Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 9: The Wonders of Space

( Kaido )

"Space is everywhere and nowhere. It's illusionary and hard to capture, even for ones like us who are more in tune with it. It is one of the most important fundamentals of the World. Those who can master it are few in number, but are amongst the strongest in the World."

I was seated towards the back of the class once more. Gave me a nice view of everyone and any potential toy. Speaking of which, I already have one in mind. She was at the front of the class, with bushy brown hair and a decently above average face. Nothing close to Caerwyn of course. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to spy on her assets from my position.

Was I lustful creature? Most certainly. It's definitely a flaw of mine, something which has gotten me in trouble previously. But if I want something, I get it. By whatever means necessary. Besides, it's not as if I don't have another motive in mind for her.

But my plans for getting this commoner on her knees were for later. At the moment, I was absorbed by the lecture given by the old man. Space was… incredible. And by the faces of everyone else, they thought the same.

The number of students in this class were small, especially when considering it's the Introductory Class. Only 79 in total, with a few of them clearly being an older senior. But this showed just how rare this Element was. Out of thousands of 'genius' teenagers, only 70 could truly dabble in it.

"Even though the majority of you can't use your mana at the moment, as you have yet to reach the 1st Star, you can still sense it around you. Give it a go for yourselves and explain what you feel." With that, all of them closed their eyes. Except for me.

I could already see it, and it's influence was everywhere. I mean that in the most literal sense. The Professor wasn't wrong about it being a fundamental force. It's basically one of the rules that held the world, and reality itself, together like glue.

The surrounding space was very stable and seemed almost impossible to break. At least, at my current Rank. I put my hands together and used my near endless mana to grip onto the space between them. By a visual standpoint, there didn't seem to be a change. But if one looked closer, they could see the area between my hands rippling slightly.

It was tough and resilient, seemingly unwilling to bend to me. I wonder if placed on another planet, perhaps a smaller one, would the space there be far more easier to break? For example, on that weaker world it would be far simpler to create a portal that allows me to teleport to the other side of the planet. But here, it would be monumentally more difficult, requiring a much higher degree of both power and Mastery of Space. Maybe I would only teleport a quarter of the distance as well.

I tried crushing the Space in my hand, to make it smaller, but after a few inches it refused to go any further. The problem was two parts. My own Mastery is lacking and my Rank is insufficient. As I played with the Space in my hands, my thoughts drifted towards a grand and ambitious idea. What if I can somehow create my own personal storage, one that belongs to me and solely me?

Now, there are Sub-Space Backpacks and Storage Bags which allow one to carry their belongings in a small Dimension. However, there is no possible way I am slinging one of those 'things' across my back. Nor shall I attach a Bag to my waist like some barbarian cur. I take my fashion very seriously and they would lower my attraction by at least 2 tiers. And that, is unacceptable.

There is the Spacial Ring, which I suppose would be... serviceable. But which moron decided to only make them in the most bland and boring white or grey? Not even a few gems or designs to enhance it's beauty? Cleary, their inventor didn't know about the finer points of life. 

Instead of using those and ruining my God-Like and never before seen handsome appearance, why don't I create my own space? However, where should I place it? As I sat there thinking for a few seconds, playing with the space in my hands, it came to me.

"My soul…" Brilliant! In this way, there is zero chance of someone being able to access my belongings! If I had a Spacial Ring, there's always a chance of someone nicking it off my finger. What should it's name be though? Definitely has to be a little unique…

Anyway, it seems my next Element has been chosen for me. One that I certainly had high hopes for. Already, devious ideas were starting to overflow from my brain surrounding it.

I gripped the space ball tighter and raised my right hand, barely able to hold it. With a breath I slowly released it and controlled it to go higher in the classroom. The Professor had noticed what I was doing and seemed a little surprised. As did all the other students.

I would never claim it, but I loved the attention. Everyone deserves to know just how great I really am. To know the gap between us. The rippling Space bubble suddenly stopped as I controlled it to explode outwards, sending a visible but weak shockwave out.

"Great job Mr. Vairathul!" The Professor stated, clapping his hands as the others did the same. 

"He's amazing!"

"I know right? I could barely even catch the Space around me, but he's already so far ahead!"

And of course, you can never forget the peanut gallery in the background, praising me for my genius. As I took a quick glance at my bushy haired commoner, I saw her looking at me.

When our eyes met, she blushed a little and quickly turned her head. Oh deary me. I can't wait to break her. Or should I corrupt her? Decisions, decisions...


In another part of the Space Class, Zendrix gazed at Kaido like every other student, one of fascination and slight worship. Yet if one were to look deeper into those steely grey eyes, they would find unwillingness, hatred, and most of all, envy.

What he was fretting over was the sheer gap in talent between the two of them. It was like comparing a pebble to an entire mountain range. 

