Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 60 — Under mommy’s care


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

The family spent the next few days getting used to their new home and recovering from their exhausting journey. The humid air of the cave and the smell of sulfur are things they need to get used to, but it's nothing compared to the constant fear of goblins.

Nivalis felt safe in this cave. The small entry and winding, tight corridors made defense easy, and its hidden location was more than ideal. They should have moved here years ago, but Nivalis had always hesitated because of the distance from the rivers. But now, this concern seemed insignificant, making this place a perfect home for a small family like theirs.

Food and winter preparation were their only concerns. On the third day, when their remaining food stretched thin, Aster went outside during the misty hours to gather more. Nivalis was nervous about letting him go alone, but it was either that or starve. Thankfully, Aster returned safely with a full backpack and a smile on his face that day and every day after. 

When he saw his mother nervously waiting for him at the entrance of their cave, his smile always became even brighter. This turned into their little ritual; Nivalis always greeted him with a kiss and a tight hug right as he stepped inside, welcoming her son home and thanking the gods for his safe return and for gifting yet another peaceful day.

What worries Nivalis the most these days is her daughter, Silvia. She is still unconscious, and no matter how hard Nivalis tries to wake her, nothing helps. Her fear for her daughter grows stronger with each passing day. All Nivalis can do is hope and wait for the little girl to wake up.

And hope what her son gave her. The boy told Nivalis about his new spell and how it helped him carry her the whole way here. Although Nivalis didn't like the idea of him experimenting on his body in such a way, this could indeed be the key to Silvia's recovery. Ice and fire are complete opposites, after all. After giving him a lecture about being extra careful with himself and his sister, Nivalis allowed him to try.

The first attempt didn't go well, and neither did the second. Or the third. Every evening, right before going to sleep, Aster tries to help his sister with his magic. Using his spells on someone else proved a lot harder than expected, and so far, there have been no improvements.

Little by little, Aster learns something new, and each day, he is one step closer to achieving his goal. And each little success of his calms Nivalis's beating chest a little, giving her hope that everything will be alright.

The days have been flying by faster than Nivalis can count them, blurring into the routine. In the blink of an eye, two weeks had passed since their arrival. Life in their new home settled into a comfortable rhythm, filled with mostly boring stuff — chores, drying food, making new cooking utensils, caring for Silvia, and many more. Meanwhile, Aster spends most of his gathering food and practicing the spell each evening. But such boring stuff is all that life is about, and Nivalis is more than happy to have it.

Nivalis even saw some improvement in her health; now, she can walk short distances without any help. However, she still has a long way to go in her recovery before she can even think about running or hunting again. Only Aster can provide food for this family now, and Nivalis is grateful for his efforts. However, she can't help but worry about their supplies. It just doesn't add up. At this rate, it won't be enough even for one-third of the cold season.

Aster also seems to understand the seriousness of the situation. Four days ago, as Nivalis started thinking about a solution, he suggested going outside more often, not just in the mornings. Nivalis didn't like the idea at all, but she had little choice but to agree to let him go outside without the cover of the mist. After all, the winter will come and probably will be one of the hardest they have ever experienced.

All Nivalis could do was watch her son leave each morning, pray harder than ever before for his safe return, and try not to think about the dangers her little boy faces every time he steps outside.



The sun was dipping behind the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink. Nivalis gazed at the sky through the curtain of hanging vines. The clouds looked much like cotton, fluffy and light, drifting lazily by as Nivalis sat at the entrance of their cave, waiting for her son to return home. "Why is he taking so long? It's already getting dark," Nivalis mumbled to herself, her eyes constantly scanning the nearby trees, hoping to see her son's familiar silhouette in the fading light.

— "He's fine... He must be," she tried to calm herself, but her heart raced wildly with worry. Aster should have returned hours ago. She sighed, putting her palm on her forehead. As the minutes ticked by, her worry grew, and her hands began to shake slightly. "Just a little longer. He'll be here soon. Come on..."

Just before the last rays of the sun disappeared, Aster appeared among the thick vegetation. He was carrying a leather backpack on his back and a heavy sack over his shoulder. He wore his disguise cloak to hide his silver hair and pale skin as usual when outside.

