Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 17: Teasing A Pent Up Wife

In a short period of time, the entire Academy was in an uproar. Most were shocked at the events which had occurred in The Outer Layer of The Forest. The news that spread was horrible, a tragedy the Academy hadn't seen in several decades since the last Monster Wave.

Not only was Melissa's group attacked, but an additional 53 students had been killed by the monster's rampage. And because of the Jagged Snake's power, this caused many other creatures to run wild in fear, which in turn created more casualties. Meanwhile, the parents of the deceased were hounding the Academy and the Headmaster, wondering how they could allow something like this to happen in their own backyard. If it was only some commoners, the Academy could have handled it with some reimbursement for their loss. Unfortunately, several noblemen's children were killed during this incident, bringing a storm down on the Academy.

As for the Jagged Snake himself, he was slaughtered by the Fire and Lava Professor, Farsi, in a single attack. Despite being fueled by rage at seeing the older student's poisoned corpse, he was still able to hold back and not turn the Jagged Snake's body to ash.

As for the older student, he was brought back and a statue was dedicated in his honor within the Market for all to see.

"We gather here today, to commemorate the loss of one of our brightest and bravest." The Headmaster, Pallack, stood in front of a podium on top of a wooden stand, his face solemn. Behind him was a piece of cloth over top of some object.

"Marcus Carrion will forever be remembered as a hero for his actions. When most others would cower in fear, he stood up despite facing an incredibly dangerous monster. If not for him holding the vicious beast at bay, the casualties might have been far greater." He suddenly bowed his head, as did the other teachers with him.

"The Forest is in our charge, and yet we did not see such a massive threat until it was far too late. Every single one of these deaths are on our hands. We hope and pray that you can find it in your hearts to forgive us, and trust us once more." The ones he was speaking to were the parents of the deceased in the massive crowd in front of him.

Pallack raised his head and turned around towards the cloth.

"Thank you Marcus, for your heroics and your sacrifice." He grabbed onto the white cloth and flung it off, revealing the brave figure of Marcus. A few people suddenly burst into tears in the crowd, clearly the family of this hero.

Even though the statue was only made in three days, it was a sight to behold. Gorgeous icy gems replaced his eyes, radiating a blue light. Inside of that light was a stunning Tayriu, flying around as if alive. The Tayriu was a mysterious and Mythical Beast of Legend, one who brought peace and prosperity to any in need. It had the body of an elephant and the head of a horse, with a lion's tail at the end. Small tribes of monsters, and sometimes Humans, even worshipped them as Gods. 

The craftsmanship and architecture of the statue was incredible, making it hard to believe it was made so quickly. The crowd clapped their hands, at both the speech and the statue itself. Kaido was in the midst of them, looking sad and remorseful for what had occurred.

"How tragic for someone with such a bright future, to fall here. Life is too cruel..." He lamented, wiping a few real tears from his eyes. The surrounding fan girls of his were smitten at his reaction, surrounding him and telling him it was okay.

While enjoying the attention of several young ladies practically throwing themselves at him, Kaido was a bit upset. Of course, he couldn't care less his actions had led to the deaths of so many people. He lacked any actual remorse, regret, or guilt for trash such as them. What he hated, was his plan with Hilda had to be pushed back.

At first, he was ecstatic when returning to the Market. Going back to his dorm, he couldn't help but burst out laughing and play with the confused, but happy Yin.

However, the next few days were hellish for him. Constantly having to play the part of the sad and heartbroken boy was extremely annoying. But it was very useful for situations like this. Apparently, girls liked this kind of man who was so in touch with his emotions. Well, some of them at least. Kaido could see Raeve a distance away looking at him with disgust for his act. Even though she knew it was bullshit.

'But... Pallack? I knew that strange man in the Library was important, but not that much.' Even though he looked completely different from before, likely some sort of shape shifting potion or face mask, Kaido noticed he was the same person he met because of the black energy corroding his soul.

Meanwhile, a distance away from Kaido and staring at him with a tad of hatred was the confused Zendrix and Dyson.

"Jesus, he is such a psychopath. Truly in line with a Villain Template." Dyson muttered, shivering at how good of an actor he was. At the same time, he was a little jealous at how those girls flocked to him like bees to a flower. Shouldn't such a thing happen for a main character like him?

