Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 32 — Second winter



As this small family only got used to the warmth of the warmer seasons, winter came once again to change everything. The days became much shorter, the nights longer, and the temperatures colder. Soon enough, the forest was covered in snow, and the once lush greenery was replaced by a bleak white landscape that stretched as far as the eye could see. Only the thick pines seemed to have the ability to survive these harsh conditions.

But inside their little cave, everything remained warm and cozy. Their makeshift nest of blankets was just as soft and comfortable as before, where Nivalis took every opportunity to cuddle with her little ones, giving them all the warmth and love they could ever need. A neatly arranged stack of logs and branches was piled up in the corner of the cave, ready to be sacrificed to keep the fire burning bright throughout the night. The flames danced, casting a warm glow that painted the walls in hues of amber and gold.

The air was filled with the delicious aroma of food. Nivalis hummed softly while preparing the stew with meat and dried mushrooms for the evening meal. Silvia sat nearby, watching intently as her mother worked, helping when asked to do so. Meanwhile, Aster crawled around them, exploring every nook and cranny, looking for anything that might interest him.

Once dinner was done, they settled down in their nest and began to eat. Aster sat comfortably in Nivalis's lap, his tiny body leaning against her belly as he eagerly awaited his meal. His golden irises gleamed brightly, reflecting the fire's flickering light.

"Here, my pumpkin," Nivalis spoke softly as she brought the spoon to his mouth, "Say, 'ahhh~'" She cooed gently while tilting the utensil forward, allowing Aster to lean forward and open his mouth wide. He swallowed the spoon's contents in a single gulp, making a loud slurping sound as he did so. "Good boy," she praised, smiling happily at him.

Aster looked up at her, his tiny, plump lips stretched into a wide smile. He looked adorable. He opened his mouth again, indicating that he wanted more food, and Nivalis happily obliged.

"You are really hungry tonight, huh?" Nivalis commented fondly while scooping another spoonful of soup into his waiting mouth. Aster continued to devour his meal, occasionally letting out a satisfied sigh between gulps.

— "Alright, my turn to feed him," Silvia spoke up, her tone impatient. She reached her hand towards Aster, holding a spoon, her golden eyes gleaming in anticipation. "Say, 'Ahh,'~" Silvia encouraged gently.

Aster obediently opened his mouth and accepted the offering, swallowing it without hesitation. Silvia smiled broadly as she watched him eat.

— "Good job!" She praised her little brother as she ruffled his soft, silver hair. She looked at him lovingly, admiring his beautiful golden eyes, rosy cheeks, and cute nose. His plump lips were slightly parted every time he munched his meal. "He's so cute, isn't he?" she commented, glancing at her mother.

Nivalis chuckled lightly, "Yes, he is. He's adorable," she replied softly, caressing Aster's chubby cheek with her hand, earning a happy smile from him. "And I think he's gonna grow up to be really handsome," she added, smiling at her son warmly.

— "Hmm, yeah, I guess so," Silvia agreed, her expression becoming thoughtful. "But... I still want him to stay cute like this," she said with a slight pout. "Don't grow up too fast, okay, Asty?" she told her brother with a playful smile. Aster glanced at her, his eyes round and curious.

After the meal, they all sat in silence, enjoying each other's company, basking in the warmth of the fire and the comfort of their cozy bedding.

Nivalis rubbed Aster's tummy with her hand, her touch gentle and comforting. Aster yawned, his rosy lips parted slightly, his golden irises glimmering faintly in the light of the fire. His small, plump cheeks puffed out when his eyes fluttered shut as he breathed deeply.

Nivalis looked at Aster with a loving expression on her face. She ran her fingers through his hair in gentle, soothing motions. Aster's breathing slowed in mere minutes, signaling that he fell into a deep sleep.

Then she gently lifted her little boy from her lap and cradled him. "Goodnight, my sweet boy," she whispered, looking down at him affectionately, enjoying his warm, soft body pressed against hers. She carefully lowered her son to their nest, ensuring he was comfortable.

After making sure he slept soundly, she turned to Silvia. She sat quietly, staring intently at the flames that flickered before her. "It's time for you to go to sleep, dear," she said gently, her voice soft and sweet.

Silvia looked up, her face shining in the light of the fire.— "Okay," she replied obediently, nodding and smiling slightly.

— "Mommy," Silvia said, glancing at her mother, "can I have some milk, please?" she asked innocently.

Nivalis smiled warmly in response to Silvia's request, giving a short nod. "Of course, darling. Let's undress first," she said and started to unbutton Silvia's clothes, helping her step out of them. Once her daughter's tiny body was completely bare, Nivalis began to take off her own clothes, carefully placing them aside.

With nothing left to hide her from view, Nivalis sat back down on the blankets and smiled warmly at Silvia. "Come here, my dear." She patted her lap lightly. Silvia quickly sat on her mother's lap and felt the warmth of her naked thighs. She leaned back, letting her head rest on her mother's left arm, and allowed her legs to dangle over Nivalis's right arm like a princess being carried in her knight's arms.

