Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 135

Chapter 133: (Two In One)

Liu Wei’s smile restrained a little, but his hands spread out, looking helpless, “Comrade police officer, I have cooperated very well with the investigation, do you see what you said just now that I didn’t return?”

This person is like soap that has been soaked in water.

The interrogating policeman had a cold face, frowned slightly, and tapped the table with his fingertips.

The voice of the old policeman came from the headset, “Continue to ask.”

Pressed the headset, the interrogation police asked again, “Which pet agency did you send that fox to, answer truthfully!”

Perhaps Liu Wei himself knows that it is not good for him to completely mess with the police.

This time, I didn’t care about the left and right, but pondered and said, “It seems to be a brother training dog. It’s been half a year and I can’t remember the name.”

The police looked at him blankly, “Are you sure, you sent it to a formal pet training institution?!”

Liu Wei nodded hesitantly, “How can I be sure about the police officer? Some shops look like a shampoo room on the surface, can you be sure that there is really a shampoo room inside?”

Seeing the policeman staring at him with cold eyes, Liu Wei hurriedly showed weakness, “Okay, comrade police officer, I said it wrongly, I take it back. But the meaning is that no, hang the sheep’s head. Is there still less about selling dog meat?”

“You’re a policeman, you should know better than me.”

This man is walking at his own pace until now, as if he is sure that the police have nothing to do with him.

Or maybe he’s not afraid of the fox at all.

Have the follow-up been dealt with, or do you think the fox was just used by the police to blow him up?

Shen Qiu couldn’t guess this person for a while, staring at the monitor and continued watching.

The police asked several questions about the fat fox one after another.

Liu Wei either can’t remember, or it’s nonsense.

More than ten minutes passed, but I didn’t ask a question.

The old policeman frowned, obviously impatient, and pressed the intercom, “Take out the evidence and speed up the pace.”

The interrogation police stood up and placed the photos of the fat fox in front of Liu Wei.

“You said you didn’t know this fox? But you rescued it from the butcher’s knife a year ago, and have been together for half a year.”

“What you show in the video is your kindness to the fox, which has won you countless followers and traffic.”

“But in a place where outsiders can’t see, you and your girlfriend abused and beat the fox, which caused the fox to never be intimate with you.”

“There are still people who believe in the same drama for a month or two, but the fox has not been close to you for half a year, and some netizens begin to suspect that you are cruel to animals. At this time, you panic.”

“You can’t bear the traffic of this fox, but you don’t want to treat it with sincerity, so you did everything possible to inquire about the farm, knowing that they can make wild animals obedient, so you sent the fox in farm.”

“More than once reminded the farm not to replace foxes in the middle, have you forgotten about Liu Wei?”

The police pointed to the white patch on the fat fox’s chest.

Although the red foxes in the world are all the same, if you look closely, you can always see some differences.

The difference between the fat fox is the hair on the chest, which is one degree whiter than other red foxes, and cannot be seen by the naked eye, but it can be found by comparing it with the previous video.

That’s why farms spend so long looking for fat foxes, but can’t find a replacement.

Liu Wei is the same.

I want traffic, but I can’t find a substitute, so I have to be a fat fox.

Shen Qiu noticed that when the police finished saying these words, a flash of surprise flashed in Liu Wei’s eyes.

Obviously, this was the first time he saw a fat fox that had been “domesticated”, so he didn’t recognize it for a while.

After the police finished speaking, he was stunned for a while, then took the photo and sighed, “You’re all so fat, don’t say it, I really didn’t react.”

Then said with a smile that this training institution is quite powerful.

Seeing the policeman looking at him with a cold face, he smiled and nodded, recalling the policeman’s question.

“Yes, police officer, you are right in some of the processes, but I don’t admit to cruelty to animals. Anyone who has watched the video will know that it was the fox who injured me.”

He rolled up his sleeves as he spoke.

“Look, this wound can’t be faked, it was recorded in the video.”

He did have a sutured wound on his wrist, very obvious.

With just a few words, he turned the situation in his favor.

Shen Qiu couldn’t help sighing when she saw it, it’s not good to do anything with this scheming, and she has to do things that violate the law! ?

