Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 483

Chapter 424 :Princess Ren Yexiao! Welcome to a forei

“From now on, you will be the citizens of the central province of the Taikang Empire, the ice city, and the Lanhu leader, and you will be under the jurisdiction of the city lord of Lianjin.”

Emperor Taikang spread his wings and floated in the air, towards the colonel of the plunderer below.

Of course, the dozens of looters under Zhang Xiaoman were willing, because they were already a little tired of the life of licking blood, so they followed her to leave the looters alliance.

But the soldiers who plundered the quasi-colonel may not be willing. They like the life of fighting more, like plundering and taking risks.

But since Emperor Taikang said it, there is no possibility of violation.

Moreover, the emperor’s powerful aura directly suppressed their will, even from the bottom of his heart, there was absolutely no way to go against it.

Suddenly, more than a thousand people knelt on the ground neatly, kowtowing and saying: “Follow the purpose!”

From now on, these more than one thousand people have nothing to do with the Raiders Alliance. Even if the Raiders Major General knew about it, he wouldn’t dare to talk nonsense.

Emperor Taikang was half a level higher than the Marshal of the Marauders Alliance.

Emperor Taikang flew very high, directly at an altitude of several kilometers, covered by clouds below, almost completely invisible to the ground.

Du Bian was really shocked. After the energy of another world poured in on a large scale, could the world of martial arts have such a huge improvement?

Can humans fly? !

On the plane of the Daning Empire, no matter how powerful Ning Daoxuan and others are, it is absolutely impossible to fly.

“Flight is the symbol of the world’s greatest power.” Taikang said: “Of course, this is also brought by the nightmare.”

Is that another world person again?

But what Du Bian cared more about at this time was another matter, the Princess of the Nightmare Empire.

Because Emperor Taikang said, you will definitely want to marry that princess, and you will want to marry her desperately.

Could it be that the princess is…?

“Yes.” Taikang said: “It’s Ren Yexiao, your fiancee, and your infatuated lover.”

As soon as he said this, Du Bian’s whole body became boiling and fiery.

Finally know the whereabouts of the fiancée.

Du Xiao was even more excited, and said, “Is it my mother? Is it my mother?”

Emperor Taikang said: “Yes, it’s your mother.”

Du Xiao was so happy that she was about to fly, of course she was already flying.

She missed her mother as much as her father. I don’t know how many she dreamed of her mother.

Although she hasn’t seen her mother since she was five years old, she has a photo with a family of three.

And don’t know how many times, she met her mother in a dream.

Are you finally going to see your mother now? Is the family reuniting?

After flying to the west for less than an hour, Emperor Taikang began to lower.

Through the clouds.

Suddenly, a huge city was imprinted in Du Bian’s eyes.

If Du Bian didn’t guess wrong, this should be Qamdo, the capital of the original Earth River (West).

Now it has become the imperial capital of the Taikang Empire?

It’s just that this city has completely changed beyond recognition. The part of the city on the (west) side of the Ganjiang River has been completely abandoned. The eastern urban area is surrounded by a huge wall with a circumference of 60,000 meters.

Moreover, this city wall is more exaggerated than any city wall that Dubian has ever seen. It is more than fifty meters high and more than fifteen meters thick.

Whether it is the capital of the Daning Empire or the royal city of the Eastern United Empire, the scale of the city wall is far less than the one in front of you.

This is simply an architectural miracle.

The city wall of more than one hundred li is exactly like a giant dragon that embraces the entire Taikang Empire.

Moreover, this city wall is not entirely reinforced concrete. It is covered with a strange stone, exuding a mysterious black light.

“This is the black magic stone, from another world.” Taikang the Great said: “This kind of stone is extremely strong, able to withstand most of the artillery fire, and also able to withstand the attacks of most corpse leaders.”

It can withstand most of the corpse monster leaders, which means that there are still a small part that can’t be stopped.

Du Bian asked, “How many people are there in the Taikang Empire Imperial Capital?”

“One and two hundred thousand.” Taikang the Great said.

Du Bian was surprised: “So many?”

Emperor Taikang said: “This is the last fortress of mankind, and it is also the essence of mankind. It is because I can’t hold it at all, otherwise I can’t wait to install everyone in.”

Du Bian could not imagine how much manpower and time it took the entire Taikang Empire to build this extremely huge wall.

