Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 983

Chapter 245 Cyborg

“You are cyborgs?”

Monkey King looked at the two people carefully. They looked no different from ordinary people, but they didn’t have the slightest breath of humans. There were red ribbons on their clothes and hats with the logo of the Red Ribbon Legion. They should be the robots Trunks said. .

I can’t see how powerful it is, but since it can kill Piccolo, Gohan and others in another world, and plunge the whole world into chaos, it should be very powerful, right?

When Monkey King looked at the two cyborgs, the cyborg on the opposite side was even more strange.

“Sun Wukong, how did you know us?”

“you know me?”

“of course!”

Cyborg No. 20 pointed at other people around.

“It’s not just you, I know everyone here! Piccolo, Tianjin Fan, Kobayashi, Leping, Ethan, Yeyi!”

Everyone was a little surprised that this man-made person could know himself and others, but there was only that. The few present were all celebrities on this planet, and their information was not difficult to collect.

What’s more, it is not surprising that Monkey King destroyed the Red Ribbon Legion, and the other party will collect intelligence specifically.

“So, you are here specifically for us?”

The two cyborgs did not answer, but from the facial expressions, Monkey King’s guess was correct.

“That’s easy!” Monkey King made a suggestion: “In this case, let’s go to a place where no one is!”

“Don’t be so troublesome…”

Cyborg 20 felt that since Monkey King wanted a battlefield where no one was disturbed, it would be good to just create one.

His eyes flashed brightly, and a ray shot straight forward.

If there is no one to stop it, the cyborg 20 will use the rays released from its eyes to destroy most of the towns on the island and almost kill most of the residents on the island.

This time he failed. Just as the ray from the eyes of the cyborg 20 was released, a figure flashed right in front of the ray, waved the ray into the air, and did not give the cyborg 20’continuous output’ At the opportunity of, the left hand half clenched a fist to strike forward, and with the strong fist pressure, the Cyborg No. 20 was knocked back and flew out, and it slammed into the shop behind.

Although smashed the glass wall of a shop, it is better than destroying most of the town.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, and it was not until the cyborg was shot flying on the 20th that everyone realized what had just happened.

“Thank you for it, Ethan!”

“Nothing, it was originally what we should do.”

Ethan shook his hand. Cyborg’s twentieth strike was still a bit strong, but if you want to hurt him, you can’t just rely on this level of attack.

Seeing Robot No. 20 coming out of the shop that had been smashed into a rundown, Ithanon lowered his head and said something that surprised everyone to the old man.

“You should be avenging Monkey King and me, right? Dr. Gro!”



The intelligence that Trunks gave was that the humanoid was made by Dr. Gro, but Ethan called this person to Dr. Gro. What’s the matter?

The opposite Dr. Gro was even more shocked. He was puzzled that the other party actually recognized himself? He is somewhat famous in the scientific world, but those who know him are also top scientists. Ordinary people don’t know who he is, let alone what he looks like.

Ethan gave no explanation, waved his hand, and flew into the air first.

“Want to know the answer? Follow along!”

Although Dr. Gro’s heart was full of question marks and he had a bad premonition, he still flew up. The cyborg No. 19 next to him was his loyal subordinate, and he didn’t ask much, and he didn’t follow. Dr. Gro acted together.

Seeing Dr. Gro following up, Monkey King and the others nodded to each other, flew up likewise, and then accelerated to the remote direction together.

Seeing the two cyborgs following, Ethan began to concentrate on searching for remote places. With the speed of this group of people, he could fly a long distance in the blink of an eye, so he found a desolate Gobi without flying for a while.

There was nothing but rocks and soil. There were not many plants and animals were almost extinct. This desolate area was very suitable for combat, and Ethan immediately fell after seeing this.

The two cyborgs immediately landed across from Ethan, and Monkey King and the others landed next to Ethan one after another. The two groups of people faced each other face to face, but there were only two people on one side, which seemed not enough.

Dr. Gro himself didn’t feel that he was on the weak side. After landing, he had a conversation with Monkey King, which showed that the purpose of human beings was to seek revenge on Monkey King. In order to ensure that humanoids could defeat Monkey King, he had always collected Monkey King and Iraq. Battle statistics of Sen and his companions.

When he heard this, Ethan suddenly realized an important issue that he had overlooked for a long time: the combat effectiveness of humanoids was designed based on the data collected by Dr. Gro; in this world, Monkey King and others were influenced by themselves. , The combat power is much stronger than in the original plot, and in order to ensure that the Monkey King can be killed, wouldn’t the robot created by Dr. Gro be stronger than in the original plot?


