Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 52 — Do my best


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

The early morning sun peeked over the horizon, bathing the pine forest in a warm orange light as it chased away the lingering shadows of the night. The birds began singing their sweet melodies while the soft rustle of leaves filled the air as the gentle breeze whispered past them. Above, puffy clouds drifted lazily across the sky while distant mountain peaks were painted with hues of purple and pink.

Back home, inside a cozy cave, Nivalis's eyelids slowly opened, revealing her striking azure blue eyes. Her vision was blurred, and she could only see a hazy mess of shapes and colors. She blinked a few times in an attempt to focus, but it didn't help much.

A throbbing pain pulsed through her head, making every thought feel like an effort. Her body felt weak and heavy as if weighted down by invisible stones, making even the simplest movement – such as bending a finger – a painful struggle. It took her a while to realize she was back home, lying on a soft pile of blankets while staring at the familiar ceiling.

'How am I still alive?' the question ran through her mind repeatedly, and she struggled to recall the last thing she remembered. Images flashed before her eyes, making her shudder. She remembered the creatures at the shore, the fight, and how she dragged herself through the mud... but the rest? All she remembered was pain and the biting cold that had seemed to seep into her very bones. And how she thought her end was near.

Then, an image of her children standing in the woods popped into her mind. Their worried faces flashed before her, making her remember how her two precious little angels came to her aid and dragged her through the forest, risking their own lives to save hers. A lump formed in her throat as she swallowed hard, feeling an overwhelming dryness.

'Where are my children?' Nivalis panicked, her heart beating frantically like a trapped bird. She tried to lift her head, but a sharp pain shot through her body, making her wince. "A-Aster? S-Silvia?" she called out, her voice hoarse and barely above a whisper. Moving her eyes around, she desperately searched for her precious ones, but her vision was still too blurry to make out any details.

The sound of bare feet shuffling against the stone floor reached her ears, hurrying closer to her. Nivalis blinked a few times, trying her best to focus her vision. When the figure stepped into view, a familiar face appeared above her.

"Mom!" the boy gasped, dropping onto his knees beside her with a thud, close enough for her to see him clearly. His silver hair was disheveled, his eyes tired, and his clothes dirty. "Y-you're awake!" he exclaimed happily; his beautiful, golden eyes were wide, staring down at her in disbelief.

— "Aster," Nivalis breathed, her lips curving into a weak smile as tears welled at the corners of her eyes. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and hold him close, but the moment she tried to move, a wave of agony washed over her, forcing her to groan in response.

"Don't move!" Aster exclaimed, gently putting his hands on her shoulder to stop her. "You're hurt, Mom. You need to lie still."

Nivalis's grimace deepened as she struggled to control the pain that ran through her entire body. She took slow, measured breaths, focusing on relaxing her body. When the agony lessened, she opened her eyes and met Aster's anxious gaze. "Where is Silvia?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. "Is she... okay?"

"She is sleeping. Right next to you," Aster pointed his finger, and Nivalis slowly turned her head. Sure enough, her little daughter was lying there, curled into a ball with a blanket wrapped around her.

— "I-Is she okay?" Nivalis repeated, her eyes fixed on the sleeping girl.

"She had a fever," Aster whispered, his smile faltering. "But now she just feels weak and sleeps a lot." His gaze shifted back to Nivalis, filled with concern and love. "She was so worried about you, Mom... We both were."

— "My babies..." Nivalis breathed out, a wave of emotion crashing down on her. "I'm so glad you are safe. I'm so sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen," she sobbed, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay, Mom. Please, don't cry," Aster whispered, his fingers gently brushing away the tears. Everything will be alright," he said, leaning down and kissing her forehead. "We will take care of you. Don't worry."

— "O-oh, my love..." Nivalis whimpered, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to blink them away. The overwhelming feelings were too much for her to handle. "H-how... How bad is it? Be honest," she asked, her voice shaking.

Aster hesitated before responding; he frowned as he looked down at her body. "Your entire body is covered in bruises. Everything is just... purple. Your ribs might be broken, and your arms might be as well, I am not sure..." he paused, swallowing hard, and then continued. "Shoulder and knee were dislocated when we found you, but we managed to... put the bones back," he whispered, looking into her eyes. "And you had a fever, too. Still do, actually, but not as high as before," he said, placing his palm on her forehead.

