Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 16 — First night in the woods


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Nivalis continued walking, her breaths ragged. Her arms ached, her legs burned, and her feet felt as heavy as bricks. She knew she was pushing herself to the limit. "Just a bit more," she whispered, her voice barely rising above a breath. "I can do this. For my children."

Snowflakes gently descended from the sky, dancing around Nivalis as if they were her closest companions. The fierce wind howled through the trees, its cries echoing across the wintery landscape.

The sky above gradually turned darker as the sun started to dip below the horizon, creating a mesmerizing canvas of orange and pink hues that stretched across the sky. As the light dimmed, the forest's shadows stretched out like inky fingers, enveloping her in an eerie, unsettling embrace.

"It's nearly nightfall," Nivalis whispered, her voice trembling with anxiety as she gazed at the crouching darkness. She looked worriedly at the sleeping figures in the sled, nestled beneath a cocoon of furs and blankets. They were her children, her most precious treasures. "We have to find a safe place to rest."

Despite the growing chill and the exhaustion that weighed her down like a boulder, Nivalis pressed forward, each step slow and deliberate. She understood that pausing for too long could drain her of the willpower to continue, and that was something she couldn't afford. She had to walk as far from their old home as possible.

As the golden sun disappeared below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of red and orange, the forest around Nivalis slowly transformed into complete darkness. Nivalis struggled to make out the path ahead, and the sled seemed to have grown heavier, a burden that clung to her like a stubborn anchor, threatening to pull her down into the unknown abyss of the night.

With the day's last light slowly fading, Nivalis looked around her surroundings, or at least tried to, searching for a safe spot where they could rest for the night. Her eyes darted from tree to tree, peering into the shadows that lurked between the ancient trunks. The darkness was all-consuming, a vast, terrifying void that seemed to swallow the entire world.

As she searched for a suitable place, she couldn't help but notice the eerie silence. The forest lay still, almost unnaturally, as if the world had drifted into a deep slumber. Only the soft crunch of her boots on the snow and the gentle rustle of leaves could be heard, a gentle whisper that echoed through the stillness.

Time seemed to slow down as they pressed forward. Nivalis felt the weight of her children's safety on her shoulders. "I have to keep moving," she told herself, her voice a hushed murmur. Every tree they passed, every patch of darkness she scanned, brought a growing sense of urgency.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they stumbled upon a clearing. The moon peeked out from the clouds. A silvery disc in the night sky bathed the open space in its gentle glow. Nivalis released a sigh of relief, quickening her steps as she led the sled into the clearing.

The clearing was a circle of land surrounded by dense woods. Nivalis could make out a few fallen logs and some old, withered trees. It was not an ideal location, but it was the best she could find at this hour. She stopped the sled and took a few deep breaths, allowing her heart to settle and her lungs to rest.

"I need to hurry," she muttered under her breath, her gaze scanning the clearing once more. The thought of spending a night in such a place was daunting, but the alternative was to press on into the unknown darkness. She didn't have much of a choice, she decided.

She pulled the sled toward one of the old, withered trees at the center of the clearing. Its trunk was thick and sturdy, providing a semblance of protection. "I think we can rest here for the night." Her words, though quiet, carried an immense sense of relief.

Silvia, awakened by the sudden stop, fluttered her golden eyes open. "Mommy? Are you alright?" Her voice was soft, filled with concern.

"Yes, darling. We can rest here for the night," Nivalis assured her, her motherly love evident in her voice.

"Oh, okay," Silvia replied, her eyelids growing heavy once again. The day's exhaustion had taken its toll on her.

Silvia's arms wrapped tightly around her little brother, who was still sleeping soundly. She looked worn out, with tired eyes and drooping shoulders. Both of them were hungry, their empty bellies grumbling, and the fear of the forest's hidden dangers didn't help.

Nivalis felt a swirl of worries as she gazed at her precious children huddled together. It was a moment of decision. "Is it safe to make a campfire?" she wondered, her forehead wrinkling with thought. It might draw unwanted attention, but the biting cold was harsh, and her children's empty bellies rumbled with hunger. "We need something decent to eat. Something warm."