— "There he is. Thank the gods," Nivalis breathed a deep sigh of relief. A warm, pleasant feeling spread across her chest as she waited for her son to come closer. When her boy stepped into the cave, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a tight, loving embrace.

"Oof," Aster mumbled as his mother's hands squeezed him tightly, her face buried into his stomach. "H-hey, Mom," he chuckled awkwardly, dropping the bag to the ground.

She remained silent, holding him tightly, not wanting to let go. Her hands gently patted his bottom, caressing it lovingly through the cloak and his pants. "I am glad you're back," Nivalis mumbled against his stomach. "You smell... sweet?" Nivalis curiously sniffed him, looking up from his belly.

"I do?" Aster asked playfully, pulling down the cloth from his face. A proud smile was on his lips. "Check the sack," he whispered.

Nivalis raised her eyebrow as she glanced at the sack on the ground. She let go of her son and reached for it, curious to see what was inside. The sweet smell tickled her nose when she opened it, and her eyes widened in disbelief. "O-oh my," Nivalis uttered, seeing it was full of golden and sticky honeycombs. "How did you...?"

"There was a big hive on the stump of a tree. It took me an entire day to track it," Aster smiled widely. "I made a lot of smoke with pine needles and a bit of magic, then just waited for the bees to leave," he said, watching his mother's blue eyes sparkle in awe. "I didn't take everything, though. I left about half of it to ensure they will survive the winter so we can get more the next year. Or maybe even later this summer, we'll see. Still, it was enough to fill the entire sack! Impressive, right?" he asked, puffing out his chest proudly.

— "It is, baby. Oh, it is," she whispered, looking at her son with a wide, happy smile that made her eyes shine brighter than the full moon. She motioned for him to lower himself, and when he did, Nivalis kissed her son's soft lips, tasting the sweet, sticky substance on them.

Her hand cupped his cheek, feeling the stickiness all over his face. "You're all dirty," she giggled against his lips. "Or tasty. Depends on how you look at it," she added, gently running her pink tongue against his sticky cheek to remove the sweet, delicious liquid from her son.

"Well, there was a lot of honey. It was impossible not to make a mess," he chuckled, feeling his mother's tongue lick his lips and nose. It tickled. "Oh, come on. You can't be that hungry," Aster laughed, cupping her cheeks with his dirty hands.

— "Hey! That's not nice, young man!" she pouted, pulling her mouth away and looking up at him angrily, but it only made her look cute. "Now I need to wash my face, too," she sighed, licking her lips. "Alright... Let's get inside and get cleaned up."

Aster helped his mother stand up, and they headed deeper into the cave, carrying the sack of honey with them.

"How are we going to store this?" Aster asked, placing the bag beside the wall, the furthest from the water. He glanced at his mom, sitting on the bed near unconscious Silvia.

— "As usual, I think. Wrap them in leaves and put them in the charcoal to keep everything dry," Nivalis said, cupping the little girl's cheek and caressing her cold skin with her thumb. "Speaking of that, could you bring us some more of those wide leaves tomorrow? We've run out," she asked, glancing at him.

"Oh, yeah, sure. No problem," Aster nodded, removing his disguise cloak and dropping it near the fire.

— "Thank you, sweetie," Nivalis smiled, but her smile vanished when she saw how dirty her son was. The golden, sticky honey was all over his face, arms, and clothes. "How did you even manage to get so dirty under your cloak?" she asked, sighing heavily.

"Ah, well... There was a lot of honey, and the hive was pretty high," Aster mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

— "Come here," she said, beckoning him with her hand. When Aster approached her, Nivalis grabbed his dirty tunic and pulled it up, exposing his skinny, honey-covered torso that shimmered in the warm, orange glow of the fire. "Gods, there's honey even in your hair. You're such a mess," she muttered, looking up at him, his golden eyes meeting her blue ones. The boy didn't respond, silently allowing his mother to care for him.

Nivalis slipped her fingers into his pants, tugging them down, making the boy quickly cover himself with his hands, hiding his little guy from his mother's eyes.

'Come to think of it, ever since I saw him... getting bigger down there... he became really shy with me,' Nivalis thought while folding his pants. 'He never cared about such things before... Does he feel uncomfortable around me?' she asked herself.

