Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 10

Chapter 9:

Xing Lu’s pale face appeared in the video, with a white cloth covering her head.

She first called Captain Qin, and then said, “I know Zhang Jibo best, let me talk to him, maybe he can speak.”

Qin Yan fell into deep thought and nodded after a while.

Xing Lu thanked her, looked at Shen Qiu who was trying to get her head under the video, and called Yang Yue.

“Before, Qiuqiu was kicked by Zhang Jibo. I’m afraid that I will hurt my internal organs. Could you please take me to the hospital?”

Both of them were shocked.

Qin Yan picked up Shen Qiu and touched his abdomen.

“Meow!” Shen Qiu was taken aback.

Don’t say it, Xing Lu didn’t mention it, he didn’t feel it. Hearing her mention it, he felt a ton of pain in the lower half of the chest. He guessed that it was a rib injury.

Qin Yan frowned.

“Yang Yue, take the ball to the pet hospital first, and give me your phone.”

Shen Qiu heard this, what a line!

I immediately held Qin Yan’s arm with my paws and didn’t let go.

“Meow Meow!”

It’s been so long anyway, and I don’t care if I postpone it a little longer. You let me listen to the interrogation first before going.

“I don’t know if you are curious about the case or about everything. Even if you are injured, you have to listen to the interrogation, but it is very similar to us.”

When Shen Qiu heard this, his ears were erect and his eyes wandered.

This is also an occupational disease left over from being a policeman in a previous life. Unless you lie down and cannot move, the interrogation must be heard.

The occupational disease of being a cat in this life has not been cured, but Qin Yan can see that it is tricky.

However, Qin Yan thought that the cat was too smart, but he didn’t think too much.

Holding Shen Qiu’s big drumstick and holding the cat in one hand, the two walked to the interrogation room one by one.

Qin Yan said in advance, “I will go to the hospital as soon as the interrogation is over, do you hear me?”

Shen Qiu’s ears twitched, “Ouch” bit on the chicken leg.

Zhang Jibo had already finished his instant noodles when he went in. The third one stood behind the table with his eyes wide open, gasping for breath, and he looked very angry.


He turned his head when he heard the movement.

“This guy still doesn’t say anything, and doesn’t bring out his voice!”

Qin Yan waved his hand and took the phone.

Xing Lu was still lying on the bed waiting, and opened her eyes when she heard the movement.

“Zhang Jibo.”

She shouted, and the voice with current was distorted, making Zhang Jibo pause and raise his head.

He is facing Xing Lu in the video.

“Sister Zhaodi is your only relative, so I asked my friend to bring her ashes to you to see. When I get back from the hospital, I will arrange the burial.”

Yang Yue took the opportunity to take out the black urn and sent it forward after getting permission.

“Remember when we were young, Sister Zhaodi was twelve years older than us, but she did all the heavy and dirty work since childhood, and raised us with hard work.”

She recalled those hard times in her hometown.

Although the days are hard, but the whole family is united, it is very miss.

Zhang Jibo’s expression changed slightly, and he lowered his head.

“However, Zhang Jibo, when did you become like this? I heard that you are still taking drugs, right? Just because I couldn’t find the money to take drugs, I went to find them. Sister Zhao Di, kill her!”

“Zhang Jibo, aren’t you afraid to ask Sister Di to come back to you when you dream at midnight?”

“How can you be so cruel!”

Zhang Jibo’s body shook.

Shen Qiu narrowed his eyes.

Others could not help being moved when they heard Xing Lu’s words. If Zhang Jibo didn’t respond, then he really wasn’t a human being.

Fortunately, Zhang Jibo still has a trace of humanity, and Xing Lu’s words brought him back to his carefree childhood.

He suddenly hugged his head and whimpered in pain.

“Sister, I’m sorry for you!”

He covered his head and cried for a while, then raised his head and his eyes were swollen into walnuts.

Looking at Xing Lu, regret flashed in her eyes.

“I’m sorry sister, I’m sorry for you, in the future… it’s fine.”

Then look at Qin Yan.

“Officer, let me explain.”

From Zhang Jibo’s mouth, they finally learned what happened.

Zhang Jibo started taking drugs when he first came to Haishi, but he didn’t take the initiative.

Yang Yue said before that Zhang Jibo was brought in by gangsters to start gambling in the year of the college entrance examination.

The family conditions of Zhang’s family didn’t have the money to gamble for him, plus the gangsters around him, he owed a lot of usury in his hometown.

I thought I would be able to escape by leaving my hometown, but I didn’t expect those people to chase Haishi and force him to pay back the money.

Zhang Jibo didn’t dare to tell his family and wanted to live, so he began to help those people ship.

Zhang Jibo regretted saying this.

But Shen Qiu scoffed.

du taste how horrible these things are, no one knows better than the anti-drug police.

As an anti-drug policeman in his last life, he seized thousands of drugs. Which one didn’t say regret after being caught?

Let them go back to the past, let them stop sucking and see who will?

When you get inside, you might wonder why you shouldn’t be more careful.

Shen Qiu rubbed his ears with his paws impatiently, and his tail swayed left and right at a rapid frequency.

“Where is the clubhouse in heaven and earth? Do you know the people inside?”

