Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 56 — Awakening of the beast



The creature let out a blood-curdling scream as it thrashed about, trying desperately to extinguish the flames that engulfed its body. It slammed into the cave walls and rolled on the ground, its burning fur coat sticking to its melting skin. The monster's desperate attempts only seemed to make things worse, its screams growing louder and more frantic as it clawed at its face and chest.

Aster collapsed to his knees, his bleeding palm clutched tightly against his chest. His eyes widened with shock, his pupils shrunken to tiny pinpoints, and his jaw hung open in disbelief. 'What... was that?' he thought, unable to understand what had just happened. 'What did I do? What the hell was that?!'

The world around him spun wildly, disorienting him. His lungs burned with each ragged breath, every muscle in his body was tense, and his heart pounded so hard that it felt like it might explode. Blinking a few times, trying to clear his blurry vision, he looked down at the creature again.

The flames, once high enough to lick the ceiling, finished consuming the goblin's body, turning it into a charred, black mass of flesh and bone. Its eyes were gone, replaced by empty sockets filled with melted jelly. It lay motionless, its screams finally silenced.

"Ah-ast..." Nivalis stuttered, her voice trembling as she stared at the dead monster. "Wha... what did you..." she mumbled, unable to finish the sentence.

— "I don't... know..." Aster gasped for air, his lungs still burning with each breath. "I don't know... what happened..." he muttered, his entire body shaking as he tried to get back on his feet. "Was it... magic? It has to be, right?" he asked, his throat dry and scratchy.

Nivalis stared at her son in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape. "Yes... It has to be... Your eyes..." she mumbled, pausing momentarily as her gaze dropped to the bloody palm of his hand. "They glowed when that goblin came inside," she muttered, a worried frown on her forehead.

— "I have no idea how to do it again," Aster confessed, clenching his teeth to prevent them from chattering. The blood dripping from the wound on his palm formed a small pool around his boots.

"I... I..." Nivalis struggled to think of something to say. "Maybe they'll run away after seeing this?" she whispered, shifting her gaze back to the creature. Her eyes stayed on its charred remains, smoke rising from its burnt flesh.

— "Yeah... Good idea," Aster muttered, taking a deep breath and wiping his sweaty forehead. "Shit," he cursed under his breath when he accidentally rubbed his forehead with his wounded hand, his palm now aching and throbbing even more. "Ughh..." he groaned, clenching his fist to try and stop the bleeding.

The sound of goblins shouting from outside, probably calling their dead leader, made them turn their heads toward the entrance. A small, much younger goblin, its eyes wide with terror, peered hesitantly into the cave but quickly retreated, not daring to venture further. Not after hearing the blood-curdling screams.

Aster's gaze involuntarily drifted back to the charred remains of the goblin leader. The smell was overwhelming; he felt his stomach churn in disgust at the sight of the melted flesh. Yet, the fear of more goblins entering the cave made him ignore the urge to vomit. He had to act quickly, or else they would all die.

"Are you okay?" Nivalis asked, noticing her son's discomfort.

Aster nodded, attempting to put on a reassuring smile despite the turmoil raging within him. "Y-yeah... I'm fine," he replied, trying to sound calmer than he felt. "Don't worry, Mom. I know what to do. I'll scare them off," he added, grabbing the goblin's spear from the ground with his wounded hand. It was much better quality than his old one, though a bit shorter.

With his healthy hand, he grabbed the corpse by the collarbone, his fingers sinking into the melted, blackened flesh, and started dragging it toward the entrance. He left a trail of bloody slime behind him as he went.

Aster, while trying to act confident and calm, was actually scared shitless. And he wasn't entirely sure about the shitless part; his pants felt oddly wet and warm from both front and behind. His legs trembled beneath him, and his mind raced with worst-case scenarios. Despite this, he knew he had to be brave. Their only chance to survive this day is to scare the monsters away.

Fighting is not an option in his current state. Aster's muscles felt incredibly weak, and his knees threatened to give way with each step. He could barely breathe; his entire body continued to sweat intensively like a waterfall, and his vision still spun around him. Whatever he did back there, it took a lot out of him.

— "Stay back!" he shouted at the young goblin, who finally found the courage to take a few hesitant steps inside. Its tiny red eyes shimmered brightly in the dimly lit cave. Aster raised his blood-stained spear, taking cautious steps towards the entrance. The creature froze, its small body trembling slightly, a faint whimper escaping its lips.

