Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

  1. Flee from the Heroes (14)

#14 Their Circumstances: Circumstances of a certain hero(?)

Opportunities do not disappear. It’s just that someone else takes those opportunities. 

So be careful not to let opportunities be taken from you.

Villains are beings who take things from others, not beings who have things taken from them.

That’s what the instructor said when he explained the word opportunity.

-What relevance does that have to do with this situation, hero!

The goddess didn’t seem to be such an amazing entity either.  

Of course that’s the case, bringing up words like that in this situation.

-What can you understand from words like opportunities do not disappear or be careful not to have opportunities taken by others, in a situation where you’re pretending to be buried under a pile of rocks?

As expected, you can’t expect much from a goddess who’s been sealed for thousands, no, tens of thousands of years.

-Is this my fault, you’re saying? Okay, let’s say it is. So tell me. What relevance do those words you just said have!

Sigh… I will explain it specially for you. 

The reason why I’m pretending to be buried under rocks is…

-The reason is?

Precisely to wait for the opportunity to take down the Demon King!

-By being buried under rocks?

Yes. In order to ambush him from behind when the Demon King’s strength wanes!  

-That is not proper conduct for a hero at all!

Indeed, you are a goddess from ancient times.

Hero of this new age wait for chances to ambush the Demon King from behind while he and his soldiers fight earnestly.

-There’s no way that can be true! Protecting the weak soldiers, and taking down the Demon King alone! Isn’t that what a hero is?

The soldiers are weak?

I peered at the Demon King through the gaps between the rocks. 

I can’t see the Demon King’s figure.

What filled the plain was the human army, and the occasional elf holding branches of the World Tree.

“Heaven’s Gaze.”

I closed my eyes and cast magic.

A spell that allows you to see space through magic as an intermediary.

It’s a difficult spell to use over long distances, but for this distance I can use it without issue.

“Can you still say that after seeing this?”

-Oh no……!

The vision I saw through magic was also visible to the goddess of benevolence and devotion I had made a contract with.

-This can’t be real…! 

The Demon King was being beaten. He was unilaterally being battered.

So pathetic that it made viewers feel sorry for him!

“Who is weak?”

-The, the soldiers should be weak…

“Face reality. Over there being pitifully battered, is that an ordinary soldier, or is it the Demon King?”

-The, the Demon King…

“Say it more precisely, goddess. How is the Demon King right now?”

-He’s… He’s being bombarded by magic, held in check, stabbed and cut by the branches of the World Tree that the elves have… being, being sworn at… and, and…

Unable to utter the word raped, the goddess who seemed to be weeping without a physical body to do so. Seeing her like that, I recalled the instructor’s words.

‘The enemy cries? It means they’ve been weakened. And so, the best time to attack is when they’ve been weakened.’

The instructor’s words have never been wrong.

And so, now is the best timing to attack the goddess! 

“Now, say it, goddess. How do you think the Demon King being beaten like that will end up?”

-If it continues like that, he’ll suffer and die, hero.

“No. He will awaken from that beating.”

-Huh? Awaken even though he’s being beaten? Just what will he awaken with?

What else could it be.

-Don’t tell me, Maso…

“The true Demon King, that is.” 

-The, the Demon King! Yes, the Demon King!

I let it slide, pretending not to have heard something, for the sake of the goddess’s dignity. 

“Originally, powerful enemies like the Demon King change their combat style in a total of 3 stages, as the instructor said.”  

-As expected, the instructor makes an appearance!

“The proof is at first the Demon King had his sanity, but after that he lost it. In exchange, he gained greater power.”

-Well that’s true, but…

“Do you think it’s just a coincidence? If so, please keep watching.”


And so the goddess and I kept watching as the Demon King was battered.

And then,  

-Gwaaah! Evil! I am evil! The evil that will destroy the world!

Along with these words, the Demon King’s body that had been continuously battered started to be stained black.

-No way!


The aura of darkness gushing out from his body started to wrap around the Demon King like armor.

-Wha, what is that!

“The instructor called it the final phase mode.”

-The final phase mode!

Back when I was a fledgling trainee.

The instructor explained the dangers of the hero class to us using the Demon King as an example.  

