Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 29 — Crawling & curiosity



Aster had a lot of time to think about his previous life and his future in this one. He loved being with his mother and sister, and they had given him a sense of security and love that he hadn't felt... never, probably. But despite this, a big part of him wondered about his brothers and mother from his old world. How are they doing? Does someone miss him? Or at least, remembers?

Sometimes, Aster would lie in his bed, staring up and thinking about everything that had happened to him so far. It seemed like a dream, all of it. To this day, part of him expects it to be just a vivid hallucination and that he was still in that hospital bed, all alone, on the verge of dying. But seeing his mother's beautiful face and feeling Silvia's warm hugs... it was impossible not to believe this was real. He is indeed here with his new, elven family. He has a loving mother and a lovely big sister, and they have a small cave to call their own. This small cave is everything they have, yet somehow, it feels like enough.

With each passing day, his attachment to this new world grew stronger, and his memories of Earth began to fade slowly... No, not disappear, but be distant, insignificant. As Elysia, the goddess of music, wanted him to be, he focused on just being happy. His one and only plan is simply to enjoy his time with his family and do his best to help his mother and sister so they can be happy, too.

Aster didn't know exactly how old he was. A half of a year, maybe? When you are a baby, it is extremely difficult to determine the time, let alone how many months have passed. What he did know, however, was that being a baby was, well, boring—very boring. Aster found little to no entertainment just by lying and gazing at the rocky ceiling above him.

But some things made those long days bearable. Watching his mother's gentle face as she tended to him and his sister's happy expressions always brightened his days.

His favorite part of the day is, and probably always will be, when all three of them lay in bed, cuddling close. The warm sensation of being pressed tightly against his mother's soft, milky breasts is something he never wants to get tired of. He felt completely safe in her warm embrace, protected and comforted. The scent of her body and the feel of her delicate skin against his tiny one, the steady beating of her heart, and the soft sounds of her breathing soothed his mind and soul.

Another enjoyable thing in his daily life is, without a doubt, drinking his mother's delicious milk. Warm, creamy, and thick... Maybe it is his baby instinct talking, but nothing in the world tastes better. Nothing. And being able to share it with his older sister and receive her playful kisses afterward just adds to the whole experience.

At first, he might have overreacted a bit and felt slightly jealous of Silvia stealing mother's milk... but he eventually realized that it was only fair. Their mother had two boobs, after all. There was enough for both of them. He learned to share and even found it to be quite fun.

Silvia always giggled softly whenever she kissed his face or licked his cheeks clean after feeding time whenever he spilled some milk on himself. And he liked those giggles very much. It was a nice change after everything this little girl had been through. Seeing her smile and laugh made Aster happy, too. The bond between the siblings strengthened with each passing day.

It feels like a dream, really, one that he never wants to wake up from.



One peaceful evening, Aster found himself lying on his back in the comfort of their cozy cave home. The sky outside transitioned into a breathtaking view of orange and pink hues, a sight he could only imagine as he lay on the blanket nest, enveloped in the soothing sounds of his mother and sister's laughter and conversation from somewhere around.

Due to being tightly wrapped in a cloth, he couldn't see anything but the ceiling above him, which only increased his curiosity about what they were doing. Their voices were filled with soft giggles and feminine sighs that bounced off the walls and echoed around the small space, creating an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy.

It seemed like they were enjoying themselves quite a lot, so much so that their giggling turned into moaning. As the girls busied themselves, Aster was left alone, bored with nothing to do except look at the cavern ceiling. More than anything, he wanted to see what they were doing. To witness it. It was quite frustrating, really.

His mind was filled up with images of their girly, mother-daughter chatter, perhaps taking turns giving sensual massages to each other based on the sounds they were making. It was difficult to tell for sure, though. He couldn't see a damn thing. And he couldn't shake the thought that they might even be doing it all in the nude.

He wanted to get closer and join the fun, to see his elven, beautiful mother being rubbed from top to bottom... To be so close yet so far at the same time. The mere thought of wanting to see something drives you insane when you cannot, especially when it is just within reach. It makes you want to move — or, if you are a baby, it makes you want to crawl.

