Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 26: Dimension Creation

After his talk with Riener and breakthrough to 3rd Star, Kaido didn't bother going to his other classes besides Advanced Time. His reasoning for doing this was the same as before, as in he wanted to figure out the mysteries of magic by himself, instead of relying on someone else's path. This would actually be his last time coming here before branching off. At the moment, he was in the back of the class as Mr. Grayheart explained his lecture.

"Time is everywhere and ever present. It was there in the beginning from before the stars in the night sky were ever formed. Even before Astria and the Gods themselves. It is the most powerful and difficult Element along with Space and Creation. These three combined would make one… a True God." He lamented for a few moments before continuing.

"However, Time is on both sides of the same coin. What I mean by that is Time might be everywhere, but it is also nowhere. We can feel it, record it, but never truly see or grasp it. Those who are able to, so-called Time Travelers, are not actually utilizing Time itself and merely an extremely small portion of it. I suppose any who can truly dabble in it must be prepared for the consequences which follow afterward. Time is a cruel Mistress after all." Noticing he was losing the class, he swiftly switched topics.

"Well, let's move on to today's assignment." He clapped his hands and in front of each student, a small white magic circle appeared in front of them. Within a few moments, there was a flash of light as the magic circle disappeared and was replaced with a pot filled with dirt.

"Using the Element of Time, I want you to speed up the area around the Sarco Plant and make it age. The further you are able to go, the higher your grade will be. I shall be walking around and giving pointers to those who need it. Do not be ashamed to ask for help, we all have at one point in our lives. You may begin whenever you want."

At his words, Grayheart began walking through the long line of seats and oversaw everyone's progress. As for Kaido, this wasn't challenging in the slightest as he had already developed his spell Time Bubble.

'I need a way to stop time in my Storage Room, like Stasis.' Stasis was a well-known spell used by Master Chronomancers to freeze time in a certain area. For Kaido, he needed to touch upon this concept. However, it was out of his grasp as of now.

The only thing he could think of was slowing the time in the Storage Room by as much as possible. Thus if he captured someone and dosed them up with a sedative for transport, it would take them a far longer time to actually wake up. Perhaps he could even effect the sedative as well and cause it to last way beyond it's normal duration. But as of the moment, he focused on the current assignment.

Waving his hand, a small and transparent bubble appeared around the pot. Making the shrunken version of the Time Bubble speed up time, he leaned back in his chair and waited. As of the moment, he could only speed up the time inside of his bubble by 1.5 times, or do the same in reverse. However, since this version was much smaller he could increase the amount of time to four times faster than normal.

'That... gives me an idea. What if I make the Time Bubble surround only my body to increase my own speed dramatically? Time Armor? Speed Force? Layer of Time? Would it effect my reaction and thinking speed as well? Sigh, my genius is truly unmatched isn't it?'

Over the course of the next few minutes, Kaido was bored out of his mind when suddenly, a small little green plant starting sprouting in his pot. It rose out of the dirt swiftly, rising higher and higher before it split off into three separate branches. Upon reaching this phase however, they soon stopped growing. Kaido wasn't surprised as the Sarco Plant was known for sprouting extremely quickly at the start, but then taking over a week to finish growing.

"Oh? Excellent work Mr. Vairathul! Four times increase is spectacular! Full marks for you!" Grayheart arrived next to him, singing his praises as he easily saw through his bubble. He wasn't the Professor of Time for nothing after all.

"Thank you, Mr. Grayheart. But I do have a question. That is, if you'd be so kind as to share your wisdom with me." Grayheart stroked his long beard, clearing his throat a few times. He very much liked Kaido's humble attitude.

"Please go ahead my boy. I'll answer to the best of my abilities." A smiled graced Kaido's lips as he spoke.

"You see, I've been having trouble with a little project of mine. I know how to speed and slow down time in a small area, but how can I stop it? Or rather freeze it so to say?" Grayheart became serious as he lowered his head, thinking about the topic.

While thinking on how to explain it, he was secretly shocked. Stopping or freezing time was an extremely advanced subject that only the older students and other Chronomancers were able to delve into. Though, most would give up because of it's difficulty and complexity.

"Hm, well, it's a complicated branch of Time to be sure. First off, you have to stop thinking of simply freezing an area of time with your magic. Yes, that is technically how it goes but it's deeper than that. When us Chronomancers stop time, it only appears that way. Here, take a look." 

Grayheart took out a pen from his Spacial Ring and threw it into the air. As it was coming back down, he suddenly waved his hand and the pen paused in mid air. Kaido was fascinated and tried using his eyes to record the process.

"Do you see now? The pen might have stopped, however the cells are still moving. As are the other Elements and mana in the air. To truly stop time would mean freezing these three as well, which is reserved for the realm of the Gods. Anyway-" Kaido listened seriously to Grayheart's explanation as he grabbed the pen, suddenly feeling a headache start to form.

It's not that he didn't understand what he was saying, but it was simply the fact that he couldn't do it as of now. Both Mastery and Rank were lacking massively. However, he wouldn't let this get him down. If anything, it felt a little exciting to feel a challenge.

"But stopping an area of time is very similar to what you did here. Clearly, you shrank your influence to boost your control over how fast time speeds up. If you wanted to freeze time in let's say… an entire field, it would be more strenuous than if you were to stop a room. Then there's living beings which are even harder to control and… well, it gets complicated. There are numerous variables you have to account for. I hope my explanation has been helpful." Kaido smiled and nodded his head.

"Very much so, thank you Mr. Grayheart." While he left to help other students, Kaido thought deeply about his plans. It seemed as if he needed to rely on slowing down the time in his Storage Room dramatically.

He sighed as he watched the plant age with his eyes.

"Seems I really have my work cut out for me. Oh well, it's not as if I would ever shy away from a challenge."