Zendrix looked at him strangely, not understanding the word used.

'G-Geezsus? Villain Template? There he goes using odd words again…' But he ignored him and thought deeply about the current events.

The problem was that such a thing had never happened in the Original Timeline. There was no Jagged Snake or this random Marcus character getting memorialized. Zendrix couldn't figure out why things were changing, until he remembered something Jaizir said about the Ripple Effect.

However, he still didn't understand how his actions thus far could have impacted the future like this. He wished he could consult with a Chronomancer, but doing so would reveal his biggest secret. Regardless of how this happened, he needed to be more careful.

"If more Ripples happen in the future, my knowledge will become less and less useful. Hopefully, the main events stay the same." Zendrix muttered to himself, taking one last long look at Kaido before leaving.

"Wait! Where are we going?" Dyson hurriedly followed after him. The regressor spoke without turning around.

"To train. More specifically, to spar a bit. I want to see how you are with a few weapons so I can schedule a training regime for you."

Dyson was a little surprised and felt some warmth in his heart. He quickly caught up to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Thanks man! You're a good friend!" Zendrix was stunned for a brief moment, before smiling. 

'Not the best use of my time. But... it feels good to help him out.'


"Stupid bitch!" Hilda roughly pushed the bushy and brown haired girl, sending her tumbling onto the ground. An extremely angry expression could be seen on Hilda's face as she pointed at her uniform.

"Look at what you did! Spilled your goddamn drink on my uniform! Do you know how long it'll take to get this out?!" Suddenly, one of her friends chuckled and spoke up. At the same time, a crowd was starting to form and look on from the sidelines.

"What can you expect from a commoner? They can't even wipe their own asses correctly." Another random no named friend also chimed in.

"Yeah, they have such a useless life. Be better for everyone if they just ended it and saved us the headache." Hilda smiled cruelly when watching the brown haired girl's eyes tear up as she tried to get off the ground.

However, a kick in the face by Hilda sent her back down as the girl screamed in pain, her nose bloody. Despite this, not a soul moved to help her. The Bystander Effect was in full force. Meanwhile, off to the side, one of the stone knights had their eyes light up. It observed the scene before shutting back down. As long as magic wasn't used and no murderous intent could be found, the Golem wouldn't interfere. 

"Only thing a whore like this is good for-" Hilda grabbed the girl's hair, making her terrified eyes meet her own.

"-is spreading her legs like the slut she is." Just as the girl was about to fully break down and cry, a voice full of wrath echoed out.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing!" A loud resounding smack echoed out, stunning everyone involved, including the bystanders.

The brown haired girl was let go and looked up at her savior. In an instant, everything else was drowned out and replaced, by him. He was by far the most handsome man she had ever seen, the space around him fluctuating slightly.

The light around his unparalleled face seemed to be shining, looking very heroic. The mysterious savior of hers was standing directly in front of her, blocking the bullies path and all danger. His muscular back seemed as strong as an iron wall, impenetrable to all. He turned around, his face concerned and his tone gentle as he extended a hand towards her.

"Are you okay?" The girl blushed a little and took his hand while nodding. But she was surprised at how fast he brought her up, as if she weighed nothing.

Her savior turned back around, his face turning to one of justice and a bit of hatred. Yet, his manly hand never left hers, making the girl very shy.

"How dare you do something like this? To a fellow student no less! You make me sick!" His words were harsh as he berated the three of them, making their expressions turn twisted.

The brown haired girl also saw Hilda's hand was red as she held it, clearly in pain. This made her a little happy, which confused her. She never liked seeing another person in pain, but this time, she felt she was justified.

"Who do you think you are?! And how dare you strike me!" Hilda screamed like a banshee, before being held back by her friends who went pale upon hearing the whispering of the bystanders.

"You can't Hilda! He's Kaido Vairathul!" The brown haired girl would have never thought that the insufferably arrogant Hilda would go pale at the mere mention of a name.

'Wait, Kaido?' She once more gazed upon the handsome and shining face of her savior. Of course she had heard of the greatest genius of not only their Era, but of all time. Even surpassing his ancestor. Not to mention, she was in the same Space Class as him.

