Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 11: Mura Kingdom and Past Heroes

Kaido slowly strolled through The Library, letting his fingers gently slide across the grooves of the books. To him, this was a sacred and holy place full of knowledge. He always loved a good library, a place where he could relax and improve his own mind's capabilities. Especially the smell of books, which was to die for. Because of this, he made sure he took his time, carefully going over every title. If one seemed interesting, he would pick it up and make it float behind it.

The concept around the floating books wasn't a difficult one. It required the most basic usage of both mana and the Element of Wind. It didn't even take him two minutes to accomplish such a feat. Although he didn't know it, this 'simple feat' usually took others days or sometimes longer to get a handle on.

"Oh, here we go. My Alchemy has been lacking recently. Probably because advancing any further needed mana." He picked up the book 'Basics of Alchemy' along with it's advanced brother. Taking a few classes with Tyrion was also in order.

He had been very interested in Alchemy since a few years ago. Many ideas would flood his mind regarding it. For example, creating aphrodisiacs and deadly poisons. Or even dabbling with poisonous insects to do his dirty work for him. Unfortunately, he hit some sort of bottleneck which required mana and had to postpone it.

"Guide on Vampires and Ghouls? Might be useful."

After grabbing some more books on Rune-Crafting and why forbidden jobs like Flesh-Crafting were illegal, he checked them out with the sleepy but gorgeous Librarian. Just as he was about to leave, he noticed someone. Normally, he wouldn't care and just move on to his own things.

However, after taking a few extra looks, he finally remembered why this blonde person from his class with Gloria looked so familiar. With a charming smile, he walked over to the table they were sitting at. At the same time, he examined him with his eyes.

He was already at the 1st Star and based on the amount of mana he contained, seemed very talented. The Elements he had were Wind and some other one he didn't know about yet, because he hadn't dabbled in it.

"Pardon me, is this seat taken?" The blonde haired teenager looked up, his blue eyes focusing on the black eyed youth in front of him. He raised an eyebrow but consented nonetheless.

"Not at all." After taking a seat, the black haired youth extended a hand.

"My name is Kaido Vairathul. And you sir?"

"Riener Nakamura. A pleasure." Their handshake ended as Kaido's smile deepened. He knew he recognized this person from somewhere, but it never left the tip of his tongue. It was only after seeing him a couple more times did his identity finally click.

"Riener? The Third Prince of the Mura Kingdom?" Hearing his title, a flash of annoyance and reluctance passed by Riener's face. Truth be told, he would rather be back at the Kingdom fighting for the throne than be here. Unfortunately, his father favored the Crown Prince far more than him.

"Yes, that's correct. You have heard of me I gather?"

"Indeed. I've heard much of the Mura Kingdom and it's founder, a Hero blessed by the Goddess of Reincarnation." Riener had some pride swell within him when thinking about the first ancestor.

"Unfortunately, I am quite ignorant on it's history. Would you mind enlightening me?" His humble attitude gave Riener a good impression. Thus, he waved his hand and smiled.

"No problem. I suppose I should begin with the first ancestor, Shion Nakamura. He, along with the four others, were summoned as Heroes by the Goddess of Reincarnation, Elani." He paused for a moment to put his hand together in a prayer, making Kaido secretly roll his eyes.

'Hopefully he's not one of those deranged and brainwashed religious cultists. Otherwise, I might have to find another prince.' His thoughts about controlling a Kingdom paused when Riener continued.

"Their goal, given to them by Elani, was to save the world from the apocalyptic Chaos Devil. They were summoned a hundred years before it's arrival, to give them time to train. Their growth was incredible, becoming an existence on the level of a Demi-God, despite not following our power system."

That made Kaido widen his eyes in pure disbelief. Even though he was immensely talented, there was no possible way to reach 12th Star in a century. Even if he was quick about it, 2,000 years was the minimum at his current pace, without any Elixer or treasures at least.

"After their victory, the party separated and they all went down different paths. Shion gathered his harem and created the Mura Kingdom, becoming it's first King. However for some strange reason, he died not ten years later. In fact, the other Heroes were the same and perished very quickly…" As he contemplated deeply, Kaido breathed a sigh of relief.

Unlike Riener, he didn't need to spend any time in theorizing what happened. Although he doesn't know the full details, he surmised the Hero's lifespan was cut short in order to give them a high amount of power in the fastest time possible.