He taught us all of the history of the Demon King, explaining how the Demon King had many abilities and was incredibly strong.

And also just how pitifully the Demon King had been smashed by heroes.

“All past Demon Kings ended up like that when they were about to die.”

Seeing their end approach, gathering all of the world’s evil to rage in a final frenzy.


-The enemy has grown stronger! Flee! Regroup and reform your ranks!

The Demon King who had gained absurd strength started killing the humans and elves who had been attacking him.

Since they were exceptionally skilled, they didn’t go down easily, but they seemed to be struggling to deal with the Demon King’s enhanced power.

-Now is the time! This is the chance for you to shine, hero!

“Not yet.”

-Huh? Why! Isn’t this the moment you’ve been waiting for?


It is said that after the evil god unleashed evil, the Demon King was unable to defeat the hero and fell. 

“But as the instructor said!”

– You come up too often, instructor!

“The instructor said, Demon King did not fail to defeat the heroes, but that still doesn’t mean he defeated the heroes.”

– Huh? What does that mean? Isn’t it the same thing?

“It’s a completely different story.”

The Demon King struck down countless heroes. 

It was a fact that could be seen just by comparing the heroes before the Demon King appeared and the current heroes.

“Countless heroes have died at the Demon King’s hands. It’s just that heroes kept being reborn.” 

The rate at which the heroes were replenished was absurd.

No matter how many were killed, new heroes were born. It wasn’t like pulling radishes from a field.


Just as I was about to kindly explain to the ignorant goddess,

– Could it be… Are you saying the heroes wait until other soldiers create an opening so they don’t die!

Finally, the goddess showed some wit. 

– Ugh! Such wit is not necessary! No, before that, are you aware that you are a hero?

Goddess of benevolence and devotion, are you aware that you have chosen a former villain from the best evil organization as a hero?

– I’m ruined! I’ve ruined everything by choosing the wrong hero!

As the relationship between a god and apostle continued, the goddess’ deep despair began to flow into me.

“Listen, goddess.”

– Are you going to deceive me again with some nonsensical sophistry?

…Her wit has certainly improved quickly.

“Listen. I am the hero, apostle of the goddess of benevolence and devotion who saved the world. What do you think will happen if I fall to the Demon King?”

– Very strong soldiers will defeat the Demon King in place of you, hero. 

“Is that so?”

I unconsciously nodded in agreement. Her answer was so realistic.

“Ah, no. But then many people will suffer. That is, my safety ensures the safety of others.”

– Many have already suffered and sacrificed. 

“The sacrifice of the minority for the majority has always existed.”

– Shouldn’t that minority be you, hero?


– You’re sharp.

“I will survive for a long, long time.”

– Sigh…

The goddess did not hide her complicated feelings as she sighed.

– Alright. No matter if you’re my apostle, hero has his own life too. I shouldn’t force the hero to sacrifice for my own greed… I should have realized that…

As expected of the goddess of benevolence and devotion. 

Blaming everything on herself when many gods force their followers’ hands.

“I will definitely take care of the Demon King.”

Be patience and wait for the opportunity. 

I’ve been pretending to be knocked down all this time to observe everything about the Demon King.

First, the weapon.

– Is that what you’ll use?

“Yes. I need the goddess’ power.”

According to Mirea’s information, metal bat don’t work on the Demon King. 

But judging by how the elves’ attacks were critical hits, bats made from the Tree of the World seemed to have an advantage over the Demon King.

– I’m embarrassed but… 

The goddess showed reluctance to use a wooden bat, which was like her current body, as a weapon. 

“It’s for the sake of the world.”

– Ugh…!

With that one line, the overflowing goddess of benevolence and devotion could not refuse.

“One hit will be enough.” 

I endured and endured to seize the opportunity for that one hit.

And when I got the perfect chance,


I activated the magic prepared in advance to move next to the Demon King, then stabbed the wooden bat into the back of the Demon King’s head.


“Does it hurt? Of course it hurts! It’s a bat”

I continuously swung the bat at the Demon King as he let out a tremendous scream.


The evil aura and Demon King were one body.

The moment the Demon King screamed, the aura surrounding his body turned into a sword trying to pierce my neck.

