Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 23 — Cheer up


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Nivalis trudged wearily through the snow, her hands gripping the rope tightly, knuckles white from the tension as she pulled herself forward with all her might. Her determination contrasted heavily with the exhaustion shown on her face. Her weary eyes scanned the wintry landscape, on high alert for any signs of danger that might threaten her small family. It had been seven long days since that encounter with the two adventurers, and weariness weighed heavily on her slender shoulders.

A painting of a pine winter forest

The trees around her swayed gently in the cold breeze, and the soft whispers of the wind played in her long elven ears. She sighed heavily, her breath visible in the frosty air. Each day blurred into the next, making it increasingly difficult for Nivalis to distinguish one from the other. She hadn't slept enough for the past seven nights, and the toll was evident in the lines carved on her face.

Nivalis couldn't risk following the same direction to the east anymore. She knew that it wouldn't be safe for her family, not with Haldor knowing where they were headed. So, instead, she chose to go north, hoping that her sudden change in direction would confuse any pursuers and give them more precious time to escape, even though there was nothing there, only the vast, frozen forest. Right now, losing track of anyone pursuing her family was more important than finding the town and civilization. Nivalis just hoped the decision wasn't going to be a fatal mistake.

They traveled from sunrise to sunset, stopping only when absolutely necessary. Nivalis did whatever was needed to keep her children alive. She had lost count of how many times she had changed directions abruptly. She was constantly looking over her shoulder, expecting the worst. Nights were the hardest, with fear and paranoia racing through her restless mind as every shadow seemed like a potential threat.

But what troubled Nivalis even more was how her daughter, the once lively and curious girl, had transformed into a shell of her former self. Each time she stole a glance behind her to check on her children, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of Silvia. Her responses were now monosyllabic, and once filled with joy, her eyes now reflected only emptiness. Nights for her daughter were a living nightmare. Night after night, Silvia woke up screaming, shaking violently in her mother's arms.

Silvia's silence was deafening to Nivalis. The way she moved, the way she barely ate, and the distant look in her eyes all spoke volumes. It was as if a thick, impenetrable wall had risen between Silvia and the world around her, separating her from everyone and everything else.

Although Silvia smiled whenever her mother tried to cheer her up, deep within her eyes were fear and sadness. She appeared so vulnerable and so fragile that Nivalis feared one wrong move might send her over the edge. It pained Nivalis to see her daughter like this.

But what could she do? What can she do to help? Was there anything she could do at all? How does she tell her daughter that everything will be okay? When, in truth, they were far from it? It made her feel so useless. So helpless. Nivalis was supposed to be a loving, caring mother who protects her children. Yet she had failed to protect her most precious treasure — her children's innocence.

Nivalis pressed her lips tightly together as she looked at her daughter. Silvia was rocking her little brother in her arms, yet her movements were sluggish, almost mechanical, completely contrasting with her usual lively behavior. Aster remained sleeping soundly, with a peaceful expression on his face. Nivalis prayed to all known gods and goddesses that Aster would not be impacted by what happened in any way and would not remember that day.

Nivalis racked her brain, desperately trying to find a solution to help her daughter. But nothing came to her mind. Nothing but a painful headache, increasing the sense of hopelessness she felt and making her more nervous. She was physically and emotionally drained, and every movement she made sent waves of pain coursing through her body. Her ribs had been bruised badly during that encounter with those two adventurers, and they ached every time she took a breath or bent down. She barely even finds the strength to make a fire at night, let alone defend herself.

Every time she closed her eyes, the image of the man she killed came back to haunt her, causing her heart to race wildly. She couldn't stop thinking about it. Their voices. The sound of his breathing. Baby's cry. The taste of blood in her mouth. All these memories left her feeling sick to her stomach. She hated it.

Nivalis took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. She is a mess, and she knows it. She has to pull herself together and focus on what she has to do. But first, she needs some rest, give themselves a little break. Maybe then she could come up with something that would work.

Nivalis stopped the sled and turned to face her daughter.— "Sweetie, we're going to make a shelter a bit earlier today, okay?" she asked gently. She coughed once shortly after. The coughing caused pain to radiate through her ribs, but she didn't care.

Silvia nodded silently without saying a word, her eyes fixed on Aster, her little brother.

Nivalis smiled sadly at her daughter, but her heart sank in disappointment.— "Let's find a nice spot," she said, forcing herself to sound cheerful.

"Okay," Silvia mumbled softly.

Nivalis began searching for a suitable location where they could rest. She scanned the area around them, looking for a place that would fit them. Her eyes landed on a cluster of tall trees in the distance that offered some protection from the elements. She nodded to herself as she decided that spot was perfect.

