Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 39 — Don’t play with gods



The night was peaceful as the moon shone brightly, illuminating the sky with its pale light. No clouds covered its glow, and the stars sparkled above. The forest was calm, its inhabitants sleeping peacefully in their nests, dreaming sweetly about tomorrow. Only the crickets chirped occasionally, and an owl hooted somewhere in the distance.

In three days, Silvia will finally turn ten years old, a day that her entire family eagerly awaits. The family is sound asleep in their warm bed inside their cozy cave, where Nivalis is lying on her back while her two children snuggle up against her on either side, using their mother's body as a pillow. Her arms were wrapped around their petite bodies, and her soft bosom acted as a perfect headrest.

It was a usual night, just like any other night before; however, something wasn't quite right. Aster had a strange feeling that he couldn't quite explain. A sense of unease lingered in the back of his mind. A feeling that eventually made him wake up in the middle of the night, his eyes blinking sleepily.

He yawned, stretched, and rubbed his eyes, trying to see better in the darkness. While his eyes adjust, his ears focus on the sounds around him. He heard a strange noise coming from his sister's side of the bed. It was a whimper. A small, pathetic whimper that made his heart skip a beat with worry.

But Aster struggled to see his sister in the cave's darkness, only able to make out her silhouette. He tentatively reached out and touched her bare shoulder, whispering,— "Sis?" Unfortunately, there was no reply, only a weak moan. Aster asked again, "Are you okay, Silvia?" He shook her gently, hoping to wake her up, and felt the sticky wetness of her sweat on his palm. It was strange for her to sweat because the cave wasn't hot right now, and the fire had almost gone out.

"Ngh... n-no..." Silvia mumbled quietly. Her weak, hoarse voice sounded so miserable, so vulnerable, that it made Aster worry.

— 'Is she having a bad dream?' he wondered, frowning slightly. "Silvia, wake up. You're having a bad dream," Aster whispered, shaking his sister more firmly. Though he tried to wake her up, she didn't respond.

He leaned closer to his sister better and saw her pale face glistening with sweat. Her cheeks were flushed, and her face scrunched up as if in pain. Her small hands were tightly clenched into fists, gripping the blanket. Her silvery hair was sticking to her forehead, and her breathing was shallow and labored, broken only by incoherent mumbling under her breath.

"Mom," he called out immediately to his mother, squeezing her shoulder. Nivalis groaned in her sleep, slowly waking up.

"W-what is it, darling? What's wrong?" Nivalis asked, her voice heavy with sleep, rubbing her eyes and looking at her son.

"Something is wrong with Silvia," Aster replied, concern evident in his voice. "She's sweating and mumbling in her sleep. I can't wake her up," his voice trembling a little.

"Hmm?" Nivalis mumbled, still half-asleep. She blinked a few times, trying to shake off the drowsiness. She then turned to her daughter, who was curled against her, shivering slightly.

Nivalis's expression immediately changed, her wide blue eyes showing concern. She gently touched her daughter's cheek, immediately noticing how sweaty she was and feeling the warmth radiating from her skin. Nivalis furrowed her brows and said, "You're right... She's burning."

"Silvia? Silvia, honey, wake up," Nivalis said with concern as she gently shook her daughter, but Silvia didn't react. Her daughter's eyes remained closed. "Silvia, please, wake up," she repeated, cupping her daughter's cheek and caressing it softly with her thumb.

Finally, Silvia opened her golden eyes. She was barely awake, and her gaze was unfocused. "Mommy...?" she mumbled weakly, her voice hardly a whisper.

"Oh, thank the gods," Nivalis exclaimed as she let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, feeling relieved that her daughter had finally opened her eyes. "Are you okay, Silvia? Can you hear me, my love?" Nivalis asked, gently stroking her daughter's silver hair to comfort her.

"Y-yeah... Mommy, I'm not feeling well," Silvia whispered sickly. "I-I don't know, but... I'm cold... So, so cold... My whole body hurts..." she murmured, her eyelids too heavy to keep open.