Before this city wall was built, the people living in it had no sense of security at all.

Moreover, in the Taikang Empire, only the best talents can live in the imperial capital and accept the protection of countless strong men and this magnificent city wall.

Among the 1.2 million people in this imperial capital, there are tens of thousands of warriors, 400,000 troops, hundreds of thousands of researchers in science and energetics, hundreds of thousands of craftsmen, and hundreds of thousands of farmers.

Moreover, a large part of the food supply in this imperial capital depends on the territories below.

The entire Taikang Empire covers an area of ​​250,000 kilometers, divided into five major provinces, more than 200 cities, and tens of thousands of settlements.

Every city, every settlement has a high wall, and everyone lives inside the wall.

These tens of thousands of tribes are supporting more than one million people and hundreds of thousands of troops in this imperial capital.

The world outside the wall completely belongs to looters, corpses, alien beasts, monsters, and demons.

In the middle of the city, Du Bian saw the imperial palace and was even more completely shocked.

The other buildings in the entire imperial capital are the original high-rise buildings of Changdu City, and only the imperial palace was rebuilt.

This is a huge and magnificent dark fortress.

Du Bian looked familiar, because it looked like the Icecrown Citadel of the Lich King Arthas in “World of Warcraft”.

The entire imperial palace occupies more than 7,000 mu, which exceeds the scale of the Forbidden City.

Moreover, the entire palace is integrated, almost completely without greenery, full of supreme majesty.

In terms of simplicity and domineering, it even surpassed Fang Chen’s palace in the Eastern United Empire.

The walls of the imperial capital are only fifty meters high, while the walls of the imperial palace are more than eighty meters high and eighteen meters thick.

The palace walls are already so high, and the main palace fortress of the palace is three times higher, reaching an astonishing 290 meters high.

This palace is not only a palace, but also a powerful military fortress.

The giant artillery in the palace, missiles are only the lowest level weapons, with countless energy arrays.

Anyone who enters this palace will probably give birth to the feeling of dominance of the world.

At this time, Du Bian couldn’t imagine how this palace was built. In the environment of the end times, it is impossible to complete this huge project with human resources.

And Zhang Xiaoman and Du Xiao were also completely stunned by this magnificent city wall and huge palace fortress.

At this time, the sky over the entire imperial capital was densely covered with all kinds of aircraft. There are gunships before the end of the world, and some aircraft that Du Bian doesn’t recognize.

“Anyone who sees this city or sees this palace will be completely shocked and feel that this is the safest fortress in the world.” Emperor Taikang said: “However, it is actually vulnerable!”

Du Bian had a little imagination, let alone facing the demon army, even facing the undead army of the devil master of fate, the city could not resist it at all.

The giant corpse monster of the undead ten thousand chief class is already over 13 meters high.

And there are undead lords and undead hegemons ten times bigger than it, a hundred times bigger.

“My martial arts growth has reached the limit, so hope is pinned on you.” Emperor Taikang said.

Then he did not land in the imperial palace, but continued to fly towards the west, flying directly over the imperial capital of the Taikang Empire.

“We go directly to the Purgatory Tower!” Taikang said: “You need to become stronger in the shortest and shortest time. After you successfully emerge from the Purgatory Tower, I will take you to meet the officials of the Taikang Empire and announce The news that you are the heir of the Taikang Empire. If you announce it now, if you die on the top of the Purgatory Tower, it will be a devastating blow to the morale of the Taikang Empire.”

Purgatory Tower? what?

“The Purgatory Tower also descended from another world to our earth. It is a secret realm where people from another world practice martial arts. The reason why I rose instantly is because of this Purgatory Tower!”

Flying further west, Du Bian found that everything had changed.

There are no cities, no settlements, no towns.

Not to mention human beings, there is not even a single plant or even soil.

All the soil was turned into black rock mass, and Du Bian even felt like he was on an alien planet.

Moreover, it was obviously daytime outside, and after entering this range, it immediately turned into dark night.

“The Purgatory Tower has turned all the land within a radius of several hundred miles into a complete dead place.” Emperor Taikang said: “There are no humans or strange beasts in this area.”

Du Bian said: “This land seems to be completely dead, without any vitality.”

Emperor Taikang said: “Because of the Purgatory Tower, all vitality has been swallowed!”

