Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/Chapter 145: The Ability to Change Reality

"Relax. With so many helpers from parallel worlds, the problem in World 27 will be solved soon!"

Before I knew it, Feliciana from World 14 silently appeared beside me. It was like she knew exactly what I was thinking. She smiled and comforted me.

"Even if each person only says a few words, it's a challenge for another me in World 27! You can think of this as Nicola saving World 27 while also helping your world—a win-win."

Honestly, I'm used to her disappearing and reappearing like that. But right now, she didn't join the team below, which seemed to hint at something big.

"But I just can't understand why you chose to stay."

Most people had left the square by then. I glanced at her and asked curiously.

You know, Nicola from World 14 would definitely go with the main group to World 27, but No. 14 Feliciana seemed like she was staying here alone.

"I told you, I'll do my best to help you solve the space portal problem!"

Turns out she really keeps her promises! She even gave up her chance to go home? Seeing my surprised look, No. 14 Feliciana looked a bit embarrassed and explained more.

"Actually, crossing parallel worlds isn't a big deal for people like Nicola and me. Maybe Nicola still needs the Galadra Eye's help, but I can bypass the space limits and go back on my own! It does use a lot of energy, but luckily I've found a way to gather enough power to cross time and space."

"How is that possible?"

I thought Nicola from World 14 would come back to get her after the mission, but she said she could return on her own. I couldn't help but gape in disbelief, staring at her.

Since coming back to Earth, I've lost count of the impossible things I've heard. It's almost become a saying.

"You just don't understand water elements deeply enough!"

Unexpectedly, No. 14 Feliciana turned to look into my eyes and asked seriously, "With your Eight Wings' power, you should have already awakened the ability to control water elements. To what extent do you understand water elements?"

"Understanding water elements?"

I didn't expect her to ask that. I was caught off guard and didn't know what she meant. I tried to explain simply: "Isn't it about changing element types, usually for healing and recovery?"

Of course, I know something about this. I remember using water elements to fend off Michelle's attacks several times! But since being told about my soul's defect in Crescent City, I lost hope of truly mastering water elements like Nicola.

"Changing element types?"

No. 14 Feliciana seemed surprised by my answer and thought for a moment before explaining more.

"Yes! Changing element types is a surface trait unique to water elements. But stopping there means you don't truly understand their essence!"

Essence? What is the essence of water elements?

I frowned, confused. Suddenly, I saw a crystal ball appear from No. 14 Feliciana's palm, similar to one No. 14 Nicola had shown in public. I looked curious.

"Huh? Do you also carry a Galadra Eye?"

"Of course not! This is just a fake I made using water elements. It looks similar on the outside, but it lacks the true earth-element core."

No. 14 Feliciana shook her head, took a small gadget from her ear, like wireless earbuds, and continued.

"This is a micro personal computer modified by Reed from our world, based on ancient technology found on the Eldoria Continent. It helps me with various calculations, including the molecular and elemental data of the Galadra Eye, so I can recreate it in reality with my abilities!"


At this point, I could only have a puzzled look.

What do molecular composition and elemental data mean? How does this relate to water elements?

"Since you know that water elements can change other element types, let's take it further. If you can materialize the changed elements, what would be the result? It should be easy to imagine!"

Thankfully, with her guidance, I finally understood.

As known, all materials on Eldoria Continent are made of elements. Different materials require specific element types, like water elements for water, earth elements for soil, etc. But elements have hidden traits, like wind elements relating to time, earth elements to space, and water elements can transform into any element type!

If you can convert omnipresent wind elements into earth elements, then materialize them into a crystal ball, it's like creating one out of thin air. That's exactly what No. Feliciana's crystal ball is!

Of course, the process of materializing elements is complex, involving precise molecular and atomic arrangements. Usually, magic circles are used—common in Eldoria Continent.

But if a single person does this, the calculations are immense, impossible for humans or angels, let alone celestial weapons! No. Feliciana's micro computer replaces the magic circle's function.

Since she can materialize elements, she can also reverse the process. The crystal ball disappeared after use, showing she directly converted elements into materials! I've been practicing, but haven't improved much.

"From my guess, a complete water angel's soul not only includes precise element control but also incredible calculation abilities! Though my case is similar to yours, our world's Reed used technology to help me compensate for that."

No. 14 Feliciana pointed to her ear.

She likely has the same soul defect as me. But she's much better, thanks to this micro computer.

"So, your earphone... computer is still simulating the Galadra Eye? If successful, you can create a real Galadra Eye anytime with water elements?"

I tried to explain my understanding, and she agreed:

"Yes! It's just a workaround. The Galadra Eye is relatively simple, but it exceeds the micro computer's calculation limit. It took several days to barely simulate the model! Of course, if I can fully free up the computing power, I might even return to my own world without the Galadra Eye! That involves calculations between two parallel worlds..."

Return directly to her own world?

Suddenly, my mind was a bit confused, not sure what she meant. But on second thought, if water elements can manipulate elements and materialize them, what can't be created out of thin air?

Imagine a substance made of elements can be transformed into any element and materialized into something else... if fully realized on a large scale with enough computing power, the result is only one—

Changing reality!

"So, this is the true power of water elements?"

Finally, I understood the confusion. Under the premise of changing reality, water element magic's healing and resurrection are weak! No wonder No. 14 Feliciana could use incredible abilities like teleportation and revival. These are no longer earth elements' monopoly. The only thing limiting her is the micro computer's computing power.

But on the other hand, since this computer is Reed's creation from World 14, who hasn't really been to Earth, without it, could I materialize or transform elements like No. 14 Feliciana?

The answer is no... and I don't even have a clue!

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