"Aster, honey, could you fetch me water and a clean piece of cloth?" Nivalis asked, looking at her son, who nodded and immediately jumped off the bed, going towards the kitchen. Nivalis then carefully laid her daughter on her back, supporting her head and neck, and took a better look at her. She noticed the girl breathing heavily, her flat chest rising and falling rapidly, glistening with sweat.

Her son quickly returned with the things she asked for, a wooden bowl filled with water and a piece of cloth, and handed them to his mother, his hands trembling a little.

"Thank you," Nivalis said, taking the bowl from his shaky hands. "Here, my love, drink some water," Nivalis said as she brought the wooden bowl to her daughter's dry and chapped lips, which were already slightly parted. She poured the liquid into her mouth, making sure she didn't choke. Her daughter took small sips, swallowing with care.

"There you go," Nivalis murmured, wiping away the stray drops of water from the girl's chin.

Silvia's lips curled into a slight smile. "Thank you, Mommy," she muttered weakly. "P-please put more logs on the fire..." Silvia pleaded, her lips trembling and her teeth chattering a little.

"Of course, my love. Just wait a little," Nivalis said soothingly, putting the wet cloth on her daughter's forehead. Silvia gave her a weak smile, taking a deep, ragged breath.

Nivalis stood up and walked over to collect a few logs from the corner of the cave. She carefully placed them onto the fire, causing the dying flames to dance and crackle with renewed vigor. After a few minutes, the warmth radiating from the burning wood filled the cave, making the air inside feel a lot warmer. "Is it better now, Silvia?" Nivalis inquired, returning to her daughter's side.

"Much better..." Silvia nodded, not opening her eyes. "Thanks," she added with a faint smile.

Nivalis sighed as she gently stroked Silvia's flushed cheek, holding her hands with the other. Her mother's caress made the girl relax, letting herself fall into a deep, peaceful sleep, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. "Poor thing..." Nivalis whispered, not wanting to let go of her hand, her expression filled with concern.

— 'I don't know anything about this world's diseases. Is this a normal thing, or should we worry about it?' He thought, looking at his sleeping sister, his heart pounding wildly. "Is she okay, Mom?" Aster finally broke the silence, unable to hide his worry, sitting beside his mother.

She made a long exhale. "It happens from time to time, honey. When I was young, I had many fevers, too. It's normal," Nivalis answered, giving her son a reassuring smile, her hand resting on his bare leg, rubbing it gently. "Don't worry, darling. Let's let her rest and see how she is in the morning," she continued, kissing her son's head.

"O-okay," the boy whispered, leaning against his mother, his golden eyes full of worry as he watched his sister's chest rise and fall.

Throughout the night, Nivalis and her son could not sleep as they were too worried about Silvia's health. They stayed awake, keeping a close eye on her and remaining alert if anything happened. Her condition didn't seem to improve, though. Silvia kept shivering and sweating all night, speaking incoherently, and periodically waking up to complain about feeling cold, no matter how high the fire was or how many blankets her mother and brother wrapped her in.

Nivalis was worried as the morning light pierced through the sides of their wooden door. She didn't know how to help her daughter and feared that her condition might worsen even more. Since she didn't have any medicine to treat her, all Nivalis could do was only give her enough water and food and keep this little girl warm. And pray for her daughter's recovery.

Looking at her children, she noticed that her son had finally fallen asleep, lying beside his sister, his face buried in her hair. He had his hands wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly. The boy got exhausted from staying awake all night. 

She took a damp cloth and carefully shifted the blankets to clean her daughter. She wiped away all the sweat from her body, treating her arms, legs, belly, and thighs with her motherly care. Once she had cleaned her thoroughly, she dipped the cloth into the bowl, wrung it out, and gently placed it on Silvia's forehead to try and ease her fever. Silvia's flushed face twitched a bit at the sudden temperature change, and she mumbled something, but her eyes remained closed.