'Something that took me over a week to accomplish, didn't even take him a day. No, not even five minutes.' Suddenly, he sighed and shook his head.

He didn't want to be here. To waste his time when it could be better spent exploring The Forest for the chance to catch up with the geniuses whose names will soon shake this world. However, despite the teachers here not being able to teach him a damned thing, he still needed to keep up appearances.

'At least for a month, maybe two. Then I could play it off as having an extreme affinity for Space.' Watching Kaido explode the space bubble made him grit his teeth in rage and yet, he had to clap for his enemy. Flattering him like his shit didn't stink like everyone else's. It made him nauseous.

"Unfortunately, this is all the time we have for today. I'll see you all another day, preferably soon I hope." The Professor said regretfully as he shook his head. Finally, it was time to change things. To take hold of his destiny!

He immediately got up and left the classroom, not wanting to see or hear that hateful bastard any longer.

'I need to calm myself. I am no longer a child, rash and prone to making foolish mistakes out of recklessness. Well…' He looked down at his own body, frowning slightly.

'Is it my young body that's influencing my mind a bit?' However, he shook his head. This problem wasn't important and would solve itself in due time.

Ignoring the students in the hallways who were talking about the new genius Kaido, Zendrix was currently heading for the busiest place in the Academy, The Forest. Although he was only at the 1st Star, staying in the Outer Layer wouldn't be a problem with his vast combat experience.

He couldn't just pray to every God out there and bum rush the Core Layer like some naive fool. Although Jaizir said he had abundant luck, he would rather be safe than sorry. So, he decided to plan out a danger free path for him to take, making sure he could get through the first two Layers as swiftly as possible.

Soon enough, Zendrix found himself entering a wide open and bustling area. Stands and shops were placed near everywhere which were mostly run by the Academy, while a few were set up by students. This area was called The Market and held a wide variety of items available for purchase. Of course, they didn't use real money and instead a point system developed by the Academy.

Up ahead of The Market was a tree line with a dirt path, the entrance to The Forest's Outer Layer.

'It's been so long. I've forgotten how hectic the place was.' Right on cue, someone bumped him in the shoulder as they walked by. They had light armor on their body and a sword on their waist.

"You fucking moron! Get outta the way! You're lucky I'm busy with something, or I'd teach your dumbass a lesson!" Saying his piece, the random person walked off in a hurry towards the tree line. A few others were there who seemed to be waiting for him.

Based on how he acted and his manners, Zendrix could immediately tell he was some random nobleman. He simply scoffed lightly, dusted off his shoulder, and walked towards the Weapon and Armor section.

"While I'm here, I might as well get some hunting done. Let's see here..." Zendrix went over to a slightly rundown stand run by a bored student.

"Pick whatever you want, blah blah blah." He sighed deeply, a hand resting on his chin. His eyes were droopy, as if he was about to fall asleep.

This was one of the stands for new students to get free weapons and armor. They are the lowest quality items, but at least they're free. Everyone likes free things. Zendrix picked out light leather armor for mobility and a Bastard Sword. He liked a slightly heavier option for a sword as it felt more natural to him.

"If you survive, please return them." The student lacked any care or concern, as if he had seen this scene a hundred times before.

He just couldn't be bothered to care anymore after seeing countless new students get torn apart due to arrogance. That didn't mean he forgot though. The blood, bones, and organs splashed across the stretchers. The family members crying out in pain and loss. It haunted his dreams every night. Maybe, he cared more than he let on.

Zendrix nodded his head, peering deeply at the stand attendant. Although he sounded unconcerned, Zendrix thought differently. But he didn't call him out on it. Nor did he try to help his damaged mind. Some trials, people had to go alone and figure it out themselves. 

Sighing, he walked towards the Outer Layer and placed the Bastard Sword on his shoulder.

"Let's fix this World's doomed future!" 


"Elements to a Mage are basically… butter to their bread. You don't need it per se, but it's very delicious and adds to life itself! Ahem, I'm sure I don't have to explain what I mean." The student nodded at Gloria. Though, they found her analogy to be quite odd.

This was the next day after Kaido took his Space Class. After this, he would head there once more before going to the Soul Class to begin working on his 'brilliantly' named Soul Palace.

Seeing her students understand, Gloria continued on happily. She began writing on the blackboard, the words flying off and hovering in the middle of the room for all to see clearly.

"Good! Now as you all know, each Mage has an Element they have an affinity with. Training with them brings double the reward with half the effort. But, what you might not know, is that Mages can train in every single Element."

"This is exclusively for Mages and not something a Hybrid like a Fire Archer or a Paladin can accomplish." Some of the students puffed their chests, looking quite smug.