“What are you staring at! Kill him before the Demon King comes to his senses!”

If I had let my guard down, my neck would have been cut off and I would have died. 

As expected, the Demon King was not an existence I could face alone.


“Grab him!”

I almost turned my head at the chilling voice.

If I had turned, my face would have been split instead of the wound on my cheek.

“Wha, what?”

“Captain! What’s going on!”

The Imperial army’ gazes were divided.

Listening closely, it seemed the hero kid had run away with the letter the instructor gave him, and Mirea was chasing after it.

“You crazy fools! The Demon King first! I said catch the Demon King first!”

Their focus was completely divided.

Fortunately, the elves seemed to prioritize the battle with the Demon King over the instructor’s letter, but the Imperial army and Sia’s troops were different.

“These damn selfish bastards!”

I knew it couldn’t be helped.

It was that Imperial princess and Sia’s troops.

Those two who had been influenced by the instructor since a very young age had a level of selfishness comparable to the instructor.

“Damn it! Damn it! Save me!”

Blocking the Demon King’s attacks, dodging, pulling it off again.

– As expected of the hero I chose! You can defeat the evil Demon King and save the world!

The goddess seemed excited about my feats but… I’m dying here!

“Oh evil, be destroyed!”


An elf stabbed a spear made from a branch of the Tree of the World into the Demon King’s waist at the cost of his life.

That elf died at the hands of the Demon King, but created a decent opening,


And I was not poorly trained to miss such an opportunity.


Wielding the sword, no, bat with both hands and swinging down a sky cut.

Unlike other comrades who can use sky cut from any stance, I could only use sky cut from a proper stance because of my limited opportunities to use it.

But there is one thing I’m proud of. 

Among all motives, I’m the one who learned Sky Cutting perfectly.

With the same power and magic, I’m the only one who can really cut the sky as the name suggests!

– I will lend you my power.

“Golden light?”

The golden sword, symbol of the hero, coagulated with Sky Cutting and became one.

“This, this is!”

The space darkened by the Demon King started turning golden.  

“Ahhhhh! What, what is this…! What! What is this!”

The Demon King started screaming.

It was the same golden magic, but the power was incomparably stronger than an ordinary hero’s.

“What, what is it, goddess?”

– Good and evil. When evil emerged in the world created by the Creator, the duality of good and evil was formed. Then… what happened to the original magic?

The instructor said people who answer questions with questions are the worst humans, goddess!

– I’m not human so it’s okay.

“Revenge? The revenge from before? Please finish it quickly, I’m busy!”

– Given the situation, I will explain briefly. After the duality of good and evil emerged, magic also gained the opposite attribute. Holiness, opposite of magic. Good and evil, and holiness and magic.

It was the first time hearing about this.

– Of course. Although I manage the attribute of holiness obtained when I sealed evil, it’s an ability I gained the moment I appeared, so I was sealed with it from the beginning…


The magic powered by Sky Cutting started piercing through the Demon King’s darkness.

Objectively, it wasn’t that strong of a technique!

– Yes, that’s right. You’re different from other heroes, a true hero! The only one who inherited the power of holiness while serving the goddess of benevolence and devotion – the Holy hero!

“Holy hero? It sounds like a hero who could become very dangerous if mistaken!”


Both my scream and the Demon King’s scream echoed simultaneously. 



The darkness disappeared from the Demon King’s body.

“Is this the end?”

There was no sound of something shattering. 

There was no huge explosion either.

But looking at the Demon King gazing at me with such clear eyes, I realized everything was over.

“It seems so, senior.” 

“Senior? You’re his disciple too?”

“Yes. I’m the third generation, Rain if counting by admission.”

“Ah… How many heroes come out of an evil organization…” 

Are there really that few worthy people? 

Mumbling, the Demon King looked up at the sky.

“A golden sky…”

Will I get to see her?

Mumbling so, the Demon King disappeared in golden light.

It was a strange lingering feeling for the death of an evil Demon King.

– As expected, you’re the best hero, Holy hero Rain!

…The goddess destroyed that feeling in less than a second, but

“Ha, still…”

It’s over now.

With the Demon King down, it’s all over…

“It can never end!”

The final real boss was still left. The final boss called Instructor!


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