Once finished with his Time Class, Kaido immediately headed back to his dorm room to test something out. Constructing his Experiment Dimension, or at least try to. His Mastery was no longer a problem and his Rank was sufficient enough for the basics.

Entering inside his dorm, he pet and gave plenty of love to Yin before moving to his study, which caused the white fox to follow after him. While she watched on with curiosity, Kaido took a deep breath and cracked his neck. Then, he held out both of his palms towards the desired wall and concentrated as hard as he could. He completely focused solely on the space in front of him, ignoring the outside world in it's entirety. It was only him and the goal ahead.

Using his hands, it was as if he actually gripped onto something as he used all his strength to begin shaping what he wanted. Suddenly, the space in front of him started rippling slowly, which increase in power every passing second. The world itself was resisting against him but luckily, it was only a subconscious and relatively weak resistance which all Space Mages face. Otherwise, he would have been turned into dust.

A small hole started to appear in the middle of the rippling phenomenon, a completely blank white area with nothing in it. With his eyes closed, Kaido started to shape the area inside the hole. He added everything he wanted like the Prisons, Alchemist Lab, Blacksmithing Forge, Artificer Forge, Taming Pens, Rune-Crafting Station, and Flesh-Crafting Station. While he expanded the interior of the hole in space, the exterior remained the exact same.

Yin watched on nervously, as she knew if he failed it would be disastrous. He might survive, but he would certainly be injured due to the collapsing space. Even if there were was a problem which might cause his death, she would be able to save him from any true danger. This situation was far different than the madness he attempted last time.

Back to Kaido, he was gritting his teeth as he put the final touches in. After that, he replaced the small hole with a transparent Space Door the same size as him. This would be the entrance to the Dimension and hidden inside of it's own layer of Space. In order to find it, one must be more proficient than him in terms of Mastery.

Finished, Kaido let out a breath and nearly collapsed to the floor. However, he was able to stabilize himself on a nearby wall. Yin yelped and sent emotions of concern towards him. With a tired smile, he replied casually.

"Not a problem, so don't worry Yin." How could she believe him when it looked as though he went through war?

His breath was heavy and sweat poured down his face. Yet, she could see the excitement in his eyes and couldn't help but feel happy for him. Happy and proud. As for the Kaido, he sat down on a nearby chair to catch his breath. This endeavor had taken his entire strength and then some to pull off, which was saying something considering his strength was high enough to kill a 4th Star Mage or Knight.

At the same time, his 'infinite' mana was decreased by a fifth, making this his largest expenditure. It would probably hold that title for a long time as well.

"But who else can claim to accomplish what I have at my age? None! Not a single one!" He laughed joyfully, causing Yin to jump on his lap and celebrate with him.

A few minutes later when Kaido returned to normal and his mana reserves were filled, he let Yin wrap herself around his neck and stood up. Stretching a bit, he walked towards the invisible Space Door which manifested itself at his whim.

"Shall we explore it together Yin?" The white fox yipped cutely in agreement. Thus, they stepped inside and disappeared from the study entirely.

Reappearing inside of a spacious room, the duo looked around curiously. Even though he had built everything strictly using his own mana, which were simply a placeholder for now, Kaido still wanted to appreciate his handiwork first-hand. And without shame or being humble, he praised himself to the Heavens and beyond.

"I do stunning work as usual of course. A shame I have to actually get the furniture for this place. Maybe investing in the Element of Creation wouldn't be such a bad idea." The room they found themselves in was the reception area so to say. This is where intruders would first arrive, so he had to make sure to it looked proper.

When someone first enters, two massive stone statues were standing right behind them and four more on either side. They looked very similar to a demonic knight, full plate armor with spikes all across it. On top of their skull-like helm were two horns and inside their hands pointing at the ground was a giant double-bladed GreatAxe. Kaido had plans to turn them into Golems for defense. First though, he had to make an artificial soul for them so they could operate on their own. Otherwise, he would have to use his own mana as a conduit.

On the ceiling in the middle of the room was a sizable chandelier with nine candles. The walls in this room and the hallways also sported these strange carvings showing ancient battles and horrifying beasts. These were actually from his own estate. They were his ancestor's stories recorded in their Ancestral Hall.

Exiting out of the starting room, there was a long dark hallway which eventually split up into different ones. Some would lead to a Dead-End, soon to be filled with monsters and traps, while others led to his workshops and labs. The actual design of the entire Dimension functioned as it's own defense. He had made it into a complex and complicated labyrinth.

There was even a main bedroom in the deepest part of the Dimension. It would eventually house his own custom made Spacial Magic Circle. The Circle would be connected to another one outside of Nirvana Kingdom. In case anything ever went wrong, he could escape and close the way behind him. 

On his neck, Yin constantly looked around with stars in her eyes. She found the place to be amazing and constructing wonderfully. It also filled her with a sense of pride. The child she had watched grow up had become a spectacular person. In terms of magic anyway. His character was awful and heavily flawed, not to mention his evil deeds. He had even made a Flesh-Crafting Station, which made her shiver slightly.

Kaido on the other hand was in love with it. Cages floated in mid air, either connected via a chain in the ceiling or through pure magic. A wall specifically for his own tools, which he had to bring in from the outside, and a number of tables used for his experiments. The room itself was massive, being 25ft tall and triple in width and length. And when his Mastery in Space grows, he could enlarge any part of the Dimension.

For the next two hours, Kaido and Yin had explored and walked around the Dimension. The both of them were pleased with the outcome, especially Kaido who was looking forward to working here. When night soon replaced day, the two of them didn't leave and stayed inside. Kaido even gave Yin her own specialized room after she complained and whined for one. 

Though, it didn't matter much when she decided to sleep with him in his bed.

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