Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 477

Chapter 419 : Du Bian’s first army! Meet old lovers

“Of course, it is absolutely unfair for me to duel with you now.” City Lord Lian Jin said: “After half a year, you and I will fight. The winner lives, the loser dies!”

In three months, one settlement was expanded to 1,000 people.

For half a year, Du Bian and Lian Jin duel.

City Lord Lian Jin seemed to have proposed two completely impossible tasks.

This is the end of the world, and it is difficult for a brand new settlement to grow to hundreds of people within a few years. And to say something very sad, more than ten years have passed since the end of the world, and almost all people have died, and the remaining people have joined various powerful organizations and accepted asylum.

“Of course, it doesn’t matter what that ghost is related to you, and it doesn’t matter how she died, but he is dead after all.” City Lord Lian said, “So your daughter’s death crime has also been pardoned, and now immediately set off to Lanhu. Settlement, go now.”

Ling Mei, the female leader of the Maple Leaf, was about to start a motorcycle immediately and took Du Bian and Du Xiao to the Lanhu settlement a few tens of miles away.

“Don’t give it away, just the two of them, father and daughter. The Maple Leaf Tribe can’t support one person, one mutant fruit, one weapon.” Lian Jin City Lord said.

Du Bian nodded.

But after hesitating a little, he still asked: “Why?”

City Lord Lian Jin said: “A deserted territory, expanded to a thousand people in three months. You have just escaped from the power of a vegetative manpower, and wanting to fight me and win a duel in half a year is completely a fantasy. But why should I put forward this condition, right?”

Du Bian nodded.

“I’m absolutely serious.” City Lord Lian Jin said: “If you can’t do it, I will definitely kill the maple leaf collar settlement. I will never show mercy in the duel. If you don’t want to die, you must desperately promote yourself. Up.”

Du Bian still asked, “Why?”

City Lord Lian Jin said: “You are special, but if you can’t do this, then you have nothing special. It’s not a pity to die.”

Then he rode away straight away.

“I’m serious. If you can’t do it, I will really kill you. I will really kill you, Lord Du Bian.”

Then, City Lord Lian Jin accelerated and left with his five hundred warriors!

Du Bian’s eyes shrank, and the pores all over his body shrank.

Because in the end Lian Jin City Lord called out his real name.

This proves that he knows himself. What is the meaning behind this?

At least Du Bian didn’t know this person at all.

The leader Ling Mei said: “Mr. Du, Xiaoxiao, I really want to help you, but… sorry!”

Du Bian said: “I understand, as far as you know, what kind of person is City Lord Lian Jin?”

Ling Mei said: “He is very powerful. He is from the guard of His Majesty Taikang. He is always moody.”

What does this represent?

Did Emperor Taikang already know about Du Bian’s existence? If so, what does he want to do?

Ling Mei said, “It’s more than 40 miles from the Lanhuling settlement. Before it gets dark, you can go quickly. After dark, there will be more undead people on the road.”

Du Xiao stepped forward and gently hugged Ling Mei and said, “Teacher, goodbye.”

Ling Mei hugged her most beloved apprentice hard, and said softly: “Goodbye Xiaoxiao, and protect your father. He should be very, very special.”

“Goodbye, everyone.” Du Xiao said to the soldiers in the Maple Leaf Collar Settlement.

The eyes of the soldiers were slightly red, full of dismay. Especially a few young soldiers, their eyes are full of love, but they dare not confess at all.

Xiaoxiao was so beautiful and showed extremely strong talent, so these young fighters only dared to have a secret crush in their hearts.

“Dad, let’s go.” Du Xiao said.

Then, in the eyes of everyone in the Maple Leaf Colony, Du Xiao and Du Bian left and led them toward Lanhu, which was more than 40 miles away.

After walking for a few miles, Du Bian’s true energy was exhausted. He had been a vegetative for 20 years, and his limbs were completely atrophy. Once his internal strength was exhausted, his legs and hands were almost completely weak.

“Dad, I’ll carry you.” Du Xiao said.

Du Bian hesitated.

Du Xiao said, “I used to carry you on my back almost every day.”

