Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 42 — Magic!



The sun had passed the zenith and was now sinking slowly towards the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the pine forest. The sky was a cloudless, endless sea of blue, and a gentle breeze rustled the greenery, making it sway lazily in the wind. Birdsong could be heard echoing from deep within the forest.

It was a beautiful summer afternoon, and Aster sat on the grass just outside a cave. His legs were stretched out, and his back leaned against the tree. He enjoyed the silence, taking in the sounds of nature, enjoying the cool breeze on his face. Such a contrast to his previous life, with all that constant noise, people talking and shouting at each other, and cars and airplanes roaring all day long... But here, far away from any civilization, all that was left were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. It was peaceful and quiet, just the way he liked it.

He was sitting outside only to give the girls some space, a moment of privacy to get ready. It's been a month since his sister woke up, and she is healthy again. Today will be a bit of a special day as they were going to celebrate Silvia's birthday, which they missed due to her illness. At this very moment, Silvia is trying on the new dress their mother had made for her, and Aster is excited to see his lovely sister wearing it.

Aster closed his eyes, basking in the warm sunlight. The only thing he was missing right now was a cup of freshly brewed coffee. 'With milk and sugar... that would be perfect,' he smiled fondly, letting out a deep sigh. 'I wonder... how it would taste with mom's milk?' His mind drifted off, his imagination running wild, thinking nothing but about his mother's sweet taste.

He knew it was wrong to still breastfeed at his age, and yet... He couldn't bring himself to stop, as much as his conscience told him this was inappropriate. Whenever there was a chance to suckle on his mother's teat, his and Silvia's willpower was simply too weak to resist the temptation. 'Well, whatever,' he concluded, pushing those thoughts away. 'No one is here to judge us, anyway. I like it, Silvia likes it, and Mom seems to enjoy it, too. So... What's the harm?' he rationalized.

"What are you thinking about?" a sweet voice interrupted his thoughts, bringing him back to reality. He opened his eyes to find his mother's beautiful blue eyes looking curiously at him. She was crouching before where Aster sat, right on the grass, with a sweet smile on her lips, while her silver hair danced in the wind. She was wearing a simple green dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, her breasts threatening to burst out at any moment. Her hands were resting on the grass, and her legs were slightly spread apart, lifting her dress slightly and exposing her smooth thighs. Aster couldn't help but swallow nervously as her breasts jiggled a little every time she breathed.

Nivalis wearing a dress, official art

"Oh, um..." Aster mumbled, unsure how to respond. 'How do I explain to her that I was fantasizing about her milk?' he wondered, his cheeks turning red. "It's nothing, really. Just... the usual stuff," he lied terribly, avoiding eye contact.

"Liar," she teased, poking his cheek with a finger.

— "Well... I was thinking about... how amazing my mom is," he told her, smiling shyly, looking away. "And how pretty she looks in her dress," he quickly added, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.

"Oh my, is that so?" she giggled, leaning closer toward her blushing son. "Well, thank you for the compliment, honey," she murmured, nuzzling his nose with hers, her warm breath tickling his skin. "But..." she paused, "Why are you blushing so much?" she added, tilting her head slightly, her blue eyes filled with curiosity.

— "I'm not blushing," he denied, avoiding her gaze, his face burning with embarrassment.

"Oh, really?" Nivalis raised an eyebrow, smirking mischievously. "Then why are your cheeks so red?" she giggled, poking his cheek once again.

— "I-I'm not-" Aster tried to argue but was interrupted when his mother gave him a quick peck on the lips, making his whole face blush furiously.

Nivalis observed his cute reaction, enjoying every second of it, her gaze fixed on his shocked face. Aster opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. He was completely speechless, his heart pounding rapidly, his mind blank.

Nivalis couldn't hold back her laughter, covering her mouth with her hand and laughing loudly.

— "Mom!" Aster finally protested, pouting childishly.

"Sorry, sorry," Nivalis apologized, her lips curled into a broad smile. She stood up, brushing off the dirt from her knees. "I can't help it, honey. You look so cute when you're embarrassed," she winked, offering him a hand to stand up. He grabbed her hand and pulled himself up.

— "I will forgive you if you allow me and Silvia to drink your milk later at the hot spring," Aster told her, crossing his arms, pretending to be mad. But he couldn't hide his playful smile, giving his true intentions away.