— "That sounds... awful." Nivalis's voice cracked as she spoke, her words barely audible. "What about... the spear in my thigh?" she winced at the memory of the spear in her thigh.

"We removed the spear and cauterized the wound to stop the bleeding," Aster said quickly, trying to sound confident, but his eyes betrayed him.

Nivalis exhaled softly, relief washing over her. "Smart... Thank you, honey. You did great." She forced a smile through the pain, praising her son before her gaze drifted away, lost in thought. Then, she met Aster's worried golden eyes again. "And... Thank you for not giving up on me," she sniffled softly. "B-Back then, I mean, when I told you to leave me."

Aster's expression softened, and his voice was gentle as he replied, "I'll never give up on you, Mom. Never." He wiped away her tears with his thumbs, then cupped her cheeks tenderly in his palms. "How are you feeling?" he asked warmly.

— "Terrible, honey," Nivalis whispered, closing her eyes and sighing lightly. "My body hurts everywhere, and I feel weak," she confessed. "Everything... is so heavy. It's even hard to breathe," she mumbled, opening her eyes and seeing that her son was on the verge of crying. "But it's nothing I can't handle," Nivalis quickly added, trying to reassure him.

Aster nodded without uttering a single word, and an awkward silence followed. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, unable to find the right words to say.

Dark circles under his eyes spoke volumes about how much he had done for her and how little sleep he had. "You look tired," she commented worriedly.

"Nah, it's okay," Aster replied, caressing her cheek. "Silvia helps me when she can, even with a fever. We've been taking care of you this whole time, you know. We changed your bandages twice a day and kept you clean with warm water. Silvia was in charge of feeding you, and I was in charge of changing your diapers," he said, giving her the sweetest of smiles.

Nivalis's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she murmured, "Diapers? Really?"

Aster chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yeah, you kept soiling yourself over and over," he grinned from ear to ear, leaning forward and planting a playful kiss on her nose. "Why do you think I look so tired? Again and again, Mom," he teased, his golden eyes sparkling mischievously.

— "Oh, shut it. You're horrible," Nivalis's embarrassment quickly gave way to laughter, but the moment she let out a giggle, a wave of pain shot through her body. She winced and hissed in response, her eyes fluttering shut.

"Mom, please, don't move. I'm sorry," Aster apologized, his smile vanishing immediately.

Nivalis gritted her teeth, speaking through pain. "No, it's fine. Don't apologize," she said quietly. "Just... try not to make me laugh again, okay?"

"Alright..." he breathed out, his tone tinged with guilt. "Sorry."

— "Don't be," she whispered weakly. "Now, tell me. How long was I unconscious?"

Aster frowned as he replied, "Four days. You woke up a few times but didn't seem to understand what was happening and kept falling back asleep." He glanced at his sister before returning his gaze to their mother. "We were really worried because of it, but... It looks like you're finally awake for good," he said, forcing a smile.

Nivalis's eyes fixed on the cave ceiling as she muttered, "Four days..." She took a deep breath and turned her attention back to Aster, meeting his golden gaze. "What about food? Have you eaten anything?"

"We've been eating every day," Aster assured her. "I made sure of it. There's still some meat, mushrooms, and herbs left. It should last us at least two weeks – maybe three if we're careful. By then, plenty of mushrooms should be growing around for us to collect. I think it is our safest option," he explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Still, with those creatures lurking around, it won't be safe for us. We don't know how many of them are there or if they are the only threat... But I do have a few ideas in mind to make it safer, like-" Aster suddenly stopped, noticing how tired his mother was, and it wasn't the best time to brainstorm his survival ideas. "Actually, let's not talk about it right now. We have plenty of time to think everything through."

— "Mhm..." Nivalis nodded, her eyelids starting to feel heavy. "You are so smart, honey. I'm proud of you. Thank you for taking care of everything," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

Aster leaned forward and kissed her forehead ever so gently. "You must be thirsty. Let me get you some water, okay? Just wait a moment," He whispered, giving her a sweet smile, and rose to his feet. Her eyes followed him as he approached the fireplace.