— "Stay away, or you'll end up like him!" Aster threatened, waving the weapon threateningly before the goblin's face. The tiny creature produced a high-pitched scream and stumbled backward, its sharp claws scratching against the stone floor, trying to push itself further away.

The little goblin pointed a sharp, crooked finger at the corpse, its tiny voice shrieking something Aster couldn't understand. Aster's eardrums felt like they were about to pop from the noise, making his ears ring painfully. "I said back!" he took another step forward, thrusting his spear toward the goblin, forcing it to retreat even further.

Little by little, he slowly pushed the goblin back out of the cave, finally sending it running back into the pine forest with a loud, terrified shriek. The creature didn't stop until it disappeared from sight, leaving Aster standing alone at the entrance.

The setting sunlight peeked over the cloud and blinded him momentarily, making his eyes water. Days of living in darkness made his eyes sensitive to the bright light, and he squinted his eyes tightly, trying to adjust to the sudden change.

His heart raced wildly, and his pulse thumped loudly in his ears like a drumbeat. He readied himself, looking around, expecting more goblins to attack him at any moment, but nothing happened. When his eyes finally adjusted to the light, he saw a dozen or so goblins staring at him from a distance, forming a half-circle around the cave entrance. They all stared at him in complete silence, their crimson eyes filled with hatred and fear.

Some readied their spears, others raised wooden clubs, but none dared to attack. Not yet, at least. Aster's heart sank as he realized that his plan might not work. Scaring so many of them? Alone?

'Oh god,' Aster panicked, taking a step backward, almost tripping over the burnt corpse behind him. 'What am I supposed to do now?' his mind raced, looking at the monsters' ugly, twisted faces, glaring daggers at him.

But he didn't have much time to think. He had to act fast. If he didn't scare them away right now, they might decide to rush at him all at once, and that would be the end of him and the girls behind. 'Focus. There's nothing else to do. Just scare them away,' he told himself, trying to calm his nerves. 'I need to look threatening, crazy even. Do something that will scare the shit out of them.'

Gathering all the courage left in his trembling body, he took a deep breath and shouted, "Danger! Fire! Magic! Death!" he roared, waving his spear around wildly, spitting saliva everywhere. "Burn! I will burn you! You! All of you!" the boy shouted, trying his best to sound as angry and dangerous as possible.

The goblins exchanged awkward glances, unsure how to react to the screaming boy. For a few moments, they all watched him, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. The only reason the silver-headed boy was still alive was because of the corpse lying on the ground.

The sight of their leader's charred and disfigured body is enough to convince even the bravest of them that the cave is a dangerous place. What would emerge from the shadows if they dared to attack this strange, girlish-voiced kid?

— "Go! Run! Leave! Save your lives before I take it!" Aster kept yelling, desperately trying to sound intimidating, waving the spear around. It was a miracle that the weapon didn't fly out of his hands, considering how sweaty he was.

'Why isn't this working?! What the heck do I do now?!' Aster thought, panic creeping in like a slow-moving fog. He tried his best to look intimidating, but it didn't work. It was only a matter of time before the monsters decided to charge. He needed a plan, and he needed it now.

— "Flee! Or you will all die here! I warn you!" Aster screamed again, his voice cracking from the strain as he pointed the sharpened bone tip of the spear at the closest goblin. The creature didn't even flinch.

Suddenly, loud, heavy thuds echoed from the cave depths as if someone were throwing rocks at the walls. All at once, goblins turned their heads toward the noise, readying their weapons and shifting their stance.

Not wasting an opportunity, Aster started laughing — a maniacal, mad scientist-type of laughter. "Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!" he cackled, his eyes shifting between the monsters. They were now clearly unsure what to do, looking at each other and then back at the cave. "Do you hear that? That is the sound of death!" Aster shouted, a creepy smile spreading across his face.

The sound of metal scraping against the stone floor came from within the cave, adding a chilling emphasis to his words. It was probably his mother's knife, and its rusty scratch made all the goblins take a step backward. Some even started running away, disappearing into the thick bushes.

Aster, encouraged by this reaction, kept going, "Yes! I can smell your fear! The stench of your cowardice!" he cried, not noticing his embarrassing wet pants. Then, he knelt beside the burnt corpse and, without wasting a single second, grabbed the warm arm and started pulling it from the body.

