Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 26 — Home


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

As the warmth slowly returned to her fingers and toes, Nivalis let out a tired groan and got up, moving slowly and clumsily.— "Come on, sweetie," she whispered to her daughter, her voice scratchy from the cold, pain, and tiredness. "Let's find a good spot to sleep for the night."

The sun had risen in the sky, casting a bright light upon their surroundings, illuminating the landscape in a way that made the whole area look more colorful and warmer. But Nivalis was too worn out to enjoy it. She simply grabbed their sled and headed towards the pine forest, away from the riverbank, where she hoped to find a decent place to rest, finally. Silvia followed her silently, this time not sitting in the sled but collecting branches and twigs as they walked, slowly filling the sled with wood.

As Nivalis trudged through the forest, she looked around carefully, searching for a suitable place for them. She soon noticed a small, partially hidden entrance to a cave, almost invisible unless you were looking for it, and it looked like just another patch of darkness she so desperately tried to run from. Nivalis stopped before it, unsure if it was worth investigating, but the opportunity was too good to pass up. After a moment's hesitation, she stepped forward and peeked inside cautiously.

A small entrance to a cave

To her surprise, the cave was quite small. Part of her had expected it to be a large underground network with many unthinkable creatures inside, but this was just a tiny cavity, no bigger than her living room back in the village. Yet big enough to shelter the three of them from the elements. After ensuring nothing was lurking inside, Nivalis sighed with relief and entered, dragging the sled behind her.

The wind constantly blew in and out of the cavern entrance, causing it to whistle slightly. But once she stepped inside, the noise disappeared, leaving only silence. The interior of the cave was surprisingly dry despite the snow outside. Its walls were covered with roots, and the ceiling was high enough for Nivalis to stand upright and move around comfortably. The floor was uneven but not too rocky or uncomfortable to walk on. And there were no signs of any creatures inhabiting it, except for a few spider webs in the corners — nothing a woman who took care of the entire household couldn't handle.

Nivalis sighed in relief as she looked around the cave, her breath forming mist in the chilly air.— "Thank Goddes, something good happened to us finally," Nivalis mumbled to herself. "This is perfect, Silvia, honey." She said as she turned toward her daughter, giving her a reassuring smile. "We are safe here."

"Safe..." Silvia repeated quietly as she slowly nodded her head. Her golden eyes were still full of uncertainty. Nivalis walked closer, gently touching the girl's cheek.

— "Yes, my sweet, everything's going to be fine now. Let's settle here and rest well." Leaning down, she planted a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead, a gesture that brought a faint blush to Silvia's cheeks. Silvia's lips quivered slightly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she nodded again. "Okay, Mommy," she whispered softly. The tender touch of her mother's lips against her skin helped to ease her fears.

Carefully, Nivalis laid out their belongings, arranging everything neatly around them. She prepared a cozy nest of blankets where they could rest comfortably. Then, she took the wood Silvia had gathered and used it to build a small fire near their sleeping area. As the flames crackled and danced, she hung their pot over the fire, filling it with snow to melt and boil. Despite her overwhelming fatigue, Nivalis decided to prepare a warm meal first. It had been far too long since they had eaten something warm.

As the snow slowly melted, Nivalis watched Silvia, who lay with her brother in her arms. In just a few minutes, both children had succumbed to sleep next to the crackling fire. Nivalis smiled softly as she looked down at them, curled up peacefully. Silvia sucked her thumb, making quiet sucking noises in her sleep, while drool trickled down her cheek and pooled on the shared blanket. Aster, nestled in his sister's embrace, slept with his head resting on her arm. The scene was so adorable that it almost brought tears to Nivalis's eyes.

Just moments ago, she had been on the verge of giving up. She had thought that everything was lost, that her life and the lives of her children would come to an abrupt end. But now, they were safe, warm, and sheltered inside a cave. It all seemed so unreal as if they had been granted a miracle. For the first time in days, Nivalis allowed herself to relax, leaning her back against the stone wall next to her. The relief was palpable like a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders. As she waited for the water to bubble, she closed her eyes, taking in the fire's crackling and her children's rhythmic breathing.


The stew bubbled and simmered in the pot as Nivalis stirred it occasionally, the savory aroma enveloping the cave, bringing a feeling of comfort and security. The scent of the cooking meat momentarily transported her back to the warmth of her long-lost home. For a fleeting moment, she allowed herself to forget about their struggles, the approaching lack of food, and the possible dangers lurking just outside. Instead, she simply focused on enjoying this moment with her children.

