Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 119

Chapter 117: (Second More)

The company commander did not speak, but made a gesture to the PLA behind him.

The well-trained People’s Liberation Army immediately scattered and surrounded the vegetable field.

The company commander glanced at the hole dug by Mother Fox.

The hole is not big, the little fox can get in, but the person can’t.

After thinking about it, the company commander explained the situation here seriously.

The entrance to the village.

Serious has always been vigilant of the village chief, so when he threw away the pen and paper, he had a reaction, and the knife that stabbed made a long cut in the serious arm.

The backhand twisted the village chief’s hand, the village chief cried out in pain, and the knife fell out of his hand.

Seriously, he turned the person over, twisted his hands behind his back, and took off the handcuffs around his waist to handcuff him tightly.

The village chief turned his head and spat at Serenity, and was avoided by Serenity.

When the villagers saw that the village chief was handcuffed, they became more and more angry, and scolded their mother and rushed up.

“Don’t move! Move again and we’ll shoot!”

The SWAT police erected explosion-proof shields.

However, no one listened to the verbal warning. The villagers raised their wooden warehouses one after another, and some people kept waving their sickles and rushing forward.

Desperate and crazy.

The captain of the second SWAT team asked for instructions on the walkie-talkie.

Then opened a wooden warehouse.


The sound of the wooden warehouse quieted the restless villagers, and some women hid back in fear.

But few men in the village were afraid. Their faces were fierce, and they ignored the village chief’s intention to open the wooden warehouse seriously.

However, these shotguns are made by the villagers, and they have various problems. This man probably used it improperly, and when he pressed the trigger, he directly blew himself up.

“Bang” followed by howling.

The villagers were all taken aback, but the SWAT responded quickly and stepped forward. While suppressing the person, the wooden warehouse aimed at other villagers with shotguns.

Having learned from the past, the villagers did not dare to shoot casually, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

The car came to the village entrance again, and the special police and armed police who came to support got out of the car and quickly controlled the scene.

It took less than ten minutes for the whole process from the rioting of the villagers to the arrival of support to control the scene.

All the villagers were escorted into the car, and Captain Bai took a first aid kit and wrapped it up seriously.

“Officer Yan, do you know where people are hiding?”

Serious is calling Xu Heng. After telling them that they found the necklace at the entrance of the village, Xu Heng and another special policeman could no longer be contacted.

He originally suspected that he was locked up by the villagers, but there is no trace of them in the village, so it can only be the poaching gang.

He was a little anxious. Hearing Captain Bai’s words, he pointed to the farmland.

“Hide there if nothing happens.”

He hung up the phone and rushed to the farmland with Captain Bai.

The People’s Liberation Army has withdrawn to the bottom of the hillside, either hiding in the wheat grass, or close to the hillside to ensure that no trace is visible from above.

Seeing the serious people coming over, they salute each other.

“Officer Yan, now it is almost certain that people are below, but we don’t know the situation inside now, and we cannot break through while ensuring the safety of the hostages.”

Shen Qiu was standing next to the company commander, and Mother Fox was still standing in front of the hole dug.

He has an idea to let everyone see what’s inside, but if he can’t speak, he can’t describe it accurately.

Seeing the seriousness, the little fox looked over expectantly.

Please, let’s have a heart-to-heart connection.

After listening to the description of the company commander, he frowned seriously.

Although she didn’t have the same mind with Shen Qiu, she thought about the same as Shen Qiu.

“Is there any camera equipment, put a camera down, maybe it will work.”

“Beeeeeeee!” Oops! You look at me!

The little fox stomped on the side, attracting everyone’s attention.

Serious raised eyebrows, blessing to the soul.

“Maybe…let him try.”

Company commander: “Ah?”

“This is a very smart fox, and he called the police in this case, maybe it works.”

The company commander: “Huh?”

I don’t blame the company commander. It’s too mysterious for a fox to call the police. Although I occasionally encounter an animal asking for help from a police uncle, this is the first time I have seen an animal who called the police to save people.

But the company commander didn’t say anything. Seeing the seriousness on his face, he asked the PLA to take the camera.

After making serious gestures for a while, I looked around, took off the gauze that was just wrapped around the wound, wrapped it around the camera, and tied it around Shen Qiu’s neck.

He patted the fox on the head, “It’s up to you, the ball.”

After a while, everyone saw the little fox and the big fox get into the hole that was dug and disappeared.

Others were shocked, “I really understand.”

“Company commander, look here!”