"Leave before I tell the teachers about your despicable behavior. And don't you dare approach her again, or else-" A sudden pressure exploded out from him, scaring everyone at the sheer strength of it.

"-you won't like the outcome."

'Ugh! So cringy...' Kaido thought to himself, yet his righteous face didn't change at all.

Even though he was a new student who had arrived a little over a week ago, his strength was already at the 3rd Star based on the aura leaking out from him. However, only the brown haired girl was confused, as she felt nothing. Coming to the conclusion he was protecting her, a warm feeling sprouted within her heart.

"You-" Hilda and the other two looked at the girl darkly, making her shrink back and hide behind her savior. But soon enough, they turned around and left. The bystanders also began leaving one after another when seeing the show end.

When alone, the dark haired youth in front of her turned towards her direction and smiled.

"Obviously you know my name, but may I ask for yours? It's only fair after all." The brown haired girl blushed and lowered her head, her voice timid and as quiet as a mouse. 

"V-V-Veronica." Suddenly, she felt two fingers on her chin lift her head up, making her stare at those black swirling eyes. A charming smile was on his face as his other hand squeezed her own.

"A beautiful name. It suits someone as stunning as you." Turning red with steam coming out of her head, Veronica stuttered out a few times before running away. As she did so, the charming smile on Kaido's face turned a shade darker.

'Space and Time, quite talented as well.' From the very beginning, his intentions were not out of pure lust.

Out of everyone in his Space Class, he had noticed this girl was the second most talented in terms of pure mastery. The first would have been that Zendrix character. Though, he was hiding it quite well, so Kaido wasn't sure how far along he truly was.

Not only her mastery, but Veronica's Star Generation was actually quite high. If he had to guess, it should have been somewhere around the high seventies or perhaps even eighties. Since her potential was so great, he wanted her for himself. Unfortunately, his eyes couldn't accurately tell how many stars she could gather. He was thinking there might be more to the Mana Sensitivity Eyes than he originally thought. 

'And unlike that icy shell, this one is far easier to break.' Suddenly, footsteps arrived behind him.

"Hit me a little hard there didn't you?" Hilda whined with a pout on her face as she approached him. 

"Method acting. Has to be real, or else she'll see through it." Kaido took her red hand, bowing his head and kissing it lightly.

"What ever can I do to make your grace forgive me?" Hilda blushed a bit and smiled, her tone of voice seductive. However, there was hint of awkwardness to it.

"Come by my room later tonight, and I'll show you how to gain my favor again. The Second Female Dormitory, number 403." Leaving it at that, she turned around and left as Kaido smiled at her departure.

He found it amusing how a high class noble woman like herself was basically throwing away such a precious item like her virginity. As for how he knew about her purity, it wasn't exactly difficult to tell she hadn't done this kind of thing before. As in flirting with a man and have intimate relations with them.

"After I fuck her, I'll go on that date with Caerwyn and then schedule another event with… Veronica was it? One more is all it'll take I'm sure, but maybe I should give it some time. Make her fall madly in love with me? Or... obsessive love? That sounds nice. For now though, I'll go sign up for some Alchemy classes." Kaido whistled to himself as he walked down the hallway, chuckling when thinking of something.

"I wonder if she's forgotten about our bet."


In the afternoon, after exiting Tyrion's office to sign up for Introductory and Advanced Classes, Kaido was making his way to the Professor of Time. To solve one of the main problems in his Castle, he knew he needed to delve deep into this Element. Besides, it was a powerful and rare Element in of itself, so why wouldn't he learn it? And while he was doing this, he reasoned to himself he might as well take at least one or two Fire and Ice Classes.

However, as he was almost there, a familiar voice called out to him from behind.

"There you are, Mr. Genius himself." Hearing the teasing and flirty voice, Kaido smiled a bit and turned around. There, he saw the beautiful Niela leaning against the door to her office, a confident smirk on her face.

"A pleasure as always to see someone as gorgeous as you, Professor." One of her eyebrows shot up. Though, she couldn't help but praise his silver tongue in her heart.

"Is that so? Here I was thinking you forgot about little old me. You never did visit after all." Kaido approached her, his face one of regret.