The process made him gag, and his eyes water even more than before. But he ignored the disgust and kept going, his injured palm throbbing in agony as he twisted and pulled the limb; the sickening crack and snapping sounds of skin and muscle tearing perfectly accompanied the sounds coming from the cave. It was a gruesome sight, but this was precisely what he hoped for.

Once separated, he climbed onto the charred body, raising the arm high above his head and holding the limb upside down. Shaking and wiggling it around, he started laughing again, this time sounding even more insane than before. The blood dripping from the limb splashed onto his face, making the silver-haired boy look like a crazed murderer.

— "Hahahahaha! Hahahaha!" he laughed, his lungs burning with every breath, again and again, until he couldn't do it anymore. With a loud thud, he fell from the corpse he stood on.

The last thing Aster noticed before passing out was how the remaining few goblins ran for their lives, disappearing among the trees and bushes, leaving nothing but a smell of yellowish liquid behind.

Was it their urine, or had Aster's bladder failed him again? Sometimes, mysteries are better left unsolved.



When Aster woke up, it was already nighttime. His eyelids fluttered open slowly, allowing his golden eyes to adjust to the bright, flickering light of the fire nearby.

It didn't take long for him to realize he was lying inside the cave on the rough cavern floor, not too far from the bed. 'I must have fainted after... everything,' he concluded, glancing down at his bandaged hand.

— "Ugh..." Aster tried to sit up but winced as his entire body trembled with effort; his body felt incredibly sore and weak. "Mom?" he called out, his voice raspy and hoarse.

Nivalis' gentle, comforting voice reached him a moment later, "Right here, my sweet boy," she whispered from behind him. Her face came into view a moment later, gently cupping his cheek as she smiled at him. "How are you feeling, honey?" she asked, tucking a stray strand of silver hair behind his ear.

Aster blinked a few times, looking up at his mother. Her beautiful sapphire-blue eyes glistened brightly in the dim light, reflecting the flames of the fire. "I'm alright... just really tired," he mumbled, forcing a smile.

"I bet. You had me worried for a second there," Nivalis whispered, adjusting a folded coat for him to lie on. "You have a fever, my love. Try not to move much," she said, putting a wet cloth that he hadn't noticed before back on his forehead. "Here, lie down. Let me handle everything," she added, carefully helping him lie down and putting his head on the makeshift pillow.

— "How long was I out?" Aster asked, leaning back and letting out a tired sigh.

"A few hours," Nivalis said, getting more comfortable beside him. Her flickering eyes gazed intently into his, continuing to shine brightly despite the dark circles under them. "You did so well today, honey," she whispered, wiping the dirt off his cheek. "If not for you, we would be... dead by now."

Aster shook his head, "No, it's thanks to you. I mean, without that noise from inside, they wouldn't have run away," he whispered, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

"You were brave, Aster. Brave and clever," Nivalis said, gently pinching his chin. "My sweet boy..." she whispered, leaning closer and pressing her soft lips against his. She kissed him tenderly, her warm breath tickling his nose as she continued kissing him. "You saved us all, honey. I'm so proud of you," she mumbled while her lips still touched his, her words barely audible.

Aster sighed, "Mhm," he muttered, kissing her back. His mother's warmth, combined with her soft, wet lips, felt heavenly against his own, and he closed his eyes and lost himself in the kiss.

After a few moments, Nivalis pulled away and smiled, caressing his cheek affectionately.

— "What about the monsters?" Aster whispered, glancing around the cave just in case, but found only his unconscious sister sleeping on the bed nearby, tucked in blankets. "Did they come back?" he asked, returning his gaze to his mother.

"No," Nivalis answered, shaking her head. She carefully took his wounded hand and inspected the bandages. "They ran away. At least for now, it's all quiet," she reassured, putting the hand back on his chest. "I will stay on watch for tonight, so don't worry, okay? Just rest as much as you can."

— "Ughh... no, I need to figure out how to use my magic-" Aster spoke but stopped when he noticed a familiar metal pot on the fire. "H-how did you find it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You mean the pot?" Nivalis asked, following her son's gaze. "I found it outside when I gathered pine needles for your wound," she answered, smiling faintly.

— "You did what?! No, no, no," Aster objected, shaking his head and trying to sit up. But Nivalis's hand firmly held him down, preventing him from moving. He frowned up at her, struggling weakly, but she wouldn't let go. "You are still weak, Mom. Have you seen how many of those monsters were there? And how did you even manage to walk so far outside?!"

