Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 180

Chapter 177: (2-In-1 With Thanks To 10.5W Nutrient Solution Plus More)

The policeman on the left was the one who spoke first. He rubbed his eyebrows first, and while turning over his confession, he complained to his colleague, “You can never imagine what that person did with that meat.”

The colleague knows what he is talking about, but he has no idea what kind of people work here.

So far my colleagues have been very indifferent to look at the documents in their hands.

Until the other party said, “I have heard that pangolins can treat impotence, but this is the first time I have heard that protecting the uterus of animals and gao pills can treat infertility.”

The colleague suddenly looked up at him with a look of surprise.

Shen Qiu, who was squatting under the legs of the table, shook his head and raised his head, like a kiwi with a toothpick inserted and the lid lifted.

The police record the statement to colleagues.

“I asked him why he wanted to kill protected animals, he said he bought these from someone abroad, not he killed…”

After denying the act of killing protected animals, this person insisted that he did not know the regulations that meat cannot be brought into the country, and also used the sophistry that meat can be brought out of the country.

When asked if he knew it was illegal, he began to play pitiful, saying that he had to do it.

Said that he was infertile, and the Chinese doctor who treated him said that he could only be cured by eating the uterus of these animals and gao pills.

Not to mention the police, Shen Qiu, who had seen the big scene, was shocked.

When I was a panda, I caught a criminal who poached pangolins and brought them to the table, but at most the other party thought that pangolins could treat symptoms such as impotence and kidney deficiency.

It is said that the animal uterus gao pill can cure infertility… It is truly unprecedented.

A doctor who can prescribe such a remedy is neither stupid nor bad.

Shen Qiu doubts the authenticity of this sentence.

It is impossible for any serious Chinese medicine practitioner to say such things.

The policeman sounded angry.

“We interrogated for a long time and determined that he was telling the truth. Now a brother unit has gone to find the Chinese medicine doctor he said.”

“If the other party is really a Chinese medicine practitioner, if he can say such a thing, he must be swaying and deceiving outside without learning. If this is fake…”

The police snorted and slapped the record on the table, scaring Shen Qiuyi’s cleverness.

“This kind of liar who smears traditional Chinese medicine should be pulled in and locked up for a few days to learn a lesson!”

Shen Qiu shook his head and was shocked.

The police are still discussing the confession. Don’t look at this person when he was at the security checkpoint, but he was not afraid, but as soon as he was pressed on the regret chair, he immediately began to regret and cry bitterly, with tears and snot with the police. A lot of vows never to be done again.

Not only did she explain the Chinese medicine behind it, but also where the animal carcasses were bought.

The police comrade finally shook his head and sighed, “This man is not difficult to interrogate, but what he has done is truly eye-popping.”

I eat animal organs when I am infertile…

The bright black bean eyes turned, Shen Qiu glanced in the direction of the interrogation room, ready to move.

The long pointed mouth moved, a little itchy.

He wants to talk.

But before he could move, someone pushed open the door and ran in.

“The test results for that thing are out!”

Shen Qiu’s attention was instantly taken away, he pricked up his ears to listen to the movement over there.

The police took out the inspection form.

“It’s not really white powder, but it’s also a medicine that is prohibited from being brought into my country.”

Someone asked what he was.

The policeman looked strange and spit out three words, “Stimulant.”

Shen Qiu was stunned.

After all, it has been a single dog for more than a hundred years, if it weren’t for another policeman who answered “the one on the bed.”

Shen Qiu couldn’t even think of it.

The policeman holding the inspection sheet nodded with an expression of disgust on his face.

“This kind of booster drug is very famous abroad and is loved by some men, but it contains a high dose of stimulant.”

“That is, during the process, people who take this medicine are very likely to do unconscious things, such as hurting people under excitement, and killing people.”

“The number of human lives caused by taking this drug abroad has reached tens of thousands, so this drug has been listed as a contraband in my country since a long time.”

“Since he stuffed the medicine in the gemstone interlayer, it must mean that he knew that the medicine was contraband.”

This is a typical crime of knowing the law.

Shen Qiu glared at the black bean, watching the police officers walking towards the interrogation room, with shock written on that furry face.

I don’t understand, but I’m shocked.

In the past, there were men who ate the organs of protected animals to treat infertility, and then there were men who knew the law and broke the law to bring contraband into the country.

Shen Qiu couldn’t tell which of the two was more outrageous.

But before he could understand, someone suddenly noticed the kiwi fruit under the table leg.

