Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 464

Chapter 408 : The death knell of the Young King Empi

After the fleet of the Eastern United Kingdom was destroyed.

Du Bian captured the Empire-class battleship, and this behemoth with a displacement of more than 6,000 tons belonged to the Du Bian fleet.

So his beggar fleet has two battleships.

The huge fleet, carrying an army of more than two hundred thousand, is mighty, heading towards the royal city of the Eastern United Kingdom!

After circling a few times in the sky, the huge bone dragon once again rose to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and then flew directly to the west.

The royal city of the Eastern United Kingdom is in the southeast, and it flies directly to the west without any greetings to Du Fan!

Because it felt an extremely powerful force, almost the ultimate power of the world!

At this time, the countdown to the world catastrophe still has thirty-seven days.

“This dragon is really very arrogant.” Ni Chang said.

Dragon is arrogant.

Nishang said again: “If Ning Daoxuan is in front of me, I will do it too.”

She was comforting Du Bian, because Du Bian had just ordered the beheading of Du Hui.

In fact, she is unnecessary worry, because Du Bian is not sad.

Tiger poison does not eat seeds, this sentence also makes sense in other words. But Du Hui is Du Xian’s father, but not Du Bian’s father.

The royal city of the Eastern United Kingdom, within the highest palace!

“His Royal Highness, the reason why Du Bian won so much and the reason we wiped out our invincible fleet is entirely because of a huge bone dragon.” The Master of Floating Island said: “And now this bone dragon seems to have abandoned Du Bian and left. It has been flying towards the west.”

The throne on the palace is not golden, but a skull throne.

I don’t know what skeleton it is. In short, it is a huge head with two huge horns.

Young Jun Fang Chen sat there quietly, his face turned pale as if he had changed a little.

“This bone dragon is a holy artifact of the Holy Fire religion. This huge dragon bone was discovered on a desert island more than a thousand years ago.” The Master of Floating Island said: “Each generation of the Holy Fire Pope has stayed in this giant for a long time. In the bones of the dragon, and this giant dragon is the true **** of fire believed by the Holy Fire Church. For more than a thousand years, the Holy Fire Master has always thought about resurrecting this bone dragon, but all failed. I did not expect it to be true. Is resurrected.”

Ji Qianchou, the great elder of the North Ming Sword Sect, said: “As far as I can see, this huge bone dragon may not have been resurrected by Du Bian. It is likely that it was affected by the ultimate power we unearthed in South America.”

Before that, Young Jun Fang Chen took the South American colony without hesitation against the whole world. Even because of it, Dubian has risen.

There is no doubt that the ultimate secret of the world in South America is his top priority, far exceeding the occupation of the Daning Empire.

What ultimate power is there? What does it have to do with the countdown to the destruction of the world?

Piaoling Island Master said: “Elder Ji Da said that it is very reasonable that the bone dragon was probably awakened by the ultimate power of the South American world. Du Bian just happened to happen.”

The cabinet chief Fang Zhuo said: “That bone dragon is indeed far away from Dubian?”

“It’s completely far away for thousands of miles.” Piaoling Island said: “And it has been flying to the west, the target is likely to be South America.”

The General Marshal of the Eastern United Empire Fang Tianpo said: “His Royal Highness, our Eastern United Empire has more than a million troops, even though they are scattered all over the world. However, in the main kingdom, more than half a million troops can be assembled, of which 150,000 Kunlun slave warriors, ten The 50,000 new army is equipped with new rifles. Not only that, we also have more than 500 spar cannons and 20 super cannons! The reason why Du Bian wiped out all our navies is entirely because of that huge one. The bone dragon, and that bone dragon is completely far away from Dubian.”

“So, our strength is still ten times that of Dubian.” Piaoling Island Master said: “Not only can we defend the King City, but we can even annihilate Dubian’s main force!”

Shaojun Fang Chen said indifferently: “Assemble all the forces, defend the royal city, and fight Du Bian to the death!”

In addition to having an invincible navy, the United Kingdom of the East also has an extremely powerful army, but there are general troops in each colony.

The entire kingdom (approximately Indonesia and the Malay Islands), there are only more than six hundred thousand troops!

Shaojun Fang Chen gave an order, and the entire kingdom’s five hundred thousand troops gathered towards the royal city.

The Royal City of the Eastern United Empire is an unprecedented city, and Shaojun has built it for more than two decades.

This is a city full of artistic sense, and it is also called the magical city by many royal families in the western world. Because it is different from all the cities in the world, every building is full of magical atmosphere.

Magnificent, huge, mysterious, full of artistic sense.

Its wall has a circumference of more than eighty miles and a height of more than eighteen meters.