Soon enough, the soup was finally ready. Nivalis carefully ladled it into two bowls, then gently roused Silvia from her slumber.— "Wake up, baby girl," she whispered lovingly as she shook the girl gently.

Silvia blinked sleepily as she woke up. She sat up and yawned widely. "Morning already?" she asked in confusion.

— "No, my darling, it's still daytime." Nivalis chuckled as she stroked Silvia's hair affectionately. "Here, I've made something for us." With a tender smile, she offered the bowl and spoon to Silvia.

Blinking her golden eyes open, Silvia gazed at the steam rising from the bowl of stew. She sat up slowly, her butt still sore from sitting on the sled, and rubbed her eyes with one hand, letting out a sleepy yawn. Her stomach rumbled loudly as she reached out with both hands, eagerly accepting the food. Nivalis watched with a gentle smile as Silvia dove into the food without a word, polishing off her bowl in record time.

— "Don't forget to chew your food," Nivalis warned her daughter with a chuckle, a warmth in her voice.

Silvia immediately slowed her eating speed and chewed carefully, loudly gulping every mouthful while trying not to choke herself in the process. She licked her lips thoughtfully before speaking again. "It tastes really good, Mommy. Thank you very much," she said softly, her eyes filled with affection as she looked at her mother.

— "You're welcome, honey," Nivalis replied with a sweet smile, lovingly stroking the soft cheek of her daughter as she spoke. "I'm so happy to hear that."

Silvia returned her mother's smile with one just as bright and innocent, and then she turned back to her bowl and continued to eat, savoring the flavors of their simple food. The rest of their meal passed quietly, both basking in the warmth and peace of being together in this tiny cavern. When they had finished their meal, it was time for them to rest properly.— "Is it just me, or is it quite warm here?" Nivalis asked, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. Her smile never left her face as she spoke.

"I think it's perfect," Silvia answered, nodding in agreement as she crawled into their makeshift bedding. "I wish it always stayed like this," she added as she started to remove her clothes. She pulled off her socks first, revealing her delicate feet. They were small and thin, with tiny toes that wiggled freely in the air playfully, as she enjoyed the feeling of warmth seeping into them. "Feels good," a soft giggle escaped her lips as she enjoyed the sensation.

— "I agree," Nivalis replied as she climbed into the warm blankets alongside her children and started to remove her own clothes.

Then Silvia slipped off her pants, having nothing under them. Her pale-skinned legs had the flickering light of the fire dancing on them. She kicked them aside before removing her upper clothing, leaving herself fully nude. She stood up, stretching her arms over her head, arching her back slightly. "Oh, I love being warm," she exclaimed, her voice ringing happily in the quiet of the cave.

When Nivalis removed her last piece of clothing, Silvia jumped in her arms, hugging her mother tightly. She nuzzled her face against her mother's swollen breasts, rubbing her cheeks against them. Nivalis wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter, pressing their naked bodies together as they hugged each other. They both giggled softly from the pleasant sensation of their warm skin touching one another. It felt so natural and wonderful, especially after suffering such cold for so long.

Neither of them spoke a single word. They simply lay there, enjoying the warmth and closeness of each other, listening to the crackling of the flames in silence, their skin rubbing together gently as they all basked in the heat radiating from the fire.

As they lay on the ground together, Silvia, as she usually does, began to suckle at her mother's nipple, her beautiful golden eyes locked on Nivalis's face as she sucked, drawing milk from her breast. Nivalis sighed as the pressure inside her breasts eased, and she cupped her daughter's head in her hand, stroking her hair gently as Silvia sucked and drank greedily. Then she turned to her son, Aster, and also began to nurse him. He latched on and started drinking, his face relaxing as he closed his eyes and settled in her arm comfortably.

Nivalis leaned back, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the moment. It was blissful to be with her children like this, to feel their warmth and their presence close to her, their mouths feeding from her breasts.

As her two children quickly drank their fill, Nivalis wrapped a blanket around all three of them. Silvia, as usual, rested on top of her mother, using her mother's breasts as pillows.— "Sweet dreams," Nivalis whispered as she tenderly stroked her daughter's back and watched how it caused Silvia's eyes to close slowly. Nivalis gently pressed her lips against her son's forehead before finally allowing her eyelids to close, letting the cracking sounds of the fire lull her to sleep.