Du Bian couldn’t imagine that a purgatory tower had turned a radius of hundreds of miles into a completely silent world, even the day turned into night.

How terrifying is this tower?

Soon Du Bian saw this purgatory tower!

This is not like a tower at all, but like a mountain, more than seven kilometers above sea level.

But it is cylindrical again, but it gets sharper as it goes up.

The bottom of the entire purgatory tower is more than three kilometers in diameter, and the top is only about a hundred meters in diameter.

Du Bian could not imagine how this thing flew from another world to the earth at that time.

This purgatory tower is truly shocking!

Emperor Taikang landed at the bottom of the purgatory tower.

At this time, the whole Purgatory Tower is completely invisible, because it is too high and too big, and even the entire East China does not have such a high mountain.

When passing by the Taikang Empire’s capital just now, Zhang Xiaoman and Du Xiao received a strong visual shock and impact.

At this time, compared with this purgatory tower, it seemed to be nothing.

The Purgatory Tower has no doors, only one entrance, absolute darkness, as if leading to hell.

Emperor Taikang said: “Before entering the Purgatory Tower, I want to tell you a few things.”

“The first thing is that the undead army of the Demon Lord of Destiny is coming. Our emperor needs the help of the nightmare empire’s army, otherwise there is no hope at all in this battle. The nightmare the great is from another world, and his army is much stronger than ours. ”

“So, you must marry the Princess of the Nightmare Empire. And you must have competitors, the son of the Marshal of the Marauder Alliance, and the son of the Great Chief of the Puppet Tribe. These two people are your biggest rivals. So there will be a duel, You must win out of three, so you must become strong in the shortest time.”

Du Bian said: “How strong do I need to be?”

Emperor Taikang said: “Martial Saint?”

Du Bian said: “What is Martial Saint?”

Emperor Taikang said, “Do you know Ning Daoxuan’s martial arts?”

Of course Du Bian knew the number one master of the Daning Empire.

Emperor Taikang said: “He has broken through the pinnacle master and entered the realm of Wuzun. In the classification of different worlds, Wuzun is semi-sage above and semi-sage is Wusheng!”

Du Bian took a breath, which means that he needs to be three realms higher than Ning Daoxuan? More than ten times his cultivation base? !

“The second one, the trial of the purgatory tower is deadly, so when you can’t pass the instinct at all, you must stop, otherwise you will really die!” Taikang said: “Successfully tried from the purgatory tower so far. There are no more than ten people who come out alive, and there are less than ten people in the world. So countless people know that the breakthrough in cultivation is the fastest, but no one dares to go in. On average, a thousand people go in and come out alive. Less than one.”

“The third thing is that the time inside the purgatory tower is completely different from the outside. The higher the level, the slower the flow of time. It is likely that ten years have passed inside and less than three days in the outside world.”

Having said three things, Emperor Taikang asked, “What do you want to ask?”

Du Bian asked, “How many floors does this purgatory tower have?”

Emperor Taikang said: “I don’t know. My teacher, Nightmare the Great, didn’t tell me. But…I stopped training when I reached the fifth level and couldn’t go up anymore, and among the disciples of Nightmare the Great. No matter whether it is the puppet tribe warchief or the marshal of the Marauder Alliance, no one has passed the fifth-tier trial.”

Emperor Taikang said: “So you have to be mentally prepared, the trial of this purgatory tower is far more difficult than you think, and even the first level is as difficult as climbing. And when I entered the purgatory tower to practice, it was more difficult than you are now. Much more powerful. But even so, the trial of the first level almost made me desperate.”

Du Bian nodded.

Emperor Taikang said again: “And some very strange things may happen in the purgatory tower, don’t care, just focus on the trial.”

Du Bian said, “Is there anything else?”

Daughter Du Xiao said at this time: “Can I go in for the trial with my father?”

Emperor Taikang said: “You can only enter one person at a time, and…There is no huge luck, no blood against the sky, and you will die if you enter. I was awakened by the blood of the Nightmare Great, so I can enter the Purgatory Tower trial.”

Du Bian said: “Xiaoxiao, come here!”

The daughter came over!

Du Bian said: “You relax all your mental defenses.”

Du Xiao closed his eyes and removed all mental defenses.

This is difficult. People have mental defenses against anyone, even their parents have secrets they don’t want to know.