"Are you comfortable?" Nivalis asked gently.

— "Yeah," Silvia replied, sighing softly while gazing deeply into her mother's beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes wandered downwards, admiring the curves of her mother's gorgeous body. Her soft, perky breasts swayed ever so slightly with the movement of her breathing. "What about Aster?" she asked, turning her head to Aster, who slept peacefully on his back.

Nivalis glanced at him briefly before answering. "I've already fed him plenty, don't worry." She smiled reassuringly. "He drank my milk three times today. I don't think he'll need anything else until tomorrow."

— "Oh," Silvia replied simply, smiling contently at hearing that.

"Now let's relax and enjoy ourselves," Nivalis murmured, "Just us two, alright?"

Silvia nodded, smiling.— "Yes, Mommy."

"Good girl," Nivalis said sweetly and positioned her breasts directly in front of her daughter's face. "Here you go, sweetie," Nivalis whispered, smiling softly.

Silvia nodded slowly, her lips parting. She stuck her tongue out, and Nivalis placed her nipple on top of it. "Go ahead, my darling," she whispered, "drink my milk."

Silvia started to suck gently, enjoying the sweet taste of her mother's milk.

"There we go, that's right," Nivalis encouraged with a smile as she watched her daughter suck on her breast, her pink lips wrapping around the puffy nipple. Silvia closed her eyes, feeling the white liquid slowly filling her belly, warming her insides. Her whole body relaxed as she continued to suck, her tiny mouth forming a vacuum seal around the tip of her mother's breast.

She sucked harder, her cheeks hollowed slightly as she drank deeply.— "Mmm," she moaned in satisfaction. Her tiny hand reached up and gripped onto Nivalis' other breast, squeezing it firmly as she continued to suck on her mother's nipple. Silvia's eyelashes fluttered lightly as she continued to enjoy the sweet nourishment of her mother's milk.

"You're doing great, my dear," Nivalis praised lovingly. "Just keep drinking slowly. Don't rush it."

Silvia obeyed her mother's instructions, slowing her pace and taking small sips instead of gulping greedily. Her breathing was becoming slower and heavier, and her chest rose and fell steadily as she inhaled deeply through her nose. Every once in a while, she paused, letting go of the nipple and opening her mouth to let out a faint sigh before putting it back into her mouth, continuing to suck on it.

After a while, Silvia stopped nursing on her mother's breasts entirely and fell asleep peacefully in Nivalis's arms. Her head was resting on Nivalis's left breast, and her legs curled up into a fetal position.

Nivalis smiled, looking tenderly at her daughter. "My precious child," she whispered, kissing Silvia's forehead. Then Nivalis carried her daughter and gently placed her next to her brother. Silvia instinctively rolled over and wrapped her arm around Aster in her sleep.

Nivalis leaned back and sighed deeply, watching her children in the dim, flickering light of the fire. She tucked her sleeping daughter and brushed the silver locks from her face. "Goodnight, sweetheart," Nivalis whispered. She laid down beside her, holding her daughter by her waist and pulling her closer so that her naked little bottom was against her stomach. Nivalis lovingly kissed the back of her head before closing her eyes and falling asleep with a content smile.



[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Nivalis woke up slowly, her mind groggy and sluggish from sleep. She rubbed her eyes a few times, trying to focus them as she looked around the cave. She sat up, and the blankets slipped down to her waist, exposing her chest. She groaned softly as she stretched her arms and back, taking a deep breath to start her day.

Her eyes lingered on her sleeping children, and a sweet smile appeared on her face as she looked at their peaceful faces. Her breasts hung heavily from her chest as she sat there and watched them sleep for a while, admiring their delicate features and the way they breathed, their little chests rising and falling steadily.

Nivalis quietly stood up, being careful not to wake anyone, and proceeded to get dressed. She put on her regular outfit for the day while thinking it would be a busy day ahead.— "I need to hunt some fresh meat," she thought to herself as she buttoned up her coat. Afterward, she quickly went about her morning routine.

She deftly tidied up around the cave, placing everything where it should be. Next, she washed the dishes from yesterday's meals, carefully scrubbing any stubborn stains. She then proceeded to wash the used diapers of her little one, Aster, ensuring they were thoroughly cleaned and ready for reuse. Finally, she added a couple of fresh logs to the flickering fire to warm her sleeping children.

Once everything was done, Nivalis approached her sleeping daughter and knelt beside her.— "Silvia, darling..." Nivalis whispered. She stroked her hair gently and kissed her cheek, caressing her pale skin with her fingertips.

"Hmmm? Mommy, what is it?" Silvia murmured, her eyes fluttering open sleepily. She blinked slowly and stared up at her mother with a puzzled look.

— "I'm going out to hunt today, sweetheart," Nivalis explained softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Okay, Mommy..." Silvia agreed reluctantly with a tired yawn. "You be careful..." she added with a sleepy smile.

— "I will be, sweetie," Nivalis replied as she hugged her daughter. "You take good care of your brother while I'm gone."