'Wait, did I cause some sort of trauma in him?' Nivalis suddenly realized, looking up at his nervous face. He avoided her gaze, awkwardly shifting his weight from foot to foot. 'Oh, no... I did, didn't I? How do I fix this? I didn't mean to make him scared of me or anything,' she panicked and began folding his pants for the second time. 'I need to talk to him about it... And, somehow, show how much I love him... Yeah, sounds good. After I clean him up, we'll have a nice chat.'

— "Well... Come here, you big, sticky mess," Nivalis mumbled, placing her hands on his hips and pulling him a bit closer. Aster didn't say a word, just watched how his mother's hands scooped the honey off his naked body, her fingertips gently gliding along his smooth skin, gathering her son's sweet nectar.

"Let me get you a rag or something," Aster tried to pull away, but Nivalis held his waist with one hand and kept him in place, shaking her head.

— "It's food, silly," Nivalis said, slurping the honey from her hand. The taste of sweetness exploded on her tongue, making her lick her lips hungrily. "Mhm... Yummy," she smiled, looking up at him and licking a finger playfully. She couldn't help but scoop more honey off his abdomen.

Aster removed his left hand from his crotch and scooped some honey from his mother's pink cheek, putting it into his mouth. "It is, isn't it?" he asked, sucking his finger.

"Mhm," she smiled, scooping honey from his thighs. "I'm afraid you just became my favorite dessert," Nivalis joked, chuckling softly. "Turn around, honey. Let me clean your back."

Aster slowly turned, showing her his cute little butt. Nivalis ran her finger up his spine, collecting the sticky, sweet liquid and putting everything into her mouth. Then she moved lower, her fingertip sliding along the curve of his bottom, gathering everything into her palm. "How did you even manage to get honey on your butt? It's literally everywhere," she asked, licking her palm clean.

"Haha, no idea," Aster chuckled, hearing his mother slurping the honey off her fingers.

— "Okay, sit down," she instructed, patting her lap. Aster reluctantly lowered himself, his soft, sticky bottom pressing against her thigh, the light of the fire dancing on his shy face.

Nivalis began collecting the remaining honey from his shoulders and chest, humming a melody as she worked. When her fingertip dipped into his belly button, Aster giggled, his body jerking. "Mom, that tickles," he mumbled, looking up at her.

— "Sorry, my love," she smiled, wiping his little nose clean. He closed his eyes, allowing her to clean his face. "Alright, all done," she whispered, kissing his forehead. "Are you hungry? I can make you something," she suggested, running her fingers through his messy, honey-covered hair.

"Nah, thanks. I ate a lot of honey," Aster shook his head, opening his eyes.

— "Alright. Well, I got all sticky, too. Let's take a quick bath together and get you in bed. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great, Mom," Aster smiled, standing up.




The bath was nice and relaxing. They shared laughs, washed each other's hair, and talked about anything and everything. But Nivalis had something specific on her mind: the talk with her son. Once they dried off and climbed into bed, she began the conversation.

"Hey, Aster," Nivalis started, lying beside him and gently placing her hand on his chest, their bodies nearly touching. Only a single blanket separated them, covering their naked bodies.

— "Mm?" Aster responded, looking up at her.

"So... I've noticed you've been acting more... shy around me lately," she whispered, her fingers tracing random patterns on his skin. "Ever since the... um... accident. Is everything okay, sweetie?"

— "Ah," Aster mumbled, realizing what she was referring to. "Oh, uh, yeah. It's all good. I'm just a bit tired lately," he answered quickly, trying not to look at her. "You know, the usual," he smiled nervously. The curse of his little fella was a topic he would like to avoid. The way she reacted back then, the expression of horror on her face from seeing his disfigured penis, was still vividly fresh in his memory.

"Really?" Nivalis asked, moving closer. Her large breasts pressed against his arm under the blanket, their warmth and softness rubbing against his skin.

— "Y-yeah. No worries, Mom," Aster stuttered, feeling his penis throb stronger for some reason. As if it were trying to escape the prison of his thighs. He had taken to tucking his penis between his legs every time he went to bed, and tonight was no different. It hurts to sleep this way, terribly so, but the last thing he wants is to poke the girls with his disfigurement accidentally, so he has to deal with it.