When her son returned, he knelt beside her and helped her drink the water. It was a little awkward since she couldn't hold the cup herself, so Aster had to put his hand behind her head and help her tilt it. After she finished drinking, Nivalis felt much better. "Thank you," she breathed, offering her son a weak smile.

"You should rest. I will prepare something for you and Silvia to eat. And later, we will change your bandages, alright?" Aster whispered, standing up and taking the cup with him.

— "Okay, sweetie. Thank you," Nivalis smiled, closing her eyes. She could hear his feet shuffle around the cave, but she didn't bother to open her eyes. Soon enough, she drifted off to sleep again.



The delicious smell of food tickled her nostrils, stirring her from her slumber. Her stomach growled loudly, reminding her of how hungry she felt. As she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was her lovely daughter's familiar face. Silvia smiled, her golden eyes gazing into hers, her silver locks framing her small, pale face.

"You're finally awake! Good morning, Mommy!" Silvia exclaimed, leaning forward and hugging her gently. Nivalis winced at the sudden pain but tried her best to hide it, not wanting to upset her daughter. "We were so worried," Silvia mumbled, showering her mother with kisses that grew sweeter with each passing moment.

Nivalis's blue eyes welled up with tears as she whispered, "Good morning, my lovely little angel. I'm sorry I worried you so much."

"Mommy, don't cry, please. Everything is alright now," the little girl said, sitting up and gently caressing her face. Her warm hands rested on Nivalis' cheeks. "How are you feeling?"

— "Terrible, honey," Nivalis admitted as her daughter's fingers wiped away her tears. "Everything hurts."

"I can imagine..." Silvia whispered, glancing at Aster, who was in the kitchen. "Asty, Mom is awake! How long until breakfast is ready?"

"It's almost done. Give me five more minutes," Aster said, adding more sticks to the fire.

"Okay," Silvia replied, looking at her mother and smiling. "Mom, I hope you're hungry," she added, brushing a strand of hair from her mother's face.

— "Very," Nivalis replied, her stomach grumbling loudly, which made Silvia giggle.

"Good," Silvia chirped, standing up. "I will help Asty with the food. Can I get you anything in the meantime?"

— "I'm fine, dear. Thank you," Nivalis whispered, watching the girl run over to her brother.

The siblings were busy cooking together, preparing a simple meal from the leftovers they had. Nivalis was too weak and tired to move, so she simply watched them work. Their cheerful voices filled the cave as they talked, laughed, and joked. It was clear that the kids were happy to see their mother awake. Nivalis smiled as she listened to them, enjoying the moment.

When the food was finally ready, Aster and Silvia carried three wooden bowls filled with steaming hot soup over to her. "I hope it tastes good," Aster smiled, sitting beside her. "I think I almost ruined it when I added the herbs."

"I tasted it. It's not bad," Silvia commented as she placed two bowls on the ground and sat cross-legged beside her mother. "I will feed you, Mom," she added, picking the bowl from the floor.

— "Thank you, dear," Nivalis smiled at her daughter, then turned her head to meet her son's gaze. "Smells great."

The little girl scooped a spoonful and blew on it gently, cooling it down before bringing it to her mother's mouth. Nivalis opened her lips and let her daughter feed her, slowly chewing the food. It was simple but delicious.

"So... Tell me everything that happened," Nivalis said between bites. "And why does Aster have a bandaged hand? Did-"

"Here comes the birdy, Mom!" Silvia suddenly exclaimed, interrupting her mother. She began waving the spoon around and making a chirping sound. "Open wide! Chirp, chirp!" the girl said, bringing the spoon closer.

Nivalis couldn't help but smile at her daughter's silliness, swallowing the spoonful of soup. Aster joined in, bringing his spoon near her mouth right after his sister's. "And here comes the rabbit! Nom, nom, nom!"

"Something tells me I'm not going to like what you are about to tell me..." Nivalis muttered, reluctantly opening her mouth and letting her son's rabbit inside her. Her children's nervous gaze confirmed her suspicions.