Then, apart from anything else, her daughter picked Du Bian on his back and ran towards the front.

Xiaoxiao was tall and slender, but she was really strong, and she ran fast with Du Bian on her back.

Du Bian’s heart was full of sourness and pride.

The daughter has grown up and is strong!

With Du Bian on his back, Xiaoxiao rushed towards the Lanhu-led settlement as if there was nothing, and rushed to the Lanhu-led settlement before it got dark.

The dark night of the last days is very dangerous, because many powerful undead people will emerge from the ground.

Just over two hours later.

The two rushed to the territory that belonged to Dubian, Lanhu collar!

Xiaoxiao carried her father on her back and looked at the door of the high wall in front of her. There was no sound inside.

This is a dead place!

The Lanhu-led settlement was originally a small town, with nearly 10,000 people living before the end of the world.

There are several supermarkets in the town, most of which are houses with four or five floors. There is also a pedestrian street. Because it is close to the scenic area, there are several hotels and two ten-storey buildings. It is no different from other towns in eastern China. It is not as prosperous as the coastal towns, but it is much better than the towns in the Midwest. It is already like a small city.

Because this town had houses, clean water, and farmland, it was opened up by the Taikang Empire and became a settlement.

Lian Jincheng took the initiative to use thousands of people, and it took a year to build a high wall with a circumference of four kilometers in this town.

At the most, there were 700 or 800 people living in the Lanhu-led settlement, but because of the loss of two to three hundred people in the battle with the Marauder Alliance in the past few years, only five hundred people remained.

And half a month ago, Li Gui Ye Haitang killed five hundred people in the entire settlement overnight with unconscious means, and this place became a ghost town.

And now this deserted ghost city belongs to the territory of Dubian and his daughter.

Du Xiao stepped forward and opened the door.


Suddenly, a dozen dark shadows rushed over quickly.


Their speed was so fast that they rushed to Dubian’s father and daughter in an instant.

This kind of undead is very disgusting, and the whole body is full of natural disaster viruses. Whether it is caught or bitten, it will become a mad corpse just like them.

Therefore, after people here die, they must be set on fire to prevent the corpse from changing.

Xiaoxiao drew the knife abruptly, and she suddenly became nervous.

If she was alone, she wouldn’t be afraid of these dozen mad corpses, but carrying her father on her back was inconvenient and it was difficult to avoid these mad corpses.

Then the next second!

These fast crazy corpses were all frozen in place.

Xiaoxiao was startled, and then quickly moved forward and swung his knife, beheading the dozen or so mad corpses cleanly.

After killing, Du Xiao said excitedly: “Dad, you are so amazing, is this the secret technique passed to you by Aunt Ye Xiaotang?”

Du Bian nodded.

“Dad is amazing.” Du Xiao jumped for joy again.

A little test, this horrible ghost fixation technique is really awesome, and it’s not difficult to fix the dozen or so mad corpses.

But the Li Ghost Killing Technique has no effect on these crazy corpses.

Li ghost killing technique completely scares people to death, and the brains of these crazy corpses have mutated, leaving only the instinct of brutal killing. They don’t know what to fear, and they completely lose their minds.

Next, Du Xiao carried Du Bian on his back and thoroughly cleaned the corpses of the entire territory.

Originally this was impossible, because the entire territory is two square kilometers, hundreds of buildings, layer by layer to search for mad corpses, there is not so much time at all.

But Du Bian possesses powerful mental power. His brain is like a radar, capable of detecting any creature or undead within a radius of 100 meters.

And Xiaoxiao is really energetic. Her tall and slender body doesn’t know where there is so much power, as if she doesn’t know how tired.

For four full hours, all the undead in the entire territory were completely killed.

As for the five hundred people killed by Ye Haitang in this settlement, City Lord Lian Jin had already burned them down.

“Dad, will this be our home in the future?” Du Xiao said.

Found a most comfortable house in the territory, Xiaoxiao took a bath comfortably, and then put on clean combat leather clothing.

Du Bian had also finished taking a shower, and sat comfortably on a bed.

