Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 17 - A glimmer of hope

Chapter 17: A glimmer of hope

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

My home is on fire, it’s really a big deal!

When I was staring at the TV screen, Didi has noticed that my face was not right. She asked me and know that my house is on fire!

She threw away her delicacies, jumped up with me and rushed out of the freezer, stopped a taxi in the street and ran home.

I didn’t say any word on the way.

I have a feeling in my heart, from the “Sworn revenge” to the small extortion of that property company a brush. Then won the lotteries, and then there is a fire at my home.

It’s like the front and the opposite. It seems that if I am unlucky, then comes a good luck. Similarly, as long as I have good luck, a bad thing will happen to me immediately.

Is it really because of this ring on my finger?

Sees my face looks not good, Didi thought I am just worrying about the accident, try her best to gently comfort me. I just smile and say nothing.

The door of the neighborhood has already been blocked and the car can’t get in at all. I simply get out of the taxi and grab her all the way to the building where I am living.

Now the fire fighting is over and the fire has already been put out. It just standing downstairs and looking up, the windows on the third floor where I lived had been broken, presumably by firefighters, while the fire truck was parked downstairs. Some firefighters are picking up tools to bring back the long pipes. Suddenly, I see the host of my home is coming. He is talking to several people in police uniform.

We have just passed by, he has seen me, and he suddenly cries out, as if he is a cat been trampled on the tail of. With an expression of resentment on his face, and then springs on me with his teeth and claws, as if he wishes to slap me to death.

I never imagined that a thin, short, honest middle-aged man would be forced to do this under such a great anger.

As he rushes up with his teeth and claws, and about to fight with me, I hide aside and shout, “Stop! Stay here!”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Today if you don’t die, then I go die!” With tears in his eyes, he cries: “My house… I have been struggling for a lifetime to own this house!”

Pretend less! Who doesn’t know this guy is a “big landlord” who has bought several houses on loans when house prices were low a few years ago and then rented them out at a high price. The rent we pay each month are enough to repay the bank loan. Now the house prices have gone up in recent years. This fellow is also making a fortune.

“5, if you don’t speak clearly today, I’ll fight with you!” He grittes his teeth and says hatefully, “The cause of the fire has been ascertained. It was caused by your wiring in the kitchen!”

Uh… Indeed, because I am lazy, I put a high-power electric stove in the kitchen. It’s very powerful, but boiling water is fast. But the power of that thing seems to be over standard.

The landlord is about to come up and grab my cloth. I frown slightly, but when I see a few policemen beside him, I just open his hand and sigh: “Well, you can rest assured, I won’t repudiate a debt. I will pay for the loss of the fire. ”

I know this guy is very greedy and miserly, and the house is certainly not buying insurance.

And none of the people who lived upstairs or downstairs are rich people. My neighbors must have been hurt by the fire in my house. Although I am not a good man, I am not a scoundrel, nor do I want to let those innocent neighbors lose.

Once I am willing to pay for it, the landlord gives up the idea of entanglement, breathes a sigh of relief.

After bargaining, I promise to pay fifty thousand, and twenty thousand extra compensation to the neighbors. Then the landlord follows the police back to make a statement.

Didi and I go across the surround crowd and go upstairs to go home.

The door had been smashed open by firefighters, and the living room is already a mess, the ground is covered with water, the walls are mostly blackened, the kitchen is a ruin, the refrigerator and microwave ovens are all destroyed, and there is also a thick fire-fighting foam on the ground.

The tiles on the walls are all over.

Two bedrooms at home, the master one near the kitchen has been scrapped. The fire spread into the bedroom, the furniture was burned half, the bed was left with only a shelf. The sheets and quilts, and so on, only a pile of rags.

Fortunately, the only light disaster area is the smaller room. There’s nothing in this room, TV and computer, and a set of fitness equipment. This room is near the balcony, but the doors and windows of the balcony are also broken.

Apparently, when the front burns, the firefighters climb into the room from the other side of the building, which is my balcony. There isn’t much to lose here, but when the fire was put out, a lot of water had been sprayed into the room, and the ground had already become a vast ocean. My audio system I put on the ground seems to be broken either. Damn! It was a good thing worth nearly ten thousand.

Looking at these, I am really irritable. I take Didi a look. She sees me silent and dare not to speak for a long time. He just stands silently behind me.

“Brother 5…” She says with great care, “Don’t be angry. The house is burned out, so you can buy everything back again.”

I nod, but there is a kind of melancholy in my heart.

I don’t know how to say, it just as if there is a hand in the manipulation of all this happen. This feeling makes me very unhappy.

Taking a deep breath, I make a smile on my face. “Well, it’s just a small disaster. Hehheh… Anyway, there was not much money lost. This house is not mine either. I will live somewhere else. ”

Then Didi helps me pack up the things haven’t been burned and find some clothes I could wear. The biggest question I am having is, where can I live in the next few days?

Watching Didi help me cleaning things, I walk outside, kicked a piece of broken wood off the floor, and take out my mobile phone to call the property company I blackmailed. That guy promised to help rent a living place to me.

The guy keeps his word, saying that his words would not be in debt. But it would take two days to make an appointment to see the flat the day after tomorrow. I am relieved. I may spend two nights in the company in the next two days.

“Brother 5, what is this? Is it still useful? If no use, I will throw it. ”

Didi’s voice comes from the room. I walk in and see a pile of things in her hand. I look at it and is surprised.

This is actually the feedback reports and product description of the ring that the madman gave me.

I thought these things have been burned. But now I remember. Fortunately, I didn’t put them in my bedroom. Originally I do not believe these things are true. I threw them on the laptop when I was back last night.

Unfortunately, I hope to find some valuable answers from the “product description,” but the product description was in the top and half destroyed, and the rest parts are hard to be identified, leaving only a few lines of suspicious intermittent text.

I watch them for a long time and find nothing but the words “accept”, “luck signal” and “improve luck”, which are almost as worthless as the madman who was selling me.

While frustrating, I see that there is a small line at the bottom of the survey form.

“Welcome to our official website: www.xxxxxx.com…”

Seems that I have finally found a glimmer of hope. However, the circuit in the home has been cut off, and there is no way to go online. I think, the Internet cafe outside is too noisy. I may go to nightclub to check. There’s a computer in finance office, and it is quiet there.

Didi has packed up a small bag of my remaining clothes, and then I take her out of the house. I asked her to go home first. She is still care about me. But I comfort her by telling her that I was going to work and that I will stay at nightclub for the next two days.

Didi doesn’t want to go back to that place, hesitates for a moment, and obeys my suggestion to go home.

Send her away, I immediately take a taxi to nightclub. It is not the working time now, there is nobody there. I am able to use the computer.

But after getting on the car, I suddenly remember one thing: Didi is working in the lottery center. Because of my lottery things today, I am afraid her lottery sales work is very difficult to continue anymore.

Also, my bank cards are all burned down. I have to go to the bank to report the loss to make up for the formalities tomorrow. There are a lot of big and small things to deal with.

Oh, my God!

Looking at the ring on his hand again, some faint awe come from deep side of my heart.

Can this little thing really manipulate my destiny?

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