— 'There's no way I'm missing it. I can't just keep lying here,' Aster thought as he wiggled his legs and arms. 'I need to learn how to crawl, dammit!' So, with a firm resolve, Aster finally decides to give it a shot. With a newfound determination, he begins to wiggle vigorously, fighting against the restrictions of the soft fabric surrounding his body, struggling with all the strength inside him. His fists clenched tightly, and his face contorted with effort as he kicked his legs, trying desperately to break free. 'Come on... Come on... Just move, you stupid thing!'

First, he freed one of his arms, then another, until finally, his upper torso was free. Aster almost cried out in triumph before remembering that he was supposed to be quiet. The last thing he needed was to make them worry and stop what they were doing to check on him. No, he wanted to see everything — all of it. Not a single detail shall be missed. At this point, he felt like he could almost taste victory.

With his arms free, Aster now proceeded to move his lower body next. His hips twisted and turned, trying to shake off the rest of the fabric holding him back. But the task proved rather challenging. It was incredibly difficult to focus while distracted by all sorts of noises coming from behind him.

— 'What the hell are they doing?' Aster wondered with growing curiosity. He couldn't see what they were doing, so all he had was his imagination to fill in the gaps. And boy, did it fill them.




A bit earlier...


— "Woah..." Silvia exclaimed, staring in amazement at the strange, hard, elongated object in front of her face, "It is so curved..." she murmured, her eyes fixed on it, "and warm too..." Her tiny finger poked at it curiously. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. "Do you think it's tasty?" she asked, her golden eyes reflecting wonder and excitement.

It was a reddish-orange root with a rough, bumpy texture, slightly warm to the touch for some reason. Nivalis examined the plant more closely in her hands, turning it over in her palm and touching its surface, "Hmm... It looks like it," Nivalis replied cautiously, lifting the root to her nose to sniff its rich, slightly sweet scent. "At least It smells delicious," she added.

— "Where did you find it?" Silvia asked curiously while studying the unfamiliar plant.

"Near the river, underneath a fallen log," Nivalis explained. "It was peeking out slightly, and it caught my eye."

— "Wow," Silvia said in amazement, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of trying something so unusual. "Can it be poisonous?" she asked nervously, glancing down at her mother for reassurance.

Nivalis shrugged, looking uncertain. "I don't know... It looks harmless enough," she said as she continued to inspect the strange plant closely. "But it's always good to be cautious, especially with something we've never tried before," she paused, "I was thinking about boiling it first and trying a bit to see if it's safe."

Silvia pondered for a moment before speaking.— "Only a tiny piece..." She said hesitantly, looking unsurely at her mother.

Nivalis smiled knowingly. "Just in case," she finished for Silvia, understanding her daughter's concerns all too well. "Alright. Let's do it," she said as she placed the root on a wooden board and carefully cut small pieces off with her knife. She dumped these chunks into the pot nearby, which already had a bit of water inside. Then, she hung this pot above the fire. Silvia and her mother found themselves seated together beside the warmth of the flames as they waited for the root to be ready.

She gave Silvia a reassuring smile and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling the girl close. "It shouldn't take too long to boil, dear. We'll let it cook for a few minutes and then try a small bite," she said quietly. "If it doesn't taste bad, we can use this thing in our meals. How does that sound?"

— "Sounds great," Silvia answered happily, cuddling against her mother's side.

While waiting for the water to heat up, Nivalis began stroking her daughter's silky hair, gently brushing it with her fingers while humming a melody under her breath. She found it quite relaxing to sit in silence and listen to the sounds of the fire crackling together with her daughter. They sat like that until the steam rising from the boiling water caught their attention, indicating that the root had finished cooking. Nivalis carefully lifted the lid and placed it aside, allowing the hot steam to dissipate. "Smells good," she noted cheerfully, taking a deep breath and savoring the aroma filling her nostrils.

Silvia's eyebrows furrowed together slightly as she stared at the pot's contents. "It smells kind of sweet and spicy at the same time," she commented thoughtfully. "It still can be poisonous..."

"Hmmm... You're right," Nivalis mused aloud. "Well, only one way to find out." With those words, she picked up a wooden spoon and scooped a single slice. She brought the root to her mouth, blew on it to cool it down, and nibbled on it carefully. She chewed it slowly, up until her taste buds were greeted with a burst of flavor, causing her face to light up instantly. "Oh my..." she moaned slightly, covering her mouth with her hand as she swallowed, "It's delicious!" she licked her lips excitedly. The sound of her lips smacking echoed softly in the cave.