The girl looked very excited. Although she left the maple leaf collar settlement, her father woke up. She and her father could live together forever, so she was full of expectations and happiness for the future.

“Dad, otherwise you can tell me a story.” Xiaoxiao lay next to Du Bian, dangling her two calves one after another.

“Okay!” Du Bian said, “Let dad think about it, think of something you haven’t heard of.”

Next, Du Bian told the story of the sinking of Atlantis civilization.

Of course, this story is fictitious and there are many versions. Du Bian is full of interest in these mysterious civilizations, so he read a lot of related books, and after sorting them out by himself, tells Xiaoxiao to listen to it.

Sure enough, the girl was stunned, her eyes widening.

Speaking for two hours.

“Well, you should go to bed, otherwise the more you listen, the more energetic you will be.” Du Bian said.

“Oh!” Du Xiao obediently said.

Then he left Du Bian’s bed and lay on a bed next to him, covered with a blanket.

Only a few minutes later, she heard even and slow breathing, and the girl fell asleep.

Du Bian couldn’t sleep, looking at his daughter in the dark, his heart was filled with infinite love.

This is a perfect daughter.

Brave, healthy, strong, upright, and persevering.

Thank God for giving him such a daughter.

Then Du Bian closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, the sky was just bright.

Du Bian woke up and heard a sharp howling outside.

It’s the baby girl who is practicing the knife.

After he got up, he found that the cleansing water next to him had been done, and the toothpaste had been squeezed out.

Reaching out, even the water is warm.

What a sweet girl.

Du Bian brushed his teeth and washed his face, then went to the yard to see his daughter practice martial arts.

Du Xiao noticed that his father was watching from the side, and he immediately worked harder.

Suddenly, the entire yard was filled with Du Xiao’s agile and vigorous figure. Her strength was great and her skill was extremely agile.

In this world, Du Xiao is a seventh-level warrior, and she is already very good at her age.

Du Bian observed a few things. With pure strength and agility, the seventh-level warrior is already equivalent to the third-rank warrior of the Daning Empire.

But this world doesn’t seem to pay much attention to internal power, and relies entirely on the power of the body itself.

To be precise, it depends on agility and strength.

But City Lord Lianjin has inner strength profound energy, so it is obvious that inner strength belongs to a few people in this world.

“System, can I pass the “Nine Suns True Scripture” inner strength to my daughter?” Du Bian asked.

The system wakes up: “Master, this was originally impossible. But because the spiritual power of the ancient dragon is too advanced, it can be inscribed and copied for the inner strength mental method.”

At that time, the former host taught the “Nine Yin Scriptures” to Li Houhou, but in a different way, he first realized it by himself, and then taught Li Houhou a little bit.

Du Bian said: “Then you start copying the secret book of “Nine Suns True Scripture”.”

The system said: “Yes, but it will take half a month, because the amount of data is very large.”

“Okay.” Du Bian said: “The system, I need to become stronger immediately. Although I am now strong in spirit, my physical body is too weak, how can I quickly become stronger.”

The system said: “Originally, you need to eat a lot of meat to strengthen your body, and practice “Nine Suns” to improve your cultivation level. But you are different, you have the energy of the ancient dragon king, and you also Star-absorbing Dafa can be swallowed directly.”

Du Bian said: “It’s like swallowing the energy crystals in Ye Haitang’s brain?”

The system said: “Yes, the energy aura in the different worlds of the modern earth is very strong. Many powerful undead monsters, ghosts, demons, etc. have energy crystals in them. You only need to kill them and take out their crystals. Not only can you copy their spirits Attributes, attack methods, and can directly swallow their power.”

Du Biandao: “But the Star-Sucking Dafa has its limitations. After swallowing it once, it will cause the veins and veins to accumulate. Over time, there will be serious consequences, ranging from paralysis in the light, to the devil, and the pulse burst.”

The system said: “Yes, but you have the energy of the ancient dragon king. This is an extremely advanced energy that can completely cleanse the energy you swallow.”

This ancient dragon king energy is really against the sky.

And I didn’t expect that the so-called Star Absorption Dafa didn’t play much role in the Daning Empire, and it would show its magical powers on the modern earth.

