Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/# Chapter 140: A Complicated Plot

"Wayne Peng and his team got on the plane successfully, right? Now we just wait for the results of this mission!"

General Lee let out a deep sigh. Seeing him sit down in his office chair, looking tired, Adrian and I couldn't help but look at each other. We were about to leave with Cyra when we opened the door and found someone standing there.

Looking at the name tag, it was Reed from World 7! She wasn't with the other Reeds talking about deep research topics. Her being here probably meant something special.

"I think something's not right! Our world's Feliciana might have been wrongly accused!" she said, suddenly grabbing my arm and speaking seriously.

Things were getting complicated. Someone was speaking up for a dead person! Cyra, standing nearby, didn't want to criticize what World 7 Feliciana did before. She just kept trying to kindly persuade Reed from World 7.

"I'm not just talking nonsense. You're all from the same world, so you should know her personality well, right? Almost everyone in this base knows what your Feliciana is like! Don't tell me you came here just to ask us to kill World 11 Feliciana for revenge? That doesn't seem right. Lord teaches us to be kind. We should at least give people a chance to change, right?"

"It's exactly because I know very well what kind of person our world's Feliciana is that I came to find you! I'm not trying to do anything to World 11 Feliciana. I want to tell you there's another killer behind all this!"

But Reed from World 7 didn't really want to listen to Cyra. She knew we "outsiders" weren't the ones who could really make decisions. She stepped into the room and explained directly to General Lee.

"I know our world's Feliciana usually acts a bit... wild! But I know very well that when it comes to relationships, she always believes in mutual consent. She would never force or trick anyone, let alone do something as crazy as pretending to be someone else!"

"Moreover, World 11 Feliciana has eight wings, which is a whole level higher than her. You should understand this well, being the same person! If it were you, would you easily risk messing with someone stronger than you?"

Those last few sentences were clearly meant for me. She said all this in one breath, seeming a bit emotional. It's rare to see this kind of expression on Reed's face. This unwillingness to back down is a bit similar to the Reed from my own world.

"Of course I wouldn't!"

I had to admit that Reed from World 7 seemed to make some sense. I nodded, agreeing with her analysis.

But then again, since it's Feliciana from a parallel world, there must be some differences in personality between us! So even if Reed from World 7 thought she had good reasons, I still shook my head.

"But unfortunately, we're not the same person. Actually, all the 'me' from each parallel world should be considered different people. So how I think doesn't mean World 7 Feliciana thinks the same way!"

"Of course there's a point! I have enough reasons to suspect that our world's Feliciana was set up. If we don't fully understand the truth of this whole thing, it will only let the real mastermind behind this get away! This won't just make the base unstable, but as a friend, I also have a duty to clear our Feliciana's name."

Reed from World 7 still insisted very firmly on her request. We could only turn our eyes to General Lee, who was still sitting in his office chair.

"Since you're so insistent, do you have any solid evidence to prove what you just said?"

General Lee stayed quiet for a while, looking down and thinking, before he finally spoke. He really didn't want to deal with this troublesome matter, but he still patiently asked her.

"Of course I do!"

He was hoping she would give up, but unexpectedly, Reed from World 7 really did have evidence! The next moment, she took out a name tag and handed it over while explaining. "This is our world's Feliciana's name tag. I got it from a soldier who was cleaning up the scene. They say this was also the evidence that exposed World 11 Feliciana's disguise at first because it was accidentally left with World 11 Adrian! But the biggest doubt is right here - if our world's Feliciana was deliberately disguising herself to get close to World 11 Adrian, why would she do it in such a clumsy way, and carelessly leave behind something so important that could prove her identity? Moreover, we checked with Adrian from our world, World 7, and Feliciana's name tag had mysteriously gone missing not long before this happened. There's clearly a big conspiracy here!"

The name tag Reed from World 7 showed us was indeed number 7, but I could see very obvious signs of tampering on it.