In addition to not being able to recognize the fat fox at first sight, he has made a good escape.

Now denying abuse in one word, even if the pet agency sent to him is legitimate or not, he has a way out.

Even if the named farm is an illegal place, he will definitely say that he is a victim very innocently.

After all, the sentence of selling dog meat with a sheep’s head is not an unintentional statement.

As for inquiring about this that makes animals obedient…

Shen Qiu looked into the monitor.

The police just asked this sentence.

Liu Wei looked very innocent, “Comrade police… Your pet is disobedient, didn’t you want to find a place where he can become obedient for training? Just train police dogs with you. similar.”

“I heard that the other party can make animals obedient, so I must take it for granted that the other party has passed training, otherwise what else can it pass? Comrade police, do you have another way?”

Liu Wei smiled and said, “Comrade police, you police suspects also want evidence. I don’t do it without evidence.”

The faces of the interrogating police officers were darkened.

Slippery like Liu Wei, there are still thousands of excuses to shirk.

The only way now is to find substantial evidence and leave him speechless!

The little fox jumped off the chair and went around the house.

I saw the interrogation room where the girl stayed several times.

The interrogation over there was also inconclusive, and the task may have been assigned long ago.

Two one slick and one silent.

Liu Wei couldn’t close his mouth, and he couldn’t open it next door.

No matter what the police ask?

The interrogation policeman pinched his temples, obviously helpless.

The old policeman put down the intercom and sighed.

“Looking at the attitude of these two, we still have a lot to do.”

On the monitor screen in the corner when everyone in the room was at a loss.

The policeman who was making a statement suddenly stood up and pressed the intercom.

“The farmer said that in order to avoid disputes, they would record every time they contact a customer!”

Shen Qiu was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes burst into light!

The little fox hopped anxiously on the spot, and the police in the interrogation room had already run out.

About ten minutes later, the police came in with the mobile phone of the farm leader and found the recording of what the other party said in the cloud disk of the mobile phone.

But there are thousands of these recordings without any names. Those who want to find Liu Wei can only narrow the scope according to time.

It’s a lot of work.

However, evidence is better than no evidence.

The police station was all dispatched, and everyone started to get busy.

Even the little fox sat in front of the computer with Serenity and listened to the recording.

Determine the approximate range, find the recording files uploaded in the same range, listen to them one by one, and extract the sound similar to Liu Wei.

The hard work paid off. After an hour, the little fox’s little paws patted on the table “bang bang”, and the mouth made a bang.

Seriously listen carefully, give the little fox a thumbs up, and stand up.

“Found one!”

The rest of the audio was soon found.

Liu Wei made five calls to the farm during the six months.

In addition to asking about the training results, it is telling the farm to train hard.

There is a meaning inside and outside the words.

“As long as the fat fox can be trained to be obedient, any means can be used.”

In the first conversation, there was sufficient evidence to prove that Liu Wei knew what the farm was used for.

Shen Qiu clenched her fangs as she listened to Liu Wei’s condescending voice, thinking of the fat fox who was still dying in the Forestry Bureau waiting for treatment.

Now, he wants to see what reason Liu Wei can use to excuse himself.

In the interrogation room, hearing footsteps, Liu Wei immediately raised his head and was about to show his signature smile to the police.

The police pressed the play button on the phone.

The familiar voice echoed in the interrogation room, Liu Wei’s face turned pale a little bit.

Until the end of the last recording, the hand with the silver bracelet clenched into a fist, his lips twitched, and he looked up at the police.

The eye sockets are a little red.


“Where did these recordings come from!”

He asked through gritted teeth.

The interrogating police put away their mobile phones and sat down calmly.

“You don’t need to worry about that, you just need to figure out what to say next.”

Liu Wei shut up.

Everyone was staring at him, waiting to see how he would take the next step.

Now that the evidence is in front of you, what else can Liu Wei say?

About tens of seconds.

Liu Wei raised his hand and touched his face.

“Okay, I admit, I did it on purpose, but I blame the fox for being so abhorrent. Comrade police, you have seen my injury. I just want to get revenge.”

“You should treat me as a careful eye, even animals.”

Sure enough.