Silvia shifted uneasily in her sleep, her discomfort increasing as she became aware of something damp on her face. She was still sleepy, so she attempted to ignore it, rubbing her head against her mother's breasts and burying her face deeper into its pillowy surface. As she lay there on top of Nivalis, she inhaled her mother's sweet scent deeply, and it was even more pronounced than usual for some reason, making her smile happily. Her mouth watered with every breath of a sweet fragrance that was utterly unique and special to Nivalis alone.

But the dampness against her skin persisted, urging her eyes to open, blinking away the remnants of sleepiness as she struggled to adjust to the dimly lit room. She didn't know what time it was but sensed it was very late. Without moving her head much, she looked at the fire nearby her and noticed that it burned down to a dim glow, and the chill in the air had returned. She slowly turned her head towards Nivalis, and her heart skipped a beat at the sight before her.

Her mother's flushed cheeks and rapid breathing indicated she was experiencing an intense fever. Nivalis's face and body were covered in beads of sweat, and because of it, her skin glistened heavily, reflecting the glow of the dying fire off her naked body.

Naked Nivalis heavily sweating, official art

— "M-Mommy..." Silvia whispered worriedly as she gently shook Nivalis, trying to wake her up. Her mother's eyes were unfocused as they opened briefly and closed again.

— "Mommy? Are you okay?" Silvia asked worriedly as she touched Nivalis's forehead with her small palm. The touch caused Nivalis to moan softly as she squirmed slightly underneath her. Her skin was feverishly hot. Nivalis breathed raggedly and moaned softly in her sleep. Her lips parted slightly as she exhaled sharply through her nose, and Silvia could hear her mumbling incoherently in her sleep.

— "Please wake up," Silvia pleaded desperately as she gently shook her mother by the shoulders, trying to wake her up. Her efforts were futile, however. Nivalis remained unconscious, seemingly oblivious to her pleas. "Mommy! Please, you must wake up! Something is wrong with you!" Silvia cried out as tears started to roll down her cheeks. She couldn't understand why her mother couldn't wake up.

Silvia continued to cry as she tried to shake her mother awake, but Nivalis wouldn't respond. She shivered visibly and was clearly in pain.— "Please, Mommy! Please, open your eyes!" Silvia begged her desperately, unable to comprehend what was wrong with her mother.


As the sun rose over the horizon, Silvia saw its light peeking through the cracks in the cave's entrance, illuminating the space with its golden hue. Silvia hadn't moved a muscle all this time as she sat by her mother's side, watching over her while tears streamed down her face.

Nivalis was still moaning, mumbling something incomprehensible. Silvia couldn't understand a word she was saying. Her mother's expression was twisted in pain and suffering, and sweat trickled down her face and neck as her chest rose and fell with every shallow breath. The cave became even colder, and the fire had already gone out long ago. It was so cold that Silvia began to shiver, too. She pulled her knees to her chest, hugging them tightly.

— "Please, Mommy... I beg of you... Wake up, please!" Silvia pleaded between sobs, her voice quivering. She gently patted Nivalis's cheek with one hand while the other grasped her mother's hand tightly. "Please, Mommy... It's getting cold here... You have to wake up now..." Her voice trailed off weakly as tears continued to fall down her face. Her words were barely audible due to her sobbing.


Hours went by, and panic bubbled inside of Silvia, urging her to do something to help her mother, yet her mind was blank, unable to find a single idea. So she sat there beside Nivalis, holding onto her hand and crying silently, waiting for something miraculous to happen, but it just didn't. Her mother still moaned in agony, barely conscious and writhing helplessly. Silvia had tried everything to wake her up, but her mother remained unresponsive.

The first thing her young mind came up with was to try to make a fire. She thought that maybe if her mother got warm, she would stop shivering, and things might be alright again. She quickly grabbed her coat and stepped out into the cold to find dry branches scattered on the ground nearby.

As she returned, Silvia rummaged through their belongings with shaking hands, searching for the flint, knife, and kindling. Her heart pounded as she carefully arranged the branches around the remnants of the fire they'd had the night before. Nervously, she struck the steel against the flint, copying her mother's movements, desperate to create a spark to ignite a flame. The tension in the cave grew with each unsuccessful attempt. Her mother's labored breathing and beads of sweat on her forehead haunted Silvia as she struggled with starting the fire. She watched helplessly as her mother's trembling body shook, and the despair only worsened.

Frustration boiled over, and she struck the steel against the flint harder than ever before. Finally, a spark appeared, followed by a small cloud of smoke from the kindling. Silvia watched anxiously as it continued to smoke but refused to flare up and become a fire.