"Deal," Nivalis laughed and cupped his cheeks, bringing her face closer to his. "Here's my payment in advance for today's evening feeding then," she said playfully, pressing her soft lips against his and quickly pulling away, "Oh, and this one I owe you for yesterday," she added, pecking him a second time, all while holding his red face. "And this one for the day before yesterday when you bit my nipple..." she started kissing her son repeatedly, a quick peck after another.

Aster chuckled and tried to move his face away from hers, but Nivalis's grip was firm.

"And this one... And this one... And this one..." she continued, showering his face with kisses, giggling like a little girl.

— "Stop, stop, stop," he laughed, finally freeing himself from her grasp. He put a hand over his mouth, hiding his lips from his mother's.

"Oh, come on, I'm not done yet," Nivalis smirked, leaning forward and aiming at his hand. "Can't I kiss my future husband?" she teased, trying to remove his hand, but he kept it firmly in place.

— "Hey! Hahaha, stop," he laughed, his voice muffled by his palm. Nivalis tried to grab his wrist and pull his hand away, but he kept his hand glued to his face. They were laughing and struggling with each other, playfully pushing and pulling.

"Alright, alright. You win," she sighed, giving up. Her breathing was heavy, and she was panting lightly, her breasts heaving as she caught her breath. "I'll wait till tonight," she added, sticking out her pink tongue.

— "By the way," Aster suddenly said, "Where did you get this dress? I don't remember seeing it before," he asked curiously, eyeing the green fabric.

"Oh, this one?" she said, glancing down at her outfit, twirling around on her feet. "This was my nightie, but I never really used it here because we always sleep naked," she explained, smoothing out the wrinkles on her stomach. "After I finished Silvia's dress, I thought it would be great to make something for myself, something simple but nice and pretty. And here you go, the result," she added, smiling happily and striking a pose.

— "Well, you did a great job, Mom," Aster complimented her, smiling warmly. "It looks good on you," he said honestly.

"Thank you, honey," Nivalis bowed playfully, making her breasts almost spill out of her dress. "Wait till you see what I made for your sister," she added excitedly, her eyes sparkling with pride.

Trying his best not to stare at his mother's cleavage, his eyes landed on the ground, focusing on the small white flowers growing in the grass. "How's Silvia?" he asked, looking up and meeting her eyes and eyes only. "Is she ready yet?"

"She's almost ready. She just needs to brush her hair," Nivalis answered, looking at the entrance of the cave, her tone a mix of happiness and excitement. "I'm so happy! It's going to be a great day, and I have no doubt," she said with a smile, clapping her hands.

— "Yeah, me too," Aster agreed, feeling the same excitement. After what Silvia went through, she deserved this day. And he would make sure it would be perfect for her.

"Aaand... I'm ready!" Silvia's sweet voice called from inside the cave. A few moments later, her head peeked out, "Asty, close your eyes, please!" she demanded, smiling shyly.

— "Sure," he nodded, obediently closing his eyelids.

"No peeking!" she added, sounding suspicious.

"I've got this," Nivalis said to her daughter, approached Aster from behind, and covered his eyes with her palms. She lowered herself and whispered into his ear, "Tell her something nice, okay? It's her first dress, and she's still a little nervous, so cheer her up," her breath tickled his ear.

— "Got it," Aster answered quietly, hearing his sister's footsteps getting closer and closer.

"Okay, you can open them now!" Silvia shouted happily, her voice trembling a little.

Nivalis slowly removed her hands from Aster's eyes, letting him finally see his beautiful sister. His eyes widened, stunned by the sight in front of him. His big sister stood a few steps away, looking absolutely breathtaking. Her silvery hair was neatly brushed, cascading down her back, and a delicate yellow flower was tucked behind her left ear, matching her golden eyes.

What once was only Nivalis' simple linen shirt was now a cute dress, perfectly tailored to fit her little frame. Its color matched their mother's outfit, only a shade darker, and reached just halfway down her knees, exposing the pale skin of her thighs to the sunlight. The dress's fabric was quite loose, making it flow around her petite figure from her every movement or gust of wind. She had a slight blush on her cheeks and a timid smile on her lips, clearly shy but very happy.

Silvia wearing a dress, official art

"So... How do I look?" Silvia asked nervously, her fingers playing with the hem of her dress. "Do you like it?" she mumbled, her gaze darting between her brother and mother.