Anyway, this method was really too clumsy. If it were me pretending to be someone else, I'd at least use some magic! Adrian can't sense light elements, so he wouldn't easily notice the presence of disguise magic. So why use such a simple method of altering the tag? Were they really afraid he wouldn't notice easily?

As for the specific details of the conflict, the base had already investigated thoroughly. It was indeed World 11 Feliciana who first found World 11 Adrian and discovered someone pretending to be her and getting intimate with her Adrian. Although at first they didn't know who was pretending to be her, and that person had already found a chance to leave early. But the two of them found this name tag at the scene, which the impersonator had carelessly left behind, disguised as number 11. This is what finally led them to target World 7 Feliciana.

Looking at it this way, the suspicion of framing someone else does seem quite high!

"I think to be safe, we should go and ask more people from World 11 about the real mastermind behind this. If they really got the wrong person, it proves there really is someone manipulating everything from behind the scenes!"

The evidence Reed from World 7 presented was hard to ignore. Adrian couldn't help but share his thoughts.

"If that's the case, please also go and confirm with World 7 Adrian. I'll give you permission to enter each detention room for investigation. Clear this up as soon as possible!"

Even though he really didn't want to deal with it, being pushed to this point, General Lee couldn't say much more. He immediately gave orders to reinvestigate this matter!

Of course, I knew there was a deeper reason why General Lee did this. Reed from World 0 had told me before that Reed from World 7 had put in a lot of effort when developing the vampire radar, and her technical contribution was the biggest! Now the old radar had been taken to M-country by Wayne Peng for reconnaissance, and everyone needed to continue working together to make new ones! Since they couldn't casually refuse a reasonable request from Reed of World 7, naturally, they had to try their best to appease her.

With things settled, Adrian and Cyra were sent to verify information with Adrian from World 7 and Cyra from World 7. Meanwhile, Reed from World 7 and I went straight to the heavily guarded detention room, originally used to imprison vampires, to question the prisoners from World 11 as ordered!

First was Adrian from World 11...

"At first, I felt a bit strange, after all, my own Feliciana isn't usually so forward! But World 7 Feliciana had already thrown herself at me, so naturally, I couldn't act too weak, and she was really good at it! So at the time, I didn't look closely at whether the name tag was real or fake... It wasn't until later when she made an excuse to leave that I suddenly felt something wasn't quite right."

As an accomplice to World 11 Feliciana, although he acted more calmly throughout the whole incident, considering his close relationship with the main culprit, Adrian from World 11 was still locked up here separately. Now sitting in the cage, he was vividly describing to us the detailed process of the incident he personally experienced.

"Even after all this, don't you feel there was any difference between the impersonator and our world's Feliciana... I mean, World 7 Feliciana?"

Seeing that I had been showing a hard-to-bear expression, Reed from World 7, who had been listening and felt there wasn't any useful information, couldn't help but interrupt and ask.

But why did her words sound a bit odd to me? Could it be that World 7 Feliciana and World 11 Adrian had also...

"What differences? I'm very loyal, you know. Don't go around making false accusations! Besides, I rarely even talk to people from World 7, let alone see them much. How could I notice any differences?"

However, Adrian from World 11 was very alert and didn't take the bait. After all, he is Adrian, even if he didn't understand Reed from World 7's intentions at first, he quickly caught on. "Are you saying the impersonator wasn't from World 7? How is that possible!"

"Forget it, next one!"

At this point, I knew we really couldn't get anything more out of him. I sighed and stood up from the chair, saying nothing more as I dragged Reed from World 7 to continue towards another detention room on the other side of the underground.

The person locked up in this detention room was, of course, Feliciana from World 11. As the main culprit who "caused havoc," her treatment was much worse than Adrian from World 11. Besides being in a cage, she was chained up almost everywhere on her body. It was like treatment for a death row inmate!

Although the effectiveness of these chains was unknown, looking at her, I really couldn't bear to watch.

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