Everyone’s eyes moved to the screen again.

The screen was dark at first, and then a little light came down from overhead, so that the whole cellar would not be too dark.

The little fox made a circle first, then followed the big fox.

In order not to let the people inside find out, the hole dug by Mother Fox is far away from those people, almost one south and one north.

The entry of the fox mother and child did not alarm anyone.

In order to ensure that people outside can see the environment clearly, Shen Qiu specially took pictures of the surroundings,

When I first came in, it was pitch black and I couldn’t see anything clearly.

After getting used to it, Shen Qiu finally saw the environment in the cellar.

The wooden box fills almost the entire bottom of the cave, leaving only one passage, and these passages are the passages that a human needs to bend over and connect to other cellars.

Looking up, the hole in the cellar is very narrow, only one person can enter and it is easy to get his arm stuck.

The little fox frowned.

This is not very friendly to the rescue of the moment.

Should be thrown in a panic.

Shen Qiu took a closer look, it was all animal skins!

A variety of hides! He saw five sable skins alone!

There’s even a snow leopard skin!

Shen Qiu had some doubts about his eyes when he first saw it, and couldn’t believe that someone would really hunt snow leopards!

The voice of the little fox gasping for air came off the screen.

The SWAT outside couldn’t help but spit out a national curse.

“It’s snow leopard skin! These people!”

“Cub, go.”

The fox mother called him, and Shen Qiu came back to his senses, and continued to move forward with a breath of anger.

Vaguely, he heard voices, approaching.

Coming soon.

They took it easy.

Fox mother suddenly stopped to prevent Shen Qiu from going forward.

“Huh?” What’s wrong, mother fox.

He lowered his voice.

Mommy fox shook her head and said almost in an angry voice, “There are animals in front of us, and when they see us, they will make noises, and those bad guys will use this to determine whether someone is coming.”

Shen Qiu took a look.

The snow leopard, sable, rabbit and hozen that were taken away by poaching are all inside.

In addition to these, Shen Qiu also saw a Tibetan fox and a prairie wolf, Xu was frightened, all the animals hid in the corner of the cage, looking around hesitantly.

He smelled blood and wasn’t sure which animal was injured.

The screen is transmitted back to the ground in real time.

Seriously looking at the animals in the cage and frowning, suddenly thought of something, “How did they transport the animals in.”

“Officer Yan, you mean…”

“There must be other openings here, and most likely…”

Seriously look at the dirt **** wall where they are hiding.

The company commander immediately waved, “Find separately!”

At the same time, Shen Qiu also thought of this question.

Since these animals are alive and not in a coma, they can only be sent in together with the cage. The upper hole is narrow and very high, and the cage cannot enter.

Where did the cage come from?

Shen Qiu walked to the wall and scratched with her claws.

“What are you doing, babe.”

“Fox mother help me dig together, there must be…”

Before he finished speaking, Shen Qiu’s claws caught something, he tried to push it, and something fell to the ground outside.

Then he and Serenity met his eyes.

Looking at the ridge, there is a wooden fence lying down.

Shen Qiu probably guessed the disguise of these people, they dug a “door” here to transport big things.

These people are really…

Shen Qiu didn’t know how to describe it.

Use these illegal ideas to follow the right path, and lead the village to become rich long ago.

The little fox shook his head and sighed, seeing the seriousness, they discussed in a low voice how to lead the suspect out.

Shen Qiu thought for a while, bit the gauze off the camera, handed it over to Serenity, and walked inside by himself.

“Cub, what are you doing.”

Fox mother stopped him.

The little fox was in high spirits, “Help catch the bad guys!”

After finishing speaking, she rushed inside without giving Mother Fox time to react, her serious eyelids twitched, and she quickly prepared the SWAT police.

The little fox entered the sight of the animals and immediately caused agitation.

Shen Qiu didn’t care, she ran in quickly and turned two corners before meeting the poachers who came to investigate.

He faced Shen Qiu with a shotgun in his hand.

Shen Qiu recognizes this person, and this is the one who has always been in a hurry.

Seeing the fox poacher stunned, Shen Qiu quickly ran past him.

“Hey.” The poacher was about to swear, when another fox ran in, saw him make a “wow” threat at him, and then ran after the little fox.

Poacher: ?

He didn’t know what to see, so he took a few steps forward. The animals returned to quietness and seemed to have no problem.

“The fur of those two foxes looks good. I will catch them and skin them later. Maybe they can sell for a good price.”

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