— "S-Silvia..." Aster managed to utter, his eyes scanning his sister from head to toe. She looked even cuter than usual, which seemed impossible until now.

"W-what?" Silvia mumbled, shifting her feet nervously, her cheeks turning pink. "Is it... bad?" she asked, fidgeting with her fingers.

— "You look... absolutely beautiful," he said sincerely, smiling warmly. "I've never seen you this pretty."

"Aww, that's sweet, honey," Nivalis commented, pinching her son's cheeks and making him yelp.

Silvia giggled at the sight, feeling relieved, a wide smile spreading. "Thanks, Asty," she blushed even harder, looking down and kicking a pebble with her foot.

"It's true. You look very pretty, honey," Nivalis complimented her daughter, walking towards her and hugging her gently, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Happy birthday, my little princess," she whispered lovingly.

"Thank you, Mommy," Silvia mumbled, hugging her mother back.

"Alright, time to go," Nivalis announced, letting go of her daughter. "I'll go get my backpack, and we can head out," she said, walking inside the cave.

— "Are you excited?" Aster asked, smiling at his sister.

"Mhm," Silvia nodded. "I've been waiting a month!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining bright. "Do you think Mom will let me do it today?"

— "I think so," Aster replied, smiling. "You've recovered completely, so I don't think she'll refuse. And the hot spring is probably the safest place to practice ice magic."

"Oh, I can't wait. I'm dying to try it!" Silvia giggled, clapping her hands and bouncing on her feet.

— "Just... remember, please, be careful," Aster reminded her, his tone serious. "Don't overdo it, and listen to Mom, okay?"

"Of course," Silvia nodded.

"What are you two lovebirds whispering about?" Nivalis's voice teased suddenly, and the children looked behind, seeing their mother standing at the cave's entrance, smiling. She had her backpack on her shoulders and a knife sticking out of her boots.

Silvia smiled at her, "Just discussing how awesome today will be," she chirped, her face beaming with happiness.

"Indeed," Nivalis nodded. "Well, we should go then," she added, approaching her little girl. Nivalis crouched down and grabbed her daughter's legs, lifting her on her shoulders. Silvia laughed in surprise, holding her mother's head to keep herself from falling. "Ready, my little snowflake?" Nivalis asked, holding her daughter's ankles.

"Always," Silvia giggled, adjusting her position and wrapping her legs around her mother's neck.

"Let's go," Nivalis said, taking her son's hand.

As they walked through the forest, Nivalis hummed a cheerful tune, her daughter sitting on her shoulders. Silvia loved the feeling of the wind blowing in her face and the view from this high, her long silver hair dancing in the wind. Aster was holding his mother's hand in his, swinging it happily.

— 'I can't believe this is my life now,' Aster thought, enjoying the warmth of her palm. 'It's unbelievable how lucky I am. To have such a loving family and to experience a second childhood, only this time a much less lonely one,' he sighed contentedly, looking up at his sister, who smiled back at him.

He looked at his mother's blue eyes, sparkling with happiness and love. Nivalis noticed his gaze and smiled sweetly, squeezing his hand tighter. 'As if I'm living in a fairy tale. A storybook brought to life,' he smiled back, feeling truly blessed.




"We're here," Nivalis said, lowering herself and letting her daughter slide off her shoulders. Once on the ground, Silvia quickly straightened her dress, ensuring her bare bottom wasn't on display. She looked around the familiar area and spotted the tiny, hidden entrance to the cave with a hot spring inside, the same place her mother taught her how to swim five years ago. Walking here takes more than an hour, so they visit it only on special occasions.

— "Finally!" Silvia exclaimed excitedly, already running towards the entrance, her brother following closely behind.

"Don't run, honey. It might be slippery," Nivalis warned her, walking casually behind the kids.

— "Oh, right," Silvia mumbled, stopping immediately and slowing her pace. She carefully stepped on the stones that led to the tiny crack in the wall.

Once inside, the first thing that hit her was the smell. The hot steam filled her nostrils, making her cough a little. "Phew, it's really humid here," she said, fanning her face with her hand.

"Yeah, it's pretty stuffy today, but that's good for our health, and it's good for the skin, too," Nivalis said as she put her backpack on the ground and removed her boots. "It's been a while since we've last been here. I missed it," she sighed, slowly removing her dress and placing it next to her bag.