"And what about shelter? I can try to build something out of blankets and sticks," she considered, her gaze drifting to the dense trees around them. "But would that be enough to keep us warm?"

Nivalis was overwhelmed by these questions but couldn't afford to dwell on them for too long. The children needed warmth and a safe place to sleep. She decided to start with fire, something they all needed urgently.

She gathered sticks and dry bark and prepared a space by clearing the snow off the ground. Then, she found a few larger branches and arranged them in a teepee formation, just like she'd seen her father do so many years ago.

"Now I need to get a flint," Nivalis muttered, rummaging through the contents of the sled, her breath forming small clouds in the frigid air, her fingers trembling, chilled by the cold.

"Aha! There it is!" she exclaimed, relief washing over her as her fingers finally grasped the smooth surface of the flint.

Nivalis took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly from the cold. Striking the flint with a knife, she was met with no immediate success. She felt nothing but frustration and disappointment. The spark flew, but it was not enough to ignite the dry bark.

"Come on, you can do it," she encouraged herself. Her strikes were becoming more forceful, each one a desperate attempt to kindle the flames. "This has to work!"

Nivalis repeated the process over and over, her frustration mounting with each failed attempt. Her movements were becoming frantic, and tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

Sparks flew, but the kindling still failed to ignite. Nivalis continued to strike the flint with unwavering resolve. She knew she couldn't give up.

"Keep trying, Niv," she whispered, striking the flint again, each spark bringing a glimmer of hope.

She repeated the process over and over again, but still, nothing happened. Nivalis felt the chill creeping into her bones, but she couldn't give up. Her children relied on her.

Finally, a spark caught, and the kindling began to smolder. Nivalis blew gently on the flame, coaxing it to life, her heart pounding with relief.

"That's it, little one. You can do it," she whispered, her eyes locked on the burgeoning flame as it grew brighter, radiating warmth. The fire was small but precious, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

Slowly, the fire spread to the larger pieces of wood, and within minutes, a merry fire was crackling, and the warmth spread through the clearing. Nivalis couldn't help but smile as the fire flickered and danced.

As Nivalis tended to the fire, Silvia sat by her side, her eyes wide with admiration and respect.

"You did such a great job, Mommy," Silvia murmured, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion. She snuggled closer to her mother, finding comfort in her mother's presence and the burgeoning warmth of the fire.

Nivalis couldn't help but blush, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Her eyes gleamed with pride and relief.

Nivalis knew she had made the right choice. The fire would keep them warm and safe for the night, a small comfort in the vast, uncertain forest. The fire's crackling song was a lullaby, and its warmth was a loving embrace in the midst of the dark and eerie night.

As the night wore on, the fire continued to burn, casting a warm, comforting glow. Nivalis and Silvia had managed to find a few sturdy logs and some dry leaves, and with these humble materials, they created a makeshift shelter by draping blankets and furs over the structure. The floor was made out of pine leaves. Additionally, they made walls out of the snow to block the wind. It was a simple shelter, yet it offered a sense of protection from the biting wind and falling snow. 

Silvia was quite tired and sleepy, so she snuggled up with her baby brother — their small bodies wrapped in cozy blankets, their dreams touched by the warmth of the fire. Nivalis, seated at the shelter's entrance, stared into the flames, her thoughts swirling with worry and doubt.

Nivalis glanced at her daughter and her sleeping son, the two most important people in her life. They were everything to her, the only things that mattered in this cruel, unforgiving world. She couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them.

Nivalis took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, focusing on her children's steady, rhythmic breaths.

"Everything will be alright," she reassured herself. "We will find a new home. A better one. Where we will be safe and happy."

Nivalis continued to gaze into the fire, letting its warmth wash over her.

Then, with a sense of purpose, Nivalis retrieved a pot and some cooking utensils, filling them with freshly gathered snow. She placed the pot over the fire, waiting for the snow to transform into clear, bubbling water. The sizzling sound of the snow melting and the crackling of the flames were comforting, a gentle symphony that eased her troubled mind.

