Everybody Loves Large Chests

Connections 5

Boxxy trudged into its home dungeon feeling especially irate. Though the withdrawal was part of it, the main reason for its sour mood was Stain. Or more specifically, the weird memories she had put into Rowana and Doris’s heads. The mother-daughter pair seemed fine mentally, but were convinced they’d spent the last week or two doing nothing but playing cards and sleeping. No eating, no drinking, no going to the toilet, just poker and naps. Needless to say, if that slime was going to do something like this again, she’d need to put a lot more effort into those fabricated visions.

Thankfully the women themselves didn’t seem at all perplexed by their implanted memories, which gave Snack plenty of time to spice them up a little while they slept in the coming nights. The triplets had all met their respective tutors and had started their individual training with only minor issues. Keeping track of Lydia was going to be a bit awkward since she had left on a trip around the countryside, but Boxxy felt confident Claws could handle that task.

The biggest problem was just how much gods-damned attention Arms drew to herself whenever she walked in public. The shapeshifter had initially intended to have Fizzy escort Robin, but the dynamo golem refused to do so. Though she agreed that it was important to keep those girls safe, there was someone else that was far higher on her priority list. A certain someone named Boxxy T. Morningwood.

“Come on then, let’s get busy,” the radiant construct demanded. “My HERPES isn’t going to test itself.”

“Yeah, yeah…” the shapeshifter grumbled.

The two monsters walked over to the dungeon core platform, which was the brightest part of the cavernous tree trunk. Boxxy sat cross legged on the floor with its back to Fizzy. The metallic Artificer then proceeded to stick a series of six mithril clamps into the gray flesh covering its spinal column. She linked them together with some wiring that fed into a small half-collar, which was attached to the base of the doppelganger’s skull. She then flipped a tiny switch, causing Boxxy to shudder reflexively as the machinery sprang to life.

“Alright, all set on my end,” Fizzy reported. “Let’s start the first trial.”

The shapeshifter groaned affirmatively while the golem walked around it to face it with a sealed vial of Honeydew in her grasp. Its hand twitched as if it was about to make a grab for it, but Fizzy’s arm-cannon was pointed at its head before it could even make the attempt. Keeping a vigilant eye on the greedy monster’s spotty impulse control had been the main reason she had refused to help look after the girls. No mortal knew this creeper better than her, and she understood that not even twenty-four-hour supervision would be enough to keep it in check.

Which was where the Honeydew Exposure-Reactive Preventative Electrocution System came into play. The contraption’s main function was to release a minor electric shock every time the thing it was attached to - in this case, Boxxy - came into contact with the narcotic substance in question. Simply dangling a vial of the stuff in front of the monster was not enough to set it off, of course. However, it started beeping quietly once Fizzy uncorked the container and let the drug’s fragrancy wash over Boxxy. The closer she brought the sample to its face, the faster it beeped. She then poured a few drops of it on top of the monster’s cranium.

The HERPES responded instantly by letting out the loudest and longest beep yet, followed immediately by a painful zap of electricity that was funnelled straight into Boxxy’s spine. The monster shrieked and shuddered in pain before collapsing, its body paralyzed by the invasive current. Fizzy walked over and checked on the controller unit on the shapeshifter’s neck, noting the values on the tiny gauges that she had built into it.

“Okay, seems I over-tuned it a bit,” she reported casually. “No, Plus, that’s not how that works. Null, can you please tell her? I’m busy… Yes, I know it’s pointless, just do it. Thanks.”

The golem continued chatting with her alter egos as she fiddled with the delicate device. The payload it was supposed to deliver was intended to bring discomfort, not outright paralysis. She had simply underestimated just how vulnerable a doppelganger’s spinal column was to its Bane. This sort of thing was why the testing phase was arguably the most important part of developing a new invention.

However, the golem had forgotten about the glob of Honeydew on Boxxy’s cranium. The HERPES picked up its presence the instant it had finished charging back up and went off before its creator could finish tweaking it. The repeat shock was just as powerful as the first one, incapacitating the shapeshifter mere moments after it had regained control of its body. Fizzy realized her mistake and wiped the narcotic substance from its skin to prevent any more… misfires.

“Were you trying to kill me?!” it complained a short while later.

“Relax, the HERPES monitors your vitals. It will avoid shocking you if there’s a chance it might drain the last of your HP.”

“Doesn’t that mean I can just leave myself near death and-”

“You really don’t wanna do that.”

As expected of Boxxy, it had immediately figured out a way that security feature could be exploited to circumvent the device’s automated disciplinary action. However, Fizzy had also thought of that.

“Honeydew takes a few days to completely work itself out of your system. What do you think the HERPES will do if you actually manage to swallow some?”

“… It will keep zapping me, won’t it?”

“Exactly. And it won’t ever run out of juice since it powers itself by sapping some of your MP.”

Boxxy had to admit, the idea of being zapped every few seconds for days on end sounded far more unpleasant than the withdrawal symptoms. It could, of course, just rip the thing from its body, but the rational side of its mind recognized the need for it. The HERPES was there to dissuade Boxxy should it have a moment of weakness and there was nobody else around to keep it from reaching for the hylt-derived drugs. It was just thankful that Ambrosia was supposed to be napping for at least another month, otherwise it would likely never be able to clean up its act.

“Boxxy, you’re drooling,” Fizzy pointed out.

