Everybody Loves Large Chests

Not a Chapter: Skill Compendium

Mimic Skills 


Description: No amount of honor can defy the efficacy of a good ambush.

Requirements: Level 5 Mimic

Type: Passive, Ambush

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: 50 Meters

Effects: Increases damage dealt to an unsuspecting target by 50% per Level of this Skill.

This Skill may not be activated more than once every 30 seconds on the same target.


Description: What good is a chest that cannot hold items?

Requirements: Level 10 Mimic, INT 20

Type: Sustained

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 0 MP

Range: 0.5 Meters

Effects: Allows access to a pocket dimension fit to hold a large quantity of items irrelevant of weight.

The user is aware of everything in their Storage at all times.

Consumes MP based on the size of transferred objects.

Storage portals have a diameter equal to 10 centimeters per Level of this Skill.

Storage capacity is equal to 100 cubic meters per Level of this Skill.

Cadaver Absorption

Description: Allows the Mimic to absorb residual knowledge and power from the remains of its prey.

Requirements: Level 15 Mimic, WIS 30, INT 30, Has devoured at least 30 of the same Species.

Type: Active, Corpse-targeted

Activation Time: 2 seconds

Cost: 150 MP

Range: 2 Meters

Effects: A portion of the target’s Attributes, Skill Proficiency or Job Levels will be permanently added to the Mimic’s Status. What is absorbed is random.

This Skill can fail. Success rate depends on the Level of this Skill and the strength of the LCK Attribute.

The amount of knowledge and power absorbed increases with each Level of the Shapeshift Skill.


Description: The shapeshifter’s intimate knowledge of its own body has allowed it to stockpile additional mass without affecting its mobility or appearance while improving its own regeneration.

Requirements: Level 20 Monster Job, Level 3 Shapeshift, STR 50, END 50

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases body mass by 20% per Level of this Skill.

Increases automatic HP recovery by 10% per Level of this Skill.

Natural Armor

Description: Monsters are known for their tough hides that can shrug off anything and everything.

Requirements: Level 5 Monster Job, END 10+

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Reduces all incoming damage by 1% per Level of this Skill.

Provides an additional +2 END per Level of this Skill.

Metal Mimicry

Description: The ability to turn flesh and bone into steel and iron

Requirements: Level 30 Mimic, Shapeshift, Biomass, STR 100, END 100

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Flesh can be shapeshifted into any known non-magical metal.

MP will be consumed depending on how much of the body is turned to metal.

The transformation will fade after 15 minutes.

Reduces the MP consumption of Metal Mimicry by 5% per Level of this Skill.

Mend Flesh

Description: A shapeshifter’s mastery over their body affords them a uniquely deep vitality

Requirements: Level 40 Monster Job, Shapeshift, INT 150

Type: Toggled (OFF)

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Restores lost HP at a rate of 100 HP/sec

Consumes 100 MP for every 100 HP of healing.

Reduces the MP consumption of this Skill by 3% per Level of the Shapeshift Skill.

Increases the HP recovery rate of this Skill by 10 per Level of this Skill.

Adaptive Defense

Description: Shapeshifters are notorious for how rapidly they can adapt to their environment

Requirements: Level 45 Monster Job, Shapeshift, STR 100, AGI 100, END 200

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Being hit by offensive elemental magic increases your damage resistance to that element by 10% for 6 seconds.

Increases the elemental resistance granted by this Skill by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Can only defend against 1 element at a time.

Absorbed Skills 

Acid Spray

Description: 3?Er????j?f?o?fR? ? ?P#?f?l?B?>?taQg? ;;;

Requirements: OVERRIDDEN

Type: Sustained

Activation Time: 1 second

Cost: 80 MP/sec

Range: 8 meters

Effects: Emit a spray of co?rr¸o?s?ive? acid.

Increases the volume and potency of the released acid by 10% per Level of this Skill.

Divine Attunement

Description: It takes true piety to understand the wishes of the Gods.