When Aster plucked the Moonflower, it started to change its color, glowing softly. The white petals turned into a bright shade of blue, making the whole flower shine like a sapphire, just like his mother's eyes. But as seconds passed, it was evident that the blue color couldn't cover the entire flower, as if there was a force stopping it. The blue coloration was confined to the edges of the petals, with the middle part remaining pure white.

As the blue glow faded, a new color emerged. It was a shade of gold, just like his sister's eyes, gradually replacing the white center of the flower. The sight was breathtaking; the two colors harmonized with each other beautifully, symbolizing his love for his mother and sister.

Nivalis's and Silvia's eyes were wide with surprise and fascination. The coloration was mesmerizing, and they couldn't tear their gazes away. Aster's golden eyes shone from happiness, and his smile was beaming, proud of his creation.

"Oh, honey..." Nivalis whispered in disbelief, not sure how to react.

"Asty! Why did you do that!?" Silvia suddenly shouted at her brother, her hands crossed over her chest. "Didn't you hear Mom's story?!"

Aster was at a loss for words and looked down, unsure how to respond. He started worrying.— "Well, shit. Did I make them angry instead? What should I do now?" he wondered. "Maybe I shouldn't have done that..." his hands started trembling as he held the Moonflower tightly, afraid to lose it.

He knew it was a stupid decision, but he did it anyway, 'It is too late to regret it,' he realized. Without saying anything, Aster approached his mother and sister and held out the flower towards them, his eyes avoiding theirs. "T-this is for you. For you two," he mumbled, his voice almost a whisper.

"Aster... You shouldn't have done that," Nivalis murmured, gently placing her hand on her son's shoulder.

Aster looked up at his mother, his eyes meeting hers. "I just wanted to make you two happy," he explained, a sad smile on his lips. "That's all," he added, offering them the flower again.

"Mom?" Silvia called out, looking at her mother with confusion, unsure what to do.

Nivalis looked at her son and sighed deeply, her expression conflicted. "You made us happy, my sunshine. But still, you should never do something so reckless," she said, cupping his face with her hands.

"Sorry," he muttered, lowering his gaze again.

"It's okay, honey, we're not mad. Just a little worrying, that's all," Nivalis reassured her son. She should be angry at him for picking the flower but couldn't bring herself to scold him. Not after seeing the breathtaking sight of changing colors. Not after realizing what this meant. The boy simply wanted to make her and his sister happy, and this was all that mattered. "You didn't mean any harm, Aster. Besides, you made us very happy. The flower is gorgeous and has the same colors as our eyes," she said, her voice warm as she smiled at him, her thumb caressing his cheek.

"Do you mean it?" Aster asked, looking up at her with hope in his eyes.

"Mhm, of course," Nivalis nodded, ruffling his hair. "Right, Silvia?" she turned to her daughter, giving her a worried look.

"R-right, Mom," Silvia replied, nodding, her anger fading away as she realized that her brother risked only to make them happy. "Thank you, Asty," she smiled, looking at the flower, admiring its beauty. "It's beautiful," she said, her golden eyes twinkling.

"It is. Truly magnificent flower," Nivalis said, nodding approvingly. She turned her attention back to her son, taking the flower from his slightly trembling hands, and hugged him, pulling him against her. "Thank you, my little boy," she said, kissing his forehead.

"You're welcome," Aster mumbled, finally breaking the hug. He smiled at his mother and sister, happy that he could make them happy.



Aster woke up in the late evening, his face buried in the silvery strands of his sister's hair. He groaned, rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the drowsiness, and stretched, yawning loudly. He just dreamed about how he picked up the Moonflower. A faint smile appeared on his lips, recalling the moment.

"Are you finally awake, sleepyhead?" A soft voice spoke right next to him. Aster felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind and pull him close to the very familiar, warm, soft chest.

"Mmh, Mom," he mumbled sleepily, resting his head on his mother's breasts and listening to her calming heartbeat. The smell of his mother filled his nostrils. "How is she?" Aster asked, looking at his sister whose silver hair covered her face.