Ethan now has the urge to cover his face, and he is careful to adhere to the wretched development, but ignores this point. What a huge mistake!

At this moment, Dr. Gro suddenly turned his attention to Ethan.

“How did you know my identity?”

The other party already knows it, and it seems that there is no need to continue to hide his identity. Dr. Gro wondered, how did Ethan recognize himself?

Not only is Dr. Gro strange, but Kobayashi and the others also want to know.

Ethan didn’t play mystery, and directly explained: “Because of some accident, we learned that Dr. Gro…that is, you, are plotting against me and Wukong, so I specially collected some of your information, including of course Your photo.”

“So it’s like this…”

Dr. Gro was still wondering how the other party got the information that he wanted to deal with them, but Ethan obviously wouldn’t tell him, so he didn’t bother to ask.

In his opinion, these people will die here.

Kobayashi and the others were also stunned by Ethan’s explanation. No wonder Ethan recognized this artificial person as Dr. Gro at a glance. It turned out that in addition to practicing, Ethan also collected information about the enemy.

In such a comparison, it seems that they are particularly incomplete in thinking about things: no one has thought about collecting intelligence on their opponents.

“Okay, the chat time ends here.”

Ethan moved his neck and walked a few steps forward to stand in the middle of the two waves.

The strength of the cyborg may be stronger than in the original plot, but Dr. Gro said that the work of collecting combat power data will only be carried out until Vegeta comes to Earth.

Although everyone’s combat effectiveness was greatly improved by Ethan, he would never expect everyone’s combat effectiveness to explode again.

Especially the super Saiyan’s ability to hang up… just don’t know if this guy has collected his own transformation data?

“It doesn’t make sense just to think about it, you know it when you fight!”

After all, it is still going to be fought, and this battle cannot be avoided.

“Please leave him to me to deal with it!”

On the 19th, the cyborg respectfully made a request to fight, but Dr. Groo did not refuse. After all, he was not a real fighter, and he was not very interested in doing it himself.

In his eyes, as long as Monkey King and Ethan died in the hands of humanoids, they were dead in his own hands. After all, the humanoids were created by him.

“Go on, the nineteenth!”

The fat, white and fat man-made man walked in front of Ethan on the nineteenth. His appearance really didn’t have any deterrent power, and he didn’t look like a strong one at all.

But no one here underestimates him because of his appearance. The information given by Trunks is one reason, and the other reason is the robot number 20, which is the speed and speed of Dr. Gro’s sudden shots on the island before. Power, so that they dare not underestimate these two enemies.

“bring it on!”

Ethan hooked his finger at the nineteenth. He adjusted his state to the best when he flew here, and he didn’t need to be like Monkey King or Vegeta in the original plot First come first What a transformation.

Just as Ethan hooked his finger, the nineteenth jumped up and bumped his head over, and instantly slammed in front of Ethan.

Ethan reacted quickly. He avoided the impact of No. 19 on his side and raised his leg violently when he was about to pass by on the 19th. He hit No. 19 in the abdomen and kicked him. To the high altitude.

This was just the beginning. Ethan, who had moved into the air at super high speed, came to the top of No.19, clasped his fists in both hands, and smashed the oncoming No.19 back to the ground.


After only one round of fighting, Ethan confirmed one thing: the 19th is the same as the original plot, it is still a waste!

Although Dr. Gro has a stronger data sample, the strength of himself and others have improved even more. His early stopping of data collection is also a fatal mistake. The nineteenth may be stronger than the original plot, but facing the present Self…

“Ha ha!”

When she fell to the ground, she looked a little embarrassed when she got up from the dirt pit, with a face full of disdain.

“That’s it? Just this little strength is not enough to kill us!”


Dr. Gro was very surprised. He didn’t expect Ethan’s strength to be so strong. On the 19th, he was not his opponent.

“What’s the matter? It is impossible for my calculations to make mistakes. Given their age, their strength should have been finalized, and there shouldn’t be such a huge improvement…”

On the nineteenth, he stood up and rushed forward again, attacking Ethan frantically, but his attacks were useless and could not threaten Ethan at all, and Ethan was able to deal with it easily.

At this moment, on the 19th, he took a punch from Ethan, and suddenly grabbed Ethan’s arm with both hands, and suddenly laughed with a smug smile on his face.

“Hahahaha, I caught it!”

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