The police comrade bends over and asks, “Whoever of you brought the kiwi fruit rolled to the ground, whoever, move your legs away and don’t step on it.”

Speaking, muttering, “It’s quite big.” One hand has already caught Shen Qiu.

The fluffy touch and the sudden sharp mouth startled the police comrade.

I almost threw what was in my hand.

“What the hell! Did you put toothpicks in the kiwi?!”

The two policemen who were just talking about the confession bowed their heads.

They were close enough to see at a glance that there was no kiwi fruit under the legs of the table, and hurriedly stopped the colleague.

“What kind of kiwi fruit is this? I remember that it seems to have been smuggled back by the person who brought the body of a protected animal into the country… a free-range chicken?”

Shen Qiu: It’s either a kiwi or a chicken, you have the ability to change your name!

The kiwi stepped on the hand of the policeman who grabbed him angrily, stepped on it with its claws, and jumped down to the gate.

People caught, he should continue his escape, let him think about the most suitable place?

The farmland is good, but it is also very dangerous for him, in case of encountering stray cats.

Shen Qiu, who has been a cat, has no doubts about the predatory ability of stray cats.

Or…stay at the airport first? All kinds of horns and corners, etc. Anyway, he is not very big…

Shen Qiu’s mind was spinning in circles, but he didn’t notice anyone in front of him, and only realized that something was wrong when he was picked up.

“Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi!” He howled angrily and saw the person leaning in front of him.

He stretched out his little sense of smell and sniffed carefully.

It’s an acquaintance!

This is the man! The one who said he was a free-range chicken with a peculiar bark!

Shen Qiu struggled and tried to kick him with his claws, but was held down by a man with quick eyes and quick hands.

Two palms together, Shen Qiu was trapped in his palm, and his mouth was not pinched, and he had no deterrent effect on men.

A man ran quickly behind him, panting, “The supervisor is this little guy, a kiwi bird with an excellent sense of smell. He found the two people I just told you.”

The royal family.

After he finished talking to the man, he nodded Shen Qiu’s head with his finger, “I didn’t remember you in a blink of an eye, and you disappeared, and I didn’t hear about it. The kiwi is such an eccentric nature of you.”

The kiwi stared at the direction of the royal family with black bean eyes in annoyance. Although the eyes were still out of focus, the royal family just saw the anger in those black bean eyes.

The royal family was hesitant to discuss with their superiors, “Supervise… or give him to me, I think he looks very angry.”

He pointed to the man’s hand holding Shen Qiu’s mouth.

The man laughed, “You can’t blame me, this little guy is shrewd and holds grudges. He almost broke my hand when we first met. Look, there is still a mark.”

He said, “If I let go now, he will definitely give me a hard blow. I can’t stand it. I can’t stand it.”

“Then… what should I do now, take it back and raise it first?”

The superintendent thought for a while, then looked down at the stubborn kiwi, “Contact the relevant responsible personnel, the comrades from the investigation department will close the case first and then repatriate immediately.”

As soon as she heard the word repatriation, Shen Qiu stomped the man with her strong and powerful claws.

What was he trying to escape? No need to be deported!

No, this repatriation means that there is no return, and nothing can be repatriated.

The black and bright black bean eyes began to circle slyly.

The man looked down, surprised and sighed.

“Feelings, can you still understand us? Understand that I’m sending you away?” He was amazed.

“This kiwi is really peculiar. It has an excellent sense of smell and is fast. Now it seems that it can understand human speech.”

The man’s words are all praises to Shen Qiu, Shen Qiu is still thinking about whether to use his own advantages to attack this person?

Listen to the royal family asking him to supervise the operation, then look at the epaulettes, the third-level supervisor, the size is also an official acridine!

In the blink of an eye, the man said again, “So the royal family, you go find a pet cage, and you must not let him escape until you are sent back.”

Shen Qiu:…

You are amazing! You praise me, you still have to send me away, give me hope and step on me again!

Shen Qiu kept struggling and twisting in the palm of the man’s palm, his thick calf was not covered, he really broke his mouth, although it only took a second, but Shen Qiu was extremely fast in the man He took a bite out of his hand.

“His…it hurts, I really hold grudges.”

No matter how unhappy she was, Shen Qiu was still locked in a pet air box that the royal family did not know where she got it.

The kind that can only be opened by pinching the switch up and down.

Probably because Shen Qiu had a history of escaping, the royal family checked and checked before leaving, thinking that a bird could not open the air box before leaving.