However, Shaojun Fangchen’s original intention of building this huge wall was for beauty and grandeur, and he had never thought of using it for war defense.

In modern artillery warfare, the use of city walls is no longer large.

Moreover, in the heart of Young Jun Fang Chen, there will never be a day in his royal city.

This city is completely the ideal city that carries his heart.

Whether it is the Holy Fire world, the Western world, or the people of the Eastern United Empire, they are instantly conquered after they come to the Eastern City.

They can’t believe that there is such a magnificent and huge city in the world.

This is simply a city that does not belong to the world!

How many ministers of the Eastern United Kingdom did not give their allegiance to the Fang Family at first, but after seeing the Eastern King City, they felt a deep emotion.

The Eastern United Empire is the most powerful country in the world, and it represents the future and kingly way.

And this magical king city, which almost didn’t look like the human world, turned into an extremely huge battlefield at this time.

More than 550,000 troops and more than 1,000 artillery have been stationed in this city.

Among them, 150,000 Kunlun slave warriors are almost the land kings!

Dubian’s arc saber is very powerful, but the Eastern United Empire has found a way to restrain it, which is to put a layer of insulating lining inside the armor, so that no matter how strong the current is, it will not be able to knock down the warriors of the Eastern United Kingdom. .

After the last time the Eastern United Kingdom attacked the Dubian territory and almost the entire army was destroyed, Shaojun Fang Chen changed all the new muskets and replaced them with rifles after firing. As a result, the rate of fire of the rifles increased by four or five times. Much.

And the paper shell bullets have also been replaced by copper bullets.

In short, this rifle is very close to the earth’s guns, very advanced, with an effective range of more than six to seven hundred meters.

Of course, time is too tight. The Eastern United Kingdom cannot complete all the changes. Up to now, only one hundred and fifty thousand troops have replaced this new rifle.

There are cannons!

Among the more than 1,000 cannons in the King of the East, 400 are spar cannons, there are also 20 super cannons, 50 super heavy cannons, and the remaining hundreds of cannons are all new large-caliber cannons. .

In short, although the navy of the Eastern United Empire has been wiped out.

But the Eastern City still has an extremely powerful army!

In the palace, Fang Qingyi said coldly: “Du Bian’s army is about to fight over, you are about to finish, and you are about to finish!”

“Pa…” Emperor Yongning (former Yan King Ning Chong) who was in exile in the Daning Empire slapped Fang Qingyi to the ground with a slap in the face.

In order to avoid Fang Qingyi’s murder, her whole body’s muscles and veins were imprisoned, her martial arts were lost, and her hands were no longer able to bind the chicken.

Then Emperor Yongning stepped forward and kicked wildly with his feet, and said coldly: “Are you still dreaming of Du Bian coming to save you? Hahahaha…make your spring and autumn dream, Du Bian is your enemy, and now you have become It’s as ugly as a ghost, he probably only feels vomiting when he sees it! Don’t say he feels vomiting, I feel vomiting when I see it.”

Fang Qingyi’s face is no longer beautiful!

On that day, her father Fang Zhuo, in order to marry her to Emperor Yongning, and not to resist in the bridal chamber, gave her a medicine that made her completely unable to control her body, like a walking corpse, so that Emperor Yongning would be ravaged. Only in this way can he give birth to an heir with half the bloodline of the Fang.

As a result, Fang Qingyi disfigured herself while she still had the last trace of strength.

Now her face is covered with scars and it is very scary. Even though Emperor Yongning still married her, she can’t get a **** when she sees her appearance. However, in order to vent her anger, she beats and humiliates her every day. Anyway, she has lost all martial arts. Can’t resist.

Emperor Yongning kicked Fang Qingyi desperately, and sternly said: “You don’t know, that bone dragon has been attracted by the ultimate power of South America, and flew to the west, completely abandoning Dubian. Now the entire Oriental King City is as solid as the East. The United Kingdom’s army is still ten times as powerful as Du Bian. If Du Bian dared to land and attack the Eastern City, it would be a dead end!”

The chief minister of the cabinet is also pacifying many ministers in the party line.

“The bone dragon has abandoned Du and changed. If Du becomes smart, there is still a way to survive. If he dares to attack the Eastern City, he is doomed to a dead end!” Fang Zhuo picked up a new-style rifle from the Eastern United Empire. Fired at a house nearly a kilometer away.


A gunshot sounded.

There was a splash of dust on the wall nearly a thousand meters away, and then I looked closely and found that a pit had been punched out.

“A new rifle like this is equipped with a total of 150,000 people!” Fang Zhuo said.

Then he shouted: “Come on!”