"Forgive me. I've been busy adjusting to Academy life and the mysteries of magic. Because of that, I haven't been able to meet you. Nor take your class." He shook his head and sighed, as if it was the most tragic thing in the world. His obvious faked acting amused her, eliciting a chuckle as she spoke.

"Why not step inside my office? So we can make up for lost time?" Kaido quickly calculated the time and realized he could mess around with her, if it came to that, and still be able to meet with the Professor of Time.

And of course he wouldn't reject the invitation. Only a moron would.

"After you." He grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, motioning for her to go first. She giggled and went in as he did the same, closing the door behind him and locking it.

Hearing the door lock, Niela raised an eyebrow and teased him. Though, her heart did flutter a bit. She didn't know if she really wanted to do this just yet. With someone she had only met barely a week ago no less. It made her feel like a loose woman.

"You're a bold one aren't you? Who said you could lock the door?" Kaido turned around, his smile turning darker as he approached her with confident steps.

When standing only a few inches away from her, he brushed a lock of her brown hair back. His eyes were staring directly into her own, unwavering.

"Yes, I suppose I am. After all, if I want something-" His bent down slightly, whispering into her ear.

"-I take it." Niela shivered a bit when he licked her ear, feeling some excitement swell within her heart. She can't even remember the last time she felt like this. Sure, some male teachers or even older students would sometimes hit on her, but never like him.

There was always a layer of reservation to them, trying to be cautious and gauge her feelings. Even her husband was like that when courting her. Certainly she liked it, as all women do. To feel cared for and loved like someone special.

However, when it was always like that 24/7, it got boring. Especially in the bedroom. There were even times when Niela thought her husband was a cuck based on how little he would touch her. Sometimes, she wished he would just manhandle her. Rough her up and teach her who was in charge. But it didn't matter how much she asked, or how hard she tried to rile him up. He would never do such a thing.

With Kaido, things were different. From the very first time he saw her, it was clear in his eyes he wanted her. Not some nonsense like love and dating, but solely for her body and nothing else. And that, excited her.

Suddenly, she saw Kaido smirk and bend down slowly, aiming right for her lips. Instantly, her heart jumped and countless thoughts went through her head. She weighed the pros and the cons as a little voice in the back of her head said this was wrong. But then another, much darker voice came along and whispered she deserved this. To finally feel like a true woman after over two hundred years.

The two voices bickered inside her mind, fighting a war between each other. But the rational one eventually began to agree with the seductive and lustful one.

However, all those worrying thoughts disappeared into the wind, when his lips locked with hers. It was like nothing she had experienced before. Not a gentle kiss given by her husband or her previous two lovers before getting married.

Instead, it was rough and uncaring as he dominated her tongue with his own. It was almost as if he cared little for her feelings, only seeing her as a piece of flesh to push his desires onto. But as Niela felt his hands travel down her back and grab her ass with harshness, a hint of guilt crept up in her heart at the thought of cheating on her husband.

No matter how dissatisfied and disappointed she was in her husband, or how unfulfilled he left her, he was still the man she had married so long ago out of love. That love might have fizzled out in recent times, but what she was doing right now made her feel awful at her betrayal towards him. But those feelings of guilt were being drowned out by the lust building inside her. Especially when something very large poked her in the stomach.

'Dear fucking Gods, please be as big as I'm thinking.'

Just as she wrapped her arms around Kaido's neck and pushed deeper into the kiss to forget her worries, he stopped. She was immensely confused, her mind cloudy with arousal as his head backed away slightly. Yet his hands never stopped their groping of her backside.

"Delicious." She witnessed as he licked his lips, never breaking eye contact. She thought he would dive right in, but he suddenly backed up.

"Unfortunately, I have something important to do right now. Rain check?" Seeing the teasing look in his eyes, Niela felt some rage build as he turned around, unlocked the door, and left her office.

"You fucking prick! Burn in the deepest regions of the Underworld!" She yelled out, breathing heavily with flushed cheeks. A dark look appeared on her face as she chuckled.

"You dare tease me, like I'm some naïve little girl? Heh, let's see if you're still laughing when I wring you dry. Shouldn't take a pent up horny wife lightly, Little Bastard." The tone of her voice might suggest she took offense to him playing her, like how a cat plays with a mouse.

However, she secretly loved it deep down. Finding him to be much more fun than she thought.

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