Nivalis didn't say anything, just stared at his nervous face. His golden eyes stared into her blue ones, unsure what to say or do.

Suddenly, she leaned forward and gently pressed her soft, warm lips against his naked chest. A playful smacking sound echoed through the cave, followed by a funny raspberry sound from her lips as she blew air against his skin. Aster burst into laughter, unable to contain himself. "M-Mom!" he giggled, starting to squirm under her touch.

His soft giggles sounded like music to her ears, making her want to continue teasing him, but she decided to stop. She kissed his cheek and then pulled away, smiling warmly. "I had to make sure we cleaned you well. There was a lot of honey, after all," she laughed, wiping the saliva from her lips.

Turning the conversation back to a more serious tone, she continued. "The thing is... I don't like it when my boy feels uncomfortable around me," she whispered, looking down at her hand on his chest. "This family is everything I have, honey... And the last thing I want is to make you feel uneasy," she admitted, her voice full of guilt and worry.

— "Oh, Mom..." Aster sighed, realizing that his reaction might have made her feel awful.

"Is it because of... the other day when I saw you... um..." she tried to ask but couldn't find the right words. Her hand moved from his chest to caress his naked shoulder, her touch gentle and warm. "When I saw you... a bit different down there?" she finally asked, her cheeks reddening.

Aster didn't reply at first, only stared at the ceiling. "Well... I-I mean..." he mumbled, unsure of how to put it. "It's not that I'm embarrassed or anything... I just don't want to scare you again with my curse, I guess," he said, looking at her. His eyes met hers, completely confused ones.

"Wait... Scare me? Curse? I don't understand," Nivalis replied, furrowing her eyebrows.

— "Yeah, remember? When magic changed me down there, I remember the look on your face when you first saw it, and... it wasn't good, to say the least... You were quite scared," Aster remembered, totally forgetting the blinding fire he threw in his half-asleep state. "So, I figured it would be better not to show it to anyone. Ever," Aster explained, looking back at the ceiling.

"Oh, baby... What are you talking about? I don't remember... When did I..." she began, genuinely surprised and confused by his words. "Did you do something to your thing with your magic?" she asked, still not grasping what he meant. "I told you to be careful about it! This stupid magic... Quickly, show me. I need to see it myself," Nivalis demanded, pushing herself up and looking down at him.

The blanket they were covered in slid off her chest, revealing her beautiful breasts and soft, pink nipples. She pulled the blanket down her son to see what was beneath it but was surprised to see how he had hidden his private area by pushing his legs together, making him look like a girl without any parts down there. "A-Aster," Nivalis spoke, staring at him. "Show me."

Aster looked into her eyes, whispering weakly, "I-it's a monster."

Hearing his words, Nivalis felt a stabbing pain in her heart. She patiently waited for him to spread his legs. It took him a while to muster enough courage, but he eventually did, and Nivalis could see his thing. It was tiny, cute, and completely normal, throbbing furiously in front of her, standing erect.

"Wh-what? Wait. Is this some sort of joke?" Nivalis asked, her eyebrows furrowed. "There's nothing wrong with it, honey," she said, looking back at his almost crying face.

— "See how enormous it is, Mom! This is not normal!" he protested, shifting his penis for his mother to see better, his golden eyes filled with horror.

"Oh, gods, I thought something really terrible happened!" Nivalis exclaimed, exhaling with relief. She stared at his throbbing thing, not understanding what the problem was. "Sweetie, this is absolutely normal. It goes up and down when you get excited. It happens to every boy your age. It has nothing to do with magic. This is not a curse, and it's definitely not a monster," she assured him, gently patting his thigh.

"Wh-what?" Aster stuttered, unable to believe her words. He pushed himself up and sat on the bed. 'She's definitely making it up. I spent my entire first life without something like this ever happening. Yeah, maybe I was always sick back then, but I would've noticed if my thing grew like this!' he thought, trying to make sense of it all.

"Yeah. You probably got excited during our bath together, maybe brushed it accidentally or something. It should go back down soon," Nivalis said, scooting closer. "Don't worry."