Silvia nodded eagerly. "I'll do my best!" she promised cheerfully.

Nivalis smiled fondly at her daughter. "I know you will. You always do," she praised sweetly before kissing her daughter's forehead.

— "Do you need any help with your breakfast?" Nivalis asked.

Silvia shook her head. "No thanks, I can do it myself, Mommy," she assured confidently.

— "I'll be back shortly, honey," she whispered, stroking her cheek. "I love you," she said before standing up.

"I love you too, Mommy," Silvia whispered in response and closed her eyes again, returning to her slumber.

Nivalis grabbed her bow and arrows and walked to the cave's exit. But once she stepped out of the cave, the wind whipped across her face with an intensity that caught her off guard. She quickly took a few steps back, shielding her eyes with her arm.

She looked up and noticed how clouds swirled wildly, moving faster than she had ever seen. A gust of wind howled through the trees, causing their branches to shake violently. Nivalis blinked and lowered her arm, looking around in awe at the chaos unfolding around her.

The temperature was much colder than usual, and snowflakes were whirling around her, blown by the strong winds. She shivered slightly, pulling her cloak tighter around her body. Undeterred, she took another step, but the gusts intensified, pulling at her clothes and tousling her hair. The outside world, usually a familiar territory, now felt like an enemy.

"There's no way I can hunt in this weather," she muttered, frowning. "I have to return inside," she realized and returned to the cave. Upon entering, she immediately noticed how much warmer it was inside. She sighed in relief and placed her belongings by the entrance. Standing there for a while, she gazed at the raging storm, feeling anxious as she muttered, "This is bad," realizing there was no sign of it calming down anytime soon.

— 'No hunting today, I guess,' She sighed, glancing over at her children. Silvia and Aster were both still asleep in their nest.

Nivalis approached and crouched beside them once again. Silvia was already asleep, her breathing steady and quiet, her hair spread out around her. She looked beautiful in the faint light cast from the fire, the shadows dancing across her pale skin. Silvia stirred, sensing her mother's return.

"Mommy?" Silvia's voice held a touch of confusion.

Nivalis smiled, brushing away a few strands of Silvia's hair.— "The wind is too strong out there, sweetheart. I'll be staying with you and Aster for a whole day, it seems," she explained, keeping her voice calm and soothing. "Why don't we lie down together and relax, hmm?"

"Oh, alright," Silvia replied softly. She shifted her body slightly, allowing more room for her mother to crawl into their little nest.

Nivalis quickly undressed, discarding her clothing onto the ground haphazardly. She lay on her back beside her daughter and motioned for her to come closer.— "Come here, sweetheart. Come lie on my chest."

Silvia obliged, climbing atop Nivalis and lying between her mother's soft breasts, her stomach touching her mother's soft, smooth skin. Nivalis wrapped her arm around the little girl's waist and held her securely against her body, gently rubbing her back. Silvia closed her eyes, relaxing into the warmth of her mother's embrace.

The rest of the day passed by peacefully. Nivalis played games with her daughter and cooked their meals. They chatted happily about random subjects, discussing whatever came to their minds. But as the day dragged on, the winds outside grew even stronger, and the howling of the wind and the creaking of the trees were all the more audible.

Finally, the sun began to set, and the last rays of sunlight disappeared. All three of them lay down to sleep together in their little nest under the layers of blankets. The temperature dropped even lower, and Silvia began to shiver slightly despite the fire's heat nearby and lying on top of her mother. Nivalis frowned, noticing how cold Silvia had gotten, and began to rub her back, arms and legs to warm her up. Silvia closed her eyes, sighing blissfully as her mother massaged every corner of her petite body.

The raging storm outside rumbled on, causing the cave to tremble occasionally. Eventually, both girls fell asleep, huddled under a blanket, snuggling close to each other.


The following two weeks were a disaster. The weather showed no signs of improving. Instead, it had only worsened with each passing day, and the temperature dropped even further. Snow continuously fell from the sky and quickly accumulated outside the cave, almost blocking the entrance. Nivalis had to clear it out every morning to ensure enough air was coming in. The task was exhausting, especially in this freezing weather, and Nivalis always returned to the cave drenched in sweat.

Even getting enough wood for the fire to keep them warm was hard. Nivalis needed to venture out during the day, chopping up as many branches as possible and carrying them back to the cave so they could survive another day.

Worse still, they were running out of food. Nivalis began to feel extremely concerned about it. They were running dangerously low, and there was no way she could risk venturing outside in this terrible weather. She began to ration their food even more severely, cutting it down to one bowl of stew per day. She gave Silvia and Aster the bigger portions, ensuring her children had enough to eat.

The situation became so dire that Nivalis started to consider attempting to go out into the storm, but she eventually decided against it, knowing it would be suicidal.

Despite their difficult situation, Nivalis remained positive. She kept the mood in their cave cheerful, and they would play many games to pass the time. She smiled frequently, trying to cheer Silvia and Aster up as best she could. She did her best to show them everything was alright. But deep down, she was growing increasingly worried. They need food.

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