The supervisor was still there, Shen Qiu saw the card on his body and knew that this person was Liu Yan.

After the royal family left, he guarded Shen Qiu in the office for a while. During the period, he reported Shen Qiu’s situation to the upper leadership, and at the same time contacted the investigation department to check the time with the police comrades, what to see It was only then that Shen Qiu was sent away.

Shen Qiu:…

Watching him make calls one by one, Shen Qiu almost clenched his teeth.

How come people in this world play cards so unreasonably.

This would have been noticed in the first few worlds when he behaved unusually.

In the past, Qin Yan personally took him to the criminal police team, and then Zhang Minan trusted any evidence he found.

He has clearly shown his outstanding sense of smell, why is this Liu Yan still determined to send him away!

The birds in the air box huddled together, living a magnified version of the kiwi.

Those small eyes kept staring at Liu Yan, although he couldn’t see anything clearly.

Hang up the leader’s phone, turned around and met Kiwi’s resentful face.

Liu Yan was directly seen with goose bumps.

“I said… little guy, don’t look at me with such… a grudge.”

It took him a long time to think of the right adjective.

Shen Qiu rolled her eyes: Bah!

Liu Yan is happy.

“I always think you little guy can understand me.”

He tried to reach out and play the bird.

But seeing Shen Qiu’s long pointed beak, she gave up and said with a smile, “But I think I think too much, how can you, a foreign bird, understand the national language.”

In spite of this, Liu Yan explained to him, “You are a national bird of another country after all. In order not to affect the friendly relationship between the two countries, I can only aggrieve you and take the plane back.”

After he rambled, he quickly frowned when he received a call, and quickly got up and left.

Before leaving, don’t worry to check whether the door of the air box is in good condition.

Shen Qiu finally understands why, as a kiwi bird, he is not even treated as a dolphin.

He also protects animals and shows his abilities. The only difference is his nationality.

Shen Qiu:…

Suddenly there was an arrow in my heart.

Yes, the national bird of another country, how can it be possible to allow its own national bird in another country!

If the giant pandas from their country were smuggled to other countries, it would be a truth!

kiwi sadness.jpg.

Forming herself into a ball, Shen Qiu sighed.

But knowing is knowing, accepting or not is another argument!

It’s true that the body is the national bird of another country, but the soul belongs to this country!

Rounding the body is also national!

Shen Qiu’s almost invisible wings fluttered, and the mood that had just been depressed quickly recovered.

As long as he is unwilling to repatriate! No one in this world can make him repatriate!

Black Bean stared at the iron gate in front of him.

Shen Qiu hummed in her heart.

Can this little thing stop him? Humans think too much.

The kiwi stretched out its claws, pressed against the lower iron buckle, and then put its sharp beak on the upper iron buckle, and then squeezed it in the middle.


The iron button made a difficult cry, Shen Qiu gritted his teeth and pressed his head down heavily.


The iron gate was opened.

Shen Qiu flicked her painful paw, and then kicked the iron gate open with one paw.

The kiwi left the office swaggeringly again, no one saw this scene except the camera in the corner.

After Shen Qiu left the office, he searched for Liu Yan’s smell in the air.

I just saw Liu Yan’s expression and I guess something happened.

If she wants to be deported or not, she has no choice but to keep showing her excellence.

All the way, I found Liu Yan who was going to get in the car and leave.

The little guy was very fast, and he got into the car a second before Liu Yan closed the door.

In the distance, a child pointed in this direction, “Look Mom! Flying kiwi!”

In addition to Liu Yan and other people in the car, they were not mentally prepared. Suddenly, they saw something coming in from the bottom of their feet, and they screamed and screamed in fright.


“Mine! Mice?!”

Someone quickly opened the car door and jumped down, but the driver in front didn’t pull out the key, and almost jumped with him.

Liu Yan was quick to respond, always felt that the color of the thing was too similar, he frowned and thought about it, took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera, turned on the flashlight by the way, and took a picture under the seat .

Take a look.

In the photo, the kiwi with a long, pointed mouth is looking at him provocatively.

That face, which is obviously full of hair, but is full of expressions, seems to be saying, “Shut me down? Should I say it or not, everyone here is garbage.”

Liu Yan:…

He rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, and repeatedly recalled that the air box should not be easy for a bird to open…

So this bird has hundreds of IQs!

Liu Yan felt that he was playing around with him.