"Still the same. Her fever hasn't dropped yet," she answered, her shoulders sagging slightly.

— "Is she going to be okay?" Aster asked, tilting his head back, his golden eyes meeting his mother's.

Nivalis smiled down at him reassuringly and removed a strand of hair from his face. "Of course, my sunshine. She will get better soon. Now, let me take care of your hair. You're a mess," Nivalis started to comb his hair behind his ears, her fingers gently running through the silvery strands.

Aster nodded, but he couldn't help worrying. "I hope so," he mumbled, feeling helpless. He could only do nothing but wait and hope for the best. "Did you stay awake all day?" he asked, enjoying the comforting feeling of his mother taking care of his hair. It felt nice.

"Yes, I didn't want to leave her alone," she answered, trying to make a small ponytail out of his long hair, tying it with a leather ribbon. "There, that's better," she smiled, satisfied.

"Thanks, mom," he replied, returning her smile. After that, they stayed silent for a moment, just watching Silvia's chest rise and fall with her ragged breathing. Nivalis rubbed her son's shoulders, trying to comfort him, her blue eyes shimmering in the light of the fire.

"Don't worry, honey," she said, pressing his head deeper into her bosom. "Silvia will be alright. It's just a simple cold," she assured him. Aster didn't reply. He closed his eyes and lost himself in his mother's arms, leaning against her.

After a while, Nivalis broke the silence, saying, "How about some dinner, hm?" Nivalis suggested, her hand rubbing his belly. "You should eat something, honey," she added.

— "Y-yeah, I guess," he admitted, his stomach growling slightly.

"Let's go, I'll make something for you," Nivalis said as she got up from the bed. Her knees made a creaking sound as she stood, probably due to sitting for too long. She stretched her back and rubbed her eyes, slightly red from lack of sleep. "After you eat, we should try to feed Silvia as well. It's been a while."

Aster nodded and followed his mother to the kitchen, not bothering to cover his nudity. It is too hot inside the cave anyway, thanks to the roaring fire. Even Nivalis only wears a light green top that reaches just below her ass cheeks, barely covering her private parts.

She prepared a quick meal for him, a soup made with mushrooms they had picked a few days earlier and some dried meat. The food was as delicious as always, and he began to eat it eagerly, washing it down with a cup of tea brewed from pine needles. However, those mushrooms reminded him of a dream he just had. He couldn't help but wonder, 'What if she got sick because of that flower?' his eyes kept drifting back to his sister, and his heart was filled with worry from realization. 'What if this is not a simple cold?'

His thoughts began to race. 'Mom said that gods would punish anyone who took a Moonflower by taking away something they hold dear...' he recalled. 'And what the most precious thing I hold dear is...' his gaze locked on the bed where his sister was sleeping, 'My family.'

Nivalis noticed her son's expression and guessed what he was thinking about. She gave a long, tired sigh. "She will be fine, honey. Don't worry," she tried to comfort her son, patting his back. "These things happen," she added, forcing a smile.

"B-but, mom..." Aster whispered, his voice shaking. "Is it my fault?" he asked, his golden eyes staring at his mother, full of guilt.

Nivalis's expression softened, and she gently hugged her son, bringing him close to her body. "How is this your fault, honey?" she tried to reassure him, stroking his back, her large breasts pressing against him. "We can't control these things. It's nobody's fault, honey," she cooed.

"I-I picked the Moonflower... Remember?" Aster protested, his voice trembling. "You said it yourself, Mom. Gods will take away something dear from the person who does it, right? I don't have anything more precious than Silvia... and you..." he admitted, breaking the hug. His eyes were fixed on the ground.

"Aster, honey," she said softly, placing her finger under his chin and tilting his head, her blue eyes meeting his. "Honey, no," she shook her head and cupped his face. "It's likely just an old fable for children to teach them that picking unknown plants in the forest can be dangerous," she explained, her fingers gently brushing against his cheeks. "And even if the story is real, I doubt gods would be so petty to punish a child, sweetheart," she added.