Nivalis pulled out a sharp knife and chopped up the vegetables and herbs. She cut them into small, bite-sized pieces. She tossed them into the pot, giving them a quick stir. The aroma of the fresh ingredients filled the air, a pleasant fragrance that seemed to chase away the gloom of the night.

While the mixture simmered, Nivalis rummaged through the contents of the sled, searching for anything edible. She was relieved to find a small pouch of salt, which she regarded as a culinary treasure, and a few dried meat strips.

With great care, Nivalis took a handful of the dried meat, her fingers gentle but determined. She added it to the simmering pot, where it would soon become tender and delicious. With a pinch of salt, she enhanced the taste of the stew, ensuring that it would be both flavorful and satisfying. To further enrich the taste, Nivalis retrieved a small pouch of dried herbs to spice the meal up. 

As Nivalis stirred the pot, she couldn't help but think about her children. The simple act of preparing this meal was an expression of her love for them. Nivalis couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and relief. "At least we have enough to eat," Nivalis whispered, her voice filled with gratitude.

The soup simmered, its flavors mingling and melding together. Nivalis watched the transformation with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation. "Now, we wait," Nivalis thought, a smile forming on her lips.


The aroma of the stew, mixed with the soothing, crackling sounds of the fire, created an atmosphere of contentment and safety. Nivalis closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting the tension in her body melt away.

Nivalis glanced at the sleeping figures of her children, their faces illuminated by the glow of the fire. They were nestled in the makeshift shelter, safe and protected.

"All will be well. Everything will work out," Nivalis murmured, a faint, bittersweet smile appearing on her face.

Nivalis's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden hiss of the stew boiling over. She quickly lifted the pot off the fire, and as the boiling liquid subsided, she couldn't help but admire the enticing, steaming broth.

With a well-worn ladle, Nivalis carefully scooped the contents of the pot, filling two wooden bowls with the rich, nourishing stew. The warmth of the bowl seeped into her fingers, a comforting sensation against the chill of the night.

Nivalis moved towards the shelter where Silvia was slumbering along with her brother, her heart swelling with a mix of motherly affection and exhaustion. She knelt beside Silvia and reached out to gently shake her daughter awake.— "Honey, wake up." she whispered, her voice soft and tender, her palm on Silvia's small shoulder.

Silvia stirred from her slumber, her response a gentle, sleepy, "Hmm?"

"Let's eat, sweetie," Nivalis continued, her words as gentle as a lullaby, nudging her daughter from her dreams.

Silvia, slowly stirring from her slumber, rubbed the sleep off her golden eyes, her lashes heavy with drowsiness."Mommy?" Silvia mumbled, her eyes still seeking to bring the world into focus.

Nivalis's heart swelled with love for her child. She smiled warmly and cupped Silvia's cheek.— "There's a delicious stew waiting for you, my little snowflake," she whispered.

Feeling her mother's gentle touch, Silvia nestled closer, her heart racing with excitement. "Oh, I'm so hungry, Mommy," she yawned, her tiny tummy grumbling anxiously.

Silvia carefully rose from their improvised shelter, cradling her baby brother in her arms. She approached the fire, the snow crunching softly beneath her boots.

Nivalis held out a wooden bowl filled with the hearty stew."Here you go, my love," she said, her eyes filled with a mother's tenderness.

"Thank you, Mommy," Silvia mumbled, her gratitude as genuine as it was innocent.

Nivalis whispered, "Of course, sweetie," her voice filled with love and devotion. "Just be careful. It's hot," she cautioned, a mother's protective instinct ever-present.

Silvia offered a mumbled response, her curiosity urging her to take a cautious sip of the steaming broth. The warmth of the stew touched her lips, the rich aroma filling her senses, a comforting, familiar scent of her mother's cooking.