At this time, his daughter Du Xiao has finished martial arts training.

“Dad, let’s have breakfast!” Du Xiao said cheerfully: “After breakfast, we will go out to recruit people. We must grow the settlement to 1,000 people within three months!”

One day, two days, three days… Ten days passed.

Du Bian and Du Xiao both looked a little depressed.

The two men swept every corner within a few tens of miles of the settlement, but did not find half a living person.

After all, fifteen years have passed since the end of the world. Either human beings are almost dead, and the rest are living in various forces.

In three months, wanting to expand to a thousand people is a complete fantasy.

After ten days of eating meat and Du Bian worked hard every day, his body has recovered a lot.

But in terms of martial arts, only relying on the daily consumption of profound energy by the Nine Suns Scriptures, the progress is very slow.

The fastest of course is to kill the powerful undead monsters, and then swallow its energy crystals. However, within a radius of tens of miles, a powerful monster was not found.

Instead, the mutant wild boar, the mutant leopard killed two or three.

These are supreme delicacies. They are mutated by the energy of another world. They are not undead, and there is no radiation. Their meat is not only delicious, but also able to quickly strengthen the body.

It was the baby girl who ventured out to call in the mountains in order to let Du Bian recover quickly.

However, there was not a single powerful monster that Du Bian wanted, so he couldn’t swallow their power and improve his cultivation.

Therefore, there was no gain for ten days!

Du Bian screamed in his heart all the time: I want to become stronger and stronger!

Zhang Xiaoman is a marauder major, a powerful eleventh-level fighter, with more than one hundred men!

Marauders Alliance!

It is a notorious force in the last days, who lives entirely by killing and plundering. All of them are wicked people with powerful martial arts.

In this alliance, the hierarchy is extremely strict.

Your strength completely determines your status and determines how many people you have. When one of your subordinates surpasses you by force, they can kill you and replace them at any time.

The blood in the hands of every looter is full of debts.

Zhang Xiaoman also killed a lot of people, but once she killed her own teacher, she didn’t want to looting like this anymore.

So, she took the team to adventure, hunting in the most dangerous places.

Go to the deep mountains with the densest energy in another world, go to the cracks in the earth.

Although this kind of adventurous hunting is dangerous, it also made her a huge gain. Obtained countless alien animal skins, alien animal flesh, alien animal bones, etc., all of which are treasures.

Moreover, they also harvested dozens of alien beast energy crystals, which are the most precious things in the last days, far more than gold and silver. Can be used to forge power weapons, power armor.

Of course, only the capital of the Taikang Empire and the highest level of the Marauder Alliance have the ability to forge power weapons and power armor.

Even if she has hunted the alien beast energy crystal, she can only sell it.

And this time, Zhang Xiaoman encountered great danger and trouble.

She led more than one hundred marauders and samurai under her on an adventure hunting in the cracks of the earth, but she encountered an extremely strange and powerful beast, the Phantom Razor!

Phantom Razor, the **** of death in the cracks of the earth.

It has no eyes and is positioned by sound waves.

Only over one meter tall, with four legs and two hands!

The body shell is completely impenetrable, even the Gauss rifle can’t be shot through.

And the speed is extremely agile, reaching more than 30 meters per second. The claws of both hands are sharper than any knife and can easily cut people into pieces. And its power is amazing, it can overturn a car easily.

Therefore, once any team encounters Phantom Razor Warcraft, there is only one word: escape!

Zhang Xiaoman felt that he had been **** mold for half a lifetime, and she had encountered such an extremely rare Phantom Razor.

The strange beast has no eyes, but it moves extremely fast. Almost just before they met, the monster killed him more than 30 people.

Zhang Xiaoman turned around and fled for the first time, fleeing desperately, fleeing desperately!

Behind, there was a burst of miserable howls.

Phantom Razor Warcraft, is slaughtering her men in a frenzy.

It was their sacrifice that made Zhang Xiaoman escape with dozens of people.

She led seventy or eighty people, and ran away for more than a hundred miles without daring to stop.