Requirements: OVERRIDDEN

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Reduces the MP cost of Holy Spells by 4% per Level of this Skill.

Increases the effects of the FTH Attribute by 2% per Level of this Skill.

Cat Skill

Feline Agility

Description: Nothing can control its free-fall quite like a cat can.

Requirements: Level 5 Cat

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the effects of the AGI Attribute by 2% per Level of this Skill while in the air.

Reduces damage taken from falling by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Doppelganger Skills

Mirror Image

Description: The doppelganger creates body doubles to confuse and befuddle its opponents.

Requirements: Doppelganger Job, 100 INT, 100 WIS

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 400 MP

Range: 5 Meters

Effects: Creates an autonomous replica of the user’s body.

Mirror Images will last for 15 seconds per Level of the Shapeshift Skill.

Mirror Images will inherit a portion of the original’s Attributes equal to 10% per Level of this Skill.

Mirror Images cannot use any active Skills, Spells or Martial Arts.

Pheromone Control

Description: Disperses an airborne psychoactive compound in the immediate area.

Requirements: Level 10 Doppelganger, Stealth

Type: Sustained, Ambush

Activation Time: 5 seconds

Cost: 5 MP/sec

Range: 25 Meters

Effects: Attempts to inflict 1 of the following status effects on all targets within range: Angry, Aroused, Calm, Depressed, Frightened, Nauseated.

Increases the effectiveness of this Skill by 1% per Level of this Skill for every 10 points of the CHR Attribute.

Has no effect on Undead, Demons and Golems.

Broken Reflection

Description: It is within a doppelganger’s nature to imitate life.

Requirements: Level 15 Doppelganger, Level 5 Shapeshift, END 75 , INT 50

Type: Active, Corpse-targeted

Activation Time: 2 seconds

Cost: 120 MP

Range: Touch

Effects: Absorbs the targeted corpse and perfectly replicates its form for 20 minutes.

Allows free access to the target’s memories dating back to 30 minutes per Level of this Skill before its death.

Increases the duration of this skill by 10 minutes per Level of this Skill.

Has no effect on non-humanoid corpses.

Puppet Parasite

Description: A good shapeshifter must always be in control of its environment

Requirements: Level 20 Doppelganger, Shapeshift, MNT 100

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 150 MP

Range: Touch

Effects: Attempts to implant a mind-controlling parasite into the target’s flesh.

This Skill can fail. Success rate depends on the Level of this Skill and the strength of the MNT Attribute.

This Skill will always succeed against targets that have less than 200 HP.

Increases the HP threshold of this Skill by 20 per Level of the Shapeshift Skill.

The effects of this Skill will last for 2 minutes per Level of this Skill.

Has no effect on Demons and Golems.

Warlock Skills

Summon Familiar

Description: The Warlock can call forth demons from the Beyond and bend them to his will.

Requirements: Level 5 Warlock, INT 30

Type: Active

Activation Time: 12 seconds

Cost: 50% of max MP

Range: 15 Meters

Effects: Summons a demon to serve as the Warlock’s Familiar and obey his orders.

A summoned Familiar will last until it dies or the Warlock dismisses it.

The Familiar’s strength is dependant on the Level of this Skill and the MP used to summon it.

Beware! Demons do not like to be shackled!

Power Overwhelming

Description: The Warlock becomes a bastion of arcane might.

Requirements: Level 10 Warlock, Ruin Mastery, INT 60

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 20 MP

Range: Self

Effects: Ruin Spells will cost 400% more MP.

Ruin Spells will be 200% more effective.

The Ruin Spell effectiveness multiplier will increase by an additional 20% per Level of this Skill.

The effects of this Skill will last 20 seconds.


Description: The study of demons and demonic rituals.

Requirements: Level 15 Warlock, Level 3 Summon Familiar, WIS 60, MNT 60

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the Cost of Summon Familiar by 2% per Level of this Skill.

Allows the Warlock to contract and summon 1 additional demon through the Summon Familiar Skill at Level 1 of this Skill.