"Shhh," Nivalis placed a finger against her son's lips. "No need to worry about me. I crawled—very slowly. It took me more than an hour to drag you inside and gather the needles," she explained, her voice quiet and gentle. "I haven't seen or even heard anything outside. But we need to be a bit quieter, honey. Don't raise your voice, okay?" she asked, her thumb tracing his lips.

— "Sorry, I just... I'm sorry," Aster apologized, sighing softly. "I'm glad you're okay," he added, his expression softening.

"Mhm," Nivalis hummed quietly, leaning down and kissing his cheek tenderly. "Thank you, my love. I am also very happy that you're okay," she mumbled, her moist lips lingering against his skin. "My brave knight."

"Now, just relax. Let your mother take care of you," she said, tone firm yet caring. She smiled warmly as she sat back up. "I'm heating the water right now so we can properly clean you up, alright?" she explained, glancing at the pot.

— "Alright. Thanks, Mom. And for taking care of my wound, too," Aster whispered, looking at his bandaged palm. Only now, he noticed the smell of pine needles that filled the entire cave, making his nose tingle slightly.

She nodded, her eyes still locked on his, as she gently withdrew her hand from his cheek. "Anything for you, my love," she whispered before her expression shifted instantly. The warm smile faded, replaced by a look of effort and discomfort as she struggled to get into the crawling position.

A soft groan escaped her lips as she began to move away from him, her movements slow and labored. "Just wait a few minutes, and we can begin," she said, glancing back at Aster over her round, swaying behind. The flickering firelight caught the subtle curve of her naked buttocks peeking from beneath her tunic.

Aster quietly observed his mother as she crawled slowly and painfully across the floor. Every movement seemed to require tremendous effort on her part, and she couldn't stop groaning with each drag of herself closer to the metal pot. Seeing the flames lick its metal surface reminded him of the magic he needed to learn. If goblins suddenly return, they could easily overpower his fragile, exhausted mother.

He needs to learn how to control his magic as soon as possible.

Closing his eyes, Aster focused on breathing, listening to the crackling of burning wood, the rustle of leaves outside, and the gentle hum of the wind brushing past the open entrance. Slowly, his heartbeat began to slow down, his body relaxed, and his mind cleared. Remembering everything Silvia had told him about mana, he tried to sense its presence inside his body.

Ten minutes passed in total silence, with nothing happening. Aster couldn't detect the slightest change within himself. Aster sighed softly, opened his golden eyes, and stared at the ceiling. 'What am I doing wrong?' he wondered, frowning.

He turned his head and glanced at his mother. The dim, flickering light danced across her delicate, pale face as she tended the flames, occasionally adding more branches to the fire.

"Is something the matter, honey?" Nivalis noticed her son's stare and returned it with her sapphire-blue one. Being close to the fire made her cheeks appear slightly flushed. "Feeling alright?"

— "Y-yeah. I'm okay, Mom," Aster muttered, sighing softly. "Just having trouble figuring out my magic," he confessed, rubbing his eyes with the back of his healthy hand. "It's... not working for some reason."

Nivalis hummed thoughtfully, tapping her chin with her fingers. "Perhaps you're too exhausted? I think you fainted because you used all your mana in one big burst. I honestly thought you would be out for days, like Silvia. Ice is a lot harder to control than common elements, indeed... " she whispered, returning to tending the flame. "Try again, and if it's not working, just rest, okay?"

— "Alright," Aster agreed, taking a deep breath.

Closing his eyes, he focused on the sensations within him, pushing away any thoughts and distractions, clearing his mind completely. Free from the noise, the sounds of the outside world, the smells, the feeling of the floor against his body, and the warmth radiating from the fire, only the feeling of the air entering and leaving his lungs remained.

Lying there, concentrating on the rhythmic pattern of his breathing, he barely even noticed how his mother sat beside him and slid his pants off his legs. Nor did he pay much attention when his tunic was slowly pulled over his head., leaving him completely naked on the rocky floor. The only thing that mattered right now was trying to find his mana.

His body shuddered momentarily when a wet cloth brushed against his skin, followed by warm water trickling over his stomach and sides. The gentle touch of his mother's hands, the damp cloth, the sensation of warm water flowing along his skin, and the scent of pine needles were all present yet distant, barely registering within his consciousness.




— "Umm, Asty... I need to clean you down there," Nivalis whispered, breaking the silence. But Aster remained still, focusing intently on his inner world. Nivalis waited for a few moments, hoping her son would answer her, but when nothing came, she decided to continue without disturbing him.