"I'm sure you are all wrong about how it all works, Mom. This thing never gets smaller. It's the curse's doing, for sure," Aster protested, looking down at his erect member. "It only happened once when I was really exhausted the first two days as we arrived, and even then, it was halfway big."

"Hold on, you're saying it never returns to its normal size?" Nivalis asked, her blue eyes staring at his little penis. It twitched under her gaze as if in response.

"Never. It hurts less when I am alone in the forest for too long, but whenever I think about someone I care about... it starts hurting again! This is definitely a curse, Mom. This can't be normal," he muttered, sighing heavily.

"Oh, dear... Why didn't you tell me? Gods, this is serious, baby," Nivalis frowned, nibbling on her nail. "And it hurts? Even right now?" she asked, watching how his thing throbbed in front of her.

"Mhm,” Aster nodded, looking up at her. “All the time. Especially right now, for some reason,” he mumbled.

Nivalis continued to stare at his penis, thinking about her son's words. “Alright, first of all... This is normal for it to get bigger. This is the truth, honey, I swear. But it is not normal for it to be this way all the time,” she spoke, trying to keep her voice steady.

— "Nooo... I think you're making it up," Aster shook his head. “It doesn't make any sense for it to be bigger.”

A sudden realization hit Nivalis, making her cover face with her hands in shame. "I am so stupid... I can't believe I forgot to do this," she whispered. "We need to talk about how kids are made, Aster," she said, uncovering her face and looking at him.

"Relax, Mom. I know everything," Aster waved his hand dismissively.

He could still remember that really naughty biology book he read while homeschooling. 'The fusion of male and female gametes in a process known as fertilization leads to an embryo's development. The process involves the zygote implanting itself in the uterus, developing into an embryo, and then into a fetus, which eventually becomes a fully functional human being,' echoed in his mind, as if he had studied it just yesterday. 'What else is there to know... Pfft. I'm not stupid,' he thought, smirking at his mom. He just saved her so much time and effort explaining all this stuff.

"Nooo... I don't think you do..." Nivalis sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "Okay, so, when a man and a woman love each other very much-"

"Mom, I know the basics,” Aster groaned, rolling his eyes. "You don't need to explain it."

"Silvia told you something already? Alright, then... Tell me. Where does the baby come from?" Nivalis asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"From a woman's belly,” Aster replied quickly. “Can we go to sleep now?"

"No. How does the baby get into the womb?” Nivalis asked the next question, squinting her eyes.

"Well... The man puts this thing into the woman's special place..." Aster made a vague hand gesture and mimicked the penetration with his fingers. "Like this. I know," he explained, sighing.

"Alright, see? It gets bigger when a boy gets excited because his body thinks it needs to have a baby," Nivalis explained, motioning to his throbbing penis. It twitched again in response. "And if you do the thing, as you showed, the woman's womb will accept the child. Do you understand now, sweetie?"

"That doesn't make any sense," Aster chuckled. "Isn't it easier to get inside when you're at your smallest? Is it even possible to get inside with a thing this big?" he wondered, staring down at his erection.

"Ugh," Nivalis exhaled, her cheeks turning bright red from having such a conversation with her son. "Gods, he's clueless. This will be a long night," she whispered, scratching her forehead. "It will fit inside just fine, trust me," she said, looking at it too. "It stretches everything to get inside... The whole process is a bit difficult to explain," she muttered, trying to think of the right words. "It's more about how deep you can go, I guess..."

"You're totally making it up, aren't you?" Aster asked, shaking his head. "Come on, Mom." he sighed.

One deep exhale later. "Alright... Here, look at this," Nivalis mumbled shyly, removing the blanket from her legs. She parted her thighs, exposing her beautiful, pink slit. Completely hairless, it glistened in the warm, orange light. "This is a woman's special place," she said, her fingers slowly spreading her plump lips. "See?"

"M-mom... You don't need to..." Aster mumbled nervously, his eyes locked on her beautiful pussy. For some reason, his cursed penis began twitching like never before as he stared directly at it.

"Shush. Look, honey," she said, showing him her extremely tight hole. "This is where your thingy goes. See how tiny it is?" Aster nodded, watching how his mother's entrance tightened on its own. It was so small and yet so pretty. "And it would fit inside just fine," she explained, holding her labia open for her son to see properly.