Allows the Warlock to contract and summon 1 additional demon through the Summon Familiar Skill at Level 8 of this Skill.

Crystallize Magic

Description: Binds magic spells to a more permanent form, allowing it to be stored for later use.

Requirements: Level 15 Caster Job, INT 90, WIS 60

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 0 MP

Range: Self

Effects: The next Area Effect Spell will have its MP Cost increased by 25%.

The next Area Effect Spell will be stored temporarily inside a conjured Spell Crystal.

Shattering a Spell Crystal will unleash the stored Area Effect Spell.

Spell Crystals will last up to 6 minutes per Level of this Skill before disappearing.

Chant Reduction

Description: Allows the omission of certain words and syllables from chants without negatively impacting performance.

Requirements: Level 30 Caster Job, INT 150, WIS 250

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Reduces cast time of all Spells by 2% per Level of this Skill.

Demonic Insight

Description: The Warlock’s connection with the demonic realm allows him to tap into the unstable powers of the Beyond.

Requirements: Level 35 Warlock, Level 5 Demonology

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Grants knowledge of a Demonic Spell at Level 1, 3, 6, 8 and 10 of this Skill.

Increases the effectiveness of the INT Attribute by 1% per Level of this Skill.

Despair Aura

Description: The unnerving nature of a Warlock's magic in its purest form.

Requirements: Level 40 Warlock, Level 5 Domination Mastery

Type: Sustained

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 36 MP/sec

Range: 15 Meters

Effects: Attemps to inflict or intensify the Panicked state on all targets within range once per second.

Has no effect on Undead, Demons and Golems.

Soul Link

Description: The Warlock’s servants share in the burden of life.

Requirements: Level 45 Warlock, Demonology

Type: Toggled (OFF)

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: N/A

Range: 100 Meters

Effects: 30% of the damage taken by a summoned familiar will be split evenly between all other active familiars.

Beneficial magical effects will be shared between all summoned familiars.

Passively increases the HP of all summoned familiars by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Ranger Skills


Description: The hunter is naturally adept at stalking its prey.

Requirements: Level 5 Ranger

Type: Toggled (OFF)

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: 2 Meters

Effects: Identifies and highlights all tracks and footprints within range.

Increases the variety of species that can be tracked with each Level of this Skill.

Increases the range and effectiveness of this Skill by 10% per Level of this Skill.


Description: There’s more to firing a bow than pulling on the string and hoping for the best.

Requirements: Level 5 Ranger, Bow Mastery

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Grants knowledge of a new Bow Martial Art at every Level of this Skill.

Increases the accuracy of all bow attacks by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Whisper Wind

Description: Allows for secure, mid-to-low-distance communication.

Requirements: Level 15 Ranger, Stealth

Type: Sustained

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 20 MP/sec

Range: 400 Meters

Effects: Transmits the user’s voice to the intended target only.

Increases the range of this Skill by 10 Meters per Level of this Skill.

Reduces the MP cost of this Skill by 5% per Level of this Skill.

Fleet Footed

Description: Long-distance travel on foot goes hand-in-hand with hunting.

Requirements: Level 20 Ranger

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases running speed by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Reduces stamina consumption when running by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Hunter’s Mark

Description: A good hunter never loses sight of their quarry.

Requirements: Level 30 Ranger, 200 PER

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 70 MP

Range: 100 Meters

Effects: Tracks the target’s location for the next 30 minutes.

Only one target may be marked at a time.

Targets afflicted with Hunter’s Mark take an additional damage from projectile-based weaponry equal to 5% per Level of this Skill.

Increases the Range and duration of this Skill by 10% per Level of this Skill.

Artificer Skills

Clockwork Expertise

Description: A measure of an Artificer’s ability to handle and construct clockwork-based gadgets and gizmos.

Requirements: Level 5 Artificer

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Grants knowledge of clockwork-based creations.

Increases the effectiveness of clockwork-based creations by 5% per Level of this Skill.

Explosives Handling

Description: A measure of an Artificer’s ability to handle and construct gadgets and gizmos that utilize explosive materials.