'My poor, brave boy,' Nivalis thought, her sad eyes lingering on the silver-haired boy's face. 'It's a miracle he managed to pull that stunt off,' she thought, glancing at his bandaged hand. 'He almost died right in front of my eyes... My son almost died... We all almost did,' she thought, shuddering at the very memory.

"Don't worry. Your Mom will take care of you," she whispered, placing her hands on his knees and slowly pushing them apart, revealing his limp member and the small, pink scrotum hanging beneath it.

Nivalis hesitated, looking at his incredibly cute, completely hairless boy parts, unsure if she should proceed. The last time she cleaned him like this, he was much younger. She glanced up, meeting her son's closed eyes and calm expression. "Aster, honey," she whispered, placing her soft hand on his naked thigh.

He didn't react, remaining motionless, breathing slowly and steadily. Nivalis waited patiently for a minute, patting his leg gently, hoping he'd respond, but nothing happened. 'He really must be exhausted. I better not bother him. He needs all the rest he can get after using magic for the first time... we need him to recover his strength. Who knows when those monsters will attack next?' Nivalis thought, nodding to herself.

— "I'll try to be as quick as possible, alright?" she informed him, reaching for the metal pot. She dipped the cloth into the warm water and squeezed the excess above his little boyhood, letting the liquid trickle down his skin. Then, she brought the cloth down, pressing it against her son's crotch, and began gently rubbing away all the dirt and dried-up pee.

'He must have been really scared," she thought, looking at the mess her baby boy made in his pants. Her movements were delicate and gentle as she feared hurting him accidentally down there.

Her cheeks and ears turned slightly red as she lifted her son's member with a single finger, carefully washing the base of it by moving the wet cloth in slow, circular motions.

Then, she lifted his tiny testicles, her palm cupping them entirely, and began washing them carefully. Her blue eyes focused on her son's smooth, pink skin, noticing the little creases and wrinkles, the delicate details.

They were incredibly soft and warm, almost melting against her fingers as she held the most delicate thing she had ever seen. She couldn't help but smile fondly at them, rolling gently each ball with her fingertips, pulling and squeezing them ever so slightly.

Smiling happily from seeing probably the cutest things in the world, she quickly glanced at her son's face. His eyes were still closed, his lips slightly parted, and his chest rose and fell steadily, but otherwise, there was no reaction whatsoever.

She looked down at her hand, his precious jewels still resting on her palm. The weight of her baby boy's testicles felt oddly pleasant, making her want to keep holding them for a little longer. But she resisted the temptation, reminding herself how inappropriate it was.

She let his testicles go, watching as they slowly settled into their natural position, shifting slightly when her son inhaled. 'How cute!' she thought, covering her mouth with the same hand that had just touched his little balls, trying to muffle her giggles.

'Alright, stop... That's enough. Let's get him cleaned up as quickly as possible,' she told herself, placing the cloth over his groin, covering it entirely. She then started to rub it against him, cleaning away any leftover filth.

'Now, let's clean... umm...' Nivalis trailed off, her gaze fixed on the skin that covered her son's little shaft, hiding the head from his mother's eyes. 'Foreskin, right. That's what it's called. I need to pull it down and wash everything inside of it properly. The last thing we need right now is some nasty infection down here,' she reasoned, nodding to herself.

'Let's just finish this. I'm already embarrassed enough as it is, and I still need to wash his hair,' Nivalis sighed, rinsing the cloth thoroughly. Taking a deep breath, she leaned closer, her warm exhale brushing against the delicate skin. She moved her hand and carefully grabbed his tiny, limp penis with her thumb and index finger.

Slowly, she began to slide her hand down, pulling her son's foreskin along, revealing the shiny, pink tip. Once the whole head was revealed, she looked at the rough cloth in her hand and wondered, 'Is it a good idea to use this to wash his... umm... penis head? It's quite rough. Wouldn't it hurt him?' she asked herself, staring at the material.

After a moment of pondering, she decided to be extra safe and use only her fingertips. 'I'll have to be really careful,' she thought, biting her lower lip and furrowing her brows as she leaned down even further, bringing her face closer to Aster's tiny member. Her nose twitched slightly when she inhaled his sweet, natural scent.

She pressed her thumb against his soft tip and rubbed it lightly, spreading the warm water over the exposed skin. Her thumb circled around his sensitive, delicate head, careful not to put too much pressure but enough to ensure everything got clean.

