Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 Urban black text 1

Shao Qian started to sort out the system data, but he always felt that something was wrong, as if the data is not all, as if the main data of the system was lost a lot?

Shao Qian has never touched the system data source before, and he does not know exactly what data was lost. Therefore, he can only think that the data was lost when the system was swallowed.

Shao Qian, who put the system data in order, did not know that he should go to the world. He casually seized a nearby world and disappeared into the Xinghai.

After coming to this world and receiving the plot given by the system, Shao Qian was speechless and silent. What should I say about this small world? According to what I am saying now, it is the story of Cinderella and the prince being together.

The woman has a group of best relatives, um, this is a must-have item, the woman has a gambling , um, this may also be a must-have. The female lord also has a younger brother who doesn’t learn nothing but only knows how to mix. Well, is it a must-have item?

And his identity is the younger brother who did not learn to mix in the street.

In the first half of the plot, because I couldn’t get the money with the female, I kidnapped the person, and finally gave the male main money who was already the brother-in-law, and instructed the other two to smear my sister. The result is self-evident and promptly rushed. The male lord who came here caught the right, but because of the death and not repentance, in the battle, the male bodyguard’s ‘missing’ hit the bottom.

The female lord who died of her brother, because of this brother’s disappointment, found a place to bury people, and finally the female lord who had not had much sense of existence had dug up ‘he’ and took it away.

When he saw such a potty story, Shao Qian wanted to smash the system. What kind of ghost place did he choose? How did this world without logic and logic appear?

The female lord was bullied by her family. It was very pitiful to be bullied by the scum, and it was helpless, just like the bitter cauliflower in the winter. However, the dregs did not go away in the same year. When the two younger brothers were young, he would also leave some money to the female host from time to time to pay for the living expenses of the two brothers and sisters.

But in the memory of the original master, every time the sister gets the money, she will not go home for a day or two. When the Lord was hungry, he drank some water to fill his hunger. But what is the use of drinking water for children who are developing? As a result, the original owner was as thin as bean sprouts.

Later, the female host went to the university, but the original owner who was supposed to go to high school was deliberately guided by the female host to know the ‘Mao Ge’ on the street. It was also from this time that the original master learned a little bit, one A little bit deviated from the original track.

Shao Qian saw the forehead of the plot and pain, how bad is his luck, can he choose such a world?

But even if the world is no longer logical, he is coming now. It is better to look at the story now, so I can think about how to face this brain.

Now Shao Qian is coming at the right time. The female lord has just arrived at the male company to go to work, and his cheap now has a little money in his hand and should go gambling again. And he…

Shao Qian looked down at the clothes supporting his rivet. At the beginning, he seemed to have been wearing this kind of clothes until he died. I think that I was quite hard at the time, and so many worlds have not collapsed by the system.

Looking for a room in the rebellious child’s room, I finally found a fairly normal dress, if there is no sly smile on the black t-shirt.

After changing clothes, Shao Qian put his face in the mirror and found that the young man with green hair in the mirror fixed with hair gel and even painted smoked makeup…

That kind of mood is simply a collapse, you say that you are a man, where do you want to dye a green hair? Is it a man who can’t tolerate the green on his head?

“Hey.” Shao Qian took out a lot of piecemeal banknotes out of the drawer and went out. Now he has to deal with the green hair on his head and buy clothes.

Shao Qian painted smoky makeup and went to the barber shop with green hair. After a few hours, he came out from the inside and a young boy with a delicate baby face shaved his head. And with the barber who came out of Shao Qian, holding his face in his hand, he looked at Shao Qian and walked away. He really didn’t want to understand, what made a so cute child toss himself into a bear?

What did the barber think about Shao Qian? He packed up and took only the forty-three dollars left in his hand to run the clothing store. With his cute looks and three-inch tongue (smelly faceless), he finally took it. After a normal t and jeans, the smiling boss gave her a small vest.

Shao Qian returned to the tube building and took out the key to open the door. This hand opened the door without touching the key door. The man in the squatting man came out drunk and squatted when he saw the boy at the door: “Ayun ?”

Shao Qian smelled the wine on the man and couldn’t help but take a step back. Didn’t the man gamble on the alcoholic?

“Ayun, don’t go.” The drunken man suddenly sat on the ground and began to shed tears: “You don’t know. After you left, the stinky boy is making trouble every day. I can’t find you. Where can I get him? I am hiding, so I will hide out. Who knows that the stinky boy is now inconspicuous. Now come back, I really can’t teach the kid, he’s going out every day, I’m…”

“Dad…” Shao Qian looked helplessly: “Who is Ayun?”

The man did not shed tears when he heard this. He stood up and looked at Shao Qian for a while, then suddenly his right hand explored his pants. This is not only a man stupid, Shao Qian is also stupid. After the reaction, I slap open the man’s hand: “Pervert.”

In the room where Shao Qian’s meeting was touched, the door of the room was closed. The man who was awakened by the closing of the door slammed the threshold: “Son, my father is wrong, you open the door.”

Shao Qian can open the door to him to blame, this has just been awkward by an old man who is awkward, if not he is not prepared…

Who can guard against an old man’s sudden attack? Shao Qian was almost spit out of this old blood by this cheap and arrogant.

When Zhang Qing came home, she saw a man lying at his door. She just wanted to see what happened in the past. She saw that the man climbed up when he looked up and saw himself: “Hey, let’s open the door.”

Zhang Qing saw that his father had not let go of his heart, but he was even more nervous, but she still opened the door to let the man enter.

Zhang Guoqiang saw the door open and hurriedly squeezed Zhang Qingyi to the door of his son’s door and beat it with his hand: “Son, you listened to Dad’s explanation, Dad didn’t mean it before.”

Shao Qian looked at the time and planned to go to sleep early. Who knows that this sleep is so fragrant that he is awakened by the knock on the door. Anyone who sleeps comfortably is awakened and has no good face. He opened the door and shouted: “You What are you doing?”

Zhang Guoqiang looked at his son’s face and looked like a sullen look. He said, “Dad, this is not thinking of you.”

“I don’t want you.” Shao Qian did not have much dislike of Zhang Guoqiang. After all, after the death of his “he”, it was still cheap to dig him out. Although I don’t know where to take it, at least I didn’t let him be a ghost or a ghost.

“Son, it was wrong for Dad to do it before, you…”

“I don’t know if I don’t correct myself.” Zhang Zihui in the plot is a rebellious boy. He didn’t have much good attitude towards his family on weekdays. So, now Shao Qian looks at Zhang Guoqiang with a look: “Look at you now. I don’t know how long it’s been taking a bath, and I can smell a stink in the distance.”

Zhang Guoqiang heard Shao Qian say that this can be tolerated? In fact… he endured. First, I smelled it on myself, and then I laughed at Shao Qian: “Son, wait.”

The author has something to say: the first world as a foreshadowing, followed by sweet text (?; (;`) because many small partners see the first world directly disgusted, so you can skip the first one The world can also watch.

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