As the warmth spread through her body, Silvia's hunger showed itself in full force. She took a deeper, longer sip, savoring the flavors. "Mmm, Mommy, this is delicious," Silvia praised, her eyes widening with delight and wonder. "It's perfect," she added, her smile transforming the cold, desolate clearing into a place of joy and comfort.

"Thank you, sweetie," Nivalis murmured, her cheeks adorned with a soft blush of maternal pride. She felt her heart swell with love and a sense of accomplishment. "I'm glad you like it," she added, a faint smile gracing her lips.

Nivalis took a sip as well. The taste of the stew was unlike anything she had ever tasted, probably because she was exhausted and hadn't eaten a proper meal the whole day.

Silvia and Nivalis continued to eat, the crackling fire casting a warm, inviting glow on their faces. The sound of chewing and swallowing echoed through the clearing, punctuated by the occasional slurp or sigh of contentment, speaking volumes of their exhaustion and relief.

Eventually, they had finished their meal, their wooden bowls empty, and their hunger satisfied, if only for the time being. The fire crackled in the background, its warmth and light casting a protective circle around them in the stillness of the night.

Silvia joined her mother in washing the bowls, spoons, and the pot they used for cooking. They carefully cleaned all the other cooking utensils, ensuring everything was tidy and ready for their next meal.

"Do you need to pee, sweetie?" Nivalis asked, her motherly eyes filled with tender concern as she looked down at her daughter. Silvia's ones, wide with the weariness of their long journey and uncertainty about their surroundings, met her mother's with a hint of vulnerability.

Silvia nodded slowly, "Yes, Mommy," she replied, her fragile voice barely louder than a breath. She looked at her baby brother, a delicate bundle in her arms, and prepared to hand him over to her mother's arms.

Silvia placed her baby brother in Nivalis's arms with great care, her movements slow and deliberate — the infant nestled comfortably against his mother, seeking warmth and safety within her protective embrace.

Nivalis gently took Silvia's hand and guided her behind a large tree, leading her away from the crackling fire and their makeshift shelter. "Go on, sweetie, you can do it right here," Nivalis encouraged her daughter, offering a reassuring smile, though it did little to ease Silvia's anxiety.

"Mommy, it is scary here," Silvia whispered, her voice trembling like a fragile leaf in the harsh winter wind. Her wide eyes scanned the vast darkness that enveloped them.

Nivalis's heart sank as she recognized the fear in her daughter's voice. She knew that they were in a dark and unfamiliar place, far from the safety of their home. She murmured soothingly, — "I'm right here, honey. Don't be afraid," her hand resting lightly on Silvia's shoulder, providing a reassuring touch.

"It's dark," Silvia said, her wide, fearful eyes looking around the clearing, her young imagination crafting shadows into potential threats. She had never experienced such darkness, an inky blackness that seemed to swallow the whole world. Her gaze wandered toward the fire, its flames dancing in the distance, casting eerie, elongated shadows across the ground.

Nivalis cooed softly, her arms enveloping her daughter in a protective hug.— "Shh, shh," she whispered. "You're safe with me," her voice brimming with confidence and conviction. "I promise no harm will come to you, my dear."

Nivalis held Silvia close, feeling the trembles in the child's tiny body, her motherly instinct guiding her to provide comfort. She wished she could do more to ease her precious child's fears.

Silvia looked up at her mother with wide, uncertain eyes. "Can we..." she paused, "...pee together, Mommy?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

— "Of course, sweetie," Nivalis responded without hesitation, her smile filled with tender understanding.

Silvia felt relief wash over her. Having her mother by her side would make the dark, eerie forest a bit less frightening.

"Thank you, Mommy," the girl breathed, the tension slowly leaving her shoulders.

Nivalis nodded, her smile warm and reassuring.

Silvia took a deep breath, steeling her nerves as she prepared to relieve herself. She looked at her mother and offered a weak, shaky smile.

Nivalis knelt beside her to offer assistance. Her hands were gentle as she peeled away Silvia's pants, exposing her pale, supple skin. The girl's thighs trembled with anticipation and nervousness, her chest heaving with each shallow breath.