Zhang Jibo shook his head, “I’ve only heard of the club you mentioned, but I haven’t been there, and I don’t know the people in it.”

The third frowned, “Are you sure?”

Zhang Jibo nodded, “But before I made up my mind to kidnap Xing Lu, someone once came to me and told me to do whatever I wanted, someone would help me, I…”

“I’m really out of money, I just want to get some money to leave the sea market, I didn’t expect to kill my sister, and I didn’t want to really hurt Xing Lu.”

Everyone present, including Shen Qiu, rolled their eyes.

The interrogation ended soon after Zhang Jibo spoke.

However, it is disappointing that Zhang Jibo doesn’t know much.

The source of the goods is that every time someone throws the moving things into the waste heap in the alley, and then sends a message to Zhang Jibo to pick it up.

Qin Yan tried to dial the number, but the number was empty.

It is estimated that these people’s numbers are changed once a month.

As for the new du product Zhang Jibo, I don’t know.

“I just pick up the goods according to the time. I don’t know if they are new or not, but the latest ones do taste better than before.”

“Sometimes I can’t wake up for a long time after smoking.”

“It probably started half a month ago.”

The above are the original words of Zhang Jibo.

In addition to these, there is no clue about the heaven and earth club.

Leave the finishing touches to the third child, Qin Yan came out with Shen Qiu and Yang Yue in his arms.

“You take the ball to the hospital first.” He looked at his watch.

“Try to be back before nine for a meeting.”

Yang Yue’s body is straight, “Yes!”

Seeing that Yang Yue didn’t follow, she tilted her head and gestured to her.

“Meow?” I’m still in pain.

Qin Yan and Yang Yue were a little funny.

“The little guy Qiuqiu is really too smart, and he doesn’t know how his brain looks. The police dogs in the bureau don’t have his IQ.”

Qin Yan squinted his eyes when he heard this, and waved to Yang Yue thoughtfully.

“Go ahead.”

There is a pet hospital a block away from the Public Security Bureau.

“How did it hurt?”

The doctor asked while touching Shen Qiu’s abdomen.

Yang Yue was a little anxious, “I was kicked, how are you all right?”

The doctor shook his head, “It’s a bit like a broken bone, but it can only be confirmed by taking a CT scan, right?”

Yang Yue nodded, “Photo!”

The result of ct is the same as the conclusion of the face examination, which is a fracture.

But luckily it’s not serious.

“No fracture, no internal bleeding, fortunately, no thoracic surgery is required, as long as it is fixed.”

“Go back and put the cat in a cage or a small room, don’t let him jump around, rest for about a month.

In addition to the fracture, there are also bruises on the abdomen.

After shaving, a large mark was revealed, which made Yang Yue feel distressed.

“Qiu Qiu, does it hurt? I knew you were injured so badly, so I wouldn’t let you run that far.”

Shen Qiu, who was as quiet as a chicken the whole time, slapped her hand with his paw.

“Meow~” An La An La, I have endured the serious injury in my last life, what is it?

Let the doctor wrap the board and gauze around again and again, Shen Qiu didn’t make any noise the whole time, and the doctors and nurses who saw it were amazed.

“Miss Yang, you are such a good cat. I have been in the business for so many years, and I have never seen such a good cat. Why don’t you struggle for injections and blood draws, you can do it.”

Miss Nurse rubbed Shen Qiu’s head and couldn’t put it down.

Shen Qiu didn’t mind her touching when she was praised, and raised her cat’s head, very proud.

“Look, he seems to understand what I say, so cute.”

The bandage was done, and after asking the doctor some precautions, Yang Yue took Shen Qiu away under the reluctant eyes of the doctors and nurses.

Don’t move around, Shen Qiu didn’t insist on leaving by herself this time, and lay obediently in Yang Yue’s arms.

After Yang Yue returned to the police station, she repeatedly praised Shen Qiu for being obedient and sensible.

Qin Yan glanced at the big cat who raised his head proudly, and the thought in his heart became stronger and stronger.

No hurry, just wait…

Xing Lu had to be hospitalized for a concussion, and Shen Qiu was unwilling to go home, Qin Yan left Shen Qiu behind for the first time.

Shen Qiu stayed at the police station again.

When you are hungry, go to the kitchen and ask Master Zheng for a meal.

Three o’clock and one line, after a month of recuperation, my body is all better.

At the same time, Xing Lu was also discharged from the hospital.

At dinner time that day, Yang Yue talked about Xing Lu’s discharge from the hospital, and looked at Shen Qiu with a sad face.

“I’m used to Qiuqiu after staying with us for a month. I’m a little reluctant to think that he will go back in two days.”

Shen Qiu almost knocked over the meat in the bowl when she heard it.

He licked his mouth, a little anxious.

It took a long time to live at the police station, and he didn’t want to go back.

It’s not that Xing Lu is bad, it’s just…he is destined to be a policeman! If I go back now, I will come back sooner or later. It’s easy to make Xing Lu sad. It’s better to decide early.

But… now there is no shadow of the police meow!

He couldn’t eat any more meat, so he turned around in circles.

Others groaned.

Only Qin Yan, he first glanced at Shen Qiu, and suddenly speeded up to finish the meal.

Then bent down and picked up Shen Qiu.

“I’ll go find the chief.”

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