Then she remembered how her mother would gently blow onto the tiny flame to help it grow into a larger fire, so she tried the same technique. Bending down, she blew softly upon the kindling with a shaky breath. Tears filled her eyes as she watched it fail to catch, and the tiny ember started to fade into darkness.— "Please," she whispered quietly, her voice trembling, "Don't die, Mommy, please."

Desperation filled Silvia's heart as she felt the hope slipping away. Just when all seemed lost, a tiny red ember appeared in the middle of the kindling, as if from nowhere, burning brightly at its core. A spark of hope ignited within her chest, and she blew on it once more, watching it grow brighter with every breath. She took a deep breath and blew again, as strongly as she could manage, forcing all the air from her lungs. Miraculously, the kindling caught alight, and an orange flame eagerly consumed the wood around it. Silvia felt triumph surge through her veins as the first yellow tongues of fire danced along the branches.— "Yes!" she cried in victory, pumping her fist into the air.

Silvia added more wood to the fire until it grew stronger and warmer, filling the cave with light and heat. The flames flickered and danced, casting a warm glow on their cave walls. Once the fire burned brightly and steadily, she turned back towards her mother and rushed over to her side.

— "Mommy! Mommy!" Silvia cried out as she kneeled beside her, taking Nivalis's cold hands in hers. Her mother's face was pale, beaded with sweat, and the shaky rhythm of her breaths seemed more stable than before, if only slightly so. Silvia gently wiped the sweat from her mother's forehead with the sleeve of her coat. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were slightly parted.

Silvia clasped her hands together tightly and began to whisper quietly, — "Please, Gods and Goddesses, protect my Mommy. Do not take her away from us." Silvia prayed with all her heart. "Please, spare her life and keep her with us. I promise I will be a good girl."

But nothing happened, and Nivalis remained lying there, motionless. Silvia looked at her mother, not understanding why this had to happen, why her mother had to suffer like this, especially after everything they had been through. Silvia threw her arms around Nivalis, burying her face in her mother's chest as she sobbed uncontrollably, choking back sobs between muffled cries.



It was early evening already, and the sun was beginning to sink below the horizon, bathing everything in its fading light. Snow had started falling again, coating everything white. Inside the cave, Silvia tried to feed little Aster, bringing him closer to Nivalis' breast and instructing him to suckle.

The infant latched onto Nivalis' nipple reluctantly and began drinking her milk. Her belly growled in hunger as well, but right now, she was more concerned about Nivalis and Aster's wellbeing than her own needs. She didn't want to leave her mother's side even for a moment. So she waited patiently until the baby boy was satisfied. Silvia then gently lowered Aster to sleep next to Nivalis.

Silvia sat quietly, staring at the fire for who knows how long. The only sound was the occasional crackling of burning wood she collected throughout the day. Her eyes glazed over as she gazed into the flames. Her mind wandered aimlessly. She wasn't thinking about anything specific. Her belly grumbled again, reminding her once more of her hunger. She had not eaten anything for the whole day.

She glanced over at her mother, who remained unconscious, and realized that Nivalis had not taken a single sip of water or eaten anything since as well, and it made her worried. She grabbed a waterskin from their supplies, brought it to her mother's lips, and tilted it carefully so the liquid flowed into Nivalis's mouth, which caused her to cough violently, and the water spilled everywhere.

Silvia tried again, but Nivalis couldn't swallow anything. She coughed violently again, and the water dribbled down her chin and onto the blankets below. Tears streamed down Silvia's cheeks as she sat there, unsure what to do. Her mind raced frantically, trying to think of a solution.

Finally, she had an idea. Silvia grabbed a waterskin and slowly poured the contents into her own mouth, tilting her head back slightly. Once the water filled her cheeks, Silvia leaned forward and pressed her lips to Nivalis's, all while pinching her nose shut with her fingers. Silvia began to blow water gently into Nivalis's mouth. Her mother choked, struggling to breathe, but eventually swallowed most of the liquid, taking a few quick breaths. Afterward, Silvia wiped away the water that dribbled down her chin with her sleeve.

Once more, Silvia put some of the water into her mouth, blowing it into Nivalis's puffy lips and doing her best to keep the water flowing down her throat without choking her. Silvia repeated this several times until the waterskin was empty.

— "Good, Mommy, that's good," Silvia said encouragingly while wiping away tears with the back of her hand and carefully placing the empty waterskin beside her. "I will try to make something for us to eat now."