As her pants fell to her ankles, Silvia felt a rush of cool air against her bare flesh. Her body instinctively shivered, responding to the chilly breeze.

Nivalis noticed the slight quivering of Silvia's muscles, the way her skin prickled with goosebumps, and the subtle shift in her breathing.

As Nivalis took off her coat quickly, she could feel the cold night air biting her skin, but she paid it no mind. She carefully placed the coat on the ground, creating a soft and cozy bed for her baby. Gently, she put the infant on the coat, her fingers lingering on his fragile, delicate skin. She couldn't bear the thought of her child being exposed to the harsh winter weather, so she covered him completely, shielding him from the occasional wind gusts.

Then, she lowered her own pants, exposing her naked bottom half to the cold, dark night. The cool breeze gently caressed their exposed flesh, an invigorating and terrifying sensation. Nivalis's legs quivered, her knees knocking together as she tried to hold herself steady. Her fingers trembled, and her body stiffened.

"Mommy, it's cold," Silvia whined, her teeth chattering as she tried to control the tremors that coursed through her body.

"I know, sweetie. Just breathe, okay?" Nivalis murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

They crouched there, face-to-face, their bodies shivering with the cold and their bladders ready to burst.

"Alright, sweetie. Just like you always do," Nivalis coached her, her voice a soothing whisper.

Nivalis squeezed Silvia's hands, trying not to focus on the cold wind that blew across her naked, hairless bottom. Nivalis's pussy was on display, vulnerable, and exposed, and her thighs were chilled and numb.

Silvia squeezed her mother's hands back, her mind trying to push away the strange, shadowy shapes lurking in the darkness. She trusted her mother's guidance, letting herself relax in the moment. And so, Silvia began to pee, the sound of her urine splattering against the untouched snow echoing through the stillness of the night. With each release, a sense of relief washed over her, cleansing her from within. It was an unexpected feeling of freedom that coursed through her, powerful and liberating.

Not wanting to be left behind, Nivalis, too, let her stream flow, her warm liquid trickling down onto the untouched snow. The combined symphony of mother and daughter, as they relieved themselves in unison, merged into a sensual melody of gentle splattering and delicate splashing.

As the golden stream poured out of her, Nivalis felt a sense of calm wash over her, a gentle release of tension and worry. She watched Silvia's urine pour onto the snow, forming a yellowish pool that glistened in the moonlight. She listened to the sound of their combined streams, the splattering and splashing echoing through the forest. It was a strange and comforting sensation, a sense of intimacy between mother and daughter.

Nivalis couldn't help but stare in fascination as their streams connected on the ground. The urine flowed down the snow-covered ground, merging, forming a yellowish-golden puddle.

The puddle grew larger, the scent of their collective musk spreading through the air, an intoxicating, heady fragrance.

She couldn't help but smile as the final dribbles trickled out, her body finally empty and relieved. The girls wiped themselves, their movements gentle and cautious. Silvia reached for a spare cloth that her mother had packed and used it to dry herself. Nivalis cradled the baby in her arms once more, ensuring his warmth, and wore the coat.

"That was fun, Mommy," Silvia mumbled, a smile playing on her lips.

Nivalis couldn't help but agree, reciprocating her daughter's radiant smile. "Yes, my darling, it truly was," she replied.

"Let's go back to the fire, okay?" Nivalis asked, taking her daughter's tiny hand in hers.

"Okay, Mommy," Silvia replied, nodding and following her mother's lead.

They both returned to their camp and sat down next to the fireplace, their eyes fixed on the fire's dying embers. Nivalis added more kindling to the fire, coaxing it back to life.

The infant was sleeping soundly in his mother's arms, his tiny frame wrapped in blankets. The flickering firelight illuminated his peaceful, serene, and innocent face.

The sound of the fire crackling and the wind howling through the trees was strangely comforting.

"Now, let's go to our shelter, my love. It has been a long day, and I need to feed your brother as well," Nivalis murmured, her voice soft and soothing.

"Okay," Silvia obliged, the fatigue weighing heavily on her little body.