Requirements: Level 10 Artificer

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Grants knowledge of explosive creations.

Increases the effectiveness of explosive creations by 2% per Level of this Skill.


Description: The first step towards figuring out how things are put together is to take them apart.

Requirements: Level 15 Artificer

Type: Passive, Item-targeted

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Touch

Effects: Allows the Artificer to gain Artificer Job XP by dismantling mechanism and gadgets.

XP granted by this Skill will be reduced by 80% when dismantling items created by the user.

Reduces the chances of damaging materials salvaged via dismantling by 2% per Level of this Skill.

Optics Expertise

Description: A measure of an Artificer’s ability to handle and construct gadgets that utilize lenses.

Requirements: Level 20 Artificer

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Grants knowledge of lense-based creations.

Increases the durability of lense-based creations by 10% per Level of this Skill.


Description: The study of natural laws.

Requirements: Level 30 Artificer

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Grants an intimate understanding of Oldgram’s Three Laws of Movement at Level 1 of this Skill.

Grants an intimate understanding of energy, velocity and momentum at Level 3 of this Skill.

Grants an intimate understanding of thermodynamics at Level 6 of this Skill.

Grants an intimate understanding of electromagnetism at Level 8 of this Skill.

Grants an intimate understanding of gravitational forces at Level 10 of this Skill.

Component Forging

Description: Allows the artificer to create custom parts out of raw materials with ease.

Requirements: Level 35 Artificer

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Assists with the creation of Artificer parts.

Increases the durability of items created by this Skill by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Tick Counter

Description: Timing is a very important thing when dealing with complex mechanisms.

Requirements: Level 40 Artificer

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Allows the Artificer to accurately grasp the flow of time.

Increases the accuracy of this Skill by 20% per Level of this Skill.


Description: It is within an Artificer’s nature to tinker.

Requirements: Level 45 Artificer

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 100 MP

Range: Touch

Effects: Attempts to permanently improve any item of Masterwork or lesser Quality.

This Skill can fail. Success rate depends on the Level of this Skill and the user’s knowledge regarding the target of this Skill.

This Skill has a 20% chance to permanently reduce the targeted item’s Quality by 1 grade whenever it fails.

This Skill may not be activated more than once every 24 hours on the same target.

Blade Dancer Skills

Hornet Style

Description: A unique style of fencing intended for use with thin, thrusting swords.

Requirements: Level 5 Blade Dancer, Sword Mastery

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Grants knowledge of the Hornet Style of swordplay.

Increases the damage of all thrusting sword attacks by 2% per Level of this Skill.

Adagio Variation

Description: The unheard beat that guides a Blade Dancer’s movements.

Requirements: Level 10 Blade Dancer

Type: Sustained

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 10 MP/sec

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the effectiveness of the DEX Attribute by 5% per Level of this Skill.

Increases stamina consumption by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Only 1 Variation Skill may be active at any given time.

Winterlich Waltz

Description: A mysterious dance from an unknown land that calls forth the harshness of winter. One of the 5 Deadly Dances.

Requirements: Level 15 Blade Dancer, INT 25

Type: Sustained

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 20 MP/sec

Range: Self

Effects: Imbues the Blade Dancer’s weapon with the essence of ice.

The Blade Dancer’s movements will follow a specific pattern.

Increases the additional damage dealt by this Skill by a portion of the INT Attribute equal to 10% per Level of this Skill.

Only 1 Deadly Dance Skill may be active at any given time.


Description: There’s a lot more to dodging than just ducking and hoping for the best.

Requirements: Level 5 Blade Dancer

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Assists with evasive maneuvers, regardless of armor type worn.

Increases the body’s response speed to incoming threats by 3% per Level of this Skill.

Hero Skills

Chaotic Disposition

Description: Under the divine protection of the God of Probability

Requirements: Hero of Chaos

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Casting a Spell or activating a Skill will sometimes produce a random magical effect.

This Skill may not be triggered more than once every 60 seconds.

