briefly chatted with Tony, thanked some Pepper and Roddy who came to send them off specially, Ethan and Arthur were ready to leave.

“By the way, sorry for me and Coulson, he is a good friend.”

Coelson is still dealing with Thor’s mess in New Mexico, so it’s a pity that he can’t be sent to him. Even S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t know the news that Ethan was leaving.

“I will tell you when I see him.”

“That’s it! I hope you didn’t ask for help the first time you messaged me.”

Without giving Tony a chance to refute, Ethan activated the magic circle in his hand, and the dazzling blue brilliance filled the entire room. Everyone was pierced by the light and couldn’t open his eyes. Tony wanted to refute the words that were directly shaken. He swallowed it back, and when everything returned to normal, Ethan had disappeared.

“This guy, it must be intentional!”

Yes, Ethan did it on purpose.

He can now control the space-time energy very well, of course, there will be no leakage of a lot of energy. He deliberately ‘blind’ Tony’s eyes so that Tony could not repay.

“I always feel that there is something different about you.”

Returning to the calm sea, looking at the familiar sea, Ethan felt a completely different feeling in his left hand. He instinctively answered Arthur’s words: “Because the mentality is better.”

The former Ethan was worried about his future every day. Even if he got the direction of cultivation from Merlin, there is no way to completely eliminate this worry.

Living in a world like a calm sea, survival is the biggest problem. The tremendous pressure forced Ethan to work hard. At that stage, he was thinking more about how to survive.

After going through the initial stage, he has no time to think about anything else. Cultivate hard and try to make yourself stronger. Only in this way can you survive better.

Only in this period of time, he relaxed a little bit.

It took him nearly two years to lay a fairly good foundation for himself. With his current strength, referring to Wilson’s strength, it would not be dangerous to hit the storm sea immediately.

With the death magic stone he obtained before, he can use this magic stone as a bargaining chip to order a better ship. By this time, he has finally completed most of the initial goals, which can be a little easier.

This relaxed attitude also made some of his behavior different from before, so Arthur said that he seemed to be different.

He can now enjoy his life in this life with a more relaxed attitude, and at the same time, he can use his golden fingers to do things that he could only think of but could not do in his previous life.

“This… is a good change.”

“Of course.” Ethan smiled and looked at Arthur: “It’s better to be able to live happily than to be depressed for the next meal, right?”

Ethan pointed to the things he brought back from the Marvel World this time: “Every time I travel through the planes, I work hard to collect various materials to make myself stronger, so I can live better and easier?”

“It seems, should I say congratulations?”

“Thank you.” Ethan looked at Arthur. Before he knew it, Arthur had grown up a lot. He was even taller than himself. Maybe he didn’t realize it when he saw him frequently. “Next , You have to embark on a journey that is entirely yours.”

“Yes it is!”

Arthur was full of hope for his future. This journey took him much faster than he expected. He didn’t even realize that he had been traveling outside for more than a year.

The experience of more than a year is much richer than his previous decades combined. It also made him understand a lot of things that he never dreamed of before.

He is full of expectations for his future, and he is also full of curiosity about where he can take Britain. Is he embracing unprecedented glory in his own hands? Or is it worse than in “Original History”? This feeling of being completely in control of the future made him a little fascinated.

Arthur now understands why Ethan had that emotion before. After working hard for so long, Ethan finally feels that he has mastered his own destiny, and it is normal for his mentality to change.

Recalling everything that happened during this time, Arthur sorted his things and returned to the deck. Ethan was also ready to transmit the remaining space-time energy in the magic circle.

“Just leave?”

“There is no point in delaying, and you will stay with me for a few days, right?”

“Yes it is.”

This is the first time that Ethan has carried out continuous teleportation. It proves that as long as the space-time magic circle has enough space-time energy, he can transmit it at any time. It seems that a life-saving method is added invisibly?

“Then, let’s go now.”

The Goddess of Dawn continued to stay at the same place Less than an hour after Ethan and Arthur returned to the calm sea, they left again for another plane.

This time it was still a familiar world. Ethan successfully located the world where Arthur was born through the method given by Merlin. Even while locking in that world, Ethan felt that another powerful magic power found himself and helped He broke the plane barrier more easily.

“It’s Merlin.”

After sensing Merlin’s help, Ethan followed the ‘route’ provided by Merlin and successfully landed in this world. After the brilliance dissipated, he landed in Merlin’s residence.

“Welcome back, Arthur!”

Merlin looked at Arthur, who had grown up a lot, and found that he was in good spirits, and his temperament seemed to have become much calmer, and nodded in satisfaction.

“At the same time, you are welcome to come again, Ethan.”

“I am very glad to see you again.” Compared to the last time I met, Ethan has grown a lot, and the childishness on his face is much less.

In less than two years, both young people have grown tremendously, not only in their physical appearance, but also in their temperament. Merlin is very happy about it.

This is his purpose! He now looks forward to what kind of king Arthur will become after he inherits the throne.

After arranging Ethan’s residence, Merlin took Arthur’s exam alone, and he was surprised by the results. The young Arthur really grew a lot, and even had a lot of ideas about governing the country—even He also offered to take the initiative to travel around the kingdom before he inherited the throne to learn about the real life of the people in the kingdom.

At this moment, Merlin felt that he had really made a very correct decision, so he decided to pay Ethan more as a thank you.

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