"Okay..." he mumbled, not sounding convinced but desperately hoping his mother was right.

"I am sure it's not because of the flower," Nivalis sighed and gave her son a gentle smile, kissing his forehead. "Come, let's go back to Silvia. We need to feed her," she said.

Aster nodded, his gaze drifting to his sister once again. The mother and son returned to the bed, where Silvia was still asleep, shivering slightly, her brow furrowed. Nivalis sat beside her and checked her temperature by touching her forehead, letting out a worried sigh afterward. She gently shook Silvia's shoulder and whispered, "Wake up, my love."

The girl stirred a bit, her golden eyes slowly opening. Her expression was blank, and her gaze unfocused.

"Silvia, honey, I need you to eat something," Nivalis whispered, brushing her damp hair from her face.

"Ngh... n-no... mom," she mumbled, shaking her head weakly.

"Please, darling, it's important. You need to eat," she repeated, her voice a little more insistent.

"Ugh..." Silvia groaned, trying to lift her head. But her whole body felt too heavy to move. She let out a soft whine, closing her eyes. "O-Okay..." she finally relented, her voice hoarse.

"Thank you, sweetie," Nivalis sighed, relieved. "Here, I'll feed you, don't worry," she said, holding a spoonful of soup to her lips.

Aster watched them with concern. Silvia appeared to be in a terrible state. Her skin was of a sickly pale color, unlike her usual beautiful one, and it was completely wet from the sweat. Her breathing was shallow and uneven, her eyes were glassy and unfocused whenever she opened them, and her long, silver hair was a complete mess.

After half a bowl of mushroom soup, Silvia could not eat anymore. Nivalis wiped her daughter's mouth with a cloth and said, "That's my good girl. Do you need anything else? Perhaps something to drink?" Nivalis looked at Silvia while caressing her cheek.

"No... th-thank you, Mommy..." Silvia mumbled weakly. "Just let me... s-sleep... please..." she added, her eyelids fluttering shut.

"Okay, my dear, have a good night's sleep. I'll stay here with you," Nivalis whispered, kissing her daughter's forehead gently, her lips lingering for a moment before she pulled back.

Nivalis let out a deep and tired sigh as she looked at her daughter. "It's good that she ate a bit," Nivalis said to her son, noticing the worry on his face. "Don't worry, honey. She will be fine. Just give her some time to rest, and she'll recover," she reassured him.

"Mhm," Aster muttered, but a worried look on his face remained, his golden eyes glued to his sister. He can't stop thinking about the possibility that he's the reason for her illness.

Mother and son were sitting next to each other in complete silence, only the crackling sound of the fire filling the room. The flames illuminated their faces, showing the concern etched onto them. Aster looked at his mother's tired face and noticed the dark circles around her eyes. "Mom," he whispered, touching her soft thigh.

"Hmm? What is it?" Nivalis asked, giving her son a faint smile.

"Why don't you rest for a bit? I'll stay awake and watch over Silvia. If she needs something, I'll call you," Aster tried to convince his mother, squeezing her thigh a bit, his golden eyes locked with her blue ones.

"No, honey, I-" Nivalis started, but Aster interrupted her.

"I'll watch over Silvia tonight. I slept the entire day anyway. Get some sleep, please," he insisted, his gaze pleading. "Please, Mom," he begged, patting her naked thigh.

Nivalis stared at her son for a moment, considering his offer. She then let out a long, exhausted sigh. "Alright, honey. I'll rest a little," she conceded. "But promise me you'll call me immediately if anything happens, okay?" she said, her eyes tired.

"I will, Mom," he said, nodding. "Promise," he smiled.

Nivalis smiled back. "Thank you, my love," she thanked him, kissing his cheek, and removed the only piece of clothing she wore. "I appreciate it."

"No problem," Aster smiled. "Sleep well, Mom."

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