Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 30: Training Veronica

With her head down and mindlessly counting the pebbles on the side of the pathway, Veronica walked towards the Female Dormitory. 

A small smile graced her lips as she held her things close to her chest. The memory of Kaido suddenly appearing in front of her was still fresh in her mind. 

Not only was he kind enough to give her things back, but he also lightly flirted with her. Though not anything major, it still made her feel on top of the world. He had even set a time for them to meet tomorrow to get to know one another better. 

Eyes full of happiness, she silently muttered to herself as she avoided any nearby person.

"Is this… a date? Should I wear makeup and the dress mother sent? Oh, would he think I'm trying too hard?" As she fretted about her 'date' tomorrow, she suddenly bumped into someone.


It was as if she had ran into a brick wall, causing her to stumble back a bit.

"S-S-Sorry…" She uttered as low as possible and shrank herself back. 

Though, she was confused as to how this person appeared out of nowhere. She didn't even sense them.

The person she bumped into chuckled and stepped closer. However, Veronica didn't back off as she smiled. Without even raising her head, she had already recognized who they were.

"A date~? Oh my, I had no idea you thought of me in such a way~" Kaido teased her as she blushed heavily. He stopped right in front of her, the two so close they were almost touching.

"I-I didn't-" Suddenly, his finger touched her lips and silenced her. They moved down to her chin and forced her head up. Her shaky eyes met his, unable to look away.

"It's impolite to talk to someone with your head down. Isn't that right?" Veronica's heart was beating inside her chest, almost like a war drum as it deafened her.

"S-Sorry." Grinning, Kaido backed up and allowed her some space. 

Unconsciously, she seemed to lean towards him, not wanting him to leave. But she managed to wake herself up, blushing up a storm as he chuckled knowingly and asked her a question.

"So, where are you heading?" He asked and started walking, prompting her to hurriedly follow.

"T-To my dorm. I was going to cultivate and read some books on Space…" She said shyly as Kaido gave her a once over. 

Her uniform was light green, clearly indicating she was a 2nd Star. It hugged her developed body nicely, letting one's mind wander to less than proper thoughts.

"Tell me Veronica, have you been to The Forest yet?" She looked at him with confusion as she shook her head.

"No? I… don't like fighting very much." Kaido hummed lightly and seemed to drop the subject. 

Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and changed their direction. Veronica was stunned and seemed to short circuit. She could feel the warmth coming from his strong and manly hand. 

Steam rose out of her head as many dirty thoughts ran through her mind because of such a perverted action, causing her to become ashamed of herself.

"W-Where are we g-going?" She stammered out, shrinking away whenever she saw someone look their way. To them, they must seem like lovers taking a walk.

"To the Training Courtyard. The situation with Hilda should be a wake-up call that you need to grow stronger. If not through your Rank, then at least with your combat prowess." Kaido's word of concern touched Veronica's heart, making her face blossom like a flower.

"Okay." She consented to letting him drag her wherever he wanted. To her, there was nothing more she wanted than to be with him.


When the duo arrived, Veronica sighed in relief at the small amount of people here. Usually, there would be upwards of a couple hundred at any given time. 

Now however, there was only two dozen people doing their own thing. One of the reasons for it being deserted was because it was getting late. Regardless, she was thankful for such circumstances.

"Alright, let's get started with the basics. You at least have some spell for attacking right?" Veronica nodded her head, explaining on how she learned to use Space Blade and Slow Thoughts.

The first one was obvious to Kaido since not only did he have it, it was a very common spell used by Space Mages in general. However, he didn't know of the second one and asked her about it.

Veronica shyly explained it was her own created spell through the use of Time. When used on her target, it would make their thoughts flow slower. This would hamper their reaction speed and decision making.

"What a good spell. Nice work Veronica." His praise caused her to smile beautifully as she lowered her head. It was a good feeling making her crush proud of her. The best in the world even.

"Let's go to a Power Tester and see how strong your attacks are. Then, we'll spar." She paused in place, looking at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"S-Spar? But you can even hold back a 4th Star Mage, how am i meant to fight you?" Kaido chuckled and used his other hand to caress her cheek. Through this whole time, their hands had stayed locked together.

"I'll hold back as to not harm you. Can't harm this pretty face. This is less for me and more for you. To get used to fighting in case I'm not around." She almost melted into his palm, pushing against it unconsciously like a cat.

When he pulled away and kept walking, she could feel herself become disappointed. Was it too much to ask for them to be fused together for eternity? To be glued into one being?