“Yes, and?”

“… Nevermind. So, what’s on the agenda for tonight? You mentioned you had something important to do while the meatbags were asleep.”

“Right. I think it’s high time our little group held a more in-depth training exercise.”

“What, another instant dungeon run?”

“Not exactly. Those are good for getting used to working as a group, but I noticed a certain flaw with that method when we fought Erena.”

“Really? I think we did pretty good.”

“Perhaps, but ‘pretty good’ won’t cut it on the Shattered Isles. We need to be flawless, and what I saw back there was anything but.”

Boxxy, being the control freak that it was, made sure to regularly take note of the strengths, weaknesses and abilities of each member of its posse. This was vital information to have if it hoped to utilize them to their fullest. However, it felt that something was missing during the encounter with the old God of Destruction. It had spent most of the next two days analyzing its perfect recollection of the fight, courtesy of the Legendary Intelligence Perk. This had allowed it to notice a lot of small things that it couldn’t pay any attention to during the battle itself.

The conclusion it reached as a result of this retrospective was that Boxxy appeared to be the only one who knew everything about its allies. While the monster-demon coalition had certainly performed well considering this was their first real fight together, there were a lot of missed opportunities to deal heavy damage. Snack, for example, was not mindful of Claws’s highly flammable webbing when flinging her Spells, nor did Jen give Fizzy any opportunity to imbue her with Holy Infusion.

“We, as a group, lack information about one another,” the shapeshifter declared. “And by ‘we’ I mean ‘you.’ None of you seem to be aware of any Skills, Jobs, Perks, Spells or Martial Arts outside your own. You’ve always just sort of assumed what the others were capable of and sort of went with the flow. It’s worked so far, but relying on improvisation alone will get us nowhere if we plan to challenge the scores of veterans and VIPs that will be attending the Dragon Festival.”

Though the golem naturally disliked having her shortcomings dragged into the open like that, she couldn’t help but see Boxxy’s point. Fizzy herself was just one of many examples of how combining Skills and abilities from multiple Jobs could produce a result that was greater than the sum of its parts. However, she had never even bothered to think of achieving something like that with beings other than herself and her Parallels. But the people that would attend the Festival? They’ve already had decades to not only figure out which synergies worked best, but also practiced executing them to the point of it being second nature.

Therefore, not only was the meeting Boxxy proposed likely to be quite beneficial, but it was also a perfect excuse for her to strut her stuff.

“Alright, so how do you wanna do this?” she asked, eager to begin. “I mean, you still need to look after those three meatbags and one of them is out of town.”

“Nrgh,” it grumbled. “Will need to wait until things calm down.”

It would have loved to just kidnap all the people under its protection and stuff them inside the dungeon while they slept, but the FIB security detail was going to make that tricky. Truthfully speaking it really didn’t want to engage their services, but it just seemed like something Keira would do. As such it needed to postpone the meeting until all of its minions and allies could attend it in person.

It wasn’t until a week later that the opportunity finally presented itself. Lydia had returned after a ‘misunderstanding’ with her tutor, so all the nephilim were currently in Azurvale. The FIB had also completely bought into the scapegoat Boxxy had given them, giving Keira an excuse to rescind her request regarding their guard detail. The Sandman’s familiars would still stick around ‘just in case,’ but the elf operatives were allowed to attend to other matters.

However, it was a bit odd that they delayed informing the public about having captured the ‘culprit’ behind the Great Collapse. A brief bout of investigation later revealed this was due to political reasons. The government was determining the best time to publicly condemn and execute the man-puppet in order to garner the most approval from the populace. Apparently the ones in charge were concerned that revealing they had caught the mastermind too soon would make people think they were merely putting on a show to mask their incompetence.

The shapeshifter was perfectly alright with that decision since its primary Facade would only benefit from a larger and more well-received public event.

For the moment, however, it focused on its internal information exchange. Picking out a quiet evening, it had Rowana, Doris, and the triplets taken from their hotel rooms and safely deposited in the dungeon’s prison block without anyone noticing. The women themselves were sedated through magical or alchemical means, leaving them blissfully unaware of the way they were treated as luggage. With them handled, Boxxy fetched Jen from its ‘branch office’ in Velos, summoned up all three familiars and tore Fizzy away from her projects, gathering all of them underneath the glowing dungeon core.

It briefly explained its concerns regarding their lack of cooperation and then flat out ordered them to participate wholeheartedly in the meeting, even if some of them thought it stupid or boring. That said, the shapeshifter recognized that going over everything itself and its underlings were capable of would require far too much time, effort and concentration. Its monstrous troupe possessed nearly three hundred Skills, at least seventy Spells, around thirty Martial Arts, and a few dozen Perks in total. While it personally could keep tabs on all of those, none of the others shared its mental faculties.

That was why it had spent the past week preparing concise summaries of the most important and crucial aspects of each of those things, which it gave out to everyone in attendance.

Skill, Spell and Martial Art breakdown, by Boxxy T. Morningwood

Boxxy - Doppelganger Skills
Mirror ImageCreate body doublesDiversions, multitasking, scoutingMindless, bad reflexes, light bodies
Pheromone ControlInfluence people with pheromonesCrowd control, influence individualsSome react stronger than others
Broken ReflectionAbsorb memories of a corpse and assume their shapePosthumous interrogationCan't eat the body
Puppet ParasiteHijacks the body, akin to Mind ControlUsable on targets with high MNTTarget must be physically weak
Spirit EchoMirror Images can use Spells and communicate telepathicallyVersatility, Snychronous ChantingMust be ordered to cast, terrible aim
Hylt MetabolismCan eat sunlight and ambient mana to boost HP/MP recoverySunlight is tastyMana can be nasty
Mystic CamouflageCounteract detection-type magic for a limited timeAutomatic activationDuration varies, unreliable
Corporal StabilitySevered body parts last longer, shapeshifting Skills are betterYesNo
Boxxy - Mimic Skills
AssassinationSneak attack for massive damageCan be used with some SpellsCan't be used in the middle of a fight
Cadaver AbsorptionAbsorb bodies for a chance to gain Skills, Attributes or JobsInfinite growth potentialPower creep risk, dead-end Jobs
BiomassIncreases body mass, boosts HP recoveryMore material to shapeshift withWeight is issue for Facade
Natural ArmorPassively reduces damage suffered from all sources by 10%Universally helpfulLeveling it was painful
Metal MimicryMimic nonmagic metals at the cost of MPCreate weapons/tools at willMetal limbs are numb and stiff
Mend FleshContinous regeneration at the cost of MPKeeps me aliveDoesn't scale with max HP
Adaptive DefenseIncreased resistance against the last elemental damage takenGreat against specialized castersUseless against non-magic enemies
Boxxy - Warlock Skills
Summon FamiliarSummons a demon, long cast time and huge MP costDemons are powerful minionsThey do stupid things sometimes
Power OverwhelmingAmplifies damage and MP cost of Ruin SpellsCan end fights instantlyToo flashy
DemonologyKnowledge of rituals and can summon extra familiarsRituals can be very usefulRituals can be very deadly
Crystallize MagicSolidify area effect Spells into Spell Crystals for later useExcellent versatilityCrystals have to be thrown
Chant ReductionSelf-explanatoryCast Spells quickerGreater risk of fumbling a Spell
Demonic InsightGives demonic Spells, boosts INT effectivenessMore utility, MP, and Spell powerSpells can be a bit unpredictable
Despair AuraCauses everyone in range to be fearful, more likely to panicCrowd control, especially vs fodderIneffective vs high-Level targets
Soul LinkFamiliars share HP damage and magical buffs among themLess likely for one familiar to dieMore likely that all three die at once
Enslave DemonTake control of unbound demonsVery useful in theoryQuite uesless in practice
Graviton ManipulationTeaches new gravity-based Spells, boosts all gravity magicBest used against large monstersAdventurers usually have counters
Malefic UnionAbsorb a familiar to gain its power and Skills for 3 minutesBecome stupidly powerfulCarries risk of demonic corruption
Necrotic AptitudeGain five Necromancer SpellsPowerful scourge-based magicSpells increase risk of Taboo
Siphon SoulDrain HP and MP, get bonus XP on killsHelps gain Warlock Levels fasterPoint-blank range
Summoner's GrimoireCreates a flying book that follows minions and casts SpellsVersatile, knows all my SpellsLimited MP, can't use any Skills
Boxxy - Warlock Spells
ShadowboltA straightforward damaging projectileSurprisingly stealthyEasily absorbed by armor
EbonfireSet living things on fire for several secondsReally easy to hitGives target time to react
FrostbiteFire a burst of icy projectilesCheap, good damageDifficult to aim
Dark ExplosionArea Effect Spell with concussive forceReally good with Crystallize MagicEasily absorbed by armor
ShadowbindCreate chains of ethereal steel to bind the targetGood against CastersCan be broken with brute strength
SingularityPulls everything in a wide area towards the point of originExcellent crowd controlEasily avoided with experience
True DarknessCreate a completely lightless areaEmpowers shadow magic, confusesDoesn't do damage or limit movement
Massive RejectionThrow enemies back with a wave of forceCreates spaceEasily absorbed by armor
Reality SlashCuts things in a lineVery few things resist itSurprisingly easy to dodge
Momentum AnomalyCreates an area where weight increases proportional to speedReally good against huge targetsIneffective gainst brute strength
Weightless SpaceCreates an area of zero gravityMost monsters are unable to copeMost adventurers are
Gravity WellCreates an area of high gravitySimilar to Momentum AnomalyNot as potentially potent
Magnetic TiltCreates an area where gravity works in a different directionCan redirect falling debrisMP cost is really heavy
Mass PanicInduces a powerful fear against all targets in rangeReally good with Crystallize MagicRange is very short without it
DeliriumForces a state of deep confusion on one targetCan take a combatant out of the fightUnreliable like most mind magic
Dark InfusionA massive boost to effects of STR, AGI, DEX and INTExplosive burst of powerStuns living things when it expires
Mind BlastStuns a single targetGood against fighter-type targetsIneffective against Casters
HysteriaPoisons the mind with confusion, can spread to othersCan inflict group-wide confusionNot as potent as Delirium
Mind ControlExactly what it saysTurns enemies into alliesDifficult to pull off mid-combat
ImplosionSummon a swarm of impsCreates cheap fodderA mild annoyance at best
TransfamiliarSwap places with a familiarBypasses many teleportation wardsReally long chant
DemonateDetonates a familiar to deal fire damageDamage scales with HPFamiliar does not survive
PandomeniumCreates a dome that turns Spells into their oppositesGood for surprising adventurersLimited charge, only works on Spells
FamiliarizeRemotely control a familiarGreat for scouting or utilityUser must remain stationary
DecayAccelerate corrosion, erosion and rotting in an areaGood for breaching fortressesNo effect on living things
Shadow PlagueSpreads a disease that induces necrosis in living thingsDamage inflicted rises over timeDisease resistance is common
Lethargic MistSpreads a disease that saps energy from living thingsCan cripple even VIPsDisease resistance is common
Corpse ExplosionDetonates a body for heavy damageDamage scales with corpse qualityHeavy risk of Taboo
DefileTaints an area with BlightGreat for sabotage, I guessHeavy risk of Taboo
Boxxy - Ranger Skills
TrackingHighlights footprints and other recent tracksFinding prey is easier, even in citiesLow-impact
MarksmanTeaches Bow Martial ArtsGives plenty of optionsBows rely too much on projectiles
Whisper WindLong range communicationUseful alternative to telepathyRequires line of sight
Fleet FootedGreater speed and less stamina used while runningVery little practical applicationOnly used as cover for Facade
Hunter's MarkMarked targets are tracked, take more ranged damageLong range, discrete applicationLimited use in combat
Eagle EyeEnhances long-range visionGreat scouting toolEntirely reliant on eyesight
Razor VolleyImbue next 5-10 shots with wind magicBetter arrow range and damageOnly works on unenchanted ammo
Throwing ArmUse wind magic to throw items in impossible arcsVersatile, limited projectile guidanceThrowables move slower
Mobile FireFire bow while moving with no loss in accuracyGreater mobilityDoesn't work for Martial Arts
Masked PassagePrevents leaving tracks when using StealthLeave less evidenceDoesn't enhance Stealth itself
Water TraversalSwim faster, hold breath longer. Water-walking at high LevelsMore effective than magic itemsNo benefits on dry land
Arrow TrapConjures arrow traps of various types in soft soil/sandCan be used with trick arrowsUnusable in cities, caves, etc
Boxxy - Ranger Martial Arts
Power ShotEmpowers an arrow with extra forceStraightforward damage boostNone
Guided ArrowEmpowers an arrow to seek out its targetMuch easier to hit moving targetsLow damage
MultishotCreates up to five copies of an arrowCan be used with trick arrowsLess damage per shot
Blast ArrowEmpowers an arrow to expldoe on impactInflicts damage in an areaLow projectile velocity
Shrapnel ShotCauses an arrow to burst when firedKnocks melee targets backEasily absorbed by armor
Pinning ShotHit a target's foot to trap it in vinesMuch bigger range than SpellsTarget must have feet on the ground
SnipeEmpowers an arrow to fly straight and fastTwo kilometer rangeExecution is slow
Chain ShotEach hit with Chain Shot empowers the next Chain ShotAttack speed ramps up rapidlyMust only use Chain Shot or it resets
Tornado ShotEmpowers an arrow to create a strong gust of air on impactGood for dispersing groupsDeals almost no damage
Thunder ArrowEmpowers an arrow with lightning that arcs to multiple targetsLong-ranged elemental damageCannot use with trick arrows
Boxxy - Blade Dancer Skills
Hornet StyleRapier fighting style based on precision and speedBoosts thrusting damageDoesn't affect non-rapier swords
Adagio VariationMassive DEX boost, rapidly consumes staminaGreat for stabbing thingsNone (for me)
Winterlich WaltzDeadly dance - imbue melee attacks with iceWide sweeps, great for crowdsRisky against skilled opponents
EvasionHelps when dodging attacksBasic survival SkillToo basic
Rapid RiposteActivate to block, instant counter on succesful parryCounter damage is really goodMissed Ripostes leave you open
Flamenco de FuegoDeadly dance - imbue melee attacks with fireFast, great for duelingSomewhat predictable
Presto VariationMassive AGI boost, rapidly consumes staminaAwesome speed boostDoesn't increase damage
Blade FinesseDEX increases slashing damage with one-handed weaponsMakes DEX a lot more usefulLimited to specific weapons
Knife JugglerUses magic to throw knives hands-freeVersatile, rapid fireWeaker than physical throws
Sanguine SprayWounds bleed more and heal slowerEffective against high END targetsIneffective against armored targets
Tornado TwistDeadly dance - imbue melee attacks with windCan deflect physical projectilesLess damage than other dances
DuelistIdentifies weak points and boosts damage done to themWorks with all weaponsBut only in one-on-one fights
Boxxy - Wizard Skills
Arcane StabilityTake less backlash damage from failed magicHelps when hiding in StorageVery situational
Mana ShieldAll-purpose defensive barrierScales with max MPFlashy
Residual FeedbackSpells gain power with each consecutive castPerfect for magic-based fightsHave to constantly be casting
Disruptive BarrageMagic missile barrage, deals extra damage against barriersInstant damage on demandScales only with Skill Level
GlyphcraftWeave Spells into flat surfaces to make glyph trapsCan set up nasty ambushesLong prep time
Synchronous ChantingGroup Spell castingAmazing synergy with Spirit EchoSituational
Mental AlacrityEasier to maintain Spell focus when taking damageWorks with all SpellsOnly useful when actively getting hit
Expansive MindIncreased INT gains, INT gives more Spell damageExtremely potent at 1,000+ INTDoesn't boost MP
Boxxy - Wizard Spells
FireboltBasic fire-based projectileReliable source of fire damageNot a lot of it
IceboltBasic ice-based projectileReliable source of ice damageNot a lot of it
Water SlicerBasic water-based projectileReliable source of water damageNot a lot of it
Air HammerConcussive blast of airKnocks targets backDoesn't do damage
Lightning BoltBasic lightning-based projectileReliable source of lightning damageNot a lot of it. Also, I hate using it.
Flame JetA focused burst of firePunches through magic barriersShort range
Frost MineLays a magical trap that turns invisible after a whileGood for ambushesOnly lasts up to fifteen minutes
Spark BlastDoes minor lightning damage in an areaLow cast timeI really hate using lightning.
Earth SpikeSkewers targets from below with a spear of stoneReliable source of earth damageEasily absorbed by armor
Stabbing RainCause piercing ice shards to fall from the sky for a timeGood area denialCan move out of affected area
FlightGives the Caster flight so long as the Spell is maintainedLateral movement on demandCan't do anything else while casting
Searing BlastDoes minor fire damage in an areaLow cast timeDark Explosion is better
De-spellDisperses magic in an areaWide areaIndiscriminate
DisintegrateCauses matter to disappear into dustUnresistable damageEasily absorbed by armor
ApportTeleports an item from your hand to a nearby visible locationUsable with grenades, Spell CrystalsOnly works on small items
TeleportTeleports the user across large distancesFastest known form of travelCalculating coordinates takes time
GateOpens a two-way portal that anyone can useFastest known form of group travelCalculating coordinates takes time
Boxxy - Absorbed Skills
Acid SpraySprays acidCan eat through most metalsLimited range, poor scaling
Divine AttunementBoosts Holy Spell potencyOnly has benefitsI don't know any Holy Spells
Ruinous ReachBonus range on Ruin SpellsWarlock Skill, got it for freeNone
Aerial StrikesBoosts jumping/pouncing attacksFree damageSituational, increases are minor
Vile BladesCoats bladed weapons in poisonUsable with enchanted weaponsPoison is fairly weak
Monocular RageCyclops Enrage Skill, activates when their eye is attackedPotentially deadlyUnusable (wrong race)
DustoffUpward gust of air that can be caught by wingsGreat for rapidly gaining altitutdeUnusable (too heavy)
Padded SkinReduces damage taken from blunt weaponsFree defenseNone
Path of the DragonTeaches heavy-hitting Staff Martial ArtsCan use with VoidcallerI'd have to use Voidcaller
Sense DangerAmplifies animal instincts to avoid predatorsNo downsidesMy instincts are stronger
Web ThrowThrows a spider web up to 30 metersRanged disabling move, handyWebbing is not very strong
Disrupting WaveDispel magical effects in an area around the userInstantaneous, chantlessCooldown period between uses
Feline MobilityPassive boosts AGI effectivenessFree speedNone
Fire BreathDragon breath knockoffSurprise factorPoor scaling
Fire AffinityNegates fire damage taken, increases fire damage dealtUseful in many situationsNone
Earth AffinityNegates earth damage taken, increases earth damage dealtImmunity to ground tremors tooCan still be buried alive
Petrifying GazeImmobilize the target by locking eyes with themCan use with multiple eyesSlow-acting
Darkness AffinityNegates dark damage taken, increases dark damage dealtEmpowers many Ruin SpellsNone
DarkflightSilent flight, only works in the darkBetter than the Flight SpellEnvironmental dependancy
Cold SnapInstantly freeze everything within an areaExtremely potentPainful to use without Cold Affinity
Charged StrikesImbue melee attacks with lightningFor fighting other shapeshiftersI hate using it
Boxxy - Other Skills
Chaotic DispositionRandom chance for a random effect whenever MP is usedOutcomes are sometimes tastyOutcomes are usually not tasty
Agent of ChaosMakes the impossible happenHas produced incredibly tasty resultsVery difficult to control or predict
Essence ConcealmentCreates a fake Status that can fool Appraisal-style effectsLets me do the things I doDoesn't work on quasi-divine beings
VengeanceIncreases damage of next attack, scales with damage takenPotentially devastatingRequires I get badly hurt first
Eyes of the Dead GodCan see names and HP of enemiesInstant threat assessmentNot directly useful in combat
ShapeshiftMove flesh and bone freely, only spine must remain intactToo many to listLightning as Bane
PhytokinesisSpecialized telekinesis for controlling plant lifeAlso lets me shapeshift into plantsVery environment-reliant
StealthMuffles sound of movementMakes Assassination much eaiserNot foolproof
Boxxy - Perks
Legendary EnduranceVastly increased stamina capacity and disease resistanceCan fight longer without getting tiredNone
Legendary IntelligenceIncreased Skill damage, improved short-term memmoryWorks with Skills that don't scaleOnly for Skills that directly do damage
Legendary PerceptionReduces likelihood of senses being overwhelmedEliminates drawbacks of high PERNone
Legendary StrengthHigher base strength, 1/5 of melee damage bypasses armorVery tastyNone
Legendary DexterityHigher base flexibility, 1/5 of ranged damage bypasses armorNot as tastyFlexibility is wasted on a shapeshifter
Legendary AgilityDeal more damage and take less damage when moving fastBonuses scale with speed up to 25%Only amplifies melee damage
Legendary MentalityMind control immunity, mind magic works on golems/undeadSuperbly tastyDon't have it yet
Arms - Fiend Skills
Demonic ArmamentsConjure weapons and armorDon't have to worry about gearPerformance isn't all that great
Second WindHeal for % of missing HPInstant and incredibly potentLong cooldown unless resummoned
Demonic CarapaceTemporary defense boostInstant and incredibly potentManual activation required
Demonic LeapMassively boosted leg strength when jumpingCover long distancesEasy to hit mid-air
Violent MeditationGain MP when hitting thingsMuch-needed source of MPOnly works for melee attacks
Imbued ArmamentsDemonic Armaments gain enchantmentsFree enchantmentsEnchantments are low tier
Combat ReflexesImproves response time in combatBoosts defense against rapid attacksBody too slow to use fully
Forceful PersuasionSTR works like CHR when intimidating othersEffective both in and out of combatA bit too effective
Embodiment of Wrath"Soul power" improves base performanceFree powerHard to gauge
Spiteful EchoesMelee hits create damaging shockwavesCause more damage through armorSeems lackluster for a 'final' Skill
Arms - Hoarder Skills
VaultWorks kind of like StoragePersists between summonsLimited usage
Hand of AvariceTakes an item from the target at randomInstant use, good rangeUnpredictable
Sense TreasureDetect shinies within a certain rangeGreat for finding hidden treasureDoesn't sense cheap shinies
Golden TouchPetrifies thing on melee hits, only with gold instead of stoneMakes the un-shiny shinyShinyness is temporary
Arms - Berserker Skills
BloodlustMelee kills boost damageGreat when dealing with hordesUseless in all other situations
Brutal FervorDamage taken boosts Attribute effectivenessMakes Arms deadlierHave to take a lot of damage
Face SmasherTeaches Brawler Martial ArtsReally effective with Arms's bodyLow MP pool to use them with
Berserker RageHuge damage boost followed by a period of weaknessGood for ending a fight quicklyDownside is incredibly severe
Eye For An EyeTemporary damage boost against attackersScales with damage takenIneffective against multiple attackers
BattlecryRallying war cryEmpowers alliesAlso empowers enemies
Unchained AngerImproves Brutal Fervor and Berserker RagePowerful Skills become even betterLimited scope
Rabble RouserMakes enemies more likely to attack the BerserkerGreat for drawing attentionResults may very
Arms - Berserker Martial Arts
HeadcrackSmashes the skull from both sidesConcussion guaranteedOnly works on things with skulls
UppercutUpward punch with enhanced forceKnocks targets upwardDoesn't do much damage
War StompSmashes ground with foot to create tremorsBreaks most enemies' footingDoesn't work on all surfaces
ThunderclapSlaps hands together to produce a deafening shockwaveArms can use all six armsIndiscriminate
Shoulder BumpEmpowered body slamSends victims flyingMakes Arms vulnerable if she misses
Foot StampStomp on an opponent's foot with bone-crushing forceReally good with Arms's weightOnly works on things with feet
Dominating BlowA straight punch that does huge damageArms's hardest hitting attackEasy to read
Limb PressSimultaneous upward knee and downward elbow strikePerfect for breaking bonesDeals damage to own limbs on a miss
Temple SlamGrab a target and suplex them head-first into the groundArms can use all six armsDoesn't work on really big targets
Dirty BlowRising knee strike usually aimed at gut or crotchFast and strongArms is too tall to use this right
Arms - Other Skills
Idiotic StrengthBetter STR, worse INTIncredibly potent for a fiendMax MP becomes really pitiful
Trophy CaseGain power from trophies in VaultLots of potentialCollecting trophies takes time
Earth AffinityNegates earth damage taken, increases earth damage dealtImmunity to ground tremors tooCan still be buried alive
Snack - Succubus Skills
Energy DrainLeech HP/MP through skin contactMassively amplified during sexQuite weak outside of sex
Demonic SeductionAppear especially enticing to mortals by amplifying CHRA succubus's main weaponUseless in combat
InivisibilityTemporary invisibility, breaks when inflicting or taking damageEffective both in and out of combatStill makes noise
Versatile TongueSpeaks all kinds of language and dialects perfectlyGreat for blending in with a cultureUseless in combat
Devilish CunningCHR improves thinking abilities like WISMakes Snack deliciously deviousShe only thinks about sex
Aggressive CuddlingSex deprives partner of strength, easing rapeCan be used in combatInsanely difficult to use in combat
Malicious TormentUses mind magic to cause illusory painDistraction at worst, crippling at bestDoes not cause any damage
Penetration ExpertiseMagic bypasses a portion of resistancesGreat against enchanted gearCan't bypass Affinities
Sins of the FleshSperm intake boosts magical powerThe boost lasts for several hoursMust be taken fresh from the source
Lustful EchoesAll magic inflicts demonic corruption at a rapid paceErodes target's willCan't be turned off
Snack - Succubus Spells
SleepPuts target into a coma-like stateUniversal pacification toolEasily disrupted by pain
DeliriumForces a state of deep confusion on one targetCan take a combatant out of the fightUnreliable like most mind magic
Mass PanicInduces a powerful fear against all targets in rangeReally good with Crystallize MagicRange is very short without it
Snack - Djinn Skills
Amplify MagicTemporary increase to magic damage done or takenPotentially deadlyPotentially suicidal
Guiding LightClairvoyance magic that can be used to find objects or peopleEasy to follow, fairly accurateDepends on the djinn's desires
Mist FormTemporary physical immunity and spell vulnerabilityCan sneak through tiny gapsHigh MP cost, slow reforming
Conjure CatalystCreates various magic/alchemical reagentsConvenientLackluster
Snack - Pyromancer Skills
Devouring FlamePyroclasm spells cause a lingering damage over time effectStackableHigher MP cost
Mana BurnDevouring Flames last longer and sap MPOverall improvement in damageDamage to MP is minor
Summon Molten GuardianConjure magma elemental as a petSemi-autonomous, good fighterPoor scaling without extra Skills
Volcanic BurstDetonate Pyroclasm Spells early for bonus damageBest used with Meteor, InfernoFriendly fire is an issue
Tempered FlameArea Effect fire spells deal less damage to alliesGreat for messy skirmishesDesignating allies takes time
Fiery WeaponImbues weapons with fire damageMore potent than enchantmentsDamages the item
ReignitionReignites Devouring Flames in an area, all at onceDevastating finishing moveVery situational
Flame EffigyConjures a living flame that seeks out a target and explodesNigh-impossible to dodgePoor scaling, no Devouring Flames
Snack - Pyromancer Spells
FireballLaunches a fiery projectile that explodes on impactGreat all-purpose offensive magicIndiscriminate
PurgeRemoves poison, disease, and bleeding from targetDecent utilityCauses minor damage to target
InfernoCreates a fiery tornadoCovers a wide areaIndiscriminate
Magma MissileLobs three projectiles of molten rockGood single-target damageMust be on ground to use
Blast WaveBurns and knocks back targets around the casterCreates spaceIndiscriminate
FlamethrowerA sustained torrent of fireDamage slowly increases with timeCan't do anything else while casting
MeteorDrops a massive lump of fire from aboveMassive damageUnusable indoors, easy to dodge
BackdraftSnuffs out both magical and mundane flamesLimits damage from PyromancersAffects user's flames as well
Scorching RayA sustained beam of concentrated heatHigh damage, long rangeCan't do anything else while casting
VolcanoLava continually bursts from the ground in large flying globsGood area denialSituational use
Scalding GustBlast of steamSuperbly painfulDamage dealt is low
Fire WardDefensive Spell that reduces fire damage takenSimple, but effectiveNone
Snack - Other Skills
ShapeshiftLeftover from origin as succubusGreat for camouflageOnly skin deep
DreamweaverMind manipulation through dreamsCan read and implant memoriesRepetitive use is ill-advised
Conjure MirageCreate hyper-realistic illusionsExtremely flexibleOnly visual, no sound, smell or touch
Fire AffinityNegates fire damage taken, increases fire damage dealtUseful vs many opponentsNone
Claws - Stalker Skills
StalkSilent movement without causing air disturbancesLike Stealth, only betterDoesn't hide from plain eyesight
CounterspellCan 'cut' magic to dispel itWorks on barriers, tooSome forms of magic can't be cut
Rending ClawsDamage and bleeding on natural weaponsMakes claws and scythes deadlierStill useless against heavy armor
Blood GorgerDrinking fresh blood gives a temporary Attribute bonusStackableNot as potent at higher Levels
Detect MagicSense magic and enchantmentsQuite accurateVery short range as base stalker
Magic ResistanceSelf explanatoryMore potent than enchantmentsNone
Mana LeechRapidly drain MP from nearby targetsGood against low-MP enemiesWhy not just kill them?
Spider SenseGive spider-like hyper-awarenessSense Danger that actually worksEasier to overload senses
Peerless GluttonyCan eat a LOT of food, improves Blood GorgerTranslates into more Demon SilkStalker is harder to satisfy
Silent EchoesSilence all targets within a short rangePrevents speaking and chantingAffects everyone indiscriminately
Claws - Webstalker Skills
Steel ThreadEnchanted webbing that's super strongCan be used as a weaponStill highly flammable
WeaverWeave webbing into complex patterns and shapesGreat for handling Demon SilkLimited combat applications
Impact WebbingFire a glob of sticky webbing that explodes on impactLong range bindingCan be broken with brute force
Empowered ClawsEnchant claws with element based on speciesReliable source of ice damageCannot be used with Counterspell
Claws - Rogue Skills
AssassinationSneak attack for massive damageCan kill most targets in one hitCan't be used in the middle of a fight
MisdirectionMakes noises as distractionDoes what it says with no drawbacksAlerts targets, prevents Assassination
EvasionHelps when dodging attacksBasic survival SkillToo basic
Silent SprintSprinting is faster and makes less noiseMore mobility with Stalk or StealthLow impact
Cheap ShotAttacking a weak point can cause stunsJust an all-around useful SkillSomewhat inconsistent
Deadly AcrobaticsBetter air control and damage from jumping attacksMakes a stalker even more agileDamage boost a bit weak
Blade FinesseDEX increases slashing damage with one-handed weaponsClaws's claws countHer scythes don't
Adrenaline RushReduce damage taken, stamina consumption and painGood for rushing a target head-onReckless, risky
Claws - Other Skills
Venomous StingCan poison melee targetsWide variety of poisons availableIneffective against strong opponents
WebspinnerGreatly improved webbing accross the boardIt's good, I guessMessy
Clear IceOptical camouflage on demandClaws can be both shiny and stealthyNot completely invisible, MP cost
Cold AffinityNegates cold damage taken, increases cold damage dealtMobility not hampered by iceBorderline useless for offense
Jen - Monk Skills
Disciple of ChaosObtain 'guidance' while meditating, a form of clairvoyanceCan be shockingly accurateCan be shockingly inaccurate
Ki ManipulationReplace MP with Ki, enabling special SkillsKi recovers much quicker than MPCan't use Spells
Flow PerceptionCan sense flows of energy, air and waterJen says it helps read an opponentI don't see how
Empowered StrikesKi increases melee damageEspecially strong against undeadConsumes Ki with every hit
Parry ExpertiseHelps when parrying attacks with a weaponGood against enemies of similar sizeLess good against bigger ones
Ki-Imbued SkinHarden skin with ki for defenseTougher than mithril platingCan't use with armor, consumes Ki
Projectile DeflectionHelps when deflecting physical projectilesCan completely shut down RangersOf little use against most other Jobs
Path of the TigerTeaches combination-based Martial Arts with unarmed strikesFast, significantly lethal as monsterUseless against heavy armor
Wholesome BeingPoison and disease resistanceNegates two common nuisancesNone
Strength of StoneImproves STR and END while groundedImproves both defense and offenseJen flies a lot
Purity of ThoughtBetter control over emotions, resists manipulationLess likely to be mind controlledAlso limits positive emotions like joy
Healing HandUse Ki to restore HP and heal woundsMends broken bones in combatUnsuitable for sustained healing
Diamond SoulSurpress effects of environment, hunger, thirst and exhaustionFunction normally in harsh conditionsStill need to eat and drink as normal
Flurry of BlowsRapidly repeats a Martial Art up to six timesGreater overall damageCan't stop mid-Flurry
Timeless BodyGreatly reduces the degenrative effects of agingMaintains the body's prime conditionDoesn't increase lifespan
Unleash PotentialTemporary buff to Ki and Ki-based skillsScales with FTHJen's FTH is low
Perfect PhysiqueAmplifies STR, maintains optimal muscle massDon't have to do muscle trainingUnimpressive for a high Level Skill
Spirit GuardianJen's Ultimate, automatically blocks attacksCan stop even massive hitsRapid strikes overwhelm it
Jen - Path of the Tiger Martial Arts
Rending AssaultChannels Ki into claw swipes that cause heavy bleedingGood damage overallDoesn't always puncture skin/hide
Savage SweepChannels Ki into a sweeping kick that cleaves like an axeCan catch opponents off-guardEasy to read
Nerve StrikeChannels Ki into a pinpoint strike that disables limbsRenders the target defenselessOnly works on humanoid targets
Solar GlareChannels Ki into a blinding flash of lightOn demand flashbangAlso blinds the user
Rising FangChannels Ki into a crushing strike to the throat's windpipeExcellent exploitation of a weak spotOnly works on humanoid targets
Jen - Warrior Skills
ToughnessImproves defense from armorGood adventurer SkillJen doesn't use armor
EvasionHelps when dodging attacksBasic survival SkillToo basic
Penetrating StrikesPiercing weapons dig deeperWorks for ranged weapons tooJen doesn't use piercing weapons
Blunt Weapon AffinityReduces recoil when using blunt weaponsCan hit hard targets easierDoesn't boost damage directly
Blocking ExpertiseDulls impact when blocking attacksHelps when parrying is impossibleIntended for shields, not staves
Dense MusclesBoosts STR effectivenessMakes Jen's high STR even betterRequires Toughness
Deep ReservesRaises stamina and energy capacityFight for longer without feeling tiredRarely comes into play
Armor BreakMelee attacks more effectively damage defensesAllies benefit from this tooRequires Penetrating Strikes
Body CheckBoosts tackles, body slams, shoulder charges and so onGreat for throwing foes off-balanceJen doesn't have much weight
Arms RaceHarder to be disarmed, easier to disarmVery useful against adventurersLess than useful against monsters
Jen - Griffin Skills
Wind Assisted FlightUses innate wind magic to help with flightLets Jen flyJen can't fly without it
Rip and TearBleeding and slashing damage boostSynergizes with Path of the TigerIneffective against armored targets
Dominant BloodlineEasier to intimidate others, extra HP per ENDExtra survivability and utilityJen's appearance isn't intimidating
Air RaidActivate for dive-bombing attackAbsolutely devastating if it hitsIF it hits
EcholocationSense targets through extreme hearingLets Jen fight without relying on sightVulnerability to sonic attacks
Jen - Harpy Skills
DustoffUpward gust of air that can be caught by wingsGreat for rapidly gaining altitutdeSeems unusable in midair
Snatcher’s GripBoosts leg grip strengthLeg grapples become a viable attackNot everything is grabbable
Piercing PlumageHardens feathers into throwable knivesCheap ranged attack optionWeak damage
Dazing ScreechSonic attack that stuns and disorientsUseful in many situationsFriendly fire is an issue
Jen - Perks
Legendary StrengthIncreased base strength, melee damage penetrates armorIt's just goodNone
Fizzy - Paladin Skills
Champion of ChaosCatch glimpses of possible near futuresPredict an opponent's next moveNot
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