"Yeah, me too," Aster agreed, unable to move his eyes away from his mother's beautiful naked body and her big breasts. Luckily, sunlight streams into the cave through a hole high in the ceiling, illuminating the entire place and allowing him to admire her curves and smooth skin.

— 'Asty sure loves mom's boobs, huh?' Silvia smiled, seeing his eyes glued to her mother's chest. But she couldn't blame him. They were truly gorgeous, and her nipples were especially tasty to suck on.

Patreon preview image of Nivalis undressing scene, official art

Nivalis took the knife from her boot, "We don't know what could be in the water, so I will check first if it's safe. Wait here," Nivalis ordered, approaching the steaming pool of water. She knelt beside it and dipped her hand, swirling the liquid. The water was quite hot but nothing unbearable. She looked closely into the crystal-clear water, searching for any dangerous creatures or plants. Nothing.

She stepped inside the water and began to check every corner, her feet brushing against the bottom of the pool. There were a few sharp rocks but no sign of anything else. She glanced at her children, who were already naked, watching her with anxious eyes, and gave them a thumbs-up, indicating that everything was fine.

"Come in, but slowly, okay? Be careful," Nivalis instructed her children, moving toward them to help them get inside.

— "Wow, the water is hotter than usual," Silvia noted, her toes curling as she entered the pool.

"It feels great," Aster agreed, following his sister.

Nivalis sat down in the water, sighing contently as the hot liquid embraced her body. She pulled her children closer to her, placing them on her thighs and spreading her legs slightly apart to make sure both her children could fit.

The siblings sat side by side, each on their own mother's thigh, their shoulders touching. Nivalis wrapped her arms around her son's waist and leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek. He smiled and turned his head, returning the kiss. Then, she kissed her daughter, giving her a light peck on the forehead.

"Mm, this is perfect," Nivalis said, leaning back and closing her eyes. "It's so relaxing."

Aster didn't respond; he simply rested his head against his mother's bosom, his ear pressed against her breast. Her nipple was poking his cheek, and his eyes closed to the steady beat of her heart, her lungs breathing calmly.

— "Mhm... This is awesome," Silvia muttered, leaning back against her mother's chest, her head resting on her shoulder. Nivalis drew circles on her tummy with her finger, almost making the little girl purr in response.

They stayed like this for a while, enjoying the pleasant silence and warmth of the water, listening to the sounds of their breathing and the bubbling of the water. It was peaceful, and Silvia could almost fall asleep here and now, but she couldn't. Today is the day when she finally uses her magic. So, she tilted her head and looked up at her mother's face, who had her eyes still closed. "Mommy," she whispered, breaking the silence, but her mother didn't react.

The little girl moved closer to her mother's face and started to plant soft kisses on her cheeks, making Nivalis chuckle but still keep her eyes closed. "Mommy~" Silvia pouted, kissing her face repeatedly, her lips tracing her jawline, then going lower and peppering her chin with kisses.

"Mhm, what is it, honey?" Nivalis finally asked, opening her eyes and smiling warmly at her daughter. Her hand gently caressed her daughter's hips.

— "Mommy, I wanna try my magic," Silvia begged, her golden eyes shining excitedly. "Can we practice now?" she asked hopefully.

"Hmm," Nivalis hummed thoughtfully, tapping her fingers against her daughter's thighs, looking into the girl's golden eyes. "Alright, why not?" she decided, nodding her head.

— "Yes!" Silvia cheered, clapping her hands happily, a wide grin on her face. "So, how do I use my power?" she inquired, waking up her sleepy brother. Aster blinked several times and stared at his excited sister. Silvia simply gave him a quick smile before turning her attention back to their mother.

"Well, first of all," Nivalis started, "Let me tell you what I know about magic. As you know, I don't have any affinity for it. I never learned how to use it, so I can only explain what your grandfather told me," she said, brushing her daughter's hair with her fingers. Silvia and Aster listened carefully, their eyes fixed on her face.

"Magic is a mysterious force that can be used to manipulate the elements, heal the sick and wounded, and do many other wonders. But to use magic, one needs to have an affinity, which is a rare gift that only a few possess," Nivalis paused, her fingers playing with her daughter's hair.