Eventually, they had arrived at the smooth and tall tower. Picked by Kaido, it just so happened to be far away from the others in the Courtyard. Veronica was thankful for his consideration as she noticed the looks they had been getting. It seemed people were starting to recognize Kaido.

"Okay, give it a whirl. Do it as strong as you can." He released her hand and backed up. 

Suddenly, Veronica began feeling very nervous. She didn't want to let him down. It would break her if she saw a disappointed look on his face because of her actions.

Taking a deep breath, she gathered her mana and created a small Space Blade in front of her. With a level of confidence unseen in her for years, she waved her hand and sent it forward. As it swiftly traveled through the air, the surrounding space around the blade rippled. It smacked into the tower with a light bang.

Nervous, Veronica looked up at the screen and watched the numbers go up. She held her hands together, praying to every God that had their ears open. When it stopped, she sighed in relief as Kaido clapped his hands.

"1051 PL, not bad! A bit above a new 3rd Star. Nice work Veronica!" As she felt a other burst of happiness at his praise, Kaido look at the number curiously.

'She's stronger than Hilda, but won't fight back? From what I've seen, she has a massive issue with confidence and suffers from insecurity. Believing herself to be worthless and weak. I'll need to help her with that then. Though, this might make her a bit harder to control.' 

Suddenly, he smirked to himself and grabbed her hand, surprising her as he led them to an arena.

'Well, then I'll just have to ingrain in her head not to talk back to me…'

After walking for a little while, they eventually reached an empty arena. When they stepped onto it, a transparent bubble appeared around the entire stage. 

All noise and sight of the outside world soon disappeared, leaving them completely isolated as the surroundings changed. It was as if it was just the two of them here, all alone in a virtually generated grassy plain. 

Watching this happen, Veronica was fascinated as the wind gently blew on her skin. Even though she knew the people from outside could still see them, it calmed her down when it wasn't the same for her.

"Everything's set up. How about you? Ready?" She turned her attention to Kaido who was standing opposite her, nearly twenty feet away.

It was the same as usual, with that same charming smile on his face as the fake sun in the sky shone down on his handsome, delicious and sexy-

'Stop being so perverted!' She blushed and shook her head to remove those evil thoughts.

But for some reason, there was a sort of pressure radiate outwards from him. It was… intimidating.

"Y-Yes, I'm ready." She saw him chuckle as he placed both hands behind his back.

"Come then, strike me down with all your power. Do not disappoint me." His final words had, for some odd reason, invigorated her. 

She didn't want to let him down and wanted to make him proud of her.

With that in mind, she rushed forward and was about to attack-

A five foot long icicle suddenly appeared right below her, the tip on her throat. Sweat going down her brow, she looked at Kaido and watched as he shook his head with a smile.

"Veronica? You do know you are a Mage correct? Not a Knight? Keep your distance and don't give up your biggest advantage. The only reason to do so, is if you have to. And this should be obvious, but be mindful of your surroundings. Magic is everywhere, and attacks can come from any angle." 

The icicle seemingly about to impale her throat disapated into a flash of blue light. Those lights circled around her in a teasing way before vanishing. She felt ashamed, but simply grit her teeth and backed up.

While doing so, she waved her hand multiple times to send four Space Blades towards Kaido. Just as they were about to reach him, he suddenly disappeared. Seeing the space around his position ripple, she knew he teleported but was too late to do anything. 

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist and pulled her back. Feeling his muscular chest, Veronica blushed deeply as he opened his mouth to whisper into her ear.

"When fighting a Space User, be wary of their teleportations. To combat this, you have to incorporate a certain aspect into your attacks. Locking down the Space around them. It's a basic and easy concept, but one quite needed. Of course, if your opponent is too strong or their Mastery is great, they'll get out of it without issue." 

His hot breath tickled her ear and caused her to shiver. She nearly had a heart attack.

Yet, she took his teachings seriously and ignored her own shyness. Her feelings were unimportant as of now and she had to focus. 

Thinking of something, she had a tiny grin creep up her face as she utilized her own short ranged teleportation to disappear from Kaido's arms. She reappeared two meters away and as soon as she did so, threw a few more Space Blades.

Watching this attack come for him, there was no panic or surprise in Kaido's eyes. If he wanted to, he could have restricted her use of teleportation but wanted to see what she would do. And by the looks of his slowed down reaction time, this girl didn't let him down.

'Hm, she tried to lock down the surrounding Space like I said. Unfortunately, she's not too good at it. Makes sense since it's her first time, but this does show she has a decent talent. A bit more than I originally thought. Show me more Veronica, as much as you can. I'll dig my hooks into you and never let go.' 