Aster gulped, staring at his mother's most intimate place. "R-right..." he nodded, unable to tear his gaze away. He had no idea why he felt this way, but this sight made him feel strange. His mouth became dry, his heart started pounding loudly, and his breathing quickened. He couldn't avert his eyes. "Are you sure? It looks way too small..." he whispered, leaning closer. The smell of her feminine juices entered his nostrils, tickling his nose.

"Yes. See how it stretches when I put my finger inside?" Nivalis asked, sliding her finger into her pink entrance. "And it's even bigger than your... you know."

"I-I-I s-see," Aster stuttered, watching her finger disappear inside. When the finger returned back, it was drenched in a transparent, slimy substance. 'Is all my first life a lie? Has the sickness affected me so much? Why did no one tell me it works this way? Or is this normal only in this world?' Aster thought, unable to comprehend what was going on. 'What's wrong with me? Why do I want to put my finger in it? And not only a finger?!"

"Now see what I mean?" she asked, moving her hand away. "Your thingy will fit just fine," Nivalis assured him, wiping her finger on her naked thigh, leaving a shiny trail on her smooth skin. "Do you believe me now?"

"Y-yes, I do," Aster whispered, still staring at the puffy lips of her hairless pussy, his heart pounding in his chest.

"As I said before, it's not normal to be big all the time... Have you tried... you know... doing it yourself?" Nivalis asked, avoiding his golden eyes. "Make your body think it's making a baby...?"

"N-no. I-I haven't," Aster muttered, slowly tearing his gaze away from his mother's slit. "Never thought of it."

"Well... Give it a try, honey. It will help with your pain," Nivalis suggested, finally meeting his eyes. His face matched hers in its red hue.

"How do I do that?" Aster asked, glancing at his erection.

Aster nodded, following her instructions and encircling his throbbing shaft with his left hand as his right was still bandaged.

"Mhm, just like that," Nivalis whispered, watching as his small fingers encircled his shaft. He began to move his hand slowly, the foreskin sliding back and forth over the sensitive tip. Being right-handed made his movements incredibly awkward, but he still tried his best to do what his mother told him to.

After several minutes, Aster's wrist began to hurt, making it really exhausting to continue. "Mom, it's not working," he said while looking at her, his breath ragged as the boy continued to stroke himself. "Are you sure this is right? It's just making it hurt more," he asked, his brow furrowed with frustration.

"Alright... stop, stop," Nivalis sighed, looking down at her son's throbbing, erect penis. "Let's do this other way... Here," she mumbled, starting to make a pile of blankets for her son to hump. When she was done, she patted the bedding. "Go ahead, sweetie. Sit on top, legs to the sides," she instructed.

"O-okay," Aster hesitated before complying, positioning himself awkwardly on top of the soft pile of blankets. He carefully lowered himself down, pressing his little guy against the bedding. "Like this?"

"Yes, that's right," Nivalis replied, her voice soft. "Now, move your hips, honey."

Aster began to rock his hips back and forth, his movements awkward as he humped the soft pile. "Like this?" he asked again, glancing at her for approval.

Nivalis sighed, moving closer to him, and gently placed her hands on his hips. "Here, let me help you. Try moving like this," she said, guiding his waist in a slow, rhythmic motion.

Aster followed her lead, his hips grinding against the bedding at a steady pace. The only sounds in the dimly lit cave were the crackling of the fire and his quickening breaths.

After ten minutes, Nivalis whispered, "Is it working? We've been at it for a while now." Her hands still held his small waist, helping him move.

"I-I don't know?" Aster paused, his hips stopping mid-motion. "It just hurts more now. I'm not sure how this was supposed to help," he confessed, looking down at his still-enormous monster, its impressive 2-inch size unchanged.

"Hmm..." Nivalis hummed, her brow furrowed in thought as she bit her lower lip.

"It's okay, Mom. I already got used to the pain," Aster said, pulling away and sitting down beside her. "Let's just go to sleep."

"No, no. This isn't right," Nivalis insisted, her eyes lingering on her son's still-erect penis. "It's not healthy to leave it like this..." she muttered, shaking her head. Her eyes darted around the cave, searching for something, anything that could help.

"Really, there's no need to worry about it. Let's just go to sleep," Aster sighed.