"And you, my dear, have a very rare form of water affinity, also called a variation. Variation is extremely difficult to control and master because it behaves differently than normal affinity. It's a very powerful ability and can be deadly, so you need to be very careful with it," Nivalis explained, her voice serious and her gaze stern.

Silvia nodded obediently, knowing her mother's warning was serious. "I understand, Mom," she replied, her tone matching her mother's.

"Good," Nivalis nodded. "Now, there are two types of magic: high and low. When a mage first learns magic, they always start with a low one," she continued, removing a strand of hair from her daughter's face.

— "What is the difference?" Silvia asked curiously, interrupting her mother.

"High magic is stronger, faster to cast, and more powerful than low magic but much harder to learn and use. On the other hand, low magic is relatively easy to learn and use, but this is easy only in the beginning. As you progress to more complex spells, it will be much harder to control, not to mention a significant difference in mana consumption to achieve the same result."

"Mana?" Aster repeated, looking at his mother.

"It's an energy that allows mage to create spells, but I don't know exactly how it works. All I know is low magic uses a lot more mana than high magic, and using too much of it will cause fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and eventually fainting or even death if you push yourself too hard," Nivalis explained, her gaze shifting between her children. Both were silent.

"Even though it is considered an outdated form of magic, low magic is the easiest to learn and the simplest to use, a great starting point for new mages. Unlike high magic, it requires no special equipment or knowledge. You simply must imagine the desired result and direct your mana through your body until the spell is cast. This makes it popular among commoners, who can't afford to learn high magic."

"That sounds... quite easy," Aster commented, glancing at his sister.

"It for sure sounds like it, but even the low magic requires some practice and training, honey," Nivalis reminded her son, ruffling his hair. "Magic is complicated."

— "What about high magic? How does that work?" Silvia spoke, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Oh, it is a tough question. High magic relies on using words instead of imagining things. Because of that, you need to learn a special language, memorize many words, connect them properly to form a spell and practice speaking them all clearly and accurately. But once you get it, it's easy to control the magic and make the spell happen," she said, pausing momentarily to let her words sink in. "Do you understand?" Nivalis asked, looking at her children.

"Yes, I think so," Aster answered, glancing at his sister.

— "Mhm, me too," Silvia added, nodding. "That sounds... a lot harder than low magic... Is it really necessary to use a special language? Can't I just describe what I want?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Unfortunately, no," Nivalis replied, shaking her head. "You must learn one of the three great languages to cast high magic," she explained.

— "Oh..." Silvia sighed, a disappointed look on her face.

"But don't worry, sweetie. You don't need to worry about it yet," Nivalis reassured her, smiling softly. "For now, we will help you practice using your low magic, which is easy enough to learn."

— "Mhm," Silvia nodded, feeling a bit relieved.

"What are these three great languages, and what is their difference?" Aster asked, scratching his chin.

"Each language is unique and has its strengths and weaknesses," Nivalis answered, looking at her son. "Ancient Elven, Dwarven Runic, and the Human Church language. Ancient Elven is the most difficult to learn, focusing on control and accuracy. The Dwarven Runic language uses symbols instead of letters, which can be confusing, but because of that, the spells are much more powerful. I don't know much about Human Church language, but I heard it's the simplest of all and focuses on quick casting," she finished, shrugging her shoulders.

"Wow, that sounds... difficult," Aster commented, his eyebrows raised. "Have you learned the ancient elven language, Mom?" he asked, his curious gaze fixed on his mother's blue eyes.

"I did, but I never learned the magical part of it," she confessed, "I only know the basics, like how to read and write and a few prayers, but that's about it," she said, her voice a bit embarrassed.

— "That's incredible!" Silvia exclaimed, staring at her mother in awe.

"I guess," Nivalis chuckled, scratching her cheek sheepishly. "Alright, that's enough talking for now," she declared, straightening herself, her big breasts jiggling in front of the kids' faces.

— "I'm ready!" Silvia suddenly exclaimed, her eyes burning with determination. She was finally eager to use her magic, and her body practically trembled excitedly.

"Alright," Nivalis chuckled. She stood up and lifted her children in her arms, helping them to get on their feet. "Now, the first thing you need to do is relax. Take a deep breath and try to clear your mind," she instructed, looking at her daughter's face. The girl obeyed, inhaling deeply through her nose and exhaling slowly through their mouth. "Good. Now, close your eyes."

