Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/ Chapter 143: Calling for Help Across Worlds

General Lee had good reason to doubt. As the top boss in the base, he needed to know everything to explain to his higher-ups.

"Can I say I overheard Number 7 Feliciana and Number 12 Adrian talking by chance? My gossipy heart got curious, so I wanted to secretly record what they said," Feliciana from World 14 answered coolly, like no problem.

General Lee thought a moment at his desk. This simple answer didn't have any holes. As long as the video was real, it was enough. So he nodded and waved his hand, accepting it without more questions.

"Who just happens to overhear people talking at a critical time like this? Don't you think it's nonsense? What crazy luck - why not go buy lottery?" Cyra whispered in my ear, complaining on the sly.

True, after hearing No. 12 Feliciana's harsh words at first, it made sense to keep following and recording her. But like Cyra said, how could the first overhear be so lucky?

I knew General Lee just didn't want to dig deeper and chose to ignore this issue.

As for the real truth... I saw Feliciana from World 14 turn and give me a mysterious smile. Suddenly I remembered Nicola from World 14 who came with her! They say Nicola from 14 is really good at controlling time. Now I understood everything.

"General, Cyra from World 27 is giving a speech to people she gathered in the square without permission. Should we stop her?" A guard on patrol opened the office door and came in, very nervous, asking for instruction. After all, it's a dangerous time now. Any little thing could affect the whole base or even Earth's fate.

"World 27?" I was surprised. This parallel world appeared very late. Visitors from there have been in the base for at most 10-12 hours. How did they start causing trouble so fast?

"It's hard for our H-country soldiers to deal with you people from other worlds. Right now, the main goal is to keep peace. If it's just normal talk, don't make a big fuss. But we still need to break up the crowd quickly. Let's go check out first"

He didn't dare make rash decisions, having seen the true power of high-level angels. So he turned to me very cautiously with this suggestion.

Luckily No. 14 Feliciana, me, and Cyra hadn't left yet. I wanted to go see what was happening, so of course I was happy to take on this job.

"...I've already explained all the details," Cyra from World 27 was finishing her speech when we got to the base square. She stood on the high parade stand, bowed deeply to everyone watching below with a choked-up voice.

"Everyone, our world's Eldoria Continent is suffering a huge disaster! Almost all the resistance forces are used up. I had no choice, so I came to ask for your help. Thank you so much!"

There were still many people standing in the square. This was after H-country soldiers already asked people to leave once. But some people didn't want to go. Maybe on purpose or by accident, 27 Cyra opened her six pairs of super shiny wings on her back. This was also why other guards didn't dare come close to her.

But behind 27 Cyra, I surprisingly saw 14 Nicola. This made people feel strange again.

I looked back at 14 Feliciana next to me. Unlike me, her face showed she knew all this would happen. This means World 14 might be deeply involved too.

"Don't worry, this is good news! It should be exactly what your world wants," 14 Feliciana comforted me first, then told me to keep listening.

But the H-country soldiers around the square didn't think so. There were even snipers on the roofs, aiming at the heads of the two on the parade stand, ready to shoot if anything weird happened.

"Aren't you stuck here like us? How can you take us to your world?" Finally, a Feliciana in the crowd shouted out what I was thinking. Other people left in the square started talking among themselves.

"She must have a way, right? Why else would she risk coming here to ask?"

"But she only has six wings. How could she have that power? Even if Elara came, it's impossible. Otherwise we wouldn't be stuck here so long!"

"This World 27 should be very different from our own worlds. We can't totally rule out she has this power. But even if she does, would you want to go? We'd just be stuck in another world, and it's dangerous too."

"But their world's disaster is kind of our business too, right? Even if it's another world, it doesn't feel right seeing another version of ourselves like this..."

"Hey! Other worlds' me isn't me. Are you me? Why do you care so much? There are millions of parallel worlds - can you take care all of them? Give it a rest!"

"But if she can send us there, can't she send us home too?"


At the same time, the noisy mood made the base guards more worried. The loudspeaker started too:

"All visitors from different worlds, please leave quickly and in order. The base is in emergency status now. Don't gather in one place..."

But the loudspeaker was suddenly cut off. Yes, the loudspeaker was cut off! Then No. 14 Nicola stepped to the front of the stage and started talking:

"No. 27 Cyra doesn't have a way to take you away, but I do! And I can definitely take all of you!"

This words was like causing huge waves instantly. Not only did the voices below go silent, even the H-country soldiers couldn't help turning to look at her.

You should know the base is already full of people. Even I started to wonder whether No. 14 Nicola made the loudspeaker go quiet, or the person talking stopped himself.

Of course, I understood very well why No. 14 Nicola was confident saying this. She immediately took out her crystal ball in front of everyone, holding it up high with both hands.

"This is the 'Eye of Galadra'. Some of you should know it very well! It has the power to travel through time and space freely. With this celestial weapon, I can send everyone back to their own parallel worlds. But there's only one condition - you must help World 27! I'll say clearly, this world is really dangerous. Even I'm not totally confident we'll win. Of course, it's up to you if you want to go..."

"Why must we help her? What's so special about that world?" I really couldn't understand and ask loudly.

Why did 14 Nicola only take out this celestial weapon now? Before, I could never find her no matter how hard I looked. Clearly this was all on purpose! Maybe from the start, she was waiting for the chance to help World 27!

"There's no special reason! Just because World 27 is a bit special among all these parallel worlds. Of course, thinking about my own reasons, I definitely don't want to see the person I love become like that. So I have to find some way to pull her back from the abyss!"

But her answer was totally unexpected. Her eyes suddenly turned gentle, unconsciously looking behind me at No. 14 Feliciana...

What does this mean? Shouldn't No. 14 Nicola's loved one be No. 14 Feliciana? And she's right here! Why suddenly say such strange things?

"Oh right, you probably don't know who's really behind the disaster in World 27 yet, do you? The big boss?"

No. 14 Nicola suddenly looked like she just remembered something. Then she nudged No. 27 Cyra next to her, telling her to say it herself.

"It's you! In our world, after Feliciana got her power back, her personality suddenly changed. She wants to remake the continent into her ideal world. Now she's already destroyed dozens of countries for no reason. No one else in our world, including Elara and Nicola, is a match for her!"

27 Cyra took a deep breath and said that name everyone already knew.

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