“My lord, we have escaped for more than a hundred miles. The terrible demon shouldn’t be chased. The Lanhu collar settlement is in front of us. Let’s go there for the night and regain our strength.” The captain said, the man looked at her with enthusiasm.

Zhang Xiaoman has a body like a devil.

And because of the invasion of the energy of another world, her bloodline mutated, making her stronger and keeping her youth forever.

After the end of the world, she seems to remain young and beautiful in her twenties forever.

And the higher the martial arts, the more fierce the body curve is, and he can’t look directly at it.

In the Raiders League, I don’t know how many people hit her attention and salivated her body. She was able to cope with it before.

However, recently a powerful marauder major general focused on her, and was forced to flee the Marauder Alliance and flee in the name of adventurous hunting.

Because that Marauder Major General was too powerful, she couldn’t resist.

Now any words can hardly describe Zhang Xiaoman’s disgust towards men, and it’s disgusting to touch it!

The root is still from the first love in high school!

At that time, Zhang Xiaoman was a sports student, practicing 800 meters and 1,000 meters track and field.

Because of her early development and beautiful appearance, she was called the school girl.

Young girl Sichun, Zhang Xiaoman is no exception, he fell in love with a super handsome boy in the lower grades.

That boy is not only handsome, but also full of melancholy temperament, and super talented. You can get the first place without reading, and you have several thousand yuan for writing articles every month, and you can also play the piano.

In short, which is the kind of lover in all girls’ dreams.

As a result, the boy also came to her and wanted to fall in love with her.

Zhang Xiaoman’s heart is extremely excited!

For the first private date, she was extremely nervous and looking forward to it. For the first time, she put on makeup and secretly used her mother’s perfume.

As a result, that date became her nightmare.

After the date, the dream lover in her heart, the super handsome boy, had no sweet words, no kisses, no handles, and directly took off her pants and asked him to see.

His tone is full of domineering, and you are not allowed to refuse that. How can anyone date him like this?

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoman was completely stunned, suddenly lost his reaction, and instinctively was about to resist.

As a result, just after a glance, the boy showed a disgusting expression, saying why your **** is so dark and a little bit?

Then he went straight away.

Zhang Xiaoman cried suddenly, yelling that you are crazy.

Where people’s bottoms are black, sitting on the bench every day has a little mark. And there is no small point, just goose bumps on the groin.

This was the first man she met.

Then at the university, she met a second perverted man, his coach.

After entering the Marauder Alliance, she met the third perverted man in her life, her master.

After experiencing these three men, Zhang Xiaoman was desperate for men, full of disgust and rejection.

Indulge in martial arts and adventure every day.

“Go, go to the Lanhuling settlement for the night!” Zhang Xiaoman ordered, and rushed towards the Lanhuling not far away with 80 marauders and warriors.

In the evening, after Du Bian finished telling the story to his daughter, the baby girl soon fell asleep again.

But Du Bian couldn’t sleep with his eyes open.

Ten days have passed, and he has not recruited half of his territory. And he didn’t encounter an imaginary alien beast, completely unable to hunt energy crystals for swallowing ascension.

I want to become stronger, I want to become stronger!

Come to a group of people, come to a powerful alien beast.

Next second!

Du Bian sensed a group of people approaching quickly.

Another second.

Du Bian and his daughter were surrounded by more than 80 people, and more than a dozen guns were aimed at him and his daughter.

“This territory was requisitioned by the Marauders Alliance. If things are left behind, you two get out or die!” A woman’s voice sounded: “Light the candle, search for what they have, and take them all!”

Candles are lit The flames light up the room!

The powerful Marauder Major Zhang Xiaoman saw Du Bian’s face, and his body trembled in disbelief.

It turned out to be her first love demon, the man who gave her a half-life psychological shadow.

Didn’t expect that he was not dead yet, and Yuan Jia Lu Zhai met here?

“Du Bian, scum, pervert? It turned out to be you? Take it to death!”

at the same time!

The incomparably powerful monster phantom sickle, smelling the blood of Zhang Xiaoman and others, rushed towards the settlement of Lanhu quickly!

Fast as lightning!

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