With a wave of his hand, he created a shield made of pure Space and effortlessly blocked each attack. From this point forward, he decided to only use Space and Time to help train her.

"Not bad, again. Put more into it and change the angles. Make it more unpredictable. And why haven't you thought about teleporting the Space Blades?" For the next hour, Kaido instructed Veronica like a teacher and improved everything about her.

From her amateur form, to her simplistic attack pattern, lack of defense, unawareness of her surroundings, and much more. Unfortunately, there wasn't too much of an improvement since it was the first day after all. 

By the end of it, Veronica collapsed on the grass with heavy breaths. Sweat poured down her body, causing her uniform to stick to her shapely and curvy body. A pair of watchful eyes roamed over her form, but she was too tired to notice.

Suddenly she felt some dizziness come over her. A side effect from using too much of her mana pool. Although it was larger than average, she wasn't like Kaido who could spam as much as he wanted.

"Finished?" He suddenly appeared over her, a small smile on his face. 

No change at all could be seen. He didn't even look the slightest bit tired. It made Veronica feel a little ashamed, like she wasn't worthy being next to him. But his next words sent her to cloud nine and above.

"You know, you could beat Hilda." She abruptly sat up, coming within an inch to his face. But she seemed to not even notice, an almost obsessed look to her own face.

"Really?! Do you mean that?!" Her reaction could be understood because of how much trauma she received from the blond haired bitch. Even her nightmares were full of her.

Kaido's smile turned gentle as he brushed a lock of hair out of her face, sobering her up as she blushed.

"You're stronger than you know. Have a bit more confidence in yourself." Chuckling, he backed up and offered her his hand.

"Come on, it's getting late and curfew will start soon." Veronica was shocked and watched as the bubble around them disappeared. 

The sunny sky she had been in for the last hour suddenly turned black as night. Looking around, she noticed how deserted the Courtyard was.

Grabbing his hand, she allowed him to pull her up. However, he didn't let go as they started walking towards the Dormitories. Looking at their hands connected and fingers intertwined, Veronica's heart was filled with a myriad of emotions. The main ones though, were joy and love. A love darker than what most had.

'This is the best day... ever.' She thought to herself, a small unnatural smile on her face as she bowed her head.

After taking a few detours so they could stay together longer, the duo finally arrived in front of the First Female Dormitory. They stopped a ways away from the main door, where a few others could be seen as they walked inside. Up until this point, they hadn't said a word since the arena. Yet, it didn't feel bad or awkward.

"I suppose this is the end for today. A shame, I enjoyed your company." Kaido said, sadness in his voice as she felt the very same. 

Why did they have to split up? Why couldn't they stay together forever?

"I… did too. Thank you, Kaido. For everything." 

Silence came between the two of them as they gazed at each other's eyes, hands still connected. 

Palpable tension was in the air as their bodies leaned a little closer to one another. It almost seemed like something was going to happen, until Kaido pulled away to her extreme disappointment.

"I should go, it's getting late. And it wouldn't be good for you if someone saw us. A strange man following you and staying so close? You know how rumors can spread, and how hurtful people can be."

Veronica nodded sadly as she personally experienced everything he had said. Especially lately, with more and more people talking behind her back for some reason. Though, she felt a fuzzy sensation in her stomach at how concerned he seemed to be.

"Y-Yeah, goodnight Kaido." He smiled and backed away, waving his hand at her. 

Suddenly his form vanished into thin air as he left a few words.

"Until tomorrow, Veronica. And have sweet dreams..." With a loving smile, Veronica turned around and hurried into the Dormitory. 

However, if one looked closer, they would see a dangerous light in her eyes as she giggled to herself.

As for Kaido, he reappeared over at the Second Female Dormitory for a certain noblewoman to blow off some steam. It was hard for him to hold back, to not take his little commoner slut right there and then. But having patience would reward him in the long run. 

He needed to ingrave himself into her mind during these next few days. Then seal the deal in one fell swoop. From there, she would be his forever. Able to do anything he wished with a big smile on her face. All to please him.

Walking inside the Dormitory, he swiftly went to the elevator and arrived at Hilda's floor. Knocking a few times, he waited and listened closely. He heard the footsteps inside come towards the door. 

They paused for a few moments, likely looking through the peephole and deciding the best course of action. But then, they made the wrong choice and opened the door.


Hilda's voice was a little cold, a bad look on her face as she crossed her arms. The events which transpired previously were still fresh in her mind. 

Knowing what she was thinking about, Kaido came close to her with his arms spread open for a hug. Yet she backed away with a 'Hmph', not wanting to touch him. With sadness on his face, he explained his point of view with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry Hilda, truly. Like I said before-" She interrupted him, a frown on her face.