— "So smooth," she muttered, her breathing tickling Aster's sensitive tip. The soft, squishy feeling of her son on her fingertips felt oddly pleasant, making her want to squeeze it playfully between her fingers. But she didn't allow herself to do it, instead focusing solely on finishing her task.

She moved her hand slowly, very carefully, afraid of hurting him by accident, and occasionally glanced up at his peaceful expression, checking for any sign of discomfort. It continued for less than a minute until she finally decided her baby boy was clean enough.

"Mhmm," Nivalis hummed, admiring the adorable, tiny penis head, so perfectly smooth and cute, shining brightly under the flickering light of the flames. Giving him one more gentle, loving rub to make sure he was spotless, she smiled proudly at the result of her work. 'All done. All clean.'

As she slowly began to slide up her son's foreskin back in place, something really strange happened.

It twitched.




The boy was completely oblivious to the world around him. He was in a half-asleep, half-awake state, lost deep within his own mind, trying to sense the mana inside him. Or did he simply fall asleep and only dream about the magic? It's hard to say.

At first, there was nothing, no change, but slowly, very slowly, he began to feel something. It was faint, almost unnoticeable, like a gentle tickle. Most surprisingly, it was not inside his heart, as Silvia had previously described her feeling of magic. No, it was somewhere much lower, where the belly loses its proud name.

What a weird place to sense mana in, truly. Aster ignored the weirdness of it and concentrated even harder, trying to understand what he was sensing and what kind of energy it was. One, he knew for sure — it wasn't anything he had ever experienced before. 'It must be magic!' Aster excitedly concluded. 'Finally!'

As time passed, the tickling sensation grew stronger and stronger, becoming more noticeable, intense, and powerful. 'How do I control it? Damn it..." he cursed mentally. 'Come on, you have to work with me here. Don't just randomly act on your own,' he complained, feeling the circular motions around his private parts.

Minutes ticked by, and his frustration grew. No matter how hard he tried, it seemed impossible to manipulate his mana. 'Come on, I am so close!' he groaned internally, trying desperately to reach for his magic.

However, the itchy sensation refused to cooperate. It grew stronger, becoming much more intense, almost unbearable. When this energy concentrated at the very tip of Aster's little guy, he suddenly felt how it began to transform him down there. 'W-what is happening to me?!' he panicked, struggling to understand.

His breathing became heavier, and his heartbeat accelerated rapidly, pounding loudly in his ears. At the same time, some strange heat rushed through his veins, making his whole being burn, forcing him to gasp for air. His muscles tightened, and his body shuddered involuntarily.

His eyes shot open, and his golden irises flashed brightly for a split second. A familiar ceiling greeted him, shadows dancing upon its surface, created by the fire nearby. For that split second, his tired mind interpreted the dancing light and shadows as monsters. The shapes morphed into those ugly, twisted faces of goblins he fought only a few hours ago.

— "Ah!" a loud yelp escaped Aster's mouth as he raised his hand protectively, just like earlier today when a goblin thrust a spear at him.

Suddenly, an intense wave of heat erupted from Aster's palm, and the entire cave was illuminated in a blinding orange light. The exhaustion hit him like a train, making him groan loudly and drop his arm.

On the verge of passing out, he saw his mother sitting between his spread legs, staring up at him. Her eyes were wide with horror, slowly but surely shifting down to look at his naked member. Enlarged by this weird and mysterious force, it stood proud right before her.

He had never seen his little guy in such a condition before. Even in his first life, where he spent most of his teenage years in hospitals, he never once witnessed such a horrifying disease. It is not soft and squishy anymore, not how it has always been and how it's supposed to be!

He might not be the most experienced person when it comes to sex. Yes, he has never seen a porn movie in his entire life, nor has he masturbated. Thanks to the illness he suffered, he never really wanted to.

When your organs start randomly shutting down, and you constantly feel like you just ran a marathon, sex drive is the first thing that disappears. In Aster's case, however, it simply never appeared. Back then, he put all his remaining energy and time into practicing the piano and drawing.

He was just an ordinary boy living a quiet, lonely life. The dirtiest thing he ever did was accidentally see a picture of a naked woman on his brother's phone. That's pretty much all the exposure he had.

And now, this very same, very innocent boy has somehow magically grown this huge, 2-inch-long monstrosity, throbbing and pulsating right in front of his mother's face, pointing directly at her.

Right before Aster was about to panic, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he fell unconscious.

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