Hearing Liu Wei’s words, Shen Qiu was not surprised at all.

If he doesn’t quibble, then it’s not Liu Wei.

“So you admit to animal cruelty?”

Liu Wei nodded without hesitation, “Yes, I admit it, but I have a reason for this, right?”

The interrogating police did not speak, but consolidated the information in their hands.

“You said that this fox was saved by you from a butcher’s knife, and you still insist on this statement?”

Liu Wei didn’t say anything immediately.

The interrogating police reminded him.

“Liu Wei, you are at the police station now. If our police can arrest you, it means that what we know is far beyond your imagination.”

“Whether you continue to lie, or tell the truth and seek leniency, is up to you.”

Liu Wei swallowed his words when he reached his lips.

The interrogation room was silent for a few minutes.

Liu Wei chose to tell the truth.

The admission that the rescue of the fat fox from the butcher’s knife was false, and that he had abused the fat fox and sent it to the farm.

But as to whether the fat fox is a wild fox, Liu Wei said he didn’t know, he just thought it was a pet fox that was discarded.

Although Shen Qiu and the others scoffed at this point, there is no way to take Liu Wei without evidence.

The fat fox’s case is temporarily over.

The reindeer case is next.

But before the police began to question, Liu Wei first reiterated what he said before.

It’s all because they’re too hungry to do those things.

In the end, she asked the interrogating policeman, “Don’t the laws in our country put people first? We are starving to death in the wild, and eating national treasures is not illegal.”

Successfully stirred up the anger of the interrogating police.

Slap the table.

“If you’re really hungry, can you still stand here? He was kicked to death when he was close to the reindeer!”

“When you are so hungry that you have to kill the national treasure to eat, do you think you can beat the national treasure?”

Liu Wei shrugged his shoulders, “But that’s the truth. Comrade police officer, you can’t believe it if you don’t believe it.”

The interrogation and Shen Qiu held the forehead in sync.

Just then someone knocked on the door.

“Officer Yan, someone in the lobby is looking for you.”

It was a police lady who opened the door.

Serious brows raised and she glanced at Shen Qiu, then bent over and hugged the little fox and went out.

When I went to the hall, it turned out to be Xiye.

At this time, the three of them had shock and anger written all over their faces.

Seeing the seriousness, they all rushed over, startling others.

The three quickly apologized in low voices, and then Xi Ye took him seriously to the corner of the corridor.

“Officer Yan! Guess what we found?”

Serious and Shen Qiu showed a question mark face at the same time.

Xi Ye screamed.

“I can’t describe it! I’ll show you!”

He took out his notebook and shoved his earphones into serious ears.

The little fox barked, and Xi Ye hurriedly pulled a plug for the little fox.

Suddenly there was a foreign body in the ear and it was itchy, and the little fox’s ear moved uncomfortably.

Immediately afterwards, the image on the screen made him stop all movements.

This is a distant view, the camera should be hung quite high.

The first thing I saw was the sky in the distance, followed by the branches with white snow hanging nearby, and the small animals popping up from time to time on the ground.

Xi Ye pulled the progress bar.

Then point to a corner of the screen and zoom in continuously.

Shen Qiu squinted for a while, then raised his head suddenly.

It’s Liu Wei’s group!

In this video, all the actions of Liu Wei and his party after they reached the mountain were filmed.

They didn’t go to the mountain a long time ago, as Liu Wei said, and hunted the reindeer before eating.

It was aimed at the reindeer from the beginning.

In addition to this long-range video, there are several other animals placed around to shoot the scenery, and the conversations of these people when they went up the mountain were recorded.

From their conversation, it can be determined that the other party went up the mountain to eat reindeer meat.

After watching all the videos, I couldn’t hide my excitement even if I was serious, and patted Xiye on the shoulder.

“Nice job!”

“I’ll take these videos first, and I’ll let you know what happens next!”

Xi Ye had nothing to say, and hurriedly closed the notebook and stuffed it to him.

“Police Officer Yan takes it, it is our citizen’s duty to cooperate with the police in handling the case.”

With this video, Liu Wei can no longer argue.

Liu Wei was sluggish from the first second he saw this video.