The next hour and a half passed as Nivalis, using all the energy she had in reserve, set up their shelter, made the fire right next to it, and made the insides of the shelter as comfortable as she could. As soon as she finished, Nivalis's shoulders drooped with exhaustion, her long silver hair stuck to her face with sweat.

She sat wearily next to her daughter by the fire and started preparing a meal for them to eat. It was simple porridge, but it tasted delicious to them nonetheless. After dinner, they sat around the fire quietly, listening to its crackling sounds, which served as a pleasant background noise. They simply sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company, surrounded by the warmth of their campfire.

— "Silvia," Nivalis called out quietly, her tone soft and tender.

Silvia turned to face her mother. "Yes, Mommy?" Silvia tilted her head in response, her long silver-white hair flowing gracefully.

— "It's been a while since we've taken care of ourselves, hasn't it?" Nivalis asked, glancing at her daughter. "How about we wash up a little? I'll prepare some water for us and heat it up. Does that sound good?"

Silvia nodded in response. "O-Okay... I really like the idea," Silvia replied, her voice barely above a whisper, but her eyes sparkled slightly with excitement.

— "Wonderful," Nivalis said with a smile, standing up from her seat.

Nivalis grabbed the biggest pot they only had and walked over to a large pile of snow nearby. Carefully, she scooped an impressive amount of fluffy white snow into the pot. Her cheeks were red from the cold as she hurried back to the campfire and placed the pot above the crackling flames. She kept adding more snow as it melted, filling the pot nearly to its brim with water.

When the water was ready, Nivalis turned to face her daughter, Silvia, who sat quietly next to the fire, holding her little brother Aster in her lap.— "All done, sweetie," Nivalis said tenderly. "Let's take turns washing up, alright?"

Silvia nodded in agreement, and Nivalis leaned over to help Silvia stand up. Nivalis carried the pot of water just slightly away from the campfire so that it wouldn't be affected by the water but still give them much-needed heat.

Nivalis retrieved a washcloth and handed it to Silvia with a smile.— "You'll be first, sweetheart," Nivalis said kindly.

"Okay," Silvia answered, accepting the washcloth with a hesitant smile.

Silvia slowly removed her clothing, revealing her slender, pale body. Silvia slowly dipped the washcloth into the warm water and began to wash her body. Her movements were slow, hesitant, and almost shy. Nivalis watched intently as her daughter cleaned herself, noting how her hands shook as she ran the cloth along her delicate features, the way her movements were unsteady.

— "Here, let me help you," Nivalis offered as she reached out, lightly touching Silvia's bare shoulder.

Nivalis kneeled in front of Silvia, her slender fingers brushing away the lock of silvery-white hair from her face. Nivalis took the washcloth from her daughter's hand and began to clean her daughter's body gently. She carefully ran the cloth over Silvia's slender, youthful limbs, watching as the dirt and grime vanished, leaving behind a radiant glow.

Silvia blushed shyly as she allowed her mother to rub her back gently with the washcloth. Her soft skin felt warm and smooth beneath Nivalis's fingertips, and she could feel Silvia's muscles relax as she massaged her daughter's back.

— "After we are done bathing, let's head inside the shelter, and I will give you a proper massage," Nivalis suggested. "We haven't done that for a while, have we?"

Silvia giggled in response, her eyes twinkling with pleasure. "I'd love that, Mommy," she whispered.

Then, Nivalis reached for the soap, which she had placed near their feet. She rubbed the soap against her palms until it formed a foamy lather. She smiled reassuringly as she began to wash Silvia's hair, massaging her skin gently. She added more soap to Silvia's hair, her fingers running through the silky strands.

— "Hold on, sweetie. Let me finish rinsing your hair," Nivalis said, scooping a handful of warm water from the pot and pouring it over Silvia's head. She repeated this several times until her hair was clean and shiny, and Silvia's hair was soaked with water.

After a few minutes, Nivalis handed Silvia a dry piece of cloth.— "Dry yourself, sweetheart, before you catch a cold and go inside the shelter. I will wash up and join you shortly," Nivalis said gently, kissing Silvia's forehead.

Silvia nodded and took the dry cloth from her mother's hands. "Okay, Mommy," Silvia said as she started to dry herself, but her movements were still shaky and unsteady.

— "Let me help you, sweetie," Nivalis offered, her voice filled with tenderness as she reached out and took the towel from Silvia's hand. Nivalis began to pat her daughter's body dry with the cloth, taking care of her as she wiped away the water that remained on her skin.

"Thank you," Silvia whispered gratefully. She wrapped the cloth around her tiny body, covering her bare skin. She took a deep breath and walked toward their makeshift shelter.