"Alright, listen... How about I try something... But you must be completely honest if it starts to hurt, alright?" Nivalis said, a desperate idea forming in her mind. It was a terrible, awful one, but it might just work.

"Um, okay, I guess," Aster replied, his voice uncertain.

"Sit on my leg," she instructed, patting her bare thigh.

"Oh, um... alright," Aster said, hesitantly crawling over to her. He carefully positioned himself, his bottom resting on her soft, warm thigh, legs to one side. "Like this?" he asked, unsure of her intentions.

"Mhm," Nivalis murmured, pulling him closer and making Aster lean his head against her right breast. Her hand rested on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat; the other held his shoulder. "Now, relax," she whispered soothingly, gently caressing his naked chest.

Aster didn't understand what was happening, but his mother seemed to know what she was doing. He could only wait and see. "O-okay," he whispered, his eyes staring at her nervous face from below. He could hear her heartbeat thumping loudly against his cheek.

"Relax, honey. You're all stiff," Nivalis muttered, her fingers tracing the outlines of his skinny body. She ran her fingertips along his ribs and down his tummy to make him comfortable and calm. Perhaps she was also trying to calm herself, considering what she was about to do. She carefully pulled up the blanket, covering his little guy from view, hoping to make the situation less awkward for both of them. She doesn't need to see it to get the job done.

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Aster didn't dare move, his eyes fixed on his mother's face. As he stared into her beautiful blue eyes, which reflected the warm light of the nearby fire, he gradually felt more at ease, allowing her gentle hands to wander around his torso.

"If you feel uncomfortable, scared, or want me to stop, just say the word, and I will, okay?" she whispered, her hand gliding in gentle circles over his skin, slowly inching lower and lower.

"Mhm," he mumbled, taking a deep breath. He didn't know what would happen, but he trusted his mother.

"Okay, here we go," she spoke, her hand slowly moving lower and lower. Down his tummy, sliding under the blanket... And finally... She carefully grabbed his throbbing penis with only two fingers.

Aster gasped, feeling her soft, warm touch against his giant. It started to twitch against her fingertips, pulsating wildly in her delicate grip.

"Did I hurt you?" Nivalis quickly asked, still holding his thing, surprised to feel such strong throbs from such a small shaft.

"N-no, Mom," Aster stuttered, his cheeks burning red. "It actually feels... good," he whispered, his eyes locked on her face. "Is this bad?"

"No, it's okay," Nivalis sighed, maintaining eye contact as her fingers gently pulled down his foreskin, exposing his sensitive, pink tip. She could feel him tremble when she pressed her finger against the top, tracing small circles around his little guy. The very same finger she used just moments ago to demonstrate where his thing goes was now caressing his smooth, sensitive head, every bump and curve being memorized by her touch.

Aster drew a sharp breath, biting his lower lip. 'Gods, this is... strange,' he thought, feeling his mom's loving touch against his most sensitive part. The strange pleasure he was experiencing was something he had never felt before.

"Does it hurt?" Nivalis asked, her finger slowly moving under his little head, exploring its shape. She felt her son's penis twitching in her hand, pulsating in response to her every movement.

"N-no, it doesn't," Aster panted, trying to keep his composure. His toes curled from such incredible sensations.

"Good," Nivalis whispered, gently taking the tip of his cock between her thumb and index finger and started massaging it softly.

"Ohh my..." Aster groaned, his legs beginning to move involuntarily, squirming and trembling beneath the blanket. It felt too good to remain still.

"Shhh, relax, baby. Relax," Nivalis soothed him, continuing to move her fingers slowly around his throbbing, red tip.

Aster couldn't stay still. He couldn't stop his hips from moving, his legs and feet squirming uncontrollably. The pleasure was overwhelming, and he had no idea how to control himself. Remembering the first thing that can calm him down, he reached for his mother's breast and took her aroused nipple into his mouth, sucking on it desperately.

"Ahh," Nivalis suddenly moaned from surprise and pleasant sensation. Her son's tongue swirled around her sensitive nipple, making her hand stop its movements. "Honey," she whispered, looking down at him. His eyes were squeezed shut, focused solely on sucking her hard, swollen nipple. He didn't respond, even when she called his name several times. She glanced back at her hand under the blanket, still holding his twitching shaft, unsure of what to do.