The person next to him handed an arc saber. The blood crystals of the Succubus of the Eastern United Empire were limited, so it was impossible to manufacture arc sabers on a large scale. They could only make a few hundred for experiments and ration them to high-ranking generals.

“This is Du Bian’s big killer electric arc saber.” Fang Zhuo waved the saber vigorously, then pressed the button, slashing towards an elephant on the side.

A terrible current slammed past.

Suddenly, the elephant screamed and fell to the ground with a crash.

“The power of this arc war knife is amazing.” Fang Zhuo said: “But the Eastern United Empire has prepared a brand new armor. The arc war knife can’t hurt them even if it chops a hundred times or a thousand times.”

After all, Fang Zhuo swung the arc saber and chopped down at a samurai in full armor.

The blue electric current flashed horribly, hitting the samurai’s armor frantically.

However, the samurai armor had an insulating lining, so it was safe.

“Did you see? Du Bian’s arc saber is already useless. If he doesn’t come, he’ll be killed. If he really dares to attack the Eastern City, it will be a dead end. The Daning Empire still belongs to him. Your Majesty Yongning, please rest your heart in your stomach.” Fang Zhuo then pointed to the densely packed defensive positions inside and outside the city wall and said, “Do you see those defensive positions? There are hundreds of light and dark fortresses, which are completely invincible. Nothing. A huge bone dragon, Du Bian’s army is hitting rocks with pebbles, and it is destined to die without a place to be buried!”

“Du Bian died without a place to be buried.”

“The Daning Empire is destined to belong to us!”

Five days later!

There are still thirty-two days before the countdown to the world catastrophe.

Du Bian’s 250,000 army landed at Peacock Harbor!

Because the entire landing position is within the attack range of the Super Magic Cannon, the entire landing process is unimpeded!

After the 250,000 troops landed, they regrouped and then marched towards the royal city of the Eastern United Empire!

This was the first time Du Bian saw the royal city of the Eastern United Kingdom, and he was truly shocked.

The real magical city is really not like a city in this world.

The buildings in the royal city are so magnificent and gorgeous.

Especially the palace, built on the mountain, the highest point is more than one thousand meters above sea level.

Far away, Du Bian saw Shaojun Fang Chen.

He was standing on the balcony of the palace at an altitude of a thousand meters, and there seemed to be a beautiful woman beside him.

Then, he met Fang Zhuo, the chief minister of the Daning Empire’s cabinet, and the Yongning Emperor who had just ascended the throne, as well as many ministers of the Fang family. They were in the palace at an altitude of 500 meters.

Inside and outside the walls of the entire royal city, it has become a solid position.

There are dense trenches everywhere, and hidden castles everywhere.

With a circumference of eighty miles and a width of more than ten meters on the city wall, there are hundreds of thousands of Kunlun slave warriors and hundreds of thousands of new-style rifle troops.

The entire defensive formation was completely intertwined.

And on the dark hole of the city wall, thousands of artillery, spar magic cannons are densely arranged!

And the most terrifying thing, of course, is the super magic cannon in the king’s city, which can shoot dozens of miles away, and a few hundred catties of shells can instantly kill more than hundreds of people.

It seems that everything seems unsolvable!

Without the giant bone dragon, this line of defense seemed impossible to break.

Not to mention the army of 250,000, even if it is 1 million, the army of 2 million will not be able to break such a terrible line of defense.

Even the army can’t get close. Once it gets close to the attack range of the Super Magic Cannon, any army will be destroyed!

At this time, Du Bian’s army was 30 miles away from the royal city!

Du Bian looked at this magnificent city from the air, and said to the fairy behind him: “This royal city is so solid that even two million armies can’t be attacked! However, it is nothing in front of us!”

This line of defense is indeed against the sky.

But in front of Du Bian, there is nothing!

Because of the lack of air defense firepower!

Shaojun Fangchen’s succubus blood crystals are limited, and hundreds of anti-aircraft rapid-fire magic cannons have been manufactured, but they are all equipped on the fleet, and there are almost none in the royal city!

Du Bian waved his hand suddenly!

Suddenly, thousands of Dapeng Air Forces flew from behind and lined up neatly in the air!

The back of every Dapeng bird has been transformed.

There are more than one hundred great master-level powerhouses riding on it, as well as nearly a thousand demon blood warriors.

These people are all carrying spar cannons on their backs!

That’s right, the spar cannon!

And there are hundreds of advanced grenade spar cannons captured from the fleet of the Eastern United Empire.

“Air raid on the Eastern City!”

Du Bian gave an order!

Suddenly, thousands of Dapeng Air Forces flew towards the huge and magnificent Eastern City!

