Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)

Chapter 39

Chapter 38 Ancient palace text 2

The words are too scared to listen to this. He hurriedly bowed his head and pleaded guilty: “After the atonement, the atonement, the slaves… the slaves…”

“Roll. Don’t appear in front of you in the future.” Shao Qian snorted.

The message is too much to listen to this, and the face is like a gray, and it will not appear in front of the squat in the future. This is a direct result of his future. He originally thought about taking a slap, but never wanted to take a horse. How could he be stupid enough to replace the little **** who grew up with his majesty?

Shao Qian called the guards and directly threw out the eunuch. Then he shouted to the side of his body: “You can’t do this in the future. You are a small fool, how can you let others bully?”

“But… but the slaves don’t, they won’t refute.” Xi Fu’s stuttering opening. He is an honest child himself, and his mouth is as open as sticking paste. Where can he say someone else?

“You will say directly, what do you want to do, what can you do?” Shao Qian patted him and encouraged him to look at him.

“…” Xi Fu’s head turned for two laps, then cried and sullenly opened his mouth: “Master, I am an eunuch.”

Who has seen the **** self-proclaimed? Anyway, I have never seen it.

Shao Qian was squandered and blessed. He is not quite right to say this?

“That’s what you say.” The eunuchs in the TV series seem to say so much? Shao Qian said that he hasn’t seen TVs for a long time, and he can’t remember clearly.

“Oh.” Xi Fu seems to understand and nod.

“In the future, no one can swear you except me. If you yell at you, you will block it. Don’t be afraid, I will support you.” Shao Qian got up and patted his shoulders: “I am the emperor, you will be my supervisor later.” The momentum can’t be weak.”

“Hey.” Xi Fu heard the words of Shao Qian’s words full of tears. It is not because the master said that he is responsible for his excitement, but that the master’s words made him feel that he was needed, and he could share his concerns with the master. Also, it is trusted by the master.

Shao Qian took the cherished blessing in the Royal Garden and left for nearly an hour. Soon after he left, someone told him about his move.

The regent who was half lying on the soft collapse heard the words of Shao Qian repeating Shao Qian’s words, but it was a little devil who had not yet grown up, but still thought about supporting others.

“Going on. He Lianxuan has other actions to report immediately.” Helian Jingqi made people retreat and then got up and went to the inner room, went to the wall and opened the secret door into the secret room.

This place is not a treasured treasure or a military secret, but a wall full of portraits, portraits with no faces.

The people in the portrait sit or lie or look up, and many portraits are full of gestures, but it is not difficult to see that these faceless portraits should all be one person. Most of the people in the painting were dressed in blouses, and only a few were dressed in heavy attire and stood tall. His black hair was braided and twisted behind him. The forehead was hung with a diamond-shaped forehead, and his body was wrapped in layers of heavy clothing. The only shortcoming was that this empty face.

Helian Jingqi’s fingers gently licked the top of the person in the painting and slid down the paper. But the finger stopped when he touched the cheek of the person in the picture. Why can’t I remember his looks? I have seen countless times in my dreams. Why can’t I remember his appearance?

Helian Jingqi’s faceless face flashed a bit of irritability. He could always dream of one person in the past month, but the man’s face was always covered by fog. He painted a lot of portraits, but he could never The man’s face is filled in.

He can clearly remember everything that happened in his dreams, and even remember his own short blond hair and golden pupils in his dreams. This kind of appearance is very weird. If he was born in the world, he would only be killed as a demon.

But in his appearance, it seems that this is not the case in his dreams. He clearly remembers that the people in the dream looked at himself with respectful eyes, and he always accompanied a man with long black hair. But why can’t he remember the person’s face?

The irritated Regent King went to the table and looked at the unfinished paintings on the table. This time, I don’t know if it’s a demon or a place. After I’m doing it, I will draw a pen on the face of the portrait. When he returned, the person in the painting already had a face, but this face was the face of the Regent, His Royal Highness.

He painted no one else, that is, he was eight years younger than him, and he was sent to the throne of He Lianxuan.

Under the Regent’s Temple, the painting was torn apart by the expressionless expression. How can this inconspicuous embarrassment be compared with his noble paintings?

I have to say that the Royal Regent, there are times when things don’t go down so early, or you will regret it…

Shao Qian went to the DPRK on the second day, but this time he was sitting on a dragon chair, but the regent who wanted to see it did not go up. When he asked, he learned that the Regent’s palace had discomfort and he would rest today. It is.