Later that evening, after dinner and a second bandage change, Aster sat next to his mother, watching her sleep. Her breathing filled the air, mixing with the soft crackling of the burning fire.

Silvia sat nearby, resting her head on his shoulder; her silver hair fell down his chest and arm, intertwining with his locks. Both wore nothing but tunics over their naked bodies, their bare legs warmed by the dancing flames.

They had already taken care of the daily chores. They were finally free to rest, but none felt like sleeping. Both were exhausted; both wanted to go to bed, but they couldn't bring themselves to do so. They just sat there, listening to their mother's soft breathing, thinking about everything and nothing simultaneously.

Silvia's voice was barely above a whisper as she asked, "She'll be fine, right?" She clung to her brother's arm, pressing it against her flat chest.

"Of course. It is our Mom we are talking about. It might take a while, but she will," Aster reassured her in a gentle tone, brushing her silvery locks from her face. "You saw her. She ate almost the whole bowl."

"Mhm," Silvia mumbled in agreement, turning her head to look at Aster. She rested her chin on his shoulder, her golden eyes fixed on his."I was curious... That dream you had about Mom... dying..." she whispered, her warm breath tickling his skin. "What was it? I mean... How is this even possible?"

Aster paused, collecting his thoughts for a moment before responding."Hmm... I think I know," he answered, his fingers tangling in her long hair. "I believe that someone high above is watching after us," he said, glancing up at the cave ceiling.

Silvia followed his gaze, her eyes fixed on the shadows dancing across the stone. "Like a god? Or goddess?" she asked, her voice low and soft.

— "Yeah, exactly," Aster nodded, lowering his eyes to Silvia's face.

She curiously looked at him, her lashes fluttering a few times as she blinked. "Who do you think it was?" she asked.

"I can't explain it, but..." Aster paused for a second, pondering over the words. "I think it was Elysia, the goddess of-"

"Music and art," Silvia interrupted, smiling. "I know," she said, turning her gaze back to the fire. "I think you might be right."

— "Do you?" he asked, a faint smile tugging at his lips.

"Mhm. Back in the village, even before you were born... I used to pray to her almost every evening," Silvia said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Every night, when I was alone in my bed, I prayed to her to save us—me and Mom," she whispered, closing her eyes and burying her face into his neck. "And here we are. Still alive."

Aster wrapped his arms around his sister and held her tightly. His hand slowly rubbed her back, moving up and down in a soothing manner. "Everything will be fine, Silvia," he whispered, placing a soft kiss on her head.

"I know," the little girl mumbled into his skin, her arms wrapping around his waist. A single, quiet sniffle escaped her lips, followed by a muffled sob.

— "Hey, look at me," Aster whispered, placing his hand on her cheek and gently lifting her face.

Her golden eyes locked with his. A single tear rolled down her cheek, which Aster immediately wiped away.

— "Everything will be okay," he reassured his sister, giving her a comforting smile. "We will protect Mom and prepare everything for the winter."

"How?" Silvia's lower lip trembled, her eyes glazed with unshed tears. "You saw those creatures, Asty... We barely made it. And it was only one. What if there are more?"

"Then we will fight them. Together," Aster responded, brushing his thumb against her lower lip, thus stopping it from trembling. "We just need to prepare. How about..." he paused for a moment, thinking. "We start training with spears every day? After you feel a little better, of course. You know, the basics — attacking, dodging, blocking. Maybe even throwing them!" he smiled, wiping another tear from her cheek.

"That..." Silvia sniffled, blinking a few times, trying to contain her tears. "That sounds like a great idea," the girl nodded.

— "Of course it is," Aster grinned, kissing her nose. "Wait, wait. Don't tell me how smart and great I am. I know it already," he chuckled, earning a soft giggle from his sister.

"Yeah, right," Silvia chuckled, rolling her eyes and wiping her tears with her sleeve.

"And we have your magic, don't forget! The way you killed that thing with a single shot was... It was incredible!" Aster praised her, and his sister couldn't help but blush a little. "The monster was this close," he gestured with his fingers, "to shove his spear up my arse. But you just-Boom! Pow! Dead. One second longer, and no more of this handsome face for you," he pointed at himself, smirking.