Silvia did as she was told, closing her eyelids. "Now scoop a bit of water with your palms," Nivalis instructed, watching her daughter follow her words. "And imagine it freezing. Imagine a thin layer of ice covering the surface. Concentrate. The more detailed your imagination, the better," she said calmly, observing her daughter's movements.

— "Is it working?" Silvia asked, opening one eye.

"Shhh, just focus. Try again. Concentrate. And imagine the water becoming solid and the ice forming," Nivalis reassured her, closing her daughter's eyes with her hand. "Focus on the image. Nothing else. Just you and the water."

Silvia nodded, her breathing calm and steady. She concentrated hard, trying to visualize the ice, but nothing happened. Minutes passed, and the water remained unchanged. She groaned in frustration, her brows furrowed.

"You're doing good. Don't rush," Nivalis murmured, placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder, standing behind her. "Patience is key."

— "Alright," Silvia sighed, trying again. She focused her mind and imagined the water turning into ice. Suddenly, something stirred inside her, like a cold, oddly familiar sensation deep in her heart. Her whole body began to tremble slightly, but her mother's hands on her shoulders calmed her down.

Nivalis noticed her daughter's change immediately, her eyes widening slightly. She squeezed her shoulders gently and whispered, "You're doing great, Silvia. Just breathe," Nivalis encouraged her.

Silvia continued concentrating, focusing on the image of the ice forming in the palm of her hand. She could feel the strange, cold feeling getting stronger and more intense. Her body started to tingle, goosebumps spreading across her skin. Her muscles tightened, and she shivered, energy flowing through her veins. Her heart beat faster, and she felt her pulse quicken.

After a few moments, her brow furrowed, her lips pursed tightly, her eyes moving beneath her eyelids, and sweat forming on her forehead despite feeling terribly cold. She could feel the magic flowing through her veins and tried her best to control it, channel it to her hands.

The water began to change, and the surface started to freeze slowly, a layer of thin frost forming around her hands. Silvia opened her eyes, her expression filled with surprise, and stared at her palms. Even though water didn't fully turn into ice, only partially, it was still a success — her first spell.

— "I-I did it," she mumbled, blinking rapidly, unable to believe what just happened. Her mouth dropped open, and she looked at her mother, who smiled warmly. She squealed loudly, unable to contain her joy. "I did it! I did it!" she shouted, jumping up and down. "Mommy, Asty, look! I made ice!" she pointed at her hands, her face beaming with happiness. "Look! Look!"

"I see, honey. You did incredibly," Nivalis hugged her daughter from behind, kissing the top of her head, and squeezed her gently, making the little girl giggle. "I knew you could do it."

— "Haha, thanks, Mommy," Silvia said happily and glanced at her brother. The frozen water has already melted in her hands.

Aster was watching her with a smile, looking happy and proud. "That was amazing!" he said as he walked towards her and gave her a tight hug, wrapping his arms around her and pulling himself close. He raised his tiny body, kissed her cheek, and exclaimed, "Well done, Sis. You're awesome!"

— "Thanks, Asty," Silvia replied, blushing a little. "Whew, I'm cold," she shivered, feeling chilly all over. "I didn't think it would be so... cold."

"Oh, my poor baby," Nivalis whispered, rubbing her back with her palm. "Come, let's sit back. You'll warm up soon," she said, guiding her daughter.

Silvia sat on her mother's thigh once again, her back leaning against her soft breasts, her brother sitting beside her. Nivalis wrapped her arms around their children and pulled them closer. The water was hot, and the steam rising from the surface helped the little girl to warm up. She could feel the heat returning to her body, making her sigh contently.

— "So, this is what it feels like when you use magic," Silvia murmured, staring at her hands, still trembling a little. "You said using mana can make me dizzy, but I'm not feeling any of that now, only coldness... Is it normal?" she asked, looking at her mother's face.

"I don't know, honey," Nivalis answered truthfully. "Magic is complicated, and there are many things I don't understand," she murmured, gently stroking her daughter's head. "Try to rest a little, and if you feel unwell, just tell me, okay?" she suggested, giving her a warm smile.

— "Okay," Silvia nodded, leaning closer to her mother and resting her head on her shoulder, enjoying her touch. The little girl realized how exhausted she was and closed her eyes with a warm, satisfied smile on her lips. She pulled her little brother closer and hugged him tightly, nuzzling her face into his hair.

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