"Alright... It's okay, he's just nervous," Nivalis whispered to herself, reluctantly moving her fingers away from his tiny shaft. His little guy pulsated and twitched strongly against the blanket, begging for more attention from his mother. "That's it, baby... Just relax," she moaned softly, watching his hungry lips suckling on her nipple. She cupped his soft balls into her palm and gently began fondling them, trying to calm her baby boy.

The feeling of his mother playing with his small testicles felt weird. Strange and yet wonderful. Aster had never felt anything like it before. Her hand moved carefully, caressing his delicate sack with tenderness and love. Her fingertips glided over his smooth skin, exploring its texture, feeling its warmth. She held them, fondled them, massaged them, and even tried pulling them a little, careful not to cause any pain.

This went on for a while until Nivalis finally felt his body relaxing in her embrace, her son's soft, quiet sucking sounds the only thing echoing in the cave. Only then did she decide to return her fingers to his little member, grasping his throbbing erection between her thumb and index finger once again. She started to move her hand gently, slowly sliding his foreskin up and down.

"Mmmm," Aster moaned, still sucking her sensitive nipple, eyes closed.

Nivalis decided to increase her pace. "That's it, baby," she whispered, staring at his adorable, flushed face as he clung to her nipple like a hungry baby. "Don't fight it. It's okay," she reassured him, moving her fingers up and down, pumping his little penis.

The pleasure was becoming too much for the boy to handle. His entire body trembled uncontrollably, his breathing ragged, and his toes curling and uncurling rapidly. "Ugh, gahh, ah," he moaned, sucking his mom's nipple desperately. His teeth pulled and tugged at her swollen nub, making Nivalis gasp softly in return.

"Just let it out, sweetie. Don't hold back. It's okay," Nivalis encouraged him, her hand sliding up and down his little shaft, the blanket covering his legs moving with every stroke. She couldn't see anything under the blanket but could feel everything well. The way his shaft throbbed in her fingers and the sounds he was making... She knew her son was close.

"It's okay, honey. That's it. Just let it all out," Nivalis reassured him, her hand stroking his little guy faster than ever. "Do it for mommy," she whispered and instantly regretted doing so. It sounded much better in her head.

Suddenly, the little boy's entire body stiffened, and he let out a long, muffled moan against her breast.

The intense, overwhelming pleasure was something the little Aster couldn't comprehend. Such pleasure was not supposed to exist, yet he felt it. It was too much, too fast, too powerful. It felt like a wave of electricity shooting through his body, making his entire being quiver and shake uncontrollably. His penis throbbed intensely, and his hips bucked forward, pushing his little guy further into his mom's hand.

"Good boy," she cooed, squeezing his tiny cock as tightly as possible, helping him with his orgasm. No liquid came out, but he kept trembling, his penis twitching rapidly as if trying to release something that wasn't there.

"There, there. That's it, honey. It's okay," Nivalis said softly, kissing his forehead gently when his body stopped trembling. She released his now soft penis from her grasp, slowly sliding her hand up his belly and resting it on his chest. She could feel his heart pounding rapidly, his breathing heavy.

Aster moaned, letting go of her nipple with a loud "pop" sound, only to whisper a weak, "Mom?"

"It's okay, sweetie," Nivalis comforted him, using her thumb to wipe the drool from his lips. "Go to sleep, baby. Everything's okay."

"I love you," Aster whispered, nuzzling his head against her breasts, his eyes slowly closing.

"I love you too, honey," Nivalis replied, holding him tightly and gently rocking him in her arms. She could feel his body relaxing, his breathing calming down. "Go to sleep, baby. We can talk about this tomorrow," she whispered, running her fingers through his long, silver hair.

Not ready for the inevitable awkward conversation about what had just happened, she started to hum a lullaby, hoping it would help him fall asleep.

Aster didn't fight it. He let the exhaustion take over, his eyelids slowly closing. He could hear his mom's sweet voice, feel her gentle touch, and smell her warm scent, and it was more than enough to make him drift off into the land of dreams with a bright smile on his lips.

"What have I done?" Nivalis whispered silently, tears welling up in her eyes.

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