Silvia giggled at her brother's silliness, a cute smile playing on her lips. "You're welcome, little bro," she mumbled proudly, looking up at his face.

"Anyway," Aster continued, clearing his throat, "We can try preparing icicles beforehand so you can launch them faster. And I think you should try launching them with your mana. Maybe less powerful, but a lot quicker and much quieter," he suggested, rubbing his chin and imagining the possibilities.

"Mhm," Silvia nodded, listening to her little brother quietly.

"There's a lot of things we can do, Silvia! Traps, maybe? Or, we can try to find some nasty mushrooms and create a poison! Just imagine a single scratch, and they are- Ah, I bet those red ones will do the job!" Aster rambled excitedly, his eyes twinkling. "What else... What else... Oh, I know! How about..." Aster continued mumbling on and on, thinking out loud, listing everything that came to his mind.

While her brother was busy talking, Silvia simply stared at his face, her eyes slowly following the shape of his nose, the curve of his jaw, and how his lips moved. Watching him talk passionately about his ideas was adorable, and she couldn't stop herself from smiling. After some time, she closed her eyes and simply listened, letting her little brother's sweet voice lull her to sleep.

It took Aster a while to notice that his sister had stopped listening. His lips immediately curved into a soft smile when he glanced down at her. Somehow, she managed to fall asleep while still sitting, leaning against him, her head resting on his shoulder. Her cute little nose made the tiniest of snores while the fire's warm light illuminated her pale, delicate skin.

"I guess it is time for bed," Aster sighed, wrapping his arms around her petite, fragile body. He gently laid her down on the blankets, her body relaxing as soon as her head met the soft fabric. Silvia mumbled something incoherent, then instinctively moved her hand closer to her face, placing her thumb in her mouth.

She began to suck it like a baby, her wet lips producing soft slurping sounds every now and then. Aster couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Gently, he brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

With his sister comfortably settled, Aster rose and stretched his limbs, a wide yawn escaping his lips. He approached the fire, grabbed a few branches, and added them to the blaze. He sat there, staring into the flames, enjoying the warmth.

His mind wandered back to the fight against the creature, replaying the entire thing in his head, but without silliness or sugarcoating like he did for Silvia to calm her, 'If Silvia hadn't been there, I would have died for sure,' he thought, frowning.

'The way the monster effortlessly dodged my attacks... It was not only faster than me but stronger and saw better in the dark. We should avoid fighting them at night,' Aster concluded, sighing deeply. Adding another stick to the fire, he watched the sparks dance around the flames.

After some time, his thoughts returned to his mother. 'I really hope she will be fine,' he thought, his golden eyes moving to her. Still peacefully asleep, her chest rose and fell steadily. Looking at her in such a vulnerable state, Aster found himself imagining his life without his mother or sister.

The mere thought made his heart skip a beat and cover his skin with cold sweat. 'No, no! I can't let that happen. I won't,' he said to himself, swallowing hard. A deep, heavy sigh escaped his lips. 'I will protect them, no matter what...'

He crawled closer to his mother and began tucking the blankets around her, ensuring she was comfortable. His golden eyes stared at her beautiful face, watching her features and how her chest moved up and down with each breath.

"Sweet dreams, Mom," Aster whispered, leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on her cheek. "Just try to get better and leave the rest to me, okay?" His voice trembled slightly, his lips lingering close to her skin. "I will do my best. I promise."

As he gave his mother one last glance, he added two more logs to the fire, ensuring they would have enough warmth throughout the night. Then, he stood up and walked around his mother back to his sister.

"Are you coming?" Silvia asked, looking up at him with her striking golden eyes. She still wore her white tunic, but her bottom half was naked, revealing her smooth, soft thighs and bare, delicate feet.

Patreon preview, Silvia lying in bed

Aster smiled as he responded, his breath escaping in a gentle whisper. "Yeah, sorry," he said, removing his own tunic and tossing it to the ground. With his skinny figure exposed, he crawled over her and positioned himself atop her naked thighs, legs spread out on either side. "Arms up," he instructed, his voice gentle and quiet.