Shao Qian did not see how disappointing the Regent King was. After all, he wanted to confirm whether this person was Vinson. However, when I heard the message, the Supervisor said that the Regent King had a discomfort and he sneered when he stopped. It was a really big shelf. If he couldn’t come, he wouldn’t come. Do you really think that he couldn’t cure him?

Ok, now he really can’t cure him. The Regent is now in power, and most of him are his people. If he really wants to call the emperor, it is only a matter of minutes. Therefore, this embarrassing emperor can’t do anything, at least not in the open and the dark.

By his side, the Regent King should have inserted a lot of people, as long as he has any abnormal behavior, I am afraid that it will be passed to the regent Wang, and when it is time to say no power, the little life must be sent out.

After going down to Shao Qian, he hurriedly returned to Qiankun Temple with a sorrowful blessing, so that Xi Fu would take off the heavy crown on his head. This crown was really heavy, and his neck was a little uncomfortable, and the hair tied on his head was tight and collapsed. The scalp is also a little hurt.

“Master, do you say that you will be dispelled?” He said with blessings: “If you are taught to be seen, you have to teach.”

“Give the scorpion to the lord.” Shao Qian did not wait for the blessing to do it, and he would spread the hair to the scattered, and put the horn into the hands of Xi Fu: “Today is the emperor, and you can’t say anything.”

Can you still get Shao Qian? That must not be. Therefore, I can only order the hair of my master.

After braiding the hair and changing the clothes, Shao Qian will go out of the palace. This really scares the blessings. Is this going to go out of the palace? It is necessary to know that his master has been out of the palace three times since he was a child. Every time he still let the guards clear the street before they dare to go out. Now look at the role of the master, do you want to go out yourself?

Xi Fu was scared by his own thoughts. If the master had something out there, how could he explain to the emperor?

“What are you shaking?” Shao Qian put on a set of small **** clothes outside the clothes, and picked up the waist card of Qiankun Temple and left with a blessing.

Shao Qian’s front foot just stepped out of the gate of Qiankun Temple, and there were people in the back foot who were in a hurry to inform the Regent.

Yesterday, because the painting of the little emperor’s face was a bit uncomfortable, the Regent did not have an early morning, but he ran to the tea house early in the morning, and did not let people go to the tea in the elegant room. He only looked at the chin and looked out the window.

When the secret guard came to inform him that he was interrupted, he was a little annoyed: “What?”

“Master, the emperor went out of the palace.” The dark guard was scared by Helian Jingqi, and he was stunned on one knee. As a result, he heard that the Regent’s mouth was directly crawling on the ground and did not dare to move.

“Follow him.” Now Helian Jingqi is tired of hearing the name of the little emperor. Where else will he be out of the palace? If you go out of the palace, it is best to write a lesson-long lesson, and see if he dares to go out at will.

For him, as long as the little emperor is still alive, he can do what he wants. As for others, he can leave it alone.

“Yes.” The dark guard rushed back, and he was afraid that he would be angered by staying in front of the Regent.

After the dark guard left, Helian Jingqi still sat by the window, but he just calmed down. When he inadvertently saw the braids on the street and the figure in the white gown, he changed his face. This person’s back is very similar to the dreamer, and he is not willing to miss even if it is a little possibility.

Helian Jingqi hurried down the tea house and walked toward the figure, but he was still stunned when he was only two or three steps away from the man. In case… is it not a dreamer?

“Who are you? Ghostly watching my family is small… What is my son doing?” A little boy who sneaked out of his own lady turned around and saw a tall man staring at his own lady. Isn’t this a bad guy who has evil thoughts about her own lady?

When I heard my own words, the ‘young boy’ who wore a scorpion dressed in a moon-length gown also turned around and blushes after seeing the appearance of Helian Jingqi.

A good and handsome son.

However, seeing the back of the same person as the dreamer turned around, it was really lost when I saw the face. It’s not him, even if the back is like it, it’s impossible to compare the dreams with the innate nobles.

“This … son?” The girl who disguised as a man was shy and shunned behind Xiao Xiao: “The son is polite.”

The disappointed Helian Jingqi was cold after confirming that the back was not the person. He didn’t look at the shy girl, and crossed them directly.

The author has something to say: soon replace the completion Oh also

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