He waved to his colleagues, “Come on, it’s not a mouse. It’s a little guy who was smuggled at the security checkpoint today.”

Also hand over the photo.

The colleague patted his chest with lingering fears, tilted his head to look at the photo, and laughed.

“The free-range chicken, I said how fast it is, but the color of this free-range chicken is so strange, it looks like a kiwi with a toothpick inserted.”

As soon as I finished speaking, I found that Liu Yan’s expression was a little strange, and my colleague didn’t know why.

“Brother Yan, you…Ow.”

The ankle was slapped hard before he finished speaking.

The colleague leaned back only on the back of the chair, hurriedly raised his legs, his eyes widened in disbelief, “He is still nagging me?! How can this chicken be scarier than a mouse.”

Unsurprisingly, he was muttered again.

Liu Yan felt tired at first, but when he saw the expression of his colleague, his mentality was instantly balanced.

I’m not alone.

“This little guy especially doesn’t like being called a kiwi or a chicken.”

The colleague couldn’t understand, “But he is not…”

The feeling of being talked about is not very pleasant, and my colleagues resisted the name that was about to be exported.

Liu Yan handed over the kiwi encyclopedia while letting the driver drive.

Colleagues suddenly realized, “Birds… But don’t all say that people who don’t know are innocent. It’s the first time I’ve seen this kind of bird. It’s not surprising to admit that I’m wrong.”

He was still a little wronged, and Liu Yan could not laugh or cry.

“He’s just a little guy, why do you care about him?”

The colleague snorted twice, “This little guy has to be sent back, why don’t you get him back.”

Liu Yan shook his head and told the story of Shen Qiuer entering the palace to escape.

“Send him back now, maybe he thinks of some way to escape, it’s better to put it under my nose.”

“Otherwise, there is no way to cross.”

When Shen Qiu heard this, he knew he had made the right bet.

He dared to rush up because of this.

Liu Yan has seen his ability to escape, and he can’t guarantee that he will run away when he is sent back.

It’s better to keep it under your eyes than to worry.

The kiwi tickles with its sharp mouth.

Liu Yan and the others had serious jobs this time, so they quickly moved the topic away from Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu listened carefully.

Liu Yan and the others were going to another port to check imported fruit.

I heard that there was too much inbound cargo there today, and the staff was too busy to contact Liu Yan.

Imported fruit…

Other thoughts flashed in Shen Qiu’s mind.

Very well, that’s it!

The kiwi was eager to get to the place, and Liu Yan quickly locked her in the carriage.

Shen Qiu just wanted to rush out, but he didn’t brake in time, and slammed his head on the door with a duang sound.

Very loud.

Liu Yan laughed outside, “A good sound is a good head.”

Shen Qiu: …Bah!

After laughing, I asked the driver to open the sunroof.

“Brother Yan, open the skylight, this little guy won’t fly out.”

Liu Yan waved his hand, “This bird can’t fly.”

The driver nodded and complied.

Shen Qiu looked up and saw that the skylight was so big that it was not a problem for him to fly out, but he couldn’t fly!

The kiwifruit stomped her feet with anger, and kept stomping at Liu Yan outside the window.

“You have the ability to bring me here! You have the ability to let me out! Open the door! I know you are outside!”

The voice was full of anger.

Liu Yan said goodbye to him, leaving a handsome back figure that quickly left Shen Qiu’s sight.

Shen Qiu: …more angry.

He looked left and right, and pressed the window with his sharp beak, but it didn’t open.

He held the seat cover with his mouth, claws on the seat, and climbed up like a mountain.

But without hands, this action is too difficult, and after climbing less than ten centimeters, the kiwi fruit fell on the floor mat with a ‘squeak”.

Shen Qiu got angry, could it be in vain today?

If he doesn’t act quickly, he may be sent back directly after returning.

No, you have to find a way!

The little black bean eye started to turn again, he jumped to the front seat, looking here, kicking there, but the door was locked tightly, the only way without the key was Skylight on top.

But he can’t go up!

kiwi cry.jpg.

The little guy is going to try again one last time, and if it doesn’t work, he will lie down.

Shen Qiu encouraged himself in his heart.

One, two, three! The kiwi fruit hangs on the back of the chair and pushes up with its claws.

Unsurprisingly, this time it was still a failure, the claws were pushed up less than one centimeter, the cloth strip in the mouth slipped out, the kiwi fruit fell on the seat, and then rolled to the driver seat on the floor mat.

Shen Qiu lay on the mat and sighed.