Silvia obeyed his command without uttering a word, lifting her hands above her head. Her brother's warm, gentle fingers slowly crept under her tunic, gliding across her smooth skin. The girl wiggled herself slightly, trying to help her brother remove the tunic. Moving the hem of the garment upwards, Aster traced the outline of her hips, then her ribs, and eventually her armpits, up until he pulled the tunic over her head and tossed it away, leaving his sister completely naked. 

Silvia looked up at her brother with a soft expression; the fire's flickering light danced upon her flawless, porcelain-pale skin. "Come here," she whispered, spreading her arms and inviting him for a hug.

Aster grabbed the blanket at her feet and leaned down, laying his bare, slender frame against hers and covering them both with the soft fabric. Their bodies pressed against each other, skin touching skin, their legs intertwined. Even their heartbeats seemed to match. The girl wrapped her arms around her little brother, her small fingers exploring his back and sides.

Aster hugged his sister back and carefully rolled them both, putting his sister's slender, delicate body on top of him — her preferred way to sleep for the last four nights. At first, it felt a bit heavy for him to sleep like this, but he had grown used to it. They both giggled, their bare chests touching, their silver locks intertwining. "Comfy?" Aster asked, tracing her little nose with his index finger, making her smile.

"Very," Silvia replied softly, nuzzling her face against his neck. Her warm breath and soft lips tickled his skin as the girl tried to find a perfect spot to rest her head.

"Good," Aster whispered, enjoying her familiar scent. His hands caressed her smooth back, moving up and down slowly, drawing lazy circles with his fingertips on his sister's silky skin. "Ready for the sleep?"

"Mhm," she mumbled, her lips pressed against his neck, and she planted a soft, loving kiss. "G'night, Asty."

"Goodnight, Silvia," Aster whispered, closing his eyes.




A few silent moments later, the girl started to speak again, her words sounding a little muffled against his skin. "Asty?" she called quietly, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on his shoulders.

"Yeah?" he breathed out, his eyes still closed.

"W-Would... Would you like to pray together?" Silvia whispered, her voice a little uncertain. "You know, to Elysia. I think we owe her our thanks," the girl said, lifting her head to look at her little brother.

"Mhm, it's a good idea," Aster said, fluttering his eyes open and meeting her gaze. "How do we do this?" he brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"Umm, well..."  Silvia's voice trailed off as she searched for the right words. "I used to talk to her like we were having a normal conversation," she said, tracing Aster's eyebrows with her fingers. "About my day, problems, or asking for advice... things like that." She paused, looking up into her brother's eyes. "It is probably wrong to talk to her like that. I don't know. But it made me feel better to do it this way."

"I think it's perfectly fine," Aster reassured her, "Alright... Why don't we try it now?" he whispered, his eyes drifting upward to the cave ceiling. "You start."

"Alright..." Silvia whispered, rolling over to face the ceiling while still lying on top of Aster. She wiggled herself in place and adjusted her position until she was comfortable, then took a deep breath. Her eyes fixed on the cave ceiling above them.

"Um, so..." Silvia started, swallowing hard. "Hi, Elysia... It's Silvia again. You remember me, right? Of course you do. Sorry if I sound a bit stupid, but..." She paused, biting her lip before continuing. "I-I am thankful for what you did. Really. For us. For letting Asty know about Mom... Honestly, I thought it was just an ordinary bad dream at first, but you convinced Asty that it was not. Otherwise, Mom might have... So yeah, thank you..." She trailed off, her voice fading into the silence.

"And sorry for not praying in a while," she added. "There's so much I want to tell you! The funniest story, of course, is the one about Asty forgetting his pants before going outside... in the middle of the winter! Can you believe it?! I swear, he almost froze his-" Silvia suddenly stopped and began giggling, feeling her brother's hands tickle her sides.

"Don't listen to her," Aster whispered at the ceiling from behind Silvia's shoulder, "She's lying," he chuckled, his hands exploring her ribs and belly.

"Ahahahah, please! I can't—hahaha—breathe," Silvia laughed, despite her best attempts to remain quiet, her body squirming as she tried to break free from her brother's tickle attack.




I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of my incredible Patreon supporters.🫡

Your support means everything to me, and I'm deeply honored to have you all on this journey with me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. See you all in the next one!👋

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