But this man really can.

After being sluggish, he quickly confessed his crime and confessed all his companions.

From design to implementation, nothing is left behind.

Finally, he asked the police, “I am now taking the initiative to explain, how many years can it be relieved?”

The interrogating police gave him a blank look, “Sentencing is a matter for the court, but we will submit relevant evidence.”

Shen Qiu can see it.

This person is exquisite egoism, whether it is the question of the fat fox in front of him or the evidence of the reindeer case in the back.

He chose the most favorable position first.

Shen Qiu can probably guess the reason why he confessed the crime.

Watching Liu Wei press his handprint on the transcript, the little fox exhaled heavily.

Liu Wei’s explanation is no different from his initial guess.

The reason why you go up the mountain to eat reindeer meat is just a curiosity.

I don’t usually eat venison, but I want to eat wild meat.

So I gathered a group of like-minded friends, chose a location, went up the mountain to explore the road, and finally took the small road that the locals often traveled to the mountain, avoiding the monitoring of the road in order to lie later.

It’s just that they probably didn’t think of it.

There is a fox on this mountain that specializes in killing them, and there are cameras in the old forests of Moriyama, which clearly record all their crimes, so that they have nowhere to escape.

The little fox stretched and jumped down from the serious arms.

Liu Wei pleaded guilty, so his companions in the hospital could not run away.

When they are healed and come out of the hospital, they will be in prison for several years.

Shen Qiu didn’t count how many years they would be locked up, which reminded him of a fat fox with only two years left to live.

And the reindeer cubs that were cut into pieces.

It would make him feel that just a few years is too little for two lives.

Maybe because he has become an animal for many lifetimes, his heart is gradually getting closer to an animal.

But he always remembers that he is a policeman and obeys the law even if he is not willing.

Only law, justice and justice can balance everything in the world.

As long as the criminals can be brought to justice, it is the best consolation for the deceased.

As for the rest…

Shen Qiu looked at the policemen who gathered to discuss.

About half an hour later, the official Weibo account of the police station in Anling District posted a notice online.

It explains what Liu Wei and others did, and it is very follow-up.

Next, I contacted the short video platform and banned several people’s accounts.

There are not so many people concerned by a district police station.

But then, the filmmakers and photographers of “The Life of a Fox” retweeted the Weibo and scolded “beasts.”

Let the fans of the documentary turn their attention to this case.

Soon, fans of Liu Wei and others found that their accounts were banned, and found the platform to ask for an explanation.

The platform has no police worries, a customer service directly rolled his eyes, and almost didn’t say your blogger’s crime.

Finally, direct the way to the official Weibo of the police station.

The matter expanded completely, and it became a hot search that night.

The faces of Liu Wei and others are completely popular on the Internet.

No matter what the Internet is like, this matter is over for Shen Qiu.

He is just a little fox. He has no mobile phone and no internet, and naturally he can’t go online to watch the excitement.

Everything settled, Shen Qiu was taken to the Forestry Bureau to take care of the wound.

Although the truncated tail was only a little smaller, Shen Qiu didn’t care about it.

But the fat fox is distressed.

The first time she knew that Shen Qiu’s tail was cut off, she drooped her eyelids and kept asking her brother if it hurt or not.

If it was when they first met, Shen Qiu would definitely feel that the fat fox was annoying, but now he only feels worried.

Even though he was so uncomfortable, he still cared about him.

Shen Qiu couldn’t let him see his sadness, he could only hold back his sourness and insisted that he was not in pain.

The two little foxes stick to their mouths intimately, and it can be seen that they have a deep relationship through the cage.

The staff couldn’t bear to wipe their tears, afraid that the little foxes would hear them, and whispered, “I don’t dare to think now, how sad Qiuqiu will be when the fat fox is gone. .”

Shen Qiu didn’t know how sad she would be.

He stayed in the Forestry Bureau for two months, accompanied the fat fox for two months of treatment, opened the cage door one morning and left the Forestry Bureau.

Behind him, there are the smiling fox eyes of the fat fox, and in front of him is the rising sun.

In the future, he will continue to fight poaching, catch all criminals, and provide the safest environment for animals in Anling.

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