Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/Chapter 132: Cyrae's Visit

"That's not the reason! I just want to understand what's going on!" I said with a bitter smile, clearly being misunderstood.

"Don't worry, Nicola already checked. The mess caused by this space tunnel shouldn't be too big. Even though the future has many possibilities, they all have a good chance of being fixed properly. There might be some trouble later, but I'll try my best to help then!" Number 14 Feliciana seemed to have many concerns about time and didn't want to talk more about it. After saying this, she disappeared right in front of me.

"Wah, another me so powerful! You think I can reach her level in the future?" Feliciana from world number 9 was sitting nearby and heard our whole talk. Even though she looked confused, she still couldn't help but admire at the end.

"If you mean three years from now, maybe you need to work harder!" I said gently, looking at her four-winged back.

"Eh, they serve food here all night? That's great!" I heard someone who sounded like Cyra from some world say. Another group of people came in. The canteen had become a good place for people to chat and kill time.

"You don't know yet? I have some secret info from world number 14. Don't tell anyone else!" As for Number 5 Feliciana, she was still happily selling her "exclusive" gossip in some corner.

After getting Number 14 Feliciana's promise, I felt much better. Finally, I wasn't so worried about Earth having a "population explosion" crisis.

Just kidding! With so many of us from different worlds working hard in this base to fix the space tunnel mess, I'm sure we can solve even the craziest problems!

After leaving the canteen, I passed by Cyra's bedroom by chance. I found the door wasn't closed properly!

This room belonged to the Cyra from my own world, of course. Because of limited resources, only those with number 0 tags like me, Cyra, and Adrian, as "local residents," had their own rooms.

The work of helping the base clean up vampires should have finished long ago, but I hadn't seen Cyra since then. Now I could hear that there were clearly people in the room, and it sounded like quite a few!

"Cyra, you there?" I asked while pushing the door open.

But as soon as I opened the door, countless eyes turned to look at me.

"Wow... this is dazzling!"

I saw about ten Cyras kneeling on the ground, all praying devoutly to a simple cross on the table.

These Cyras from different worlds, with different clothes and hairstyles, had almost the same religious beliefs. I found I couldn't quickly tell which Cyra had the number 0 tag. I could only smile and greet them, then explain more clearly: "I mean, is the Cyra from my world here?"

"I don't think I've seen number 0."

"She seemed to be here just now, but I was focused on praying, so I don't know when she left."

"Could number 0 be with that group planning to do a joint livestream?"

"Oh yeah, some of us who don't have any faith were talking about doing some kind of multi-person livestream..."

"But this base shouldn't allow using phones randomly, right?"

"Huh? You have a phone? Where did you get it?"


Unfortunately, the Cyra I was looking for wasn't among this big group. Many Cyras started whispering to each other. It looked like most of them didn't know where number 0 Cyra went.

"You mean the me who originally existed on this Earth?" Finally, one Cyra stood up. She glanced at the number tag on my chest, then walked right up to me and pulled me outside. It looked like she wanted to kindly show me the way.

"She's very generous, letting us use her room freely. But before you came, I saw some soldiers take her away. Seems like there was some urgent matter they needed her to handle..."

"Urgent matter? What urgent matter needs her specifically, and why don't I know anything about it?" I was confused. Right now, the most urgent matter in the base was the flood of parallel world visitors caused by the space tunnel mess. For anything involving us angels, the base would notify us to come immediately.

But when I saw clearly that the number tag on this Cyra's chest was 13, my suspicion immediately got worse. I vaguely remembered that world number 13, like worlds 1, 14, and many others, was a parallel world where no Cyra had come to visit! In other words, this number 13 Cyra was probably a fake!

But the question is, who in this base would bother pretending to be a Cyra from another world? After all, Cyra doesn't need to fight for attention like other me and Adrian, who always end up doing all kinds of silly things. This reminded me of that mysterious Cyra with no number tag I saw in the canteen earlier. Could there be some connection between them?

"Okay, finally a place where no one else can see us..." After leaving Cyra's room and turning a few corners in the hallway, we finally reached a quiet corner. Seeing no one around, the number 13 Cyra suddenly changed from her previous manner. She turned around and started questioning me fiercely. "What's going on with you guys? How did a perfectly good space tunnel suddenly turn into a parallel universe connector, and one that keeps sending people here without any limit! Don't you know if this continues, Earth will be in total chaos?"

"You... you're Cyrae! But how did you get in here, and how do you know all this?" I stood there stunned before finally recognizing who she was.

"Didn't you guys already meet my avatar not long ago? Then you should know I planted many spies in this base beforehand. Although the space tunnel here doesn't lead to the world I traveled to, it still connects to another Eldoria Continent. With such a big thing happening in the tunnel now, how could I not know? Of course I had to come check it out myself!" Unlike Cylaren before, this Cyrae was undoubtedly the original one I first met. Thanks to the special situation in the base now, she didn't even need any disguise. She just mixed in easily with a group of her own kind.

"So, have you found any useful conclusions? You know, several parallel worlds without Cyra have appeared so far. Is the world you're from among them?" Thinking that apart from arriving on Earth 80 years early, there's really no difference between Cyrae and the other Cyras, I couldn't help but ask her curiously.

"Probably not yet! At least I haven't met any Cyra who has a different name like me after traveling. This means the space tunnel's shift hasn't reached the level to connect to my world." Cyrae shook her head and gave a negative answer, looking disappointed. Actually, the number of parallel worlds is theoretically almost unlimited. The chance of the space tunnel randomly connecting to a specific world is like finding a needle in the ocean!

I knew that for various reasons, she really wanted to go back to her own world, even though 80 years had passed since she first arrived! But even if her world did appear, the faulty transport tunnel only goes one way, so there's really no possibility.

"In that case, do you have any way to fix the space tunnel?" Even though I didn't have much hope, now that Cyrae herself was standing in front of me, I still wanted to try a little, as a last hope.

"Sorry! In the Elara memories I inherited, there's not even much understanding of the term 'parallel world.' Angels knew very little about earth elements. Although I really don't like to admit it, I'm really not as good as Reed in this area!" As expected, she shrugged and gave a negative answer.

This made things awkward. I thought Cyrae's unexpected appearance might bring some breakthrough to our stuck research!

If Reed really can't solve the space tunnel problem, the only hope left might be the "Eye of Galadra" that Number 14 Nicola has.

The problem is, Number 14 world's Nicola and Feliciana always appear and disappear mysteriously. It is hard to find them, and whether they're willing to help is also a big uncertainty.

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