"However, this is usually not recommended as it will take a long time to gain any form of Mastery. Sometimes though, it works out well. For example, if you have the Water Element and train in Ice, you will find it comes a little easier than if you were to try out say… Darkness."

"This will also makes your Water Element stronger and easier to control, since Ice is very compatible with Water. But those with opposing Elements, like Fire and Water, will find it extremely taxing and difficult." Gloria smiled at seeing two students panic. They both were Double and Triple Element Mages.

"Do not fret, those who have multiple Elements. You are not like the others. While they find it hard to make the two compatible, it shall be a breeze for you." The two students calmed down while Kaido raised an eyebrow and spoke up.

"Can any two Elements combine? Say, Lightning and Fate?" Gloria knew why he was asking this, because this boy had hundreds of Elements to choose from. Most of which had never been seen before.

"If you have an affinity with them, then yes. It does make for some illogical power that shouldn't exist. But I guess-" A sweet and happy smile appeared on her face, dazing many teenage boys who just developed their first crush.

"That just proves how amazing Magic is. There is no limit to what can be achieved with it. It's possibilities endless." She shook her head, regaining her normal teaching expression.

"However, even if you have a high affinity, it's usually very difficult to combine two different Elements, no matter how compatible they are. It takes years of effort in some cases. Anyway, moving on-" As she went off, Kaido found his thoughts drifting. Truth be told, he didn't find what she was currently talking about all too interesting.

Instead, his mind moved towards Element combining. Or perhaps it should be called Element Fusion. The plan for creating the Soul Palace should go much smoother than he originally thought. At the same time, he needed to begin focusing on other Elements. Because of his family, he decided to primarily train Fire and Ice. For the moment at least. He didn't want to slack in Space as it seemed far too useful for every situation. And hopefully, Soul won't let him down. If it worked how he thought, he already had many nasty ideas for that Element.

Then there were Jobs he had to worry about, plus a myriad of other issues. Kaido massaged his forehead lightly at the pile of work he now has. He never was a fan of work, especially the tedious kind.

'Enough about that. Moving on to better things…' His gaze turned to Caerwyn, who's eyes were slightly unfocused. It seems she too found the current subject a bore.

"Bored?" She unconsciously nodded her head before turning to him.

"You too?" He nodded and leaned in, whispering lowly into her ear.

"Want to play a game? Loser buys the winner lunch at a destination of their choice."

Caerwyn thought about it for a few moments before agreeing carelessly. Gloria's boring lecture threatened to put her to sleep at this rate, so the game would be a good distraction. However, she really should have watched his wording.

Seeing her agree, Kaido grinned slyly for a brief instance before changing back to his normal charming smile.

"What do you have in mind?" At her question, he pointed towards the front of the room, in the first row of seats.

"The Nerd. We'll guess how long it takes until he raises his hand for yet another question. The one who gets closest wins. Bonus points for guessing what he'll do." She raised an eyebrow.

"You mean Nathan?" All she saw was Kaido's head tilt cutely, a somewhat confused expression.

"Nerd?" Caerwyn giggled a little, making his smile deepen. Then she looked at the Nerd and thought for a few moments.

"Alright I'll play. My guess is… two minutes. No, one minute. He'll ask Miss Gloria something about Elements." Without hesitation, Kaido gave his answer.

"Thirty seconds. He'll raise his hand, ask his dumb question, then run to the bathroom."

"Huh? Bathroom?" Caerwyn was immensely confused but received nothing in response. Thus, she waited while looking at the Nerd.

Exactly thirty seconds later, his face became pale as he raised his hand as fast as possible. Gloria noticed this immediately.

"Yes?" The Nerd spoke very fast, his words stuttering a little.

"M-May I go to the bathroom! P-Please?!" His stomach rumbled loudly, making his face turn crimson in shame and embarrassment.

"Okay, hurry up." Gloria sighed and waved her hand. The Nerd immediately ran for the door. As soon as he touched the doorknob and opened it, a loud fart echoed throughout the silent room.

Everyone froze for a second before bursting out laughing. Only two people didn't find it funny though.

"Enough!" Gloria's stern and loud voice quieted everyone down. Yet a chuckle could be heard here and there as they whispered to each other, pointing at the unfortunate soul.

The Nerd hung his head low and ran away, still clutching his stomach with tears in his eyes. This event would haunt him for many years to come.

Caerwyn giggled a little and looked at the smug Kaido with a hint of respect.

"How did you know?" He grinned and leaned closer to her, just a foot away from her face.

"A magician never reveals his secrets. But if you go on a date with me, I very well might~" A low blush appeared on her face before she snorted.

"In your dreams." Her behavior made him chuckle.

"You are very cute, you know that?" Nothing else came from her as she decided to ignore him. Every word that came from his vulgar mouth was poisonous!

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