It is like thousands of fighter planes carrying out an air attack on a city.

That picture is really obscuring the sky!

The world’s first air strike has begun!

Young Jun Fang Chen, Yongning Emperor, cabinet chief Fang Zhuo, Wandering Island Master, and Great Elder Ji Qianchou, all looked up at this amazing scene!

Fly over the King of the East City!

Du Bian ordered: “Aim at each target!”

“The first priority target, the enemy’s super magic cannon!”

“The second priority target, the enemy’s super heavy artillery.”

“The third priority target, the enemy’s spar cannon.”

“The fourth priority target, the enemy’s ordinary artillery!”

Suddenly, nearly a thousand demon-blood warriors on the roc bird, great master-level powerhouses, turned on the spar aurora sighting device one after another.

And these roc birds were hanging motionless in the air.

At this point, it is even better than fighter jets.

“Aim is over!”

“Aim is over!”

“Aim is over!”

Aiming at such a long distance completely requires a strong mental power.

Moreover, each spar magic cannon is nearly 1,000 kilograms, which is not affordable by ordinary warriors, but the demonic blood warriors under Du Bian’s command can easily do it.


Du Bian suddenly ordered!

Thousands of fiend blood warriors slammed the spar button.

Suddenly, thousands of spar magic cannons in the air opened fire suddenly!

An extremely gorgeous scene appeared.

There seemed to be countless blue lightning flashes in the sky.

“Swish swish swish…”

Then, thousands of shells were shot out suddenly at five or six times the speed of sound, even in the daytime, emitting a fiery red glow.

Like thousands of meteor showers, it slammed into the defensive positions of the Eastern United Empire King City!

Just less than two seconds later!

A more gorgeous scene appeared!

“Boom boom boom boom…”

Countless fireballs exploded across the ground.

Earth-shattering explosions, one after another.

Of course, only a hundred grenades exploded.

The rest are solid shells, which will not explode, but the power is still extremely amazing!

The super magic artillery and super heavy artillery in the Eastern Kings City were instantly destroyed and distorted, and the extremely thick barrels fell directly to the ground.

And those ordinary spar magic cannons were completely blown up into the sky.

The enemy’s countless artillery are hidden in the bunker, inside the city wall!

However, to no avail!

How could ordinary stone bunkers stop shells at five or six times the speed of sound, and penetrate them in an instant.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The entire eastern united empire’s inner city was shaking.

Shaojun Fang Chen’s 20 super magic guns were all destroyed by Dubian, and dozens of super heavy guns were all destroyed.

There are more than a thousand artillery pieces left, and one third is directly reimbursed!

The Great Elder of the North Ming Sword Sect, Ji Qianchou shouted: “Counter-attack, counter-attack, all the artillery fire in the air?”

However, General Marshal Fang Tianpo had only infinite bitterness in his heart.

Ordinary spar cannons can of course be fired at the sky, but the trajectory is completely changed, it is impossible to aim, and the effective range will be much lower.

“When will the anti-aircraft rapid-fire magic cannon come over?” Fang Tianpo roared.

The Royal City originally had no anti-aircraft rapid-fire magic cannons. It was taking advantage of these few days that the warlock team of the Eastern United Empire was endlessly rushing to produce them, and without the succubus blood crystals, they removed them from other magic cannons.

“I’m coming……”

Nine anti-aircraft rapid-fire cannons were pushed out, and they were launched directly from the laboratory, just finished.

“Aim at Dubian’s Dapeng Air Force, kill them all, kill them all…” the warlock leader shouted.


That’s too late!

Your air defense rapid-fire magic cannon was built too late and aimed too late.

The moment it was launched, it was targeted by Du Bian’s Dapeng Air Force!

In an instant, these Eastern United Kingdom warlocks who operated the anti-aircraft rapid-fire magic cannon saw the familiar red dots, and they were locked and aimed.

“Swish swish swish…”

The familiar sonic boom whistled.

Next second!

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The nine anti-aircraft rapid-fire magic cannons just launched from the laboratory were completely blown up.




Du Bian keeps making orders!

Thousands of demon blood warriors on the Dapeng carry the spar magic cannon, UU reading www. frantically fired on the ground.

“Swish swish swish…”

Countless meteor showers shot out over and over again, smashed down over and over again.

What is an asymmetric war?

This is!

Even if there is no huge bone dragon, Du Bian still fought such a gorgeous battle.

The powerful defensive position of the Eastern King City was madly ravaged, and the air force facing Du Bian did not have the slightest strength to fight back.

It’s a total slaughter!

Gorgeous slaughter!

The death knell of the Eastern United Kingdom has officially sounded!

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