'What a ruthless and cunning Goddess. Hyped them up as something special, withheld how they gained power, then ripped it away from them when their usefulness had ended. Right up my alley. I wonder if I can take that method for myself?' But he soon threw that idea out. He didn't even have the first clue on where to begin. 

"Anyway, thankfully Shion's descendants were decently talented and kept the Kingdom afloat until it grew to it's current state." Kaido hummed lightly. The Mura Kingdom truly wasn't bad in terms of strength, being the fifth strongest on the Continent.

Although it paled in comparison to The Great Empire and The Demon Kingdom, it would be a good force for him if he could puppet the ruler. His eyes focused on the blue and cloud-like ones of Riener.

Despite wanting to support him in taking the throne, such a subject shouldn't be brought up in a first meeting. Doing so would make him suspicious of his intentions. Instead, he grabbed the book on Basic Alchemy and opened it. Even though he was proficient in it, sometimes it was good to go back to one's roots.

"Thank you for explaining your Kingdom's history. It was much more interesting than I originally believed." Riener smiled and got the hint, so he resumed reading about his Elements.

"Not a bother. I'm glad to have helped." Nothing more was said between them as they focused on their books.


The next morning, before classes start, Kaido lied down on his bed with his eyes closed. The surrounding mana constantly rushed into him endlessly, as if he were the most attractive thing in the world.

After another minute, his eyes suddenly opened as a magical aura exploded outwards from his position, creating a loud boom and knocking objects off the shelves. A smile graced his handsome face as he sat up and stretched.

"2nd Star complete. Far too easy." Though he said that, he understood why it was so easy thanks to Gloria's explanation.

The lower Ranks were extremely simple to get past, but the higher ones became harder and harder as one went. For example, 7th Star might take a hundred years to accomplish, but 8th Star might take three hundred or even higher. Then there's the bottlenecks.

Going to the next Rank requires that the final star be completely formed. However, unlike the previous ones, the last star is far more difficult to complete. Those with lower talent in particular will usually find themselves being stuck at the peak of a Rank and needing outside help to progress.

"Of course, that'll never happen for me." Kaido said arrogantly. Just as he was about to get up, a flash of light came from his wardrobe.

Curiously walking over and opening it up, he saw his school uniform glow for a few more seconds before disappearing. The new uniform was slightly smaller and turned into a refreshing light green. Otherwise, it was generally the same besides a few new lines and designs.

"Hm, not bad. Much better than before." He quickly got dressed, went through his normal morning routine, and was ready to start the day.

However, after eating breakfast, there was a knock at his door.

"Yes?" Opening the door, he saw a Light Elven student in a brown uniform and a Storage Bag on his waist. In one of his hands was a small Spacial Ring

"Deliver for a-" He looked at the clipboard in his other hand before continuing.

"Kaido Vairathul?" A look of surprise came over his face as he handed over the ring, before returning to normal.

"Thank you. Have a good day." The Light Elf said the same and quickly left. He had more delivers to make. It was a boring job, but at least the Academy paid him in points.

Closing the door and stepping back inside the living room, Kaido sat on the couch and opened the ring with his mana, looking within using his consciousness. He found numerous things inside like funds for whatever he desires, a high quality Recording Crystal sent by his combat maid, his custom built computer, and-

Suddenly, a white shadow exited the ring by itself and latched itself to his head. He wanted to dodge, but it was far too quick for him. Kaido smiled fondly and gently pet it's pure white fur, making the animal purr lowly.

"Hello to you too Yin. I've missed you greatly." Yin yipped excitedly and cutely as Kaido brought her off his face and cradled her in his arms.

This furry little creature was his tamed pet from home. They had been together for almost nine years now and first met when he was seven. He had been wandering around the forest in their Estate, The Ominous Woods, when he met her lounging on a tree.

Their interactions from then on deepened their relationship greatly and over a period of three years, became close to one another. Eventually, he had tamed her, bringing their relationship to one of a pet and her Master. However, Kaido didn't see it like that. To him, Yin was his closest and only friend. One who had been with him for years. If there was one problem, he didn't know what species or how strong she was. He knew she was powerful, that much was obvious due to his eyesight, but there was no concrete answer.

Yin looked similar to a normal white fox, but her eyes held a scary amount of intelligence. Those same eyes were purple in color and would glow from time to time mysteriously. Almost like the most gorgeous gems in the entire world. Her white fur was Kaido's favorite part about her, simply because of how fluffy it was.