Agent of Chaos

Description: Complex machinations converge to a single act of power

Requirements: Hero of Chaos

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Your actions will have more profound consequences.

Increases the effectiveness of the LCK Attribute by 10%.

Essence Concealment

Description: Being a Hero sometimes requires a certain degree of subtlety

Requirements: Hero (Any)

Type: Toggled (OFF)

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Presents a fake Status Screen when inspected with Appraisal.

Divine minds can see through the illusion.

Racial Skills


Description: A measure of your ability to mould and sculpt your own flesh

Requirements: Be born as a shapeshifting species

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Unable to diverge from base form.

Increases shapeshifting speed and precision by 10% per Level of this Skill.

Increases how much of the body can be shapeshifted with each Level of this Skill.

Idiotic Strength

Description: Fiends are by nature demons with more brawn than brains, but this trait is noticeably more pronounced in Pit Fiends.

Requirements: Be born as a Pit Fiend

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the effects of the STR Attribute by 5% per Level of this Skill.

Reduces the effects of the INT Attribute by 5% per Level of this Skill.


Description: All golems share a unique link with compatible materials.

Requirements: Be born as a Metal Golem variant

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: 5 Meters

Effects: Allows the exchange of sensory data with any metal object as long as direct skin contact is maintained.

Increases the types and amount of data that can be processed with every Level of this Skill.

General Skills


Requirements: None

Type: Sustained

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 0 MP

Range: Self

Effects: Reduces noise produced by the user’s movements by 7% per Level of this Skill.

Consumes MP based on distance traveled and amount of noise suppressed.


Description: A measure of your ability to get past mechanical locks

Requirements: None

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the effectiveness of the DEX Attribute when picking locks by 15% per Level of this Skill.

Increases the effectiveness of the PER Attribute when picking locks by 5% per Level of this Skill.


Description: A measure of your ability to quiet the mind and focus your thoughts.

Requirements: Any Caster Job

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases automatic MP recovery by 10% per Level of this Skill.

Projectile Mastery

Description: A measure of your ability to handle hand-thrown weapons

Requirements: None

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases damage dealt with hand-thrown weapons by 10% per Level of this Skill.


Description: The mark of those who have committed grave sins or have willingly gone against the will of the Gods

Requirements: Negative FTH

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: You will be shunned by the pious. Beware the wrath of the gods!

Increases the effectiveness of all forbidden practices and Spells by 10% per Level of this Skill.

Skills I couldn't be bothered to organize 

Devouring Flame

Description: Overwhelming fire leaves behind naught but ash and cinders

Requirements: Level 5 Pyromancer, INT 40

Type: Toggled (ON)

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: 100 meters

Effects: Increases the cost of Pyroclasm Spells by 20%.

Pyroclasm Spells will apply Devouring Flame to your target for 5 seconds.

Devouring Flame inflicts damage equal to 10% of the initial hit each second.

Increases the damage of Devouring Flame by 20% per Level of this Skill.


Description: Renders you transparent, allowing you to slip past your enemies.

Requirements: Level 15 Succubus

Type: Active

Activation Time: 3 seconds

Cost: 250 MP

Range: Self

Effects: Grants invisibility for 20 seconds.

Casting a Spell or taking HP damage will negate the effect.

Increases the duration of this Skill by 3 seconds per Level of this Skill.

Mana Burn

Description: A Pyromancer’s flame can burn away magic itself

Requirements: Level 10 Pyromancer, Devouring Flame, INT 45, WIS 45

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Devouring Flame effect will reduce the target’s MP by an amount equal to 25% of its HP damage.

Increases the duration of Devouring Flame by 0.5 seconds per Level of this Skill.

Demonic Armaments

Description: Fiends are the only demons capable of manifesting actual arms and armor during a summoning

Requirements: Level 5 Fiend

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Conjures Devil Steel weapons and armor when summoned to the physical realm.

Increases the performance of items created by this Skill with each Level of this Skill.

Second Wind

Description: Fiends are by nature too stubborn to die.