But Du Xiao trusts his father 100%, really without any mental defense!

Du Biandao: “System, have you copied the inner strength of your “Nine Suns True Scripture”?”

“Yes, master,” the system said.

Du Bian said: “Then, through the use of mental techniques, the spiritual procedures of the “Nine Suns” can be introduced into my daughter’s brain.”

“Yes!” the system said.

The conduction of this mental process is different from what you imagined, and there is no physical contact at all.

It depends on the pineal gland of two people.

Under the operation of the system, the mental method of “Nine Suns True Scripture” in Du Bian’s brain was quickly input into Du Xiao’s brain.

This feeling is very similar to Bluetooth transmission between two mobile phones.

Bluetooth transmission requires the consent of both devices to be able to transmit. It is easy for the mobile phone to agree to the transmission, but it is difficult for two humans to agree to the transmission. Even if there is a little precaution in the heart, a little distrust will not work.

Because once the mental defense is removed, it is equivalent to completely surrendering life and death to the opponent.

Fully half an hour later, the transmission of Du Bian’s “Nine Suns True Scripture” was over. Du Xiao did not open her eyes, but sat cross-legged on the ground because her brain and nerves needed to completely digest this set of inner gong.

“During this time, we will all wait for you outside the purgatory tower.” Taikang said: “Of course, we only wait for one month. Because the timeline inside is different, the trial will never exceed one month. If it exceeds One month has not yet come out to prove one thing, you are dead.”

“Remember, as long as you successfully pass the fourth level, you will be able to break through the martial sage realm, and you can come out at that time, because no one in the world can complete the fifth level trial.”

“Well, time is running out, you can go in!” Taikang said.

Du Bian nodded, then gave Du Xiao a light hug.

Of course he was not relieved to hand his daughter over to Emperor Taikang, Du Bian, but… in the face of such a powerful force as Emperor Taikang, there was no difference between trust and distrust.

Du Bian glanced at Zhang Xiaoman, she nodded and said, “I wish you success.”

Emperor Taikang said: “Being outside these few days, I will point out your daughter and her martial arts.”

Du Bian looked at his daughter for a while, and then came to the entrance of the Purgatory Tower!

This place was more weird and powerful than any place he had seen before, and even completely surpassed his imagination.

Because this is a secret realm from a truly different world.

Purgatory, purgatory!

This entrance really seems to be the entrance to hell.

A thousand people enter, and none of them will come out alive.

Including Emperor Taikang, no one in the world can complete the fifth trial.

The first level is so difficult!

Whether it is Taikang the Great Chief of the Puppet Tribe, or the Marshal of the Marauders Alliance When the three disciples of the Nightmare Great enter the Purgatory Tower, their cultivation bases are far more than Du Variables. .

Taking a deep breath, Du Bian walked into the purgatory tower and officially entered the **** trial!

Welcome to a foreign land!

This entrance is very long and completely dark, even with the mental power of Duchang, nothing can be seen.


The darkness is over, and the eyes are bright.

Du Bian entered the first floor of the Purgatory Tower.

Then Du Bian was stunned!

He knew that the first level would be difficult, but he didn’t expect it to be so difficult!

He saw a monster!

Fifty meters high undead lord!

It was ten times bigger and ten times stronger than the undead ten thousand husband who met in the land of Lanhu!

At that time, Du Bian had more than a thousand people, dozens of Gauss rifles, and thousands of guns. There was no way to face the giant corpse leader (the leader of the undead tribe). If it hadn’t been for Emperor Taikang to rush to kill. Only the head of the undead tribe, Du Bian and more than a thousand people had been slaughtered by it long ago.

But the one in front of him was ten times stronger, but Du Bian was only one person!

The undead lord spotted Du Bian and immediately let out a screaming roar. The loud noise directly caused Du Bian’s ears to bleed.

The only thing Du Bian relies on is mental power.

So try to release the mental power, want to fix it.


The fifty-meter-high undead lord suddenly opened the third eye of his forehead, and then shot it like a tangible light.

In an instant, Du Bian was frozen!

Its mental power is much stronger than Du Bian.

Then in the next second, the astonishingly huge undead lord suddenly grabbed Du Bian and ate him directly into his mouth!

Note: The second one is here, please ask for your support, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone!

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