It seems that God wants him to be sent back.

Kiwi got up sadly and was about to jump to the back seat to sleep when the touch under his feet caught his attention.

He lowered his head, although he couldn’t see anything clearly, his intuition told him that there was something underneath.

I touched the outline of the thing with my paw again.

Shen Qiu’s heart clapped twice.

The shape of this thing…how is it so familiar.

He ripped open the floor mat, revealing…the car key below.

Oh hoo!

What is this called?

There is no such thing as a bird in the sky!

There is another village!

The kiwi fruit happily turned around on the floor mat, then looked closer, and pressed the second button based on her own memory.


The car beeped twice.

Shen Qiu jumped up and tentatively pressed the window button.


The windows are lowered.

It’s done!

The kiwi jumped up the car window cheerfully, and then glanced at the empty parking lot, the invisible wings flapped in the air for a while, and jumped directly down.

When the kiwi fell to the ground, it rolled around on the ground before it stabilized.

My head hurts a little, and I hit it when I fell.

Whether he can stay today or not because of his outstanding ability, he must be one step ahead of the search dog during the inspection!

Put a piece of loess into platinum! Give it a go, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle!

Carefully entered the door, Shen Qiu found Liu Yan and others who were changing clothes according to the smell.

He hid in the corner, and when they came out, he followed quietly.

People come and go, but everyone is focusing on the work in their hands, and no one finds the hidden kiwi.

Liu Yan always felt that someone was following him, but when he looked back, he could only see busy colleagues, not to mention following him, but none of them looked at him.

Colleagues found Liu Yan absent-minded, “What’s wrong with you? Still thinking about that chicken?”

Liu Yan returned to his senses, “You should be glad he is not here, otherwise he will definitely harass you.”

Then he said, “Either I miss him, or I always feel like there is someone behind me.”


My colleague patted him on the shoulder, “Isn’t that the only reason he called when he knew he wasn’t there? He really looks like a chicken compared to a bird. This title was completely out of his mouth.”

After a pause, she said, “How can someone here follow this trick, and we don’t even look at how strict this place is, let’s not say that the access control system at the door requires a work card to enter, just the surrounding area. People who come and go, if they are really suspicious, they will be caught long ago.”

Liu Yan felt that what his colleague said was right, closed his eyes and felt that he might not have a good rest, and thinking about the kiwi fruit made him a little trance.

“Forget it, let’s go there first, they’re urging us again.”

Shen Qiu pricked up his ears, only vaguely heard the shattered words floating in the air, and stomped in place anxiously.

I don’t know if they are discussing how to deal with them.

Seeing them speeding up, I quickly followed.

Liu Yan and others have already handed over to start the inspection. Not far away, two search dogs are also working diligently, and they shuttle among the goods with the password of the accompanying police.

The staff worked well and began to conduct random inspections on each box of fruit. Only after confirming that they did not carry the virus, these fruits were allowed to enter the country.

Shen Qiu was close to the police dog, always ready to grab the police dog’s job.

Because of the previous experience, he was very careful not to get too close this time, but went from another direction to the pile of fruits that the police dog had not checked.

He is downwind, only he can smell the police dog, and the police dog knows nothing about him.

Very satisfied with this place, the kiwi rubbed its sharp mouth with its hair, stuck it to the edge of the cargo, and stretched out its small tentacles to start sniffing.

Everything went very smoothly, there was no problem with the fruit, and no one found Shen Qiu, everyone was busy, and couldn’t give even a glance to the other things.

It was found that Shen Qiu did not pay attention to the change of wind direction, and was suddenly located in the downwind direction, and was smelled by the police dog.

The police dog suddenly barked, and everyone thought it was a problem with the fruit.

But the instructor soon stated that the search dogs would not bark when they searched for something, and their warning was at most lying down.

Everyone looked at each other, but the police dog ran in the direction of Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu ran a few steps and saw that everyone was looking at him and there was nowhere to hide, he could only hide in the gap in the box.


The police dog sniffed the smell and came over, Shen Qiu looked up and met the police dog’s eager eyes, as if full of writing: The sample is still hiding, let’s see if I find you.

Shen Qiu:…

It’s numb.

He sighed and was about to turn himself in to Liu Yan. Just as he was about to go out, he smelled something strange in the box beside him.

I was afraid that I could smell it wrong, so I almost put the small tentacles on the beak on the box to smell.

This is to make sure that I heard it right!

He smelled the food in the fruit box!

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