As Silvia stepped inside the shelter, Nivalis untied the leather belt at her waist, then slowly slid off her clothes and boots, revealing her pale, flawless skin beneath. Only bruises on her sides and her belly remained as evidence of what had happened to them. The firelight danced across her skin, casting shadows and dancing light onto her curves, warming her and giving her a slight protection from the cold. Her silver hair fell around her shoulders, cascading down her back and across her breasts. The cool air caressed her body, causing her nipples to stiffen and her skin to prickle with goosebumps. Her breasts were full of milk, swollen and heavy from the constant production of breastmilk for Aster.

There were no pubic hairs in sight. Not even a strand of silver or white could be found on her intimate parts. As an elf, she was completely hairless and smooth as silk. Her delicate slit was small and pink, and her lips slightly parted to reveal a glimpse of moisture glistening in the flickering firelight, with the tiny bud peeking out from beneath its hood. She stood there, her inner thighs trembling from the cold.

As she dipped her fingers into the pot of warm water, she closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. She couldn't deny that the sensation of the hot water hitting her naked skin felt heavenly. Slowly, she began to pour the hot liquid onto her hair, letting it cascade down her back. Her fingers combed through each strand carefully, ensuring every knot was untangled before continuing. Then, the soap lathered into a foamy white cloud as she ran her fingers through her hair, massaging the skin on her head gently.

Her nipples stiffened into firm peaks as the warm water dripped down her chest and belly. She could feel every muscle relax under the soothing touch of warm water. When she rubbed the cloth over her breasts, her fingers gently squeezed them, and a trickle of creamy white milk escaped from each nipple, running down her body. Her breasts hung heavily, swollen with milk, jiggling every time she rubbed the cloth across her chest. She cupped her breasts in her hands and lifted them to wash her chest thoroughly, which resulted in her thumbs rubbing over her erect nubs repeatedly.

As Nivalis washes herself, her nurturing breasts overflowing with milk

She bent down, her breasts now hanging freely as she carefully washed her legs and feet before moving on to the more intimate parts of her body. She cleaned herself thoroughly, ensuring no dirt or grime remained, using a delicate touch that seemed too tender in the harsh reality of their situation. Then she moved her hand to her crotch and started washing her womanhood, her finger cleaning the tiny bundle of nerves located between her outer labia. She arched her back slightly as she slipped one finger inside of herself, finding no resistance whatsoever, cleaning her inner walls. Once satisfied with her work, she stood tall again and used the last of the warm water to rinse away all traces of soap from her skin, washing away her worries and troubles along with it. Finally, she was completely clean from head to toe.

Shivering as the cool air touched her wet body, Nivalis quickly toweled herself dry, wrapping the fabric around her torso tightly. She made her way back to their shelter, feeling refreshed and renewed.

Nivalis stepped inside the shelter, wincing slightly at the chill despite the fire in front of the entrance burning brightly. She saw Silvia lying on a bed of blankets, still wearing the towel, with her little brother right next to her, all while trembling with cold. Nivalis sighed, removed the fabric she had around her body, and threw it on the ground. She didn't bother to put her clothes on. As soon as Nivalis approached and lay down beside her daughter, everything seemed to change. Silvia's shivering stopped, replaced by soft little sighs of contentment as the heat from their naked bodies melded together. Nivalis draped the blankets over their heads, creating a cozy little cocoon of warmth that soothed Silvia and warmed them both.

Silvia opened her eyes, surprised to find herself nestled against her mother's warm form. She snuggled closer, pressing her silky skin against her mother's. A deep sense of security and love filled their hearts at this simple embrace. Nivalis let out a soft sigh as she pulled Silvia closer, her arms encircling her daughter's naked body with warmth and love. The fire crackled nearby, casting flickering shadows across the walls of their makeshift shelter. In this simple moment, all seemed right with the world, and Nivalis could feel nothing but gratitude for having her daughter in her arms where she belonged.

Nivalis sighed as she pressed her naked body against her daughter's, cradling Silvia in her arms. Her chest rose and fell with each breath as she felt the day's weight fall from her shoulders. Nivalis breathed deeply, inhaling the sweet scent of her child's hair and the lingering aroma of fresh earth and smoke from the campfire outside. Silvia was right in between her mother's breasts, and she instinctively sought comfort by burying her face between them. In response, Nivalis ran her fingers through Silvia's long, silvery-white locks of hair, stroking it gently as she leaned down to kiss her temple with a loving expression.

— "I'll massage you now, sweetie," Nivalis said softly, helping Silvia to lie on her belly.

Silvia shifted onto her stomach as directed, resting her head on her crossed arms. Nivalis removed blankets from them and sat beside her, her legs spread slightly as she did, exposing her smooth pussy to the dim firelight that danced across its surface.

She placed a gentle hand on Silvia's lower back and began caressing her soft skin gently.— "Relax, sweetie," Nivalis murmured lovingly, her voice filled with tenderness as her hand traveled to Silvia's shoulders.