— "Are you alright, Mommy?" Silvia asked in concern and added, "Do you feel sick?"

"I'm feeling fine, sweetie," Nivalis responded cheerfully. "Let's wait and see if anything happens before you try some, okay?"

Silvia nodded silently in response as they waited for something to happen. They simply chattered and enjoyed the warmth of the fire while cuddling against one another.

After about an hour passed, Nivalis still felt perfectly fine. She sighed in relief, "Alright, I think it is safe, but let's not eat too much of it. Only a few pieces," Nivalis said while handing her daughter a spoon with a slice of the root in it.

Silvia took a tiny bite, chewing it slowly as her face lit up in excitement. She closed her eyes and moaned as well, just like her mother when she tried it first.— "It's sooo good..." she muttered, licking her lips. "I've never tasted anything like it before."

"Right?!" Nivalis said excitedly, grinning widely. "Neither have I," Nivalis agreed with a wide smile on her lips and then took a slightly bigger piece herself. "We can add those to our meals... Imagine how it would taste with rabbit meat or with fish. Mmm..." she sighed loudly at the thought.

Silvia giggled happily at the thought of it as well. "Yeah... Sounds awesome," she mumbled softly as she continued munching on her treat, chewing slowly and enjoying every bit of it. Both girls couldn't help but let out moans occasionally, sighing with satisfaction from the unique taste in their mouths.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, Nivalis saw Aster, who was trying to crawl for the first time in his life.

"Wait, darling..." Nivalis paused eating, slightly touching her daughter's shoulder. "Look what Aster is doing, honey!" she whispered in awe while pointing towards her son, who was awkwardly trying to move in their direction on all fours.

Silvia quickly turned around to observe Aster's actions with wide eyes.— "He's crawling!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. She dropped the spoon in her hand and ran closer to her brother. "Ah! Look! Asty!"

Nivalis rushed behind her, clasping her hands together joyfully. "My baby's growing up!" She beamed with pride as she watched Aster struggle to cross the few steps of the distance between them, clumsily crawling towards them. "Come here, my little pumpkin. Come to Mommy!" She beckoned excitedly, holding her arms out for the incoming toddler.

— "Yeah!" Silvia cheered. "Come to us, little brother!" She encouraged him with a bright grin, patting her hands on her thighs to draw his attention. Aster gazed up at them with his round golden eyes and tried his best to get closer. "He's so cute!" Silvia squealed happily, clapping her hands together. "Isn't he so cute?" she asked as she turned towards her mother.

"Absolutely adorable." Nivalis agreed with a nod. She smiled widely as she watched her son approach closer until he finally reached them, falling exhausted on his stomach.

Nivalis quickly knelt beside him, pulling him to her chest and cradling him tenderly in her arms. "Aw, my little pumpkin, you did it!" She cheered, kissing his soft cheek affectionately as she hugged him close to herself.

— "Why is he looking so... disappointed?" Silvia wondered with a frown. Indeed, little Aster's expression was quite sad, his eyes downcast as if he expected to see something completely different...

Nivalis shook her head lightly in response and chuckled softly as she stood up. "I think he's just tired from trying to move for the first time. Isn't it tiring, right, sweetie?" Nivalis asked the young child in her arms, smiling down at him lovingly. "Don't worry, my baby. Mommy will carry you for a while now. Okay?" She said softly to the child in her arms as she kissed his forehead tenderly, rocking him gently from side to side. She began to walk back towards the fire, singing a lullaby quietly under her breath.

Silvia trailed behind her mother, her cheeks flushed with warmth from the excitement she felt for her baby brother's first attempts at crawling. It was adorable.

As they sat back down in their original positions, Nivalis cradled Aster in her lap. Meanwhile, Silvia leaned closer to her mother, resting her head on her shoulder while enjoying the warmth of the fire nearby. The cave was silent except for the occasional crackling sound from the fire and the soft breathing of her brother, who instantly fell asleep, exhausted from his efforts.

Nivalis glanced down at her son and smiled tenderly. "My precious," she whispered affectionately. "Sleep well, my darling."


Instead of releasing chapters randomly throughout the week, I've decided to try to stick to the schedule, releasing them on Saturdays and Sundays so that you can enjoy them on weekends.

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