Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 2/Chapter 45: Executive Director

It seemed like nothing bad had happened. When we arrived at the tower about ten minutes later, Nicola excitedly ran over to me and pulled my hand, saying,

"See what I found?"

"What is it?" I asked, puzzled. Even if she had discovered the Celestial Weapon, she wouldn't be so thrilled since she already had one herself.

"Come inside and you'll see!" Nicola immediately started pushing me into the tower. The others also curiously followed us in, wondering what she had found.

At first glance, there was nothing special about the basement hall we entered. It wasn't very big and the interior decoration was simple. The structure was like a lighthouse with a spiral staircase along the inner wall leading up.

Except for a desk placed in the center of the hall.

When I saw the desk, Nicola and I exchanged glances. Even by Earth's technological standards, it looked very futuristic, not to mention in this magical world.

I didn't think it should be called a desk. With its streamlined metallic shine and modern look, I felt "control console" was more fitting.

It had several triangular buttons arranged in a circle that glowed white. A red indicator light flashed continuously in the center. But there was no text or instructions on what the buttons did.

What was most astonishing wasn't the buttons though. It was the floating virtual projection screen hovering over the console, densely filled with land images including an aerial view of where we currently were.

"Don't tell me those are satellite images?!" I asked Nicola excitedly, barely able to contain myself. When I saw the images I specifically ran outside to look up but didn't see anything flying overhead.

Although I had lived in this world for months and knew surveillance could be achieved with magic. But I didn't think the current magical capabilities I had witnessed could accomplish satellite monitoring to this extent. The aerial perspectives were so familiar from when I used to look at satellite maps on my computer.

"Probably not. As you saw, thick dark clouds always shroud the skies over this continent," Nicola shook her head and pulled me aside while everyone else was captivated by the screen. She whispered,

"Satellites probably can't penetrate the cloud cover to capture ground images right? And there are barely any visible cables or energy sources powering this room. It's likely still magic..."

"But why does something made with magic look so high-tech?"

I didn't feel like the magic I had experienced so far could achieve this satellite-like surveillance.

"Hard to say. Our magic skills are quite low after all..." Nicola admitted. Glancing at Eleanora and Selene scrutinizing the console, she suggested,

"Why don't we ask the experts?"

"Selene, what do you think this console...device is? Are the images generated by magic?" Nicola directly started questioning without hesitation.

I figured Eleanora's magic mastery exceeded ours but Selene was easier to talk to.

"I don't know," Selene shook her head. "I've never seen anything like this either. It doesn't seem like magic but there are faint traces of fire elemental essence..."

"Fire elemental?" I immediately thought of the Fire Goddess. Did this console have something to do with her?

"Are the images in real-time?" Alfreed asked while staring intently at the surveillance feeds. He was examining ones that looked lush and green, somewhat similar to areas within the Astral Realm kingdom, unlike the barren exterior landscape. When he noticed a bird flying by in one of the feeds, he curiously questioned,

"Is it real?"

Adrian had been silently analyzing the overhead view of where we were. Hearing this, he suddenly whipped around in shock.

"What's wrong?" Nicola and I didn't notice anything odd. This was achievable with satellites on Earth but we didn't know about magic capabilities.

Adrian swiftly ran outside and chucked a huge rock into the lake, then dashed back in to check the screens. Sure enough, small concentric ripples from the splash gradually expanded outward from the central island.

"This is bad...we're in danger!" Adrian seemed extremely anxious. He pointed to the southeastern hillside we had hidden behind previously and stated grimly,

"Our earlier hiding spot was very close to the monsters waiting for transport. We're completely visible here! But they didn't come after us and even vacated the entire island to lure us all over. It's clearly a trap!"

"Where are the people? The creatures?" Nicola's expression changed instantly. She and Alfreed had already scoured the tower to no avail. With no other buildings on this barren island, even if enemies wanted to ambush us, where could they be hiding?

"I can confirm with absolute certainty no creatures are on this island, otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to let you all come," Alfreed firmly declared.

"Then not on the island!" Adrian ran back out and scanned the surroundings. "But in the water..." he trailed off.

The instant his voice faded, splashing sounds erupted as three dark figures suddenly burst from the lake. One landed on the path connecting the island, blocking our exit. He was a grown, male dark elf!

The other two didn't fall but remained airborne. One was the succubus Camille who had previously chased Selene and me. The other stunned everyone.

An angel?!

Like Nicola, she had three pairs of wings unfurled behind her but they were jet black instead of white. Even her skin was dark like the dark elves.

Somehow her wings stayed dry despite emerging from water. But I could ascertain her body, like the vampires, was composed purely of dark elemental essence, the opposite of us angels. Could she be the legendary Fallen Angel?

I exchanged puzzled glances with Selene. As part of the Church she should know something about Fallen Angels yet I'd never heard her mention them.

"How can this be! Is this the legendary Fallen Angel?!" Selene seemed just as bewildered.

I glanced back at Nicola but her attention was already on the enemies, gripping her Condensation Sword in battle readiness.

"Has everyone finished their tour?" The Fallen Angel addressed us first as the apparent leader of the trio.

"Why do you resemble angels so much?" Alfreed drew his longsword warily. He seemed oblivious about Fallen Angels but could tell she was no angel.

"I am Claudia, Executive Director of the Dark Council," the Fallen Angel readily introduced herself, emphasizing the words executive director.

I was taken aback, recalling the chuunibyou organization Borg had told us about. Didn't expect to meet a member so soon.

"As for the similarity with angels..." Claudia glanced at Nicola and me. "It's because Lord Michelle summoned me using the Angel Descend Formation, to prepare for eventually ruling the entire Dark Continent."

Angel Descend Formation? Summoned? Hearing those terms, I thought of several connected incidents.

"Your Fire God isn't a Fallen Angel too, is her?" Nicola shook her Condensation Sword casually. "How come we don't see him here?"

"What's a Fallen Angel?" Claudia looked utterly confused by the term. After scanning everyone present, she scoffed coldly,

"Lord Michelle is personally commanding the battlefront. When would she have time to bother with you illegal trespassing rats?"

She spoke unhurriedly, as if we were already captive prey.

"Director Claudia, you should hurry up and make your move. These angels and humans are very crafty. It'd be problematic to drag this out..." Camille anxiously urged her from behind.

"We've been trying to capture them at Val City for a long time without success. Duke Kent who went to intercept them still hasn't reported back so I fear the worst!"

"So what? Do you really think they can leave this island today?" Claudia waved her hand dismissively, apparently full of confidence in securing all of us here.

Too arrogant! With Nicola on our side, I was relieved they only had three people. We could take them by surprise using her Condensation Sword.

Just then Adrian warned from behind, "Watch the shore over there!"

He indicated the southeast direction we had come from. Somehow, large numbers of dark creatures had gathered there without notice and were marching here along the connecting path.

Claudia was right! We were trapped on the island. Although still distant, those monsters would eventually reach us. And with three powerful foes in front of us, we had to defeat them quickly or face annihilation.

Looks like they were deliberately stalling for time! We were the chatty ones.

"Nicola!" I yelled anxiously.

Hearing Adrian's report, Nicola also noticed the approaching horde. At my shout, she immediately took flight and swung her sword straight at Claudia's head without hesitation.

"You six-winged angel..." Claudia tsk-tsked at Nicola, leisurely extending her right hand. With an easy pinch of her fingers, she effortlessly caught the blade of the Condensation Sword.

"You!" Nicola's eyes flashed sharply. This seemed to be the first time she had encountered someone emerging unscathed from her sword. She exerted full strength to charge forward, trying to break through the obstacle of Claudia's fingers.

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