"Method acting. Yeah, you said that last time. Why are you even doing this? To fuck some stupid commoner whore? Am I not good enough and you need to toss me aside for a big boobed slut?" With a sigh, Kaido seemed hurt as he passionately explained.

"Of course not Hilda! You are a thousand times better than her! More beautiful in every way! I... care for you! More than you think!" Hilda's face seemed to become better as she blushed a bit. 

"Really?" She asked with hope, yet still had some anger in her voice. It would take more than this to calm her down.

'Of course not you stupid bitch. She has a better body, greater talent, and would be far more loyal than you. Think you can hide your real thoughts from me? How you want to use me? You've vastly overestimated your pathetic intelligence, whore.' 

Kaido obviously didn't say that aloud and instead teleported directly behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Of course you are. Can't you feel how hard you made me? Just from looking at you?" He pressed his erection into her back, causing her to gasp lightly.

"Stop! I'm still mad-!" Suddenly, Kaido grabbed her head and forced her into a deep kiss. 

She struggled against him, but as the seconds turned to minutes, she leaned into his body and surrendered herself over to him.

After a while, they separated with heavy breaths. Hilda hit his chest lightly with her fist, her tone still angry yet almost playful.

"Hateful bastard..." With a grin, Kaido whisked her away and brought her to the bedroom. 

Roughly throwing her on the bed, he made his uniform disappear and showed himself to her in all his naked glory.

'Your usefulness is almost at an end. But I'll be kind and pamper you until 'that' happens. Shouldn't you be thanking me for such a noble deed?' An evil grin to his face and he pounced on the poor girl like a beast.


The next afternoon, Kaido and Veronica could be found inside the Inner Layer of The Forest. After last night, something had changed between the two. At least, that's how Veronica felt. As if they were much closer to one another.

For today, they had skipped classes and had dedicated multiple hours to both training and hunting monsters in the Outer Layer. The reason as to why they were in the Inner Layer currently was for Kaido's hunting. 

Veronica had already given her all and felt exhausted, but was dragged along by him to see higher level fights so she could be prepared for later on.

Though, that's just an excuse. In truth, he had three reasons for coming to The Forest. The first was obviously to train Veronica and make her stronger. Luckily, she didn't disappoint him too badly despite this being her first time fighting. 

Second was to show off his own power towards her so she can be amazed. It was also to make her fully understand standing against him was... foolish so to say. 

The third reason he had was to gather Medium Class Cores for his wolves and Silva. It was killing three birds with one stone.

As they walked through the orange tinted trees, Veronica could be seen with a downtrodden look to her face. It was almost as if her whole world had collapsed.

"Oh don't be so dramatic. I'll only be gone for a week or two. Three at the absolute maximum." Kaido said as he chuckled. He had just finished telling her how he was leaving in a few days for a mission.

"But, what if I get bullied again?" She said timidly, not wanting him leave just as their relationship had just progressed to the next level. 

Everyday felt magical to her, as if she were a princess and Kaido was her knight in shining armor. He saved her not only from Hilda and her bullies, but herself. She had felt an extra layer of confidence never before seen, all thanks to him. 

But now, she had to kiss it all goodbye and be alone once more? It wasn't fair. She wanted him to always be there not to her. Protecting her, uplifting her... loving her.

Suddenly, a pair of fingers grabbed her chin and forced her to look up. There, she saw his smiling face as he comforted her.

"Again with this. Stop belittling yourself. Like I said, you are stronger than you now. Besides, will you let my training go to vain?" She seemed to gain a burst of confidence and nodded seriously.

"No! I won't let you down!" He laughed lightly to himself, causing her to become confused.

"You look so cute all serious like." She widened her eyes at his sudden flirting attitude. 

Similar to last night, the two gazed at one another in the eyes before Kaido once again pulled back. 

"Come on, let's get going." 

Watching his back as he walked away, Veronica sighed to herself with disappointment. She looked down and observed herself. Light leather armor covered her body, but couldn't hide her thick curves. She muttered lowly with a frown.

"Does he not like my body? Ah!" Enlightment seemed to wash over her.

"Am I too fat?!" 

As she fretted over this misunderstanding and weighed her own cow tits with her hands, Kaido's amused voice came from the trees. Almost as if he could see what she was doing.

"Stay close Veronica! And no, you are not." Startled, she blushed so badly in embarrassment she seemed to turn into a tomato woman. 

Suddenly, finding a hole and being buried in it didn't seem like such a bad idea.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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