She rose from her position and picked up a pan, slightly bent from a previous encounter with the creature in the dark woods but still functional. Just like her mother had done many times before, Silvia collected snow into the pot just by the cave entrance and carried it back inside. With a struggle, she placed it on the fire and sat down close to her mother. She watched as it slowly melted into water, waiting patiently, determined to stay by her mother's side at all times in case she needed help.

Then, she looked through their supplies for anything edible and took a few potatoes and a carrot. She also found a knife, the same one she used to protect her mother, and her hand started to tremble in fear so much that she dropped the knife onto the ground, unable to pick it up again. An image of a man she killed to save her mother appeared in her mind, causing her to recall her most painful memory.

—"I-it's okay..." She stammered shakily as she reluctantly grabbed the fallen knife off the ground. "I-I need to... I have to do this for Mommy." She reassured herself nervously while staring blankly at the blade of the knife in her trembling hand, remembering how it felt when she drove it deep into the flesh, but quickly forced her attention elsewhere and attempted to peel the skin off the potatoes with trembling hands.

Then, she tried her best to cut everything the way her mother taught her, but her movements were too awkward. It was more difficult than she remembered, as her tiny hands couldn't grip the knife securely, so her cuts were clumsy and uneven.— "Why this is so hard..." Silvia complained under her breath as she bit her lower lip with frustration. While she was cutting, she accidentally pricked herself on the finger. Blood dripped from her tiny finger, causing her to yelp in pain. She quickly put it into her mouth and sucked the blood off.

She struggled with the task for a long time, slicing the ingredients slowly and meticulously until it finally looked acceptable enough, dropping everything into the pot, and waiting for the water to boil.

— "What else should I put in here?" She asked herself as she looked around for anything else to add to the soup. And then she remembered how her mother always added dried herbs to their food to make it taste better. She searched through their supplies again and found some dried herbs wrapped in cloth. "These should be okay to use, right?" Silvia inquired uncertainly, though no one was there to answer her questions.

With that question, Silvia threw a pinch of the herbs into the water and started stirring it.— "How do I know if it's done?" She asked herself. She stared at the boiling water, wondering if it was time to take the pot off the fire and start eating. "Maybe I should wait longer," Silvia thought as she continued to stir the water while checking it periodically for any changes.



As the snow continued to fall and the wind started to pick up outside the cave, Silvia leaned over her mother and whispered.— "Don't worry, Mommy, I will take care of you." She wiped her teary eyes once again and took a deep breath.

She took the bowl with the soup she made and dipped a spoon into it, scooping out a few small bits of the potato, and raised it to her lips. She blew on it gently, cooling it down, and put it into her mouth. The vegetable felt bland and tasteless in her mouth, a massive contrast to the delicious meals her mother had always cooked for her. But still, it was something.

As Silvia chewed thoughtfully, making sure no big chunks were left in her mouth, she leaned closer to her mother's face, holding her jaw open with one hand as she pinched her nostrils with the other. Then, she opened her own mouth and pressed her lips to Nivalis's, pouring the partially chewed pieces of potato and a few drops of her saliva into her mother's throat. Silvia's lips were moist and tasted slightly salty from her tears. She blew gently, pushing the food into Nivalis's mouth while making sure nothing spilled out.

Nivalis swallowed reflexively, choking slightly on the mush that slid down her throat. Silvia wiped away a trail of liquid that had dribbled down her mother's chin and continued to feed her, occasionally taking a bite herself. She kept the pace going, alternating between Nivalis and herself, slowly finishing the entire pot of soup.

As soon as Silvia was done eating, she sat next to her mother, resting her head on Nivalis' chest, listening to her heart beating beneath her ear, afraid it might stop beating at any moment. With the other hand, she gently caressed Nivalis' cheek with her fingertips, stroking her mother's hair away from her face.— "Please... Don't leave me, Mommy..." Silvia sobbed softly.

As night fell outside, the firelight inside the cave cast eerie shadows across Nivalis's pale features. Her skin, still glistened with sweat, reflected the flickering orange glow of the fire. Her eyes fluttered open briefly before closing again as if she had been dreaming. Silvia watched her intently, keeping an eye on her mother's every movement, not daring to let herself fall asleep for fear that she might miss something important.

Silvia tried to remain awake as long as her 5-year-old body allowed her, but eventually, she grew too tired and exhausted. Her eyelids felt heavy, and her vision blurred. She fell asleep while sitting, resting her head on her mother's chest. Aster slept nearby as well, cuddling up against his mother's side.

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