Slowly, Nivalis began to apply pressure to various spots on Silvia's back gently yet firmly with her hands and fingers. She carefully moved her hands in circular motions, applying more pressure when needed and less when she felt the need. She gently guided her hands in between Silvia's shoulder blades, moving down to her mid-back and then sliding back up to her neck.

Nivalis began to hum softly, a song from her childhood, as she continued to massage her daughter. Silvia smiled as she listened to her mother sing the familiar tune, and she felt her muscles begin to relax, easing away the tension and stress in her body.

— "Feel good?" Nivalis asked quietly, her voice filled with affection.

"Mhm..." Silvia nodded with a contented sigh, her voice muffled.

Nivalis smiled at her daughter's reaction as she began to rub her back more vigorously, her fingers kneading her muscles in a rhythmic pattern.

— "I'm glad, sweetie. I'm so glad." Nivalis murmured softly.

After some time, Nivalis was too exhausted to sit, so she lay next to her daughter, continuing to do the massage with her single arm. She gently rubbed her daughter's back in small circles, tracing her spine with her fingertips. Her hands moved up and down Silvia's back, her fingers making gentle circles on her skin. She refused to stop until Silvia fell asleep. She wanted her to feel loved and cared for, so she knew how much she meant to Nivalis.

It took a while before Silvia spoke again, "Mommy? Can you hold me?" She asked in a soft, sleepy voice.

Nivalis looked at her daughter lovingly.— "Of course, my love. Come here." She extended her arms, inviting her daughter to lay on top of her, just as she did many nights before, even though usually they were not naked.

Silvia shifted on top of her mother, her head resting on her mother's chest, and her arm snaked around her waist. Silvia snuggled closer, enjoying the warmth and comfort her body provided. Nivalis gently stroked her daughter's hair and continued to rub her back as they lay there in silence.

Aster lay right beside them, sleeping soundly. His round cheeks were rosy as he dreamed peacefully.

"Mommy..." Silvia whispered as she buried her face into Nivalis's bosom. She breathed deeply, inhaling the comforting scent of her mother.

— "I'm here, baby. I'm always here," Nivalis cooed in Silvia's ear, her hand tracing lazy patterns over Silvia's back as she held her close to her heart.

Silvia breathed deeply as she rested, feeling safe and secure in her mother's arms. She then shifted her head and gently placed her lips on one of Nivalis' nipples, eager to enjoy the sweet taste of her mother's milk. The moment Silvia did this, the nipple responded and began to pour milk into Silvia's tiny mouth, allowing her to savor every drop as she eagerly sucked on it. Her eyes fluttered shut in bliss as a happy expression spread across her face.

Nivalis continued to stroke Silvia's back softly with one hand while the other held her close, a tender smile on her lips as she watched her daughter enjoying her milk. Silvia moaned in pleasure, her tongue swirling around the nipple and lapping at the small opening of the udder, drinking every drop eagerly. The sweetness of Nivalis' milk seemed to soothe Silvia's soul, leaving her feeling warm and loved even from the inside.

Nivalis carefully picked her son up, Aster, who lay next to them this whole time, still sound asleep, and brought him to her other breast. Nivalis adjusted Aster until he was facing her and gently urged him to drink from her breast as well. At first, he seemed disoriented and confused by what was happening, but then he realized what was going on and immediately began to suck, his tiny lips latched onto the swollen nipple. She looked down at her child as he suckled happily, his little eyes closed peacefully, and he chewed on her nipple lightly and made funny slurping noises. The sight filled her with warmth, bringing a single drop of a tear to her eye.

She nursed her children for the rest of the evening, calming their minds and relaxing their bodies. Nivalis enjoyed this feeling of closeness, of connection with her children. It was her way to calm and comfort her own mind — by caressing her children while they drank her milk. She rubbed Silvia's back soothingly with her hand, cuddling her closer, feeling her daughter's body heat mixing with her own, their bodies pressed together, skin on skin. Silvia continued to drink her milk for another 30 minutes until she had enough, and eventually, she dozed off to sleep, sucking on her mother's breast.

It was as if their troubles had finally faded away. Silvia slept soundly, her face buried deep into Nivalis's bosom, smacking the nipple with her mouth, her arms draped lazily over her mother's hips.

As Nivalis cradled her daughter and son in her arms, she couldn't help but think about how lucky she was to have them in her life. Nivalis felt Silvia's heartbeat thumping rhythmically against her chest, and it lulled her into a peaceful state of mind. As she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but smile.

This night was different from any other night. The night was peaceful and quiet, and there were no dreams or nightmares. There was no waking up in a cold sweat or crying. For that one night, it seemed like everything would be okay.


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