However, her tail was different in the sense that there were two instead of one. Kaido had looked far and wide in many books, but there was no record of such a beast in the world. To him though, this made her more unique and special, which he loved.

After kissing her on the forehead, he placed her on his shoulder. She wrapped herself around his neck like a scarf, purring contently. Thankfully, the Academy Rules didn't prohibit bringing Tamed beasts or monsters to class, as long as the owner could control them.

Just as he was about to leave after temporarily placing the ring on his finger, he remembered something and smacked his forehead. Going through the ring once more, he brought out the high quality Recording Crystal. At his order, this was sent by his favorite Combat Maid, a 7th Star Berserker.

Closing the blinds and curtains to make it dark, he sat on the couch and played the recording by pushing a button on the side. Suddenly, a scene appeared out of thin air in front of him. It easily took up half of the living room and could be adjusted if needed. From the perspective of Eren, his Combat Maid, he saw her open the door to his room with his spare key. Without a word, she walked inside and closed it behind her.

"M-Master…?" The terrified voice of a woman could be heard as she laid on his bed, shaking violently. White hot spunk was splattered across her bruised form, making Kaido grin at his handiwork.

She was a Light Elf, one that was far more sexual than a normal one. Usually, only Dark Elves had large assets like herself. However, such a body caused her to be shunned by her own people who tossed her out. They saw her as evil and perverted, which was correct after he got his hands on her. He twisted and corrupted her, hanging the threat of death over her head if she dared to rebel. She hated his treatment at first, but soon came to love the pleasure and sensations. He gave her exactly what she wanted, to be loved in both spirit and body.

The Elf, Fari, gulped nervously when hearing the unknown person inch closer. Her breath hitched when the footsteps stopped right next to the bed. Kaido's underwear became tight as his cock hardened to the extreme. However, he refused to pleasure himself and would rather find a woman to release all his pent up desires upon.

Eren didn't say anything for close to a minute, building the atmosphere. Eventually though, she roughly untied Fari with no gentleness and finally spoke up in an emotionless tone.

"Hurry and get cleaned up, whore. Dressed as well, before someone spots you." The sigh of relief from Fari was amusing to him as the Crystal stopped recording. He was satisfied with her terrified expression and decided to reward her when he returned.

As for why there was no sexy time between them? That wasn't part of his fetishes. He didn't like his women touching each other, especially if he was not present. To him, it was nothing short of cuckholdry.

Done with this fun little event, Kaido got up and looked down at his raging election which refused to calm down. He frowned a bit as Yin looked as well, tilting her head to the side as she secretly licked her lips.

"I need to hurry up and get Hilda. It should hopefully be soon, so I'll have to wait until then." He sighed and had to wait for a few minutes before finally leaving his room. If he didn't get a toy soon, he might start losing his mind.

Together, the man walked through the dorm and beyond, the white fox who had dirty thoughts snuggled into his neck. When arriving at Gloria's class, the students who had arrived earlier than him were shocked.

"He's already at the 2nd Star?"

"That's the fastest in history isn't it?"

"What's with the white scarf?"

"Whatever it is, it makes him twice as handsome!"

The peanut gallery gossiped to one another as Kaido went to his seat and sat down. Caerwyn was already here and spoke up in her usual frosty tone.

"Congratulations for reaching 2nd Star." Kaido smiled warmly, his eyes gleaming for a second.

"Why thank you very much. You are not so far off by the looks of it." Caerwyn looked at him with surprise as he grinned. It was the truth. At her current pace, she would only need another three or four days.

'Much worse than myself, but that's a given.' His thoughts were narcissistic and arrogant, which he refused to say aloud. Although he wanted to, doing so would be a mistake for sure.

"By the way, what's that thing around your neck?" She pointed towards Yin who glanced at her. There was no emotion in the fox's eyes, her thoughts unknown.

As for Kaido, he was happy. Finally, this cold woman was taking an interest in him.

"My darling little Yin, who I love very much." He gently ran his fingers through her fur, making those dangerous eyes narrow slightly in satisfaction. She snuggled deeper into his neck, never wanting to leave.

His words made Yin's heart feel extra warm as she yipped cutely. As for Caerwyn who witnessed this, a blush came over her as she stared at the fox with glittering eyes.

'So cute...'

Kaido didn't miss this chance and found the chink within her icy armor.

"Good girl Yin."

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