Nivalis sat down and began untying her worn snow-covered boots and her socks. She carefully placed them by the fire, where they would dry overnight. 

Silvia followed her mother's actions, her smaller hands struggling with the leather straps, her fingers fumbling with the buckles and knots.

Nivalis reached out and assisted her daughter, undoing the last few knots that proved difficult. Once the boots were free, Silvia sighed in relief, her tiny feet finally relaxing. "Thanks, Mommy," she mumbled.

Nivalis smiled and gently placed her boots next to her own.

The firelight illuminated Nivalis's feet, revealing the supple curves of her ankles and the delicate, sensual arch of her heels. She couldn't help but notice her daughter's small feet, which were also exposed to the warmth and light of the fire. Their exposed toes wiggled gently in the heat, their flesh pale and tender, like a pair of plump, ripe peaches.

The fire continued to crackle, the flames dancing merrily in the night. The wind whistled through the trees, but the warmth from the fire kept the chill away. Nivalis and Silvia crawled into the shelter, huddling close together. The fire kept warming their feet.

Nivalis cradled her infant son in her arms, his head resting against her bosom. She gently lifted her shirt, revealing the soft, pale curve of her milk-filled breasts. Her nipples, erect and tender, were surrounded by the rosy hue of her areolae, a sight that made Silvia blush with embarrassment.

Nivalis held her infant close, her fingers gently caressing his head. As Nivalis positioned her baby, her nipple brushed against his soft lips, causing him to wake up. She could feel his small, soft mouth searching for her nipple.

As the infant latched onto her breast, she felt a rush of pleasure, a warm, tingling sensation that spread throughout her body."You're a hungry boy, aren't you?" Nivalis whispered, her voice tender and affectionate. Nivalis's body relaxed, and she could feel the tension and anxiety slowly going away. Her baby's soft, warm weight was comforting, and his quiet sucking noises were soothing.

Nivalis felt something brush against her other nipple. She jumped slightly, her eyes widening in surprise. She looked down to see her daughter's face pressed against her breast, with her lips wrapped around her nipple. Silvia began suckling.

"Oh, honey," Nivalis murmured, a sense of wonder washing over her.

She could feel her daughter's warm tongue, soft and velvety, swirling around her nipple. Silvia's cheeks hollowed as she sucked, her mouth pulling at her mother's tender flesh.

Nivalis's heart swelled with emotion, her mind and body consumed by a mix of love, joy, and a hint of shame. Nivalis wasn't sure how to feel about it. But the look on her daughter's face, her wide and golden eyes looking at her while sucking her breast, and her body pressed against her made it impossible for her to say no.

"My darling, you must be still hungry, huh?" Nivalis said, her voice gentle and loving.

Silvia nodded, her eyes fixed on her mother's face, her expression a mixture of shyness and eagerness.

"It's alright, honey. You can drink," Nivalis whispered, a sense of relief and gratitude washing over her.

With her permission, Silvia continued to nurse. Nivalis felt the pressure of her daughter's tiny mouth, her warm lips wrapped around her nipple, her tongue swirling and lapping, and she felt the warmth of her breath on her skin. Nivalis stroked Silvia's hair, her fingers gently caressing her head.

Silvia's eyes fluttered shut, her body nestling against her mother's. She let out a soft sigh, her mouth continuing to work at her nipple, a gentle, steady suction that tugged at her flesh.

As Nivalis's children suckled on her breasts, the three of them lay together in the shelter, under layers of blankets, their bodies pressed together, sharing warmth and comfort. The winter's cold had melted away, replaced by a feeling of warmth and security.

Eventually, they all fell asleep, their breathing slow and steady, the sounds of the forest echoing in the background. Silvia's head rested on Nivalis's breast. Somehow, she managed to sleep with her mother's nipple in her mouth through the entire night. Aster was right in between mother and daughter, in the warmest spot.

As the hours passed, the fire embers burned low, and the winter's chill began to creep back in, but Nivalis didn't notice it in her comfort slumber. Her mind and body were at peace, her children nestled in her arms.

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