Requirements: Level 10 Fiend

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 0 MP

Range: Self

Effects: Instantly recovers 25% of missing HP.

Increases the HP recovered by this Skill by 20% per Level of this Skill.

This Skill may not be activated more than once every 24 hours.

Demonic Carapace

Description: Fiends are by nature thick-skinned.

Requirements: Level 15 Fiend

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 50% of max MP

Range: Self

Effects: Reduces all incoming damage by 30% for 10 seconds.

Increases the duration of this Skill by 10% per Level of this Skill.


Description: A Berserker’s thirst for battle knows no end.

Requirements: Level 5 Berserker, STR 20, END 20

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Killing a target with a melee attack increases all damage done by 10% for 1 minute.

This effect stacks up to a maximum of 5% per Level of this Skill.

Brutal Fervor

Description: Nothing gets the blood flowing like an open wound.

Requirements: Level 10 Berserker, END 50

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the effectiveness of the AGI and DEX Attributes by 5% for every 2% of max HP missing.

This effect stacks up to a maximum of 15% per Level of this Skill.

Versatile Tongue

Description: Deception without communication is impossible.

Requirements: Level 20 Succubus

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the effectiveness of the CHR Attribute by 2% per Level of this Skill.

Grants knowledge of all mortal languages at Level 1 of this Skill.

Grants knowledge of Ancient and Runescript languages at Level 5 of this Skill.

Grants knowledge of Draconic and Otherworldly languages at Level 8 of this Skill.

Summon Flame Sentinel

Description: The essence of fire bound to a physical form.

Requirements: Level 15 Pyromancer, WIS 70, INT 50

Type: Sustained

Activation Time: 5 seconds

Cost: 20 MP/sec

Range: 30 meters

Effects: Summons a Flame Sentinel under the Pyromancer’s control.

The Flame Sentinel will last until it is destroyed or this Skill is no longer sustained.

The Flame Sentinel’s strength is dependent on the Level of this Skill and the summoner’s WIS Attribute.

Increases the cost of this Skill by 10 MP/sec per Level of this Skill.

Demonic Leap

Description: A fiend’s peak physical conditioning allows them to reach new heights.

Requirements: Level 20 Fiend

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases jumping power by 30% per Level of this Skill.

Reduces falling damage taken by 10% per Level of this Skill.

Face Smasher

Description: There’s an art to everything and punching things in the face is no exception

Requirements: Level 15 Martial Job, Brawling Mastery, STR 100

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Grants knowledge of a new Brawling Martial Art at each Level of this Skill.

Increases the effectiveness of punches and kicks by 2% per Level of this Skill.

Berserker Rage

Description: A Berserker’s unyielding rage is both a blessing and a curse

Requirements: Level 20 Berserker, STR 100, END 100

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 0 MP

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the effectiveness of the STR Attribute by 20% per Level of this Skill for 1 minute.

Reduces physical damage taken by 50% for 1 minute.

Causes weakened state for 15 minutes once the effects of this Skill expire.

This Skill may not be activated more than once every 12 hours.

Heavy Metal

Description: Allows the golem to gain a thicker skin

Requirements: Level 5 Metal Golem, END 25

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Increases the density of the golem’s outer shell by 5% per Level of this Skill.

Armored Charge

Description: Propels the golem forward like a living battering ram

Requirements: Level 10 Metal Golem, STR 50, END 50

Type: Active

Activation Time: Instant

Cost: 35 MP

Range: 30 Meters

Effects: Charge in a specified direction at a high speed.

This Skill’s damage increases depending on distance traveled.

Increases the collision force of this Skill by 10% per level of this Skill.

Advanced Joints

Description: Upgrades the golem’s overall speed and mobility

Requirements: Level 15 Metal Golem

Type: Passive

Activation Time: N/A

Cost: N/A

Range: Self

Effects: Permanently transforms the body’s joints to allow for more limber movement.

Increases the effectiveness of the AGI Attribute by 2% per Level